Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 1986, p. 10

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Io TIo CadmaiIOtu*Ol, Wed., August 27,19lm t ,t- s" Lester m«W gerbera o umM .W.aP nUsalracOMtilul snpalaFtl mieou.miaC edato-tai lio t gsasatli ls Utitlaishasaevs o ls. bed -bganar lmt 1 iàfg . ai*ao themaW O sar i êng for idlcectoas wlthlitIlls pdrqaemadi UWood l isaePra- ailato1r e cfltlbnfm ert4se ilwee . dugis ,Woods give *gymnastiés local rovincial involvemn at) ',lKI ItURLfk'K thampimiReporter When >Lester andI Brbare Wood muved to Milton it Î2. tby caîted an actes-lty that their tler daugiters could participaei n me net nec f rends s lis The (oni) orgaîized sports in the toci cere hockey aid skatinj .Tht-n. sith the exciteintotbot 1972i (>I)mpic Gaines and Olga Kr- but. gsinnastics became popularuand Joan Boothh>% 'lartaud a gYmnastles club in iloin tht' tîtloin >eas- Tht Woiods t'nrottrtt their datsghtcrs i-uaiine, Kerry anr. Nelanie in the c 4)-a tsa riow' ages. and ro t there. grt's a commitorctit aboi dedîcatbon tui th sport thatIs stili struîg yeacs att'r Tht' ctub rule Atas thut parents had u, sol unit'r ait ineets andl other ac 1ii tics front tîme to 111e. and tht' Vood" readil3 agreed suzannP their cýWet daughter -ntis 21 hegan gYm- - iiastic, att age 8f and continued for îîîuî' e ers Site sastht' strougest in t,'ttindstlC and senqtuiith proun s îel champîolishipsthre t tes. %in rang a iter ncttai n the %;toit comn petit itn H% i1974 'tMr luoudwas thc presi dt-ýnti jthih-ttiton % n Cml(ub and ac %%ut Sa', tht' regstrar Of the 9>1M i.u n h' cilgc-beatdcuach as vlut1 t 127. Jgnet Campbllivas lii ufas heai moach ni th club wit'art' not rt'atlvpnuessional v qïk-ht'- and st %e decidM u iihire suu ui',uiit.t hot suastrained in ibis field lirontliYork t in irsit * tinPb>-iîcal Ediaisn i., seailis qualit ît't Olleàrs shine in 1-O win' 6 Tht old expression tIhere s no place lite home" dd t gIseinto ht tht case as as Ntlton Valvolîte 1)1 Under 12 reps lravelled lu Brampton tosîn -o and defeat a tainthey ae neser beatti on hom irud The gaine sas t mêdefensinti> sîth nether teain having inanY scor. îîîg opportunitiefi Goalies wene ýtnung as cent tht deence players o botu teains Mît ton put lise pressure on midway througb te irt haIl and Tîm Shisit naie a gond mos-edeep in bs owt hal i %ed 1 sdctt thtleft ýingoDonySmdensehoiitarns- ing shtt and sept tht hal into the Bna pipon net Tht second a it sas inucisth sain-e as tie fisti wtt action gotng ed-t- end aid nethtr teuin getng matN - scoring chances Tht pay tn midfield sas tght s-4h close ciScking and tougb tacklil aprobitin for the tigem wcio ave niot e able to pIsy lite tis in prenions stars, but thts sear bave pt it togethtr to wtt more gaines Scott MacDonald play('e s-in net aid pidted up is fotb.sbutuutOt thseonMilton bons Streetsile tonigisi before traselliifiglu oOttawa for a Labour Da> îownaintnt on Fni da*ý They retw'n Mondas aid finith their eague seasoil next WtdneadaY ai Thonipsot Rd field agattit Caledon *ALL STAR POWER* PreSe0Ns9ýffl Noklî or Sprng Sept. 2-12 C A DVANCED Wgt 14 & up 6 orn7 amn 2 ~~ADYANCIED Agt 13 & undtr 7 oes't arn ýintd eor ent 21 skoes 30 akatara7 ont-S ar Flt $70. AI Co~aor@ of lko-Mn tts In 1979 thte club mos cul)' the i lde1 Fire Hall Mr. Wood hec -ami tht' eoach of thse Bo>s Stitui'priger-. and Mrs