Thle CQdIi ChaOMpo, Wed, Auquet 27, lUS Just love myl M"~ilvl.Demtie pi *,bâwt 16 v.111 W fb lscty le b" dub eabai bu«Teoeatea cW aW eAd&Dmiapot goliti orilfa yeua-1'Iol*isit." PubsèIie = _rée it -.te ymmee mmqb. M. Pra =mmli ati dfftent -Awdh5i mjor tib ce *or M W ( u A 1W rt lsiytralway Ion* ÊmSUdt» Iiltnoeaeyehecm icivil d- 8 U1i~Eaparwbm1Ij "bilrte .NM lehdi. éa epeau caS 50 10teBIUJIUIin ty, 1c. terras of case fer Ywi lThey cmeuMclamy abs er leave lThy doul'îhgve OSequîlfkact to .1quJgI gsm --hcfuAO". acmslly the - chie[ poicitc414my "But everybeiy le mn ad- 1TfOI. minitrator Amy c#a"e' M'a"isc I~ ."Wîib 1t1jo.tere talmcc r59- 10k N-li c.d h5 hi hi~ilfg IiVIOChNCU oIjnl f dthLaw as a entihtefo Appel lim 1 Haltonblo te beCorenifng CAO hellidd1:00 1 il m. hie greedy bi tefuIcon as echMiot vIE adtnicrator He smd hic newac asnot beèiel oh e big aguedtuî.Hid i ie by ARMED AND conmdrmbly lrger, alton bcd f iv S U.", awyers to veis. ,T««oto hm a. ___TI Bu yau cnt mpare th No 7:0 a151 They *re twodihfferent bligamn. ea i. ~ PI Whberecs n Hatet 1Mr. Pertin mmc Mg SullYE ouF n charge of a municiprity which mes Cflr dowlopng through new subdvisions. po9(mlie Tomto is fully developd &and pro-, 1101 blems there revolve ground ruzonîgs and apartmaint coversions Hs jo. -Urecq hi- said. & ta dwaft bylaws and gve idvice ta Toroto cawticil cnd ebe4Wq iovrninetiai bodies such ar.tii. oronto Hstorlcai Society. Many isum hlier« C. oocr affor- 'il JCK mmiw..CAM.Em M AND 11E MaNCva= 1AEu FR RW ST#EUTI- NE1Nft U * Lt 2 SMERE ST. IGNATUSe L2OLA ROMAN CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL, 2405A Rebeccu StreeOokvôiIe OAKVIU.E - GRADS 9TOI à *u11TOW - GRADES 10OTO 13 ISHOP PAUL FRANCIS REDING SECONDARY SCH-OOIP Hglhway 25; Speyside 99 MILTON, GEORGTOWN and ACTON - GRADE 9 AUGUST 25TH TO AUÇUST 29TH, 1986 FRINFORMATM NTE.LPWONX MA. PETER VISSER, PRINCIPAL ' ST iG.NATIUSOF LOVOLA 827i235 IMR. ARTHUR KELLY PRINCIPAl., BISHIOP PAUL F RANCIS REDING 519-853-1940 CLASSES BEGIN WEDNESOAYOSEPTEMBER 3RD, 1986 DIRECTOR WA. iM 0 CHAIR11AA x bF EDucATioN- - CHAIR>AAN lui% m if 1S - . Up I-I ,e- Mce- i cdret -S ChMMOt eeFoadOnly PLAY ING Aug. 31 If 1 Perlsh The trimphant 'trffl-Ifs. story o a Koeoe woman who stahd yp fe her ChnsUwn fahh bganst the Japanese wat lodé during WorIç War IL A Familty Flms presentation- A feature-Ieflgth motion picture proced , by Japonne CIristians and fiImed