Farmfferà harv ; !tnn wiai I.a-, ilion for lait ycur, And e Rp AAH*Ook«Y t dleree&l1 ý ' (i 'jws point o le. auo *Their ecord stands ai 13 wins *1101ainstbngle loaitsand unic lie after riera Miltid and tiy.ila>ar P'odi *15 gaine. andithey now' %i wit 27 u a 90lo effort înCrèaaePd 1theat Iol points, aith 1) morte maes taoplay. i-1 S«oed the11w cirng rùm The F[arnier, werr on the rmed Heaklcy anti McIonald. l* Saturdaý tirD' ndas *here iW. 'Jason Blanchard,. iiho t "ulîred a skated aatam etlh an 8-4 win %Mark W i njury in Saiuti(amy',garni'. loin- Frenc'h taltWd Mitions irsi goal cd Ses'e.âchafler on lbe,'orlelines lit > itîllthe- gaine unt 4*tconds ld, nuse theirinjuries on an assisi h4y Uuî(jray Iundas toughl back ta lie lthe Scott SeYýtoli show MaMi. îîvnk 20tena taerI'rnch pow.tirs.Sockets' wins tiolch'lh is seti tae ,toh~ n il gond se t p b TiiM l d t - Tiret'more sîitorie t'or the Sltawn Ill.ale 'Pud% satldgain Robert.son novice iocke(.si (0 lie il a eJlin theseconti but hghtîgluet hy scîcran Sctottliteriîulî M.lilmî *rm ni bock wlh [lire(- as 1w scored reine goas. si loite quiack egoale)lulake a i.2 cati ga me. ta eadihç m a% Jason l8lani'hard seured MNilon s».Their sWin aaînsi Newniarkei 1hî' .îil'r,'r a a ~mlti idus ~ioI et~loe. 0 1 ltatie- th,- sia idîng, ;s ~.îrt. iîîg u cila uti~'( r lw*So ts îere unable tiiget lto maristîg home'hteloal Rlob Mf(sud the' StoneS t'uCmk îîurnairtellî bange i n I"aînuji's îiurlh goal lrom Mîto % t'12I er Nao~k a itxilïWu.aith 'tnle mille Sean opened Ibescoring lielorc tilt It amitai Ch11ris L.elilaac t'arri Havdar tuunered waîh Issu goals îî S coîs"ttIcInx]eoticlhed thc speedy rentre scitretithet Y iig Mitllont, 111tîh gpi onailpla ' %îa4-uP b'% goal unassisled ahîle 4W(,na.ttk le.îltý> aittiEh [Det Papa , Falebto mtand I oug i'r~Ms.,#eti u Ilunit is rvtused ln dit' ralting fier h* with the go-abruti ma,*er lm" 1.99 il 1t t'Ice lhe.'aore lii -4 *Tht'e eent4at 'Anii9g goal mas4 ~Iu htî1si n nute"f the gamg coreti b% &,ell l4Bi on a neai lilîn icSltînîn ' ht4t5g'sy reaka*-ay posa (rom Ks le.?Ar - * fr gtof a1hilice îti' sî~(o~, buckle Newmarket scored bheir se (hi-gain nithe- atnalinutt it- 1tht- coaer (baA it asa taîrîol rýionTiM N3kj.«i lanti Tonm ,The ne~it au fgames 4c.tai' Stltci id Tad *en seureti mîi Georgetan tand sitont". trt't'tîani sad itir'ttgh ibi' liard Irom Seuili the 62 ant iias rounted i utht'- and ltalstu'ir'ltt'alo' C s(Istî standings -0- tht"', 'toi it troti NlcIl)i)nald .and Agaînat <korgûtaýn. Jet last Stm. 1(- -4l itltxliia and andi Berifili led the' %a4a> lbhtuo, %ilalari'îîîs " hatnti goaltlcndin'g 'goals eacffwlcltJustin LyIiîeb ant dutits tirrMilton '4 l1ug lrebs ranntdoui the' sçîtrîîg t'.i rn'rs rit urneit home aoaith singles NMark ScPhaît. ityrl 3teioîa .tr'i.