BanisohinW/bUrflot, takes work, plied ta Mueer, iitsiayka ii caaon, Ot ii Ipalhwep.M ,' mncd ploicud WmO physicel and meal re- raflIei~iI;faJ~VbSwr aîo fort - wasonitIUYcy ls e job 8115= h y whcsra jtrauate îaomatlzsi In- -sorideWtsIpca a. Ie-mi ets oltgcgrtsaoe buer. oaeljsd o ts~ulSOOCU5 ao lha ai th majgeo cofm ec sutr>bo el;jundrid .oear- lleth News describes thtndvdafae > liia teSMn nct wi e op to tlu h Iis ha ftr4 t "' asvityWc ocrcto. - bigiiit l unertalflty &bout lUe 4i eSOii- ton1 ilat influence-pel5 lime and su ergy ta wsilng activitifs Uout- Sy an en ;ltermebffll stress biiitL)re, coollici îtrying saifitantiffus YSlea0i ti.r i.ncaS- tl. ta cusid intera". Experts esphasize il1h force os an abject son)thl Pmo ta tisas above and undor ciuséf); t i lca i m ari teonS l the1 ~ il1sa oste ntratin st a ruspoga.. As ,,I'Nr expWau., fssro(Mak Imisael; thefwartsdl carMr fui. A reent article in Ilealth News. publisissd by tise University of Toronto Paculty ai Medi- ciii.. explains thse confused lerminology E5 around Stress, with Many useful tips onfal recagnizung %%orkplace stress. ho%* il meY lead la tmrnout. who's most prône ln il andCL Allisqugis ev'en ils crilîcs admit tisai burn- LOM MI E RANOALL AL out exista. contraversy sêrroudAs lits prmeOua-t3873KN définition, Sonte clinicians argue that bt&rn- sufs 878-2385 Pp .547 coty0f~sparate label. Obe University of Rés: 878-0894 TorontTairont rt calS burnoat a poor intir4! tien between thse persant and the york en- viroamelit tisai resuits whs e w1th ONIlPRVC ueglistie expectations (ails ta ecelve/ 111"U SLT anticipated workplace rewarda dioi Essentially. burnoiji is ,l os abI-n prurr of excessive worksile stress. Iflr pois-Q lfl_ sible resuisof prolkinged size_1h de. de- $eoCl pesion. alcohol-abuse. slomaC ulcer:. ou-niou 'iitvl .1lL POSSESSON I Four bedrôomsl. 5-piace wathroom, air, waler sotieni. super tamlly roora and many oisif, fiaturs. Oqeal tamlly arefal Cali JOHN MOOOY ai 842-1920 or res. 827-7722. Tue Cana&aTrustCsinw 312 Laasur A.U 842-1920 Z& M- . .- . 71 FAWH.y LIVING Witt ba sfîoyed in this 3-b.draomr oeck- S plit, wrth double-car garage. klichen ,rat overlool;s tamuily roomn wulPi tireplece. and e beautiUuIIY IandaCaped loi uith fruit Irees Cali ioday la vie th'fl handsomnelY. decaralsd home Priced rîghi ai 11138,UOO- 1 85 .u. WRECKING YARD Localedjuat outside of Mitn. 45 acres, 2 outhuildings, fourldistiofl for garage. Juat Iists at $449,000, Cao Our _iifr ful etais 79 *~ ~~~H REacf5S PEOPLES45O-1------ ON I NI OIITSKINTS OF MILION Vag ll lind 1114 ail brick bungalow euth p.roiss:onlly landed Y&rd flonsa leepia braedfoorl and hardwood (boors. 3 bedraôms. double-Car garage and more. Ail ofais fil5 et on a.I 100zw