Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 1986, p. 18

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@2 The C~da Champion. Wsd., August 27, M. Pr,Îce,Îea e$osthe Ciaklands centre, 8% CUNM1.LA VRMi4JMNIM "t's ail a cover-up tbt.sng" ae o't thon a year atier de provn- mid ireports ront Osiiands Mas- cial taeever. staff mg problemas re- agefint aW tde minÎtry dluti th maun at Oailands Regenal Centre g iprStlt i hm pmed and la 51119- fr thie mentaily handicappsd Si otlil-'itau il cls great on Ttwire bas ben "àlo etatress al d PRPV strain on dhe staff" (remn de Unis-"uoat t net vtry gond. and dhe ray ci Cemunity and Social Str' aottom ine t stagbuck.-s saisd. v act teain chags ai th local adduing dhe mtnstry is trying te have tacilit..admits staff un" apresidtent oaklands n eas its eusn prevan- Heattuer-Garm1nSaml2stn, ciallyrun faciltiez. but won't psy -y J changes iiemadeona tesieuryae,, largeia*cale. thre'sa lotcifhali'tieit" Gavin-SauiiPaet admits thse ste avu-apsn uin i >, inîffstry team hait te do sornie ce- tarte Public Service Empiyees. slignmrrent te ieep th faciltys tmon local yot. admnitted threwee budget in 'the blacks rtill problenis wit morale St(aisa- W h Le can Vleu cut- site lande. despite sngtng thie mnstrys asistit praises a"veit' ago Financual problenis ert among, 'here s a pestve spirit there th ressents fg* taie temprary pre- nov'." site fasd test year wittin a Iew vncial takeover Tt taittover, in mintisofthtae mnisty t4eever. June 1%5. misrked taie it turne aid ' The% te mnistry train uhicit Ontario that theafimnistry. assumed foo ov ier tae admunstratuon cif(Oak-.(notre] ci a local facility fr th Iandr' are more recepttre 1M letlîng mentaily itandaplitit u. aeiumie' thesosadest of t. %%9(xir prebeis nciuded lacis o ha ie 0n"l'cctrai ci the eperatuon by tae board Cha.nge,, Mters' manu1i guRthem toSenraudeacnablt in *clearer dir tttior**te f oror ca' ianno cm ntn ati- 'f jfi agenet. The problms were found Bfut noA G(avffl Sampsout said un- 'fî'f"t.aIffng oiliriie tob be a c'en- , t-ro .aitugh actittg admtîinitr'itor andf miflînr jeam leader .Idarg foi promiwtd to ire more roun- ibtu e t'ntînstr% touk oter. 12 tri r,'rfund.ýtnt and are gutte Taie MILTOgW fîtîî,ome postioîn's ikeai']t fini.-ç tl-hj t itE ttrapm.t tit , if B î~aîctk~lfor curisflors.A B\t du'rî'anîng the' uumaer of su fru-t 'o' tlt îtt* ý ntaie front ' rCMI Iirit f.îf tho a i feef thit" "hi'adit nto )t' lo er> gtod. *acv'or v,îî f ne front tînt'e oriser e tes i. urf trt'lJn anolis ous t 'uî'u'Ior ffr(net hng. ottet -ithu'rf trrm 'one house «) Ililrf alr î the' facifît *% just a" the ifflu mi 'hift, "hei'nud Vieunu it'%r knort tîfieu'11 f ae '. I ft'jutrtollor nîîfht then flot tý fîîîlar citha hfou"t' 'hî' har'n t)ýv irsrn %tf'If n e.utlr10niie :ini,,kr- 'i lu re ou, f'.u Canadia HMaRt iid. FURLONG & COLLINS 'Aiton MaWi md hotu Mlon, Ontario 878-8 ý3 010l O SE OUR AD INsHE IST 'OlFnrO'icF rrlPuIMttttC [- uuA vaioNS COMMUNITY , 4Avo IlDAI f BOUkEVARD ut .t'tfft' te N"n rOne -t rac'tI..aroutc"r ut Lflq L«-@ C à cruitR~, .ttn.tm' wini'ue m S i 50 te s r crl nrt' Il u .0 r S Rt w rtut'ii 'nntM 51Scuasusa anet.i M~. uls Eim&itttu Lm aSS rett Aue tusTl.uuusLI"2es*e L ANDtUt idcTiAXEI0Ruat Fit -It tatMSSpoDitfflttu D 1t.1h.u, tcsus ta.ist Ll0d TORONO DSte Listisi MP415 UTHR TACOSUMNTIERtlA N pesa ittSM uE nt n RELTO NSr.plt d-lTNO * IQi OuR oS. i5ATif5tt Cureerua ..t'tt -d f,enf'reflf AcqçtI -een beProvinCiaiPlan A, Ou"Ce Odthe01,,net ".,enfo'C" ntesti1fand 21 ,"t tte'fassef s Pl l 'e"lôî ulirentrn I fIYttsttS Legsa r.n_'nla.ird eper.a ton n 0,o9rOiS af COSl Total Itusi 