îSunla b ptAa it Locher àntlteolo ail paêds roiîg mi arnîît'r Signts. Cree'ftGalender games6. Mark 11tlar'în siippti 21 ofthe w22 This cînasenged pris u a tlle bol sh irclîîtei hi., ma% duruig th' s,,, d tcitt' eli th Mîliti oa'nst le surîg '~tl',an seasîtît1. let'.Xt'sii iltdP ki t ht',su'îI perittiafler htbng ap his tibrd asalt of the' Ye'r in tht' frus raiedîttîniamerous occasions gamelb * ts Sifes G (rk s netnmnder. ahi Sone, irvel t e , otitsn Stur dn".pile gis ing up ix gtoals.pla'.etid a ndwr traîned listht' 'miIit ane tau ep Miltou t of i Scot laerttli , aas lit' uied an *tht' doutble' dgil âcoing assortiment of 'alots nîveagandi Todd M(-iNteiinait> dentidis dekelletu:sting %%ib six anansatered àMl r ot r 61ing.on a rebounti sel up goals fI5'% l and atîl Meitnatti -Stone> Lynch. abhiplaw.ti bouse lvague 0 'rtejd nette'( It er lotit'marhq'lnid- taxi 5ear. us'Pd litsliard-no)sedst.%Ie u $' ibruîh tt secotnd, liefore in score a goal. huit% Ing lis saiiii Ptehscrei the. ne aj'n1w front.nI the net beore baeikbantiing period fr(nitTotiti(I-nLndiaRèt>ttl thepurk pase the gouttie NI (1tid '.... trchs (tredthe11w irsi gtw! of the' Tht' Farnier, ltîl took leverrailli game for tht' Stikets which turgeti tîturlird prtigasat 1wil3î,ouit10a1w (lthe epolual 5100cr as Iltiiî ot WrthrsSItttiand Hyan Smitli registereti tht' thutout- Tudd, madet'i1 1 hefîtro'LeB anc. Evan n001ta1w ouldîoe hk lts goaite *castapai, ovi WIaui.poeked Jolw Soliti and tnelli eld IWO 'Ott.. omislaapee *ih ti nows e oer"*, Ji ySc Ne e Cx, tieTreoinl aNo Pat Mn.t liamul w~hadlhreMark Netierry. UlcPhàd and Siegîhen Sefet witP Flapegaine IWO; MisaistaugaJeua >so'eaceh ant i sngigu friontTrevar wcre the vidtims asi MlIen açeiti a IWhn. ;ýynétI. Fretia. and KYIle Ar-'"6-2 Wtn slich and Ellia çouned a buckle, 'lîÀti randt amtdCraig Balalone Millon plays Biseli'nlnat 2 pin single Maikem, Sundav al. ertal rena, Ait these two Win$.Miuta. eoiid Honda edot ri lir akailu legs and *fu# Hondoedga - ey 4 iredioTilWaonbur leaaueleaders 4-3 ýEl Bran&I *e tl Iua illlà Afler %aalching (aur (bird-ptriiît Ti ti hie ecutive ctis dîsappear . Ntlt'in Honda tuUrtiauli .areciait, mior 'peeWlic got iteit gainie sorkndti I' th ihdanWlori' togeiher anti bouncei ýaek to deflei ahip onl> t10Ya y ite- Ieagtt. !tiîng Sune.%('reek * opposton Tht' 4:1 i-o% for thi' rebuiltng Mi.tettnIntrs itj rstiav Itiotdaian'iîiita rteeil ias ieW anti Saurday aîth ht> Ietp Stoiit% ('reekuse'tiretes in Ib;" lihunt'garnes înctutiîng ai :15 pm. îtrsî pî'rtt.lTlien in the second aosit (chi aîti Georgéloic Stttnt's 'e'ek settret id alt thr.ugltii e perauti. li ýh%ý Mtiltoieî ( thetrame 17 secmi. ie Jaqesataý tilr!fop IkMBryde Paces ,Nc'alanti GumAntlan Auii ixpitarve Ithiàpendjt)W OSrP U tia ntteth lret' gt3alsett 1wrsi t b%~ JamitfJalieic cfrim Chrîs Mur «teýn CteriW f(md thece goala rîson ant XIktotq tok the teitti 2-I and lnemiltît'twin iDonirell âdded Bill (itiies sourcin ogise Milton a - Ilree a,%sîslt pouer Milton ruster tuoait lQ gm f rom Jîm 4<14îc0ilt tiatr péewe, eeitasa dtisi>se 7. Win .tîtn's reetu came hackWsu îhlîa s 't'r liurliiiginn Brutes Sunda31 âlâ'w.