'T-- - . - _, -, l . . .. a 'a T' .the plte tl ar; becomifig evia .1l*t markeing dent Suguelly trvalves fin- Frrt.wiivustendto n .ding buyers foir prie- m4ke the bi'oker Speries seiection Jlhhuy Bdt for tWg real more freuetly th.a jeatate broter. an tu uband. This 0> equally um prani.. cofrma Iefir>dings z Consîdri f a h o movîng van Com- selects the broker 10 panses V bat withl WhiIe une . But the selection Sperson ini the. family pirousn inolving' mil m#e the actial ofl a. single re. Cdecisiont to SOI- sUl mkesu Pcy4 .another ety ben (0 45 pet cent of EC tflgited Pch slt relpoxues The moat* lî:Ing the broker Sur *common reaponse. --prisiiigly. litile over 55 per Cent ta <> recl * las beln tha brolcer acleçtion Sdoum in titis area .But is a tamîly decision Some sketchy trend cS tt lee F iu- % i~~ 5 HP.AYTON Ey OSI'ACKENBROOK 878-2365 or 878-077i J TuSe .Zv1, à"en g.n iOZ nos srno t, 4M- il . T, -- h- gn9,£t En, no0! CAINHACKEkOOK $MIOU WANil STIL N JEt * 0g. 000lw nc ry n12 ce 1,200 sq. ft. of office spcin the heart Of downtown Milton. Cali Steve Porter 878-8554. 7,000 sq. it. of comnmercial space, locatod in town, g ood potential for bowling alley or ni ght cib. Contact Steve Porter for details, 878-8554. p * RXAL Tir E a career- in REAL ESTATE i f i t's5f or¶'ou éy CaIing*.4yýwOrid T.R. 0olbeck, ea.. Estate ncé "à7-16 or 845-88.88. Rtel Éstatdinc. 485 mauG St.iEust MLTRI BUS. 878-2365 S>E.878&4304 - nEEP TOUbestGE! lit CHEiCK lit , .oo.titoo LOTS OF EPTRAS m il. e"nM.m. .."'1 4.0.E A .OI tTTI NE,," CC)AIEON 0 I a t Ani $n-i104 R000 FOR IapReoNIl 4 -s, 0o.n on. . . 0 BUILDING LOT $74,S00 spo e "¶Tçt 'Pd Tond n'9, So*PRIME FARMLAND ~ Ot of biall Ad Ail aCreffe eorkable eg0 nrOi,iit=,IUB Lait Gent »cLNOd ,laits À. .