1oi ass Curîsuru Totat cumii Equaly P&etemt Toata abIieis UABII. te aerlewy iî prqCpt trust- ment for du mu mtally hsuica et thie live-in faciiity. Althougli Gavn-ampmOi d de union tu remeved comphimtiab"ut thes muistary changu. WMaisd maie can set "aigait aMthe end of thettun- -"You won't please everyontQ' mae Ilow an d hermmnistry team. maie . llad le makie changes qwckly L IJaliand. and they did. .PRAISIF 1eapite some .iinguing dutis- faction. and taie need 1cr more work. m4ny nvoved in the aperatuons of Oaklands have notung but praise for Gallon however. -Ur in taitry teaým bas donc a maRIous job." says Johne Wood, presudent of te newly-formed board of' directon. Tiht durectore witt oers trhtate perations dl <)akuands agaun once the authority Wehanded back te thtm. "Thal*s not te say.witat went on befcre was wrong,- says Wood "Sonletiteie t just taises someone .from taie outside.wuth a foh point of vtew tein e in- WooudRaid GaUWblli oMMensv-7 bord deiamW hmas.kWmM, i d nt ahy ewo tfrotatbeui Gal"e uas algan excellent duoce te lad the tedil htsaid. Thbere a us i aeston ha snid, t before GalWlooktai twv eeç 0 asit very god ceinmuaseatfon tw thie ministry, the board -and tde lal mentalis tetardmd association- AU thre bqdeas ert aappSed te woris ît« ~f te serve tde Mnestally han, Gallew was familir wsaliUtarce bodies (rem bovins uoried an tde mnitry's Hamilton office. befoe assuming deé admnstrtors job et taie prevuncalyJtlti iurejnil iteani Centre ia Orilia ".l swas nt that difficuit for bar te set %jht had goe wroM,'" Wood swd. Etigene Podilchaisdth eus dreç- 1r of rIsdenti4l and programn ser@- veme ati(akiands tee. has a ood dent di respect for Gallon.- .Pedicitak,. sbo ha.s orked et tîsisands sunce 197. aya th mont reu'esing aspect of the minstry taiseever s there s rnon a vet'y posa- - Gse appreaca. dents. Everytliing se deutitre' s geared tonards the best înterett cf thakt pemn. Taeres been cisar du- rectuon, toycards tiat" said Podâlcasis-ttais people had lest M0% fundsd by dhe minustry 1nd1w are aecoumntabla the minitry for prokiim à good qual:ty service" Asfor thusewho feel mor*. ta bad. Pcdilchak saad thty profy don't undestand tait changea. and Ma msyne ant te accept dhem. "Change in itself s very diffictit -W' lta agiven," htie kys. admit- tng "use still have a long way toge. C'OMMUTiENT 'Dut be inasts procedures are much durer non at Qakltands. '1het'es a reai cormmîtment trom, tht tEp dusn. - è "Thie mîafista'y move is probably jite buit thing that has happetted at Oakland." WitII Gallew the only reming teain member et taie faclity. taie defklIt wiped eut and taie former ad- minstration gpsc frein taklands. thie province ia new prepartng te return taie facility ta taie beard of directors Gadoics tcheduled te return te her job at Hurenia in thie omit feus wetksa and thie board i drectors wtt lie hirng s new admuttstrater istroict Hospital Financial Statementsý DISTRICT HOSPITAL ALANCE SHEET TfMARCH 31,1986 p rative figures for 190) ASSETS 3M3.727 69.379 21.262 3,107A460 I,521.294 I,600135 MTES AND EQàUITY ée j OU 035 't es -îrntot 39160 '1l ee kofaolr 3It 3î MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL STATEMENT 0F REVENUE AND E EPNSE For thé Voir Endqd Mch 31, 19 (with comparative figures for 1985) Mmsry et meattiOpuiloils patehl Revenrue 164-Strî 0 H@aulttr M 0OH t4Oh.M-nlOliV 01 Head"t Non Paî cnt Retenue intertiandf 404.rtsitgtSttoonatons Ote', e.ene iron at5atouS Gross Revenrue Expense PatatinI st'ute Q'enrasal orsi Deprecîatett On eaUIPmOtit Gross lapittle Excess o1 Revernue onsu 5«Pense -M O H Oeetas Revi enen lapsit.i art