ar. 6104 0weu m mmnhr feaCa fOr C. 8 $7085»0ll - 14 Mi eLasecLsng 5.3 ffl # el li« li Cr« Mab Cao J. *auax fortiler S l Qi t Mkrseei kee 00 ai * SalieAl, 103S peena Aoed,« eige 878- 04 FQr &N .ftoui c ernerd. Cailene adms FIA<Aj t rg 0< allg noe dm O0 boil,8manS t U6 p 88m 9 ufsMiales mcnai es 19e Jan GOrOSOIS L GARAGE SALE hvoutemy -Cioot ANCIU TEAM SPUTS 151 14bplsl@ba, Unt 4 iteid Milon Mail) 0 H4oey sticks à equtpmant e9 oigtvtAequlpinent e Ciothino 0 muet. mop. 4t Sept. 27 8:0 .m. - non llufl. sept. 2&M05- #:Q10'300 472 Weedl»mn re. Ru. or 51-l fiirasuper Sale *ah s8neýth.nb to yee silt Gl'il Prcea cdb. unP Lors, àLots foi b. 501,2WMetorcots tecikels & boots skis siS, licols l<lchen table seuls 6. cotlce & sade table t d pmtlatgplus worge itnmensiess cOua/ ileverydan ertos l as cislder,, c/0týG Shot.TOY table PlS lot.% rnOn91 ErfrytteA GoutnidNo rêaonW»e ao, tb.neuei' SM.eM. 27 àa.%.- 1 Bies Il irradions tops ritittt ea boys $kates MOVINSSALE MeMt 27 4.28, 8.30 a&M. -4 gal. Dale 041. 4 à 5 1Noe arly ird! plt4s. bols ý oos dut tp s .1 . ofmhtu Vor d Sue' à .3128 -9 .m.? 3344 Mau. st.W. Skis botS. bols iîndowes 55810,5tees lots o MOSF"Iy lirpSol 169 a .5pC3730cm. .tpm Yod sa V. 8aptT&m. - 2m (Rom Dem sepI.8) F rirti lds Spcn. EquIptnrWodO tSSUOM Sa Mau SeMgu, t. e rN. &Mihlg p ILaciBhuell e lo ,- m 1*n S m a S u f .- fil -o ý o fl bu- No. m IMW tsý,iATjo5" o TO iuity hay mrà se" cls. ege wod eilag s @ 19S56 & =:,âege ALOALFA bOy ý OIi quatty. tit c.1ol sibW .1a A810#I Pant S 1 .20 per bai. Dehnerp Can b or 'angea tOftCet/0,4rli' t2764555 ALOALFA trothy' qute bai1es %Ra1 1ite. Can de/bver laie lofldbaies 1000 ibs jï4us Mer lybro>,Frm Vii- e237 1 1 ACRES of gev/I standing tcmoe . OW con D-okwe6 f 5 00d& /egtttter878 2215 ROUND bu/es of ha; if 2 eich . M voj Mnust àsem V&8 01 1 . . MAIN TOSH A vie ,$jebustIel 'C.a8 7830?7 APPL S. broccai- beets, cabbage. souah .W.-Pe pepes totniétoes ai lTnt lvFumlPro duce . '#fitnie 000e t Steees Ave on FMilILîne, Haiîr 1>* Oe" a'nn C îsya lCose/I luesdays I800MFOR1 SALE. PNok up onutoman sMliLio, betwe.e e0" NId suW rlpnnila Mi. idra ce et e Trafalgar Ni. -We degvlt ad lod - Fatin;0701 073 Jim. MS.17 SHETLAND PonnY sn#I ,,2 YeatsoCI $200. Cal è54 261/5 aftef 4 30 p ' An li rdeil ISHY puy top c/rue lu/r us' OV l, ' 00, na/s diat m/y 1te0,1 rontapOnm C/ndr ot hirneiQ5 300/I rdnà irea Orly 5 'tnuteb Irot miôn rS95 trnfth/î 878 .4710 HORSES Boarded CamO~bpt0 I/e aea froad rnlres *e/COyed 1038104.8 'i:en/Ipo/Irn S 2 creeHore Ta/Ieel H762720 Pet Stock mapleeg oli eeinary Hospial 491 Main st. E,. Milon Professma/ GROOM/NU by T,% D a-nfflud Modem c/mtI' cortl//e/I ARD/NG laudMes For ppointmonuil ait 5?