Vood tht pre"ilîiii ,of Miton Sprtngetrs trimm 14ii84 Nos the presidetof t ihc i itiro Wiiî,d said he hasi tearnt'd mus h morevî about tht' sport on a prouslot 'al le% t'l shich.he suit ring hart i)Illit' suh hl rcalydont ha c i, uch il, (ili sils the club an> mort' - sai Mr Wood. -but sttuf oth -udt-i()l the' sport regiotial and prosufil lItes-I I cani htIp thein optrait' moîrt-etfi clientl) hevait'iiie1aet' earnt'd essri- about g yrnntsttrs An actingfigurehead. as pre'-idt-nt oftbe IGI" Mr VWood attentd, îprovsin ciaf nutets and i., thairniaun uui the hoa rd s hîch ha" 1-1mu-itç ' it s reati> titnt' couniiili b~tti1 reailt« %enjo> 'the s%îrk I di. ht - ic i it talles up ahiout l2 out"'pelut- siik tic me. andl Btarbara ha,' lienirg 15 i night.s a îiiiiih as iii' 'shlt su uPl ingt'rs repcî"-tti î t t hi, s ini rai region .-'ltough thetru .rï l 'me s-Iioitîii :iînhtt'rs arc alwas Iooking for tes .mcmbers Riîs are a rarity. tot 0013 n the illion club. but in Ontario, as ,ire coach(,t'stirain thent -We hase a recrea tionat program lur bos gNmoastiics, but so far there ino one qualtîfed t9- cuseb thent. saiîi Mrs Wooid "If«s lcatt a shame -itue there arec some bu>ss sho %oltld love ut tari more about the hfi ha-i heen hrd b fitd aqualified lxns coach tucause most oi the (,ilnit'd coaches are sorkiiig fur univt-rsities athougtis there bas beei 'omintntert'st pt'akîg ltt>,san:d %Ir Wood .Is~ for thtir future in gymnastics, ,NIr Woîod ha's ont more active year as pre'ideiiitif the t>GF and Mrs. -*iModha' ,agred in represeni the sçrin$t-r' for aitother ear Ater hat tht-sst rtZasseSS the situation Vî,has e ivolved for a long 1 i ne. anîd havi reall: enjiyed i. but our children are gro)wn'and wt' sant iiiit t'on ti 'aimething cIsc.- saîd %Ire Wiid out of OISA Peewees fail short in big games Tise George Seebas er major Velders coud not scored in the hot-whîle Trevor Brandt aid ODonottl preee epbsebal tai bieîr,- tom of the sevcnth inolîf scorti aid added an RBI to finishe isobiges gane ofdu eai iis At-tht CNE. théeMiliton squad Weldkr offence. pasi ceais and ca me up short in bofb playtd self as the> btied Bort- Althbugh the season is over thse lpgiethreeoth ie Sest-o-thtree tngtons lrtple-A ieam around the Neters should Se.proud ut their ac- OEA s&Ieiial. Seehaver hosted park, but agaîn came up on tht losîng complishnris. fa id coach (,erry Du. Bos-ianvilît tast Thesdua d-Cvamt' endsitb ascore.tf tt-t SosthpakDu bien. and tokt forward tu next veai'. ot on tht long end ofahartbrcat t"iicî tutht Iosas errOrsand 'I'ey battedsell sith a .W 1 ieragé g - osutelneruts fookt he% toit agaist wnnîg tlu faines oui of 17 Thwwelders ooly ntanaged t me bi'tte Welders. led by Kevin ODonnell wîlh a single. Vubten and Mlluf fe led th, %ilton a run scorti and an BRI Rvan Ped- ailack with tbcee bits escb as Dubien dit dombled aiddrove in ico. s-ile atso scored tbree mins and haul an Damien Dubien and >)vtd MeDutte IRI Mc)ufle scort'd once and diroveLes e each singiid scoýed once. Pblp in iret t)uben ted tht Mlton ut eU e Grieg bit sattîy and scordti ie teoce going five (tir sevet MDufe eyoiJ do whiJe Todil Mu*y and Stesàrt aliobhad agnd da:guiiig four forsix f Wlliams taris scored onit-eomund -Untortunat't', th, Milton squad ont tht tifence could tut ads ance unge more roîund as With tht gaine lied int he sevenlh. thts mas hase bai a