e. I I . * w' *~ ¶4 q *- e I ~tt tha Dnceri ddad bth I bm ards peg.antry. Ths ouw kep ln sttp dUpita th* A ctowd peser irniy parmdm lnoup arefm hecm". This mbinant young soa" rei wtifch mde th* route ga.. ridef b.d bermowt gel li ConlOl p oni of alcb 01 is e i ot parada*i lu't aneugh of àa liai child~ teanw a ated tb andooi rom pricpants, Fate pf-sçhooI. ~ dremaîn W etiuftf lie sad he a lparheand reallor Gus a (oulowshi ~a orked outa deat rm e .'chi nofthe acholonM~ adams la %itihou *p*eWoal herause of th' e ii.0, taken frontlthe Star of theachool'.a nelember Wial 10gel a hearîng He sadbhe hanke1lf'* gd medidnlt waiîlfer bureatwrarc 1Ioi4pond lu our criai, In the aude*ke lù spakaga:nsî allom-ig he schoui and church to locale tas %ieterlllartun .lr>râoan \tcKinnon Sfic aaîd sil and a number oft i .4Lhtxars are flt oppos- ed lo th' school or the churcli but they are opposed 10o people not (pi Io% ing the' mieb.* N MKînnoon said she lied set Up hei'Victèse aller goi ng throt*h the norm.IZEC clisonels She indicated Ihal if one group ignores Ihose rules arnd fgels pernhaSio&(ater Uic fat. thal rouid eadt.0 ther volations and the deslruclowi of thie escarp- ment as a place <of tranquility and beaut) .Sa&Jones ltthe ppokesman for the. schoo)l sad h.' .ould find nohng 10o ad or comment on" sita regard 10 the information gaing f ront te11w n Io lomorros o NEC hearing t 9 4;z S EW OFFICE RAY OLSEN 44NAN T. ILTON 8810 876-1177 OMMI.- ITO#mULTrON, wT