-t5$Ol lor i bnp Cali 885 DOBERMAN plIýs 50Cpe, tflL'erent bitS cigý0q ca a/ imAn,.rl oodwmte 'nects utaana rea/dItaqo Phono 854 0367 Junior Sscretary/ Clsrk Typist A large Braimpon COmtpat/y requtros a Mature teSponsible, energeim in dvdual Io work in a cortfidential cap aci The suTcltessfUm candidat@e *11 POsseSS SeCrelanial ennerience at a jur»fli level *worI. wtltfîureojreporns and handle a valiety of dulies in à fast Pace<t demaridesg esecuive en viror/ment. Expetîence wih a word ftrocessor and delctinq skllts wouId bé a det nie ese nterested applc artIsare nmt.d1 serld iher resumes onth'e lrye pectaionis Io Box 6755 Cie Tho Irumpw ouardian I'3146 VWltl" OMAai jwme (WS~, n. ulc M hqfted PutcItemt1&oe»0cernegai ber, Sufa. tuoifite mm l le raownsb t,' aI MWOni se .9 liaita/tI coqS8A U QUALWI04WO0. ÇauNdi ci" W§ a. ý%q e l ml t.Ima s ai t&"siW vale miet" ,O~m oteefll »-W~. -Mme ~y b1 italeW" sow pit Nd fSide B sSeeIg VOlS 3 19 fr .b. Ses lm Wo -Are i4oi t. Me haves omega cMdSorn& Georgetown for, lAe oR fiubiexgw ours lt o& part Inn ifOusec,ves andI studitts 'ne/contPieasn7Pp. y ml per$w Lcense/I Mectamp7tpnp e wofred /Ibutflot e',sý IéPAn top tnrctlanîC ,s aiy amSt e on ~ ' oe//ent Weetîtpacage /~rpa ers*0l pan Il nerold le0 ' , orapp/p b J n pitriio e & Crvc anar u MCCLE4ve il N T E R N. A T 1IQ N A L ici ,c 36 Rutherford EBoad South. Brampton, Ontario L6WY 3J5 Telephone (416) 451-5293 Phono R.coe*dDItrlbutor 51/e/I.', 'jmde r 0 e /rW k 00? sà,'s pur benel ts Soomp %ae,' , ,,u/Iefo it'Ime Ra/ mf mo - e.10 r o BO 1314, c/8 The Canagla. Champion INDUS TRLAL TOP PAY *Mlfma 700 OeraOr., Ste. 312, Oakv*S Now 'nMi"g Coo/k Watlers W/tritssesan/t Dot pesa u iaiprt t ieý Appy *i.nAvt. E. MU»a.wrcda 28607 15 52. Factu o tlp Mssissauga Plant requ/res help as generai laborers. îmmediately For turthep information cait Oie e ahp.qmw $13-827 NUAN~(PUNnN 8e64308 Modlgin ...' 1- uld qna al nfb &V atow eof 1 A igo Pr&alt adelttwu Wu oer 0a em"sim tWrt 300lin pus t&Oe*s »fP ÇAMl eUU psubm-Ici,sum. e, .11 ls 00 amenteacin n a busp rai tIo id dto a akt81 ladon b, * lpotie., frtag i a elMdda ,'oeri a ptiseaah lclio4e.tOMnoaklDr_ Fn muWtine aPOaIdrgnvzMMuuileatesWd 08iclngaet Mtsite.aaeel -ec""., Téomélilta atarom M*i o pat ew u¶qie plcn siudsbrMM« eur - Iii *Spdug Rn*.r No" MsclIW40y miçisi - theyshîtt -t'a y ese Ot aff omtur t 0tetlul COd5,r e preee pasyd * APPItoinerffonaa MMIGTENN li i I'rnle8 Par mi. neL, lIee/ Mtulal -i * mi Statu tbw n * 87l UMlmePSbo fr380 bemaue n (RESTiURANTIBAR) Opningo Soon In Mliton W or àratfot movlng, .xcitlg, pompmny f for dodlcto end Ïh.rdwortlng poopo if Iooking for a challonglng chenge of pac OuI Toami. Wo roquire tho -fol"owg ekc*$ aagr Nosotss For addltl lInformition pwosoo thé c4anadaMpo rContre bla (87044108.) A mumo ahouli aou theoactor. 1~ .ou enq OU 010 *u ."f îP.opl. m~ct MII, !qEVENUE COOIIDINATOR JÔIN TIkE TEAMI Subm.l pyour resumc bo I49 laite,, Ave-. Acton GENERAL MACUI8 Rem5uW»fOr l Cn a custon,1nt ceî.rýl fdLt c yrl11,. 1vInus exper 0185e aTm/e ilu aI' r set ups uperate a a /liP!1 lit.allrn rie. mlC8oim njzontai bu'nnq '41/ mutdot tu e1 wwi, bîlli lîlie sUrt ofsmn, .c/Oa, sset Shold hoon 0*31touts Cu,'îpa,, e/olat,./q to M ftnathmn,$i>rrîonttser5 ep Sraham IL MWacot i. MIssaqa 1-82 2271 -C.C.W..or sB.. .0, S S O *we nnnmr rî epis Group ex' Derce î lor ar nu tlT e 8lilGnovp expertmse 'n hid .te/r, îadolos, entS i OuSq Satary tobeneg8eotlae/I Pleage submmt renom- by Ocf t 198 c u TMW Cao1&,e MI 181 MoisSt. W. MOtU, DNa tal ITM<7 8 * Maalieyevegusr.caq T * SomaSp.otiAaiignp~~ -f - I J 840.1035 1 l'a