388 MAIN ST. EAST 878-8101 (TOR) 826-924& ROYAL L£EGE -ý Mg. ____________________________________________ .,vil fl - e., ... à- f ___... E E34ATE - oer~ LASSC GERGIA - UT LI*lU. EXCELLENIT SrUPiR TOWNHOIJSC trl stOr MIîvîS lado COUNTA CT-,GE 'S23e 90 AUE Nt LAST LONG. POPIILAR A111EA.1 3-dom niai I-vng IM lir marli f 0 Nestled on sce fc osos o rtýIie oq Il ae.NO.ý This 2' lt ry'towrr 2 batti farfly tri 5 apîî, "gs - ,rn nil IDbary, ltin eat e tfe olioti a.46n o n home features asirg fi t lc, lane Contact AUDREA I ARI ;q tm Ille i ce Cr ne> :5 naUr al wn8Ci,h tiller & m wiii pine Wainscoiting. irg COSTIGAN 87".101 ilq. bdr'rs, master «,tii dress teaturtîno tiadîitionai centre mâster bdrm . 2 washrooms mg misep Malet s q.ariers hll, fpV In blin roo A'l fa Ili and ffrewly decorcted kit This etc. 'r' to 4101 Area _' ir 1Oom Seoldn 8 obrar8 pnt 's frasily paiiited aria nas estaie aoies Cali INGE 4bdris. tric iNGE WINTHER nelv carpei - îust instaled WINTHER To' 826 9218 b 78.8 101 SANDY DEL PAPA 878810? r 878l MAIST.- Ea 3TR 8EAST1 lé ACRIES - 'PLUS NEW MOUE! Charming customi buiit i1980) brick home. Large IlR & kit., i*o fis 18MI deck finish ed rec rocrifi Oak cupbopards. ail qubliîi materiai fitures To rnnoect or for cleiaîls ai $2t12 ,0 gin. us a calI. BILL 0 NÉILL 87810t1 CHARMING*. CENTURY 7 \1 VICTIORIAN. $389.000. (set o\very scenic 58 ac. ov gspriflg ei pond this traditioni liý2-storey features: Irg.- living rmn with t'ps . sepý dnnrm.,verylr on try kicel6with center 00 YOU NEEO A 4UBEDROOtU Island, etc, FuIîy Il HOME? lier, s one fo, aril stored. INGE WINTHER $124-400 with a main il fai, loom R R Ilt a Franklin FP 878-8101. and a ig patio off thie krtchen Thishome il on a 6t50 ft lot a6d SI on ,ems tram trie GO S a ECIAIRB CROWE GREAT LOCftON;,1ORýC0 ir'rruOS, 'ym4 ta0 groi4nd oOt.epa'at D~ie garage fthinme hulst Die seer, le-ie ap0recîated Asîirr 0oice 5209 90 CaM rro* Io, ai the ti BARBARA RUSS ELI. 878-810r 876 3346 8 ACRES REAOY FOR DEVELOPMENT. r>s"Ii iras a v ag st!" MI, iedr Iiai n,. nî,'r , - le .ecp 0 tilse a DE IlZ'G home Ias îusi about enerything - rr,* insuiatton. Ilig hiel pul Un UpDgraded furn$Ce> firrepiaces. 3 b)drmsi huge it "hern pool dbue garage. In la* ast Plus moie on 7'._ acres CSANDRA IDOlE 878-610i Ki ACRES READY FOR OEVE£LO)PMENT TirS s arce 'as a eiigsttig'aiy air i ual"g'o soie "n cile .eoi Pease. ca, rFZL NEW LISTtNUO4 811123.000 ACT NOW! SuP, 3 tarir home ta T'îbeilea offeS Sep dininq & r l 1q ums i reolac e wasrim rot 0f space Fe, at ed n ai in xitcheri ail wI11 ,nit wailk.ng ntriiare ta itchools &T shoppring Calri CAROi E S ONHILL87 8_ 111114.1100. Charming oidier home felaturesn mastler bedIroomc ana en suite on mrain floor, sepaicte diiiing rom, Iwo bedroonis up- ntairs at nrceiy clecoraied