%rt IkecPtîail acîredtbî' Altit1rt'e '%Iilt4n4ines aitossed fine a îîîttînjtgoak1bom Mark lkins -passýing skitsnli te econtes( andi as a SI 01 -1'reek arldeti one mort'- iti' rmsuit't'-ach lui(onred a li tnlg la9r 1 sec-itiQs but tbe garne 'tas gotalt 4 ow«o ,.Ater allous tart Milton jumke Mttîîinîo bs, Urt îngton 4an(laty atil Qser HiEut tantîntarecoirdthe1w p- fi p i i Nem.rjal Arena sIdnl Ma'ii; .)is a% Jilton ab stt* %Vitllaîns payM %ieil in* Hardware frnovlng' gial * to the top spot Alstî'eorig ttc Nltttn serel<nta- tiaît turran. îhilip iGrieg. ('orey' Mlionilioiiitg 'Ha~rware major ilosu ltianti1 f intue wsth isingles peewee's îtînlintît their assauli on Asisî'tuiiilfbtAitîih!wo. andi irst pla-t' Aihi 550roat-irismoast itat's Itostand mt(;rîng wittbone lu Eriji. itusr p Itorn' sit' a _,.I1leat ta t h e (Miîîd pet iti ielotioanîit4ig ht'l t'. uianswtrt-d gotals lu skate aiwai n oim t atli a i.t; îturv lail Eltîs andt1at lletineberrv lted Perepo ilt ait ald aiiHrd advertisiuig rptianiTrevor 1Brani eveîî'd oui thei scorîng t'h.'r'nttstop sais in tiakitslit'. belps xwtr abere thes e.arnied a :1 tWin ina tit affütr. Brandi anti Daisid %LrMuff(- suppliédti tt'scoring ilb thîs gaine. tiser the' seektaid. Mtiîtn IraveîtteIrk ed toSt Thoniais anti participaleti tri tht' Earts Bid Tournaiment Afler o S s pla.tng slrttug hockey in (heur t'ai quatlfPng games. NMilion camiC p Ilat fthle rbaunpionsbip gainte anti sert' nuued by Tiltsonburg lit -C2ANADVIANTISMN hn tarl% action, Nlsossauja Ter UNAT rient acere Mlton's firast uInîs. i8-4 di ENERGY SAVING VALUÉS t LffAOE YOIR HOME WITH O4E STORM DOORS il - ' THERE ARE 4 GOCO REASOII WHY VOIJ SHODUYO YV OUR l STOR1M DOOR IRM 'WQPELAND LUMBER 1' GIALIT Y -WE SMli. ONLY NO t1OIJAJTy fEiERGY SAVING DOORS F7V~M ALUMNART PRODUCTS - THE LEADER i STOM DOORl 2. SELÈCUON-- CHOOSE FR084 5 STYLES, 4 SAVE 120 ?ZSkES 3 OLOURS AND 2 ClFFERENT ctOOPiRV 12 2x8 S RCNn Lo TIUVA 1/"-32 x 80 -l 7 3. EVC - COPELAP( LUM13ER AS BEEN I1eorBwnRGib, ON' MEANS THAT WELLE HERE FOR AF'TER SALES Whie or Brown aSERVICE AND WARRANY 1GtI% 4. PUCE - WE HAVE A PRIÇE RIANGE 10 SIJTOEO S. uiin5tîifi' tot". i YOUR NEFIS ANDOTASTE jj 38 i 'S 5 55.ittitSu '5iSO WE CAN ARRANGE TO (lAVE DOORS INSTA sDOFOL*ftUDRPIAN E01JR SELECTION 0F OTIJER STYLES AND COI.OURS - O O RPINAOSEOJ I 11- rw~ir~i ambui as lm 190* No UNTIL mDo -UP TO, aON 1 AYMENT8 RCH 1981<oAjý N PAYEn ECTION 0F PONY'S afnd STELLAR'S S NEW & DEMONSTRATORS P ý+7ffl MONE oà-- 777f. LAST CHANCE ONLY 4 BAYS LEFT! a -..*Il% 1 i 1 1. ý