chance fiput su-e Bownaville ntanaged ii scout' their mente ont the- ait-star teai eîgbth rut against Mulle> to àSinand lePddîc -ittt'ddoubleul and s-cored the rtght fu go to the Alf)ttarîo -IB once. Garth Mtoore it satet> and finals agairttTet'umseh as tht,-cired anid '%Illev adîdds single *6-BWHEELS FOR THE* PRICE 0F 4, We ve got a gr desti pdng duktnle ia aven easiS! tan rding a and leasing ta availableuflght on site Our Ponys.E ~ dStue bitteAI# aur saleatan have Ilisir So gel a great deal On a new Evervone who buya or teases a new pencils shrpenad ta gîve you tht Hyundai plus s bikt 0 oot Hyundi firo Hyundai o Oattvtlle best posubl pnce on Canada's But Hurry This otter anly lsts as wîl et a 1~E 2-speed bicycle Iastest-sellitg cra' long as we have bitts bgîve away And mating a'deal t Hyundai of Of courue, financing for bath soles And rigt t flacie ce On a rol 1071 SPEERS RD (Just West of 4th Une) 845-7791 C -~~~ ~LEASING QQ JTL W MY~"~USERVICE Where'Excellence la the Standard. ce f 'HIAY: oSal Plu Ul.2.girls gotlo O somi, nass.1 MIUsOu S ta wlthlun- s sis '. "Catb""o o, r ho b.iysuR= bei 01 ai.a tht emmd us uIr . CaM. NrSha V WM umNe swbh vs u.th flual four of the touar-Ceder but the COunby Abe élu .p.e Gil.b ts f O S usmut aglong àato thte.i<th0( J amai Msth. Vtoria .av The *&v~ileele auI taurnaufiut Md pu@W WbetsnLams à"ili for sai d eutée t eLW AWn m Mlm r ia Jalastait and Nicole Douctte, wt ptatby kla ~ampoeMUndèr.rowlos ' opos wo *'Ok =twpmlnIn «e;1club ntan's tirst toutheyj ia~nim ~ai *~. If wu$a adayoexperis gained tur.'B' wus ai ezcitng atoit wlth ssw 1m c.'îWà.on and fun i fr 1o 0 udr-girls =Ma cr cin lns o n a. Cedar ami %Tr acy ulktrPattiçpating inithe OakvillteSusan PrttC, Itr i .ci scart agscortd Wa teatf e, gilssoccer Taurameit, Sweatiaid, and defendrMeidiWl Lia =1M IUîî 'uAISut 'r Z th yng Milton %ide gaiweete b ayed cell. 0.but thetatnm in yc weil onegoal in tbree pfts.a ow In Jotheir final gaine. Milto as aout- ~r and contributert tht cli duht goal stood Up in a i-i drae eit; h clai by Gulwic h dmtmlisted 4t.r a strng Win, ?Miltoni c<i t <~Scaittora B'. In other.gantes, Milton th. gaýeiy -~ 5ptbXl:=i5 dofs hulfqo WO ot ait ssrly tatI S-"to Scarborc A' and " 0ta frunt l ipari -- tPG goal li-te=oIW-O. . GuetIvabout .,ght good conit chaines" The Salmisa istled to ciii agaînat In rws optisar. agîfat Scarbo A', prenuted the acore f ram becotiisg Bramptons ta remain 'n thse tournai- Mit donsînaje firat half but eitbarrassiitg. maent and they di eîth Aison Martin oni themselvts trailing 2-0 rMidway Despite thee Iota... Mltan coqchta- aid Trcy Faulner scoring late inthagbte relderhtfr Fran Framptn ad Wttsd4'Mrai tht ecn half to tead Milton toth'd(ïi Zhel Mavad lf inger said they vAirt pleasad i ~nthtet- aemi-finals iginst Grimsby, Kit Mar , ld. ad tn d erSonZorsu dougte'.Tht club waa Wi thier previous !*-o meetings Cameon layed ceil in a losing compnatsd of playera atlected from Grmsby came up thse cinners. and cause for lttn the s» Milton eaina in the G.I.R.LS. have won twa tournamets thia year Milton' second gaine cas plaved league Mlthougb the club had eigist already. Milton were ready for tise in a drlvin raintortu Despite the practies, the teain managed but ont -tif,-,ýitin A"cam bac frn Pour,4ernsisCcoitest with Scar- exhibition gine.

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