fvntladmeil Defocatoti on buildinug E.cess 01tRevneusotiatEtipits Non-M OHM Opolteuts aa.ce b@S..Otr l e 499,378 Ifs 754 3"5.797 2753 -' $ 6025394 1STATEMENT 0F EOUIT For theéVoir Endod March 31, 198 (Wbt comparave fiuras for 1985) Exclus ol tanentus ilOnu afui -MO H opsattta E aGIss Otreenuuee fns cp"n t90t-M OH OpatIln Blance qod 01 y@&, 357J30 DifISTflIrT MflOPAL t4ILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, in a t a u s mouettaiAcoeS itg Mat"ra fsw u a.ts Mmpitaadopasta *ore sSeui-tNgpo-*Il, -'utltasacIte 'acc'usI ot unaaie iP ç p lOtp »wn5SIWIY spa ot Mrsotuatla m, Opsiaiby ft sHOWOç45i iieOs vcamuttsa Pt Su msm loMCIi 31:1956 nacagenPSY ta recognuzom an St muostas u uaHos>lionuan F w 09 suistliCIU iwor mc uM taisintetonkisth ui filaS titm~' tu Su0»slm ms aenaie uast a Uofratto remrq 9C fSUàMoptit. aucbtats bse 6 79739 270027 55.5231 1&5.139 2962,967 1.412.454 S 87u2 347 906 30,0 526'517 tnnttoius5 us tai S SU Mmi' i coiorntsamsiz&bis nalu. col Sei"getenrnsutw r'an anstage comu Fîix nas e asdepremimdon à stiaiglt-Wu b am s em &,« siumale sai ui tueOsSm tlows ep*Wçi M&Pou m@atiw S 4 67006 479 385 105. i70 3441 M4 t.845.6m1 61,433 S 645.M3 1.44- IU S 2906811 f4 6634 El 1616 63~20~N4 5% to 20. Acon"miLbSimUM In n ConSuos us *h Wt.t'ofe 1155frtuurut'g çrolCtstaccritedf c Cea ls mof recnqt'tzect lr the ucour-IS ut SU e ttV~rDistuet Hosptaa Th irslra ynorefoegrsz ai t aCh 31 f986 is SM0f 326 f985 $f90 4971 2 lenne mp ntea" U ouusuutg' - luse1985 m calmLrgeafi msupple,&S 72 081 S 'B72 Or49480 46243 La i ratey otusu sptiS 6&649 ' 60 374 3. Goevr4m aatAU&OM9et Oat cru" Grants!el r ecum inthSU Pntce 0tOntario endth ie Regern ci ttlon eft', esnec1 f h bc ea sen, as rcogmé nuzdett4 sccowyb *hetm 'O ritu 4 7ie eau, lin t SUPovince cg Ontaio earn iet ai Iret aie 01 3'. pfer ut antrrMun 3f f9U6 Thesbon -s rspaud bY 368Ou the vetart eut noer'Oni rnlte end tl'on d nM. o, :strc tieseull Tei.dulirentcbemissn tSU 9mutrnfs cocrrcrer o ne eoard aro, 'h,, rrre rS graut nutocutnttS oslt Tirsgtantsam$iOtOt)itltsymstsfldmdMatctt3t f956198'L 5r095r 5 Te lmuSeoiltetmoipuli a cauantdite future brrlernq etffarriop pflantsettri ff sOIt - t'l r t ît males) 541 0051 aepokitttatsi 7t269.000 if'! esbatlii Sai pçoauttmy2 3 of "sU tutlsi ne jineif l'onthfue Prnrnc. 0f Onfuno'ntfe .tOiSr o a caiStI g gThe irntarlg t 3 is pcte Io taconte frnttflocal resortcesinîcîodrnth fe Regnt 0f MaH~ le UTmof et ItetheSU P4lou Drttct Hospital and thre M, ton D0sîreH-tfaî Founotýon Dumthe fSu .pas SU taton Oumnc i tatfuSounôbOattrvdar'céd Sf100 00 uas acofrtrufor' Cietrie Hosp. fai s expanson ptogtuttutu9 AUDITORS REPORT tirtr rrdikM~aSi5lS0i mi ma~ e acoUsca uta gs.stll aa udltetgStanoad ilsanm accora nin mioputout. SUMs e stoamstaternilItil pugstu rIlSth h&raI poartuçf i s -osptal aS ai Mttr 3f1 If9M6aunus" iMmrCOs 0196ouesiaflnd allai ct n a 9 t ancal positionur ue S tsr tir"n ~deu 'n ccet 83) dnc a htir 115 ubtdtiucm iot thes MIniStiyof Mealfliandi generaffy acceffleri uccounting plnclpies sitiabauS.! ,Calaut gWgthl 1t her@ <Cedlflg tar 03 MILTON 0W.ARIO i Juu'i52.19«6 CHAARAD ACCOUNTANT STATEMENT 0F CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31,1986 (wth comparutiNe fIgures for 1985), B Oi f et unis.3e3 MON Opafluit No4nM OH Op,",ot OUI D &pucfo to5etui a Ptocmos ti! 0ale 581 f 'ted 5196f! Baidfgmpaflltorcolts RffcisSflid 01mo1aqtem m Wousuig ciitaibeiuwtg ofpy-, Woisng caputend of O et m S 367.130 6962 174 100000 S '81,4 1 44.542 1.749175 31807 m~sra @07Mu -I Imm 0el UMIOpus"5 r-~t p a NOTES TO PINANCbîiistT UnmT Cent. lm - lm 1

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