and close Io dowitQen Please ~i DONNA S IS 878-8101 HOSY> ADI AM2 acres, gcod qaiden lio-'r aa, n'rjr.qitla Iel tru ito'se s ,sie 'o, $105.000 lecs, -ai, JUST Il~S S140800flr"s cm 8l htioe 10aiiirVS Ouere ,8w 5Il. f 1-ng oace Tri main oo fini ml has.a l YOU CANIT REFUSE THIS OF. oui t0 C 'proufily decl Gîrrer FEAINOI Ail brick bungalow on extrais incupe paix raftinegs - 3-1 acres CilS double car Oak, kit cabinrets For more in "b.g 3t bodînis. plus 2 bains. Io .please calt SANDI DEL s' ai.barn Cuti ilog runs Ex OAPA 878-101 cletlocation close t0 tolin Cail SANDI IiINSALE 826-9218, ion 878-0392 PRESTIGIOUIS ESTATE LOTS. Canirbeilille arac. 15 lots ranging l'o 2 10 6 ac i Ver8 Prln!to 8secluded Eacitei $8107 _cated. Glose 10 Ilcreered Dit à vartetn pi mature oIl M.Iton. tte 3,1»d- tracts Sorrie lois are wooded nom off 'S nm f10Cr Otf5rs'partly wooded. lexi *ilS ,,niiy ror fai o lawdry. ponlds Il prings 9o acres- sepauie In rooni pina adjacent *oodlcnds for recre. tiors cnid cutbrards andave forC.tea use to be enîoyed t,> trie ilag o DONNA SYms estatèé omnunil q *A rare o- 878810 Qful NU WINTHER .MILTON DUStNESS READYTO -.-36 ACREFS IN CAMPBELL* GO. Stock lqr VILLE PVopiti on decd errd Ment LeaselLocatol oOosIe rosat - prrvats settrrrq- per Carirage Square Ail set for 'ect for burlding Foui dreani Christmas trade - excellent home 728 foot frontaqe FOI for sem, ted orbOed frIner inforrmatioi' ca, nuSeli _ Kirn $1 000 - SANDRA LOGIE 878 8101 cal DO0 'BUTSON al AWPEe. -1), AVVENE87880 kNZIL LAVHCNCE 8788101 878 8itj1 or Toi ffl-gt8 LAMIONT LEONE - MAANAGER 3U8 Main St. E, Milton Toronrto Lino 826 9218 Mitton 8784101 BAPBè4'0.rSE 87t 346 DONNA SYMS 878 3112 RD PROVEAU 876-1707 BEflY BRAOING 878 67 16 JEAN r>rCI n 18 016, -AROLE STONHILL -876-4913 DEtNiIL LAVIRIENCE 878 1944 îÇONNIE REYNOLDS 876,4480 SYLVIA BURSEY 4178 1038 SANDRALOG ' 8,1 r4e , Ri ESBU5IRER 51 à856-4352 DOUG BUTSON 878,2054 MARGARET SIAIN 878-7687 DENISE BAPB CROSNE 89*787;5 STELLA HALL 8784339 SANDYI DEL. PAPA 8785229 SANDI IJNSALE 878 0392 . KERSIAKE LiZON 876 17Mc APAIN£ M' OOr.80876-0513 %UDY APSEITER 8'l8 35-Î8 JOYCE HAGEVIK . 8.76 '084 EILLO0 ý4fELL 8782679 AUDREA INGE WINTeiER .85319W "LEARCOSTIGAN 87Î191-1 SECRETARIES GAYLE FOt(O0 WENI3V OtESLKOWICZ *ENDY GIRARD SHARON BEAILLIEU I . -r------ a. 1% *0 zo 3 3 I s0) I C T' s' Si Si 8' OU8tRYHOE -CL~E pEN HOUSE - 1,113 LAURIER 0 TOWN, Crai"'ý 1"g îoAE. Suanda> Non 231dý 1 4 .r'nr 'On'e 'elt.aledf L' ri tri Don t iss thie opportu.n th wcIl' rairdscaPed 1,îe- 'r l0~e* lIhS 4 belroom Orne 1 eI,e er,' r onü 2 S 1çreî nome Situated 'n the ' i ID' I -rý" r pn ir Irnberlea alia cose I 'Cn 'o c "on JFtaý s ai s 'ioors and Stores Fîreprace, 4990 a' a BILL 0 NEILL tIleck plus more $122 900 '8810, MARG SkVAIN 878,9101