nJan anly d Mand go kwIsdIo%0 «FMLY FLMS -fl u $TAU" à= aiLP t SSdusk, ait 111111 nnO - Me Meih *AM1h c. con be RESANT - TAMN eClihmoodm. S» 99miSouom. c FoifU Lnu liiLLM 4" Mm 8T-T 7-i YOU DON'T -HAVE TO QUIT .WORK TGGET ADEGREE... :el Urn-,,jnb, i armi uaal'(an le,,eraI a*l (flËinh- LaIar wi,^ n'y nat a aiuMnni %aiaug. aakirlfa-ndIýtiira3laa' thai an il.., e la foJ ir ijat tinadoauoainla aegma- Frt rrraoamaaaaaf (an gtgjmmeir admiasaaon aflal reglatiaal p<a, ,firýtý itae lraistari Rcnaan calIîge. t naverapIll.(Wataialor. Wrihaa.(fOntan>, 521.IC4 phoine- lNiMatt-hAaaaI MISSISSALUA &.& rRMsc Acofu. 11 MaiJdnr l111W Vâlmcd the Ceclcucai SeuilCarcum1é I *ilIK ZýMa - 7.10i bAadaava JarvS Mr 10) 327q) Taamlacn Itka. Sedw W eck trFam*u 7111Tua'alavbi- i 'utai l s11t. araaJan hon atI 36075 Sasai 1Vle, aaa Th.- ln niIe'iwci eecUlg Pcycholela/alCtI (34, 7.111 ieJncvkars Spt JIl Incticimete Seu tic, 710 Wc1n1K Ja Ari OAMfILLE' $L Id""SmeLcslcCath" llu11 '~2405 eo-~ fri Tuma.ccl S(XAit A 1i5Rk 710 imadnîa., an 7 - Ar 1 11.1,Crm Sepeteehomi. 224 Mapk AMenuea ChU Aec. him à iiepla of mccliHu"t SXf 5>l 7.1( Manday, t ept1. IkM bu to SeuWeSk 7. 10 Mondav. Ln a5 -Ma, tN) Our tatam o iraio'ed n '(usa, sag inan a-apeatiaril uah the l)eat-Pwrw 1.aniorr SChaaaai /anlnaitemrabl - RENISON COLLUEE URlVI Mly of Wcldec ~NO.2 HELD O N 0. 3 SARTS FRIDAY - __Jde CHURC~~ MILtON cGOSPEL H-ALL m dCnue 11à& 878-2022 infnte Nom of tU L~cmt Sunley, August3 1,j19 le %id0cm eokgr( 11 45 am -Soeiday SMlo 7OOpm GospeSeivice Poyer end 1»W1. flmng Jesus laid. i arn the /g/at af th# worid Osho taf laweth me $hal floto min dakness, John 8:12 CHURCH OF CHRIST 1412 kteneRd. Wesl Suflday, August 31,1986 1000 àm, Bibe Sho cées o @- il 11001,WoclPidt 1.0<05s vppe 7 30 pm - PumcË ldutmGOOePe Fe #hfencmtlmen md Transpeflctlo Cl 878-2738 TRINITY 8APTISTiCHURCH 4272 Aeèy Lbu ce A". WL Paye 634-4879 Sunday, Augtml 31, 1986 945cm Ole SchoolwahcMecal for la Nos 1 opa ra -M<ncrWomcol A Cainuamrg Eosoilaofl01 Th@ Gospel of John 6 30 p m -Evniwg SOuv.C# The Bock aofRenommoans Exopleed and Appled Wed 745p-m -PricyeMIIWI eueibxl d Declrlnoma the Ceuneel etae, EMauOM IWILCOUI THE PRESBVTERIAN' CHURCM 1IN CAA KNOX, MILTON4 170 minsI EK. C7m.fl 10 00 amm omwig VVO<U Ctaaicir choOl Adut SuPOE lad Nircy AIL WELCOUI plecce c.0 878-6066 taicW-1119 fou Wtamkihcw AccoCl 878- 3358 §m uTOw Une Themm a Sunday, Auguet 31, 1986 1030cm