I I I E I E a j 4> 2 a E te (3 v (3 4> Corme anrd see titis rmmnacijiate. 3 b@aroom hoeme Freitti decof oid en neutfai tories ttsrodghout. Cali Marion Hipdtow for an appointe ment TOOAY' Mit1Bi JUST OUTSfOE OF TOWN ths rerronaied On .it charmri, af fes a ^large cal Irr k.tchen sep. oaral.' -nre; roem mud torti rrp gradedir.rii. inc apprer mae f htold. town catet aigu'., 'a ardetachea garage On 1 $711 90 Cari 8,1f Carne M6179 GORGEOUS VIEW Cali Br11 Curre ta vee itis immna cuiatit thrne bedroom bungalow Featuires rnclude large lircitCei séparate liing mrooi iamrly room anra a 1 acre lot 61 wuns R LUUS.>PbiN H4 tU . Lc eaited iuSt a Shriit *aik frOMr scnosrs and GO Tr'ansit fisb t bielrO honte comes cOmiiiete *iii et nr kiciier combîriairon iiriflg and dtnîng rÛ..m, maiem fiôc t amîi nomn and large yaita le vie Cali Bru Crurre 1 P46t191 MISYLEO TOR WOCO Sur0updel by2ar ' eutîui bltand jne 3.2 Sq Il hoie So.uhi grentositrp. ._I fhîrODîs c d5k usrround.ng. 8530923 Met 76 HUPAY. MURRVI Titis bearîtrtufft îrainiauni<t homne won t last wrtir fiatares itre con Frai vacuumn upgfage0 bîsadorr bar. wood slore'* finTid rers lion room ira rots of oaii trrm L.sicd ai $124.900 Cati Ena QoOding MCtt97 TALINO LARGE Thtis tour fenet, 4-bCm,. Side soiti homne cames *fin large 1169'.1386at36atOO irreg li Onty $249.900 Cai Darrry Deirc for appomn tien Mit152 E r. PN ?UUUe * AT.. SIPT. 27* * î-a * 36 KCNOX AVENUE, ACTON G RACtOUS '1021 BRcICK' Treo 76 32 lot 2' si ie y 400rr,ýat iraim aurm doubeè garagc oare countr k iten 00U NOT OVENLÔOK ONE VEAfi Tfis 4-bedrornm exocuttys horrieti Exeuîe ~ desîreble Tîmberlua Thtis 2.200 lq large. maint flot, il beauly awâfi Yogr însPeCiOn. tirepiace: Loa Asturng ortit, $161,9 Calti aî or Oftlocru. shorti Otadys MOM4 rimaois and do 925.As# f BEAT INFLATION And purchasn, tiis ideoiy locateil towitiomit Close to sctoois and GO Trasn iairisacaped oilfnt itcen ioe LIsied ai $86 000 Cai Eva 1151otfirg M6159 on (1) ACRE - LOT Just (ltini Ot Mil citl grist vievy Con. tact Bri Cuîrre M6194 INVESIOR 3-PLEX,$i1,»Oo Rockwood commer cral property. 3 apis Ico 2 cm, and one t balm D@tacused C age Pis coii «bars, Glennu Hm Acton@530923M6144 t o s hm wilh tea tin mature arts 4.bedroo vietlt5g distance to antd titi cnIown. Prrced a, iCld Di Of an Delufor; ketlo M ri a Main.tioof fomiiY rootir. double garNe. 3 plurs t bedrooms, fois ot ro00Wlor thre glocîtri tarîy i.ore y brictk firepiace *ii warm your tees on a coid night Corne and0 sne ths ane cir Dan Deiic at Rioyal City Reattit Ltd Jus redr eud.t129 9W 876 1156 M6 f67 This 2.600 sq i bungalow tusi nortir Ot Milton bottis Harding s11119 cârpet Itotr.to-ceiung tîreptýace.. oood sibve. ail tumniture and appfrarces. solrd Oak. pool table tinaiqçd and insutaleo cOrtrstOp. dZubl% garage Cali An ay GuIicy att i in pointu ail the improyernentlt oo numetous bIbiS $347,900 1 M61m~ UPEN Nuijh SUR., SEXTmSh 2-4 738 COULSON AVENUE, PMILTON 1129,00 SPARKLING AND SUNNYI Viii Il ertioy viewig this 2-stofey, sunny home Corner crnaOcls en livng brore. wai4 oui rom -soa flous eati n kîtcri 2 bains. master Cath is combo, Pt s cote Barbota Glenn Hmrt 863092 ; 1-moi84 vtouse fil garffe momeént. Locaied ini tae Te sa« tilts Wil iDan a cati today. Ne~aeiadIosipof ii suiated buildinrg on ils. and Sepic aoier 2 acres i .' oi plus a beautituisy finistied tui) îm nide si Ail titis locaied lust m'r îltes r'Om th*401 For a, orni,ri, St t erraSan ugra04gs a,,rd fa IversC)a, iewmq -ailE"r Zammt 1 tr2 COuld be iols Aslrrng $191 900 Over 2.200 square fooLhior wilt main 1ioor famriY rooW.l iireplace, Clen titiee bedroors and mucil. machn mûre Contaci Wa> ot Casson for nour pei!onai iirspe. ,UMPLETE tUUNTRqY îiit caSte iv, three bedrooms flnrsned basemeni 85O 5 otý large 2'. car garage,' Vuery attoO ab0e ai $t24.900 Ciel Wayne Casson for vour appoinimet t riscM67 Reator 6 t4 0N TAP r' MI osai moe, bn M l o etellc ilsege S?êsy Di. DotDeu 761 Wayn 170n87 ?.4198 EscSo EmnieW ZanenrN 87&.167M il-é Ilif Ci/~~- 844 Jtuer barbae Glsenn £79803403 GIys Crleitr £78481 TR NE8"9 -"e -7.75 Mli , lauboreAddison S143-3 o ebn 740 OR IE8249 ?797Mi. 1111111mo 87-7079 CM.i wattsrsnl 8784776 ý1 MR. ANSWERING SERVICE- vn easrrm.. mmem no.. re 01111 111 ladlou Queile il f 878-3040 478-1041 871.400