homciyWl Spcu prpgrwn Iafor cfl 0 30 Pm. t ==-ciSue' FIAST VE AY WKENO CELE ATlON EVERV etELCOAtE . ~ ST. PAUL2S SUNITED CHURCII lit23 mm S 878- 8895 BimdylOOOc a m- WOMeaierailoe, Sept 5 730 Pm- G.COI C~S eti'1%wAnan Inuefan*" W1111 BEVW*I MY [FIRtST QiMUNCbýRCH 320 Coce Suaid..miSa lu %il. LT 1Ji Ure,&A..h y 0:30 à m -WucNP sumon ARNING To LOVE ,LIKE CHRIST RSlERYMAALABLE * 78-7793 AWANC HURCIH ~II -Pubue c Snuday, August31,1986 9:45c.m.- Flly Sndy Scaoo 1, 00 *m - Morning Worlnp Service 6:30 .m -EvenlngSvce Nurmey FeclUme et mIl Beuwkc 'Or*-Y people Wfeflmg 1 coemae GRACEWAY SAPTIST CHURCH Ineed nirutdfnmtol Jpe er» WalteuM. Iccei 876-2298 StIndOY.Augus 31. 11986 We mmevyu l t fe lle et: UhiLm 0 .elokecC..t 407 mmi$eais Mmd ta tooin ubcmy 10:00cilm -*Svndmy scoo 100 oVm - Mamng WOrclnp 15 3OP-m -Evenng Sumoc Thoecay 700 pm -B"be Study Ntaaery PrioOm oi g Sqrvacea 'Tlm 09 etuv kercr- fer c 1111te Church., 10 MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH S 876-4206 Feul iwght Pettwamt *1101CoefIIMenr AudllUfin Enter tram ChatO Dr SuflelY, August 3l..1986 1000 tm -W=Nlp Service à I aloiar wct Numc yAual Afdmetvm e emplt Ckinvento nari o il A usOm EPIPHANY LUTHERANCHUFCH e 014.. uNlicSchmeel lu icm. > ,878-3406 Sunda, AugaSTr-T 10:30 &M, - Foty oetp *-on y 800 -cM CKOC 115. Cen m i.wm ~ mil EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH mea«r NmiCepmi AM11Mgh~ Usi ffinm Lord'll;Day Sevices 8%11111110,ALIgusI31.1986 9:46AM- FAhýVy ggU HdUF- il OO0A.M -FAMLV WOASffl 9.060le.». - FAMLY FLM - et ow cuuiw enAsP"ai 'IF IPERISI-I TOALLSVICES- THIIFT (9 Picccs> 1 %W30 mi salc i1250 ml salad L[af o Br - 1oq5 BUCKET (l5 Pieces> 0 2 500m alad bUf of gr%- 19 0 BARREL(20Pimccn). e 2 500 ml salad 0 ùuf of Brca ~1835 .4 1' How to-Pack- a Pik TFHREE GREAT PICNIC4DEAS Kotû ky . m .fto1chcmu * 27 "Mai c 878-4171 job sys fomeridministrato tc deeuas iusle ml ieIste. eml,* e m" t prt a hie el IM. Ne MW 00 bdIma henmobi. aa dayaIailI mmci ema eir Icayle m m ieue.u 55pemimb nurse wtbe-tcéf. c esM tfIl om~ u a(hiaomi,altMW Mw onchmle maumu q in$ 0( hW eteer" l kma For tw mom1 le buhe nflrtmer: neGaiw= m. r. f sete m dlylacla g Wse r ,.pNe- W18.. pér% m m om for a*avgeeeu C ity p-4cee mutiliwhitubhàm$12 ru W"I gpee tImm'e41wayc come c-. Am I n làui la im lmsfor chenem yt., r eud= a&mWth - lle5.ll.lm ther. Dg rlgli ng h. li plam Womm Slmthjpm- nueee ermr iuIitlatS pi W.c li.