884-88 WUsm Ave, (rlquidais .uly 27) RI'. 130 lARM AEA BaK.JIIIY24,111-a11.-te 3 p4. 330 NmaadawhreckOr. Anifqus kîyiocii daar. RPadi e fiTRSO Coiliruter biCcles. tops al mach rsmr Soir.tlteig for oserpone MO VUSSALE WeqtnsReed Ne. 50 9 m - B&*,"iY. My as lllwy No -5 NMi, Coup Acion %fk m I i nWeigng1w Rondl No 60 - Fusi houa on Rot)si I&AAE SALI 720 l dflaê ssCM. Fiy JIy 25-.7-.9 p. ut MY28 S...- 10Im. Locî»s aodd fables, mall unt. od sieraca fioualiod tail oand id 5e MO YUlSALE Bat. Juiy 26, 9ILa.. 12 886 Asisa sAvc. Fiiurs .T V s rrgs seing sel ,t cord of *000 &ARAGE SALE Bt. .Iuy 26 -.11 A. 132 arîeanla Rd. lais milslustai of Trefelger Rd.) SAASGIIVUI SALE Ba9. MYi,26, 8:30 8...- 12:30 p... 1 22 à VaIcAa. Ban0 tlnrge, fu!mus 55500 einls Ofa, goodiai U.I.0 Bt. Jul, 00 ... 51210la , do past Trusoscof 5 Fa IAINAGE S la... 12 pa. r Litlebt la SAIAGEBALE Rais or OShi" Satujly 26 782 AOwaai CM. 8 - 1:30 SARAMSEA $K J.l.y 26, :38 ai& - 1 p... 38 Nslp M. Na. S Fami, maln GARAGE SALE Bat MyJ6, . .. 276 Mp Ir. GARAGE SALE ..Saiurde@y. .iiy 268:500 arin.ai 238 liicila Sf Unitl12 Moingd&y nGwflSolle averfig "Maigo s Frd «M é MM, eged wo OFF oe" -s a* *Pu e.* Maver dde s Sdvlas h auigo111,110ga "'Ma chOýbaRaykIlap1 01y y ikil 1..n$d asi678-1011 'MOUTMORIMCV PIE CHERRIES Af/AILABLE NOVU $20.75 22Îl.. P" Freslily picked. eiasd istmmid aMrdpIt IM Rady io froezd or pressive W th or giihout uar. Excel.rlenr#ofwins mi ir Hwy. 7, 1 mie west of Acton Open Sundays 41".53-3207 519-853-0311 Pited Biack Swas Charries Aien Asamibie AT "MHE FARM". CURRY'$ DRIVE r Green à YeIIow Bqlans, Spcnleh Oniona, Red Cabbage, Carras, Bea, New Potatoga 1.Mmi.xer50- Twug.l.M Io Rkm Io>i5 RASPIERRIES V %IU~RM Sth Lînte South cf 15 Sîderoad 877-6682 For asrs»d y anid orders GAROEN PEASI A siecial Raiefy or teiriroung peuà, fraaliy picissd * mled. asirlo bauched end midivldueilIah fiooinaiaie cltufbg Jul>, 10 b boxs $8 75 MacMias. Hep 7 1 mile wesai 0fAc&e lOper sanday i UGardait à Landocape Suplies SOC FUR SALE PU ick Oh a l oM a 5RLino, bexpusan D"r Ui MW d rlano MR. tfrelt od met.,of trsaletr Rd. - We deler aend Iay s&W - * Fenil: 878-1073 HOMO: 82"-171 Lvetock RIEGISTERED quitJersey cow good for hand. miung For sla lec ao lacfinc cieam siparator um goW weorkun; conition 854 2828 six YsraId. f5 hi aropintPa ïiPno a. rautlered Eperlenedhrder $850 8781f221 OwYEAR 01.0 as-bred mua 15 h fi $700 o béeai euCitiCd Donna deys 1-624 6466 siren rug 854- 0466 MORSBES oaida-5761 Fls. h, iltont1 le soutir Of hosisial (cornai Bittannia Rd Soxn$slle dely lunnoul or aunsoai paîure avaleble 878. f059, Pet SBOec Mepismai Vary ijuepl 491 %binse FL . i Mme Profeiond GROOmINO. by 7inen 0»~na M4odun cirila oontobd BOARDINl aala Fer 1 «Min 1111711ca 411,44a o»r DISPERSAI. aI show marrng nie.Meon blte incluisiusrmarracNunpn 1985 CONE ChýUn. 1.659 103& GECWAN Shephard pupplere. backs & tan. Olsassion sirad. CI<C raiserad. tirat shois. Super taqlperaffrient. Pet or showi.Soti parms anti Ol55y k ved. (519)86-4313 (Rock. NAUSTYUST &*Wpam &tes s ay. Fun soati psrl.. Di,, 070467; Evenhe0844- 7227 042ul SeOikm élogesaservcea s. hm lai suppaelui eppicasins'dJ iu aMura.nid 1mi ue ntianiepSiTUaiFor Lymen Tube.la rconiaed leaideraIn te @WW tubiag. Ws *CREDI'T COLLEC1ONS CLERK illpouing fo the rogifflilmnIsend mokei usminimum iUpervlie tou m liiln lo edit coIcIoiosai r he illss lai osllhorailw»N "MOnIi kiuludt mointalnlng usedi end accouis lafonates as uaie«es oata.f le.. As litte «anidameosala, trou passai provilOs bsinsas pérlince. praforably lni 0 cofilcti, aaPacity end tfront en lodueltril dislroommjt. Ans excellent pommunIcalor, oSu*f dA e stino Osr the Islophoe, aro_ draby prieal i nitiaise and en aaarle appre hgOglinq thinga danis, wu azl'olfa gacompelfitsa a"tory end a oiprolsmilssbaeftspackage. Pissas aubmiit your conideiell rosuaeti B.W. MCDuolt 837 Fourh Lin . GakvâII, Ont. LML58 -SALES SECRETARY We are a "I l aablishesl manufacturer n the Halon Huil are. and are presenit- y in a poriod of rapid growlh. We are seeking an expsrienced indvduel f0 es; sumo the poaition of Sala. Sacretary. The dutesa nclude order antêy. secretarial duties for "les personnel,Mend assisting fhe sales manager in dady acfivitieS The succesafui candidate mll have sever- ai years of reatedn axperience in ethîr the le.! h.r industry and/or sales administra- tion, 'ood c0llTiufication akîlis, ad the ability f0 miset diedlines Pliaseorwarislraumss rc nftdiîiig 1 thre con FMa* KOis'U MgCoupaY UsIt 125 McDonaId lSud. Acton. Ont. L7J2V7 r:I para-med o Work inYour own aaa inteirstingsignr~su *Eiiprîancs eni aaia lnutaaui Car *Nancy Noskett $49.1025 Uconsed Eloctician *Applîcant must hold an Onaro Certf ifcafe of cquaificaion and must have a mnimum of 3 years, industriai experience A knowfredge of eiectroncs and in strumnenfation would be a detînîfe asser Please caJI for appoint la WMn OF Raqffl Pssha namsa 5e k aimm (519) 822010 a- Ckf uod PaaWyng Cnada iaex- Assstnt Tis posNMuc«WtfIinefce W ec Claddes neteasrnrtg ahmbcla tud goo nte eroiMIand omuncaio sfii ndsof h a-m ?ilat î prdcio otrlascheoru(Ingpoeue CrodPCumoog(Cd aid n e (Cdig andaure lxbe akaig 114 Arimstae prrIn on r avSenu i Asitnt.This pas oiquwilineaceissas Siprcig iner alym ce rscuin an ucas aur C .Oliats newa srogMteraalpi WlillsidS Gound hvSnl ils. Ctywit h diint dsaursiagbuily. *l, hs oms- OChudeigh MSef riv ,h I. aofîs MIaa oaric tNo galas bslweI n id Sspfsibs puacomsioroewuhy la nayuilab oiai 0dS wo rk iu. worurmrrrg Maiiitraiprn. or an*d isals Svos îsratesubilty i le lrSOaolilc onRqEhoa, mlnpaisnwaae oi TsCls ds*eig y 11 M1luiA. kaER MbemoIes. Om truc. e? lo epmec necessry Satry ope M iflion Transport Inc. TMMU R.qulm M meri nubrutldel 09 e0=9Mlreemblsm Tracter Trmelr Drivers Class "A A' cense Steel experience an i aswset 1 -800-268-4620 N4WuOai --- ---- AVON Il's sommai lime à dma SI"glaeas»Y. FOR A LIMTUE If ONLY in as ai Avonr for a es mas$5.You con an p0 Io0% coiisssaion asarg in en u sne. aram you Rve & mark. Former rapreansSSes M Jniuuy 86 cmonacka Iras Ccllilrlene 6374384 -Wu require: 5 f ui! time kitchen atait *tl-meand part-tlme waitressealwaltea tor our new Lcenaed Restaurant. Appoacnta muet b. obi@ Yo1 comply to LLBO roguittona - Good cpeling end math skilla orre quired. t Applications avallable at * Pizza 1Dlight - Milton Mail meur ------- ------ ---------- wlý - - - - - - - - - - - - - HA EY'IS N'sy. a Ipsdkime lasi ha a i s. .t hm »mi us ssO ppomeiap11lm Store Monger , Cul@ «Metc ~Zw calarrfcornfuisce, lon n~oivaional salla psrriserhs laid uouid buaimaaat For an appointinent cal Mr. Ctung 705J137-5272 of t orw&rd resume fo Canada Manpower 310 Main St. E Mlton, Ont. LgTi1 P4 Artt Harveys Restaurant Ail apwonlmmsuor res.umasa muai b@MNa.ka,28 for oidasou Honucra Prglumm * Assst ng wit 8~1$irafue pisnrnri V4i prograiiei.n Candidates muof posssess a 8 ScN weuh pr5- psrai nPutoiciieaif Nursmindunasal « 2 y asof commntv u ..ng sxoeanca. C.noImb icieedaf , of cs icanursirng agseo N se5 dha dpomia APublic Hoalfh Nu seig wioso Se oiiidered Plaer cdao n is-,ume poslirlld a.srbn gusI 4f, 1986 f Imm% 1. 91 IE ITAmDLsI 551 asav" ç a. l Ml PERSONNEL MANAGER The rement growin oeouce nrpany fias crii ed the need for . cornpetent Personnel Responsbfties will inciade inferviewing anrd htuing lJI lthe plant mtsainîing an adimiaufs replacemnent file ass strg te piafit supirn tendants nihe dreiooment of incentira Pro- grumirl'art c'patron n inas comiintl (eg safetyl and WCB reporIng requirernits Apliîcants must ha00 preiOus experancOi n thre personnel wara aid teabie 10 commarn, cale ettectiely -1dýi I -of management Eooenancen Star sùcat P'ocess Contrt o oad 500 e aiý asset Plias. 7Imsrp î'îin confidnce lf0tire conttoile' Frank HuIlai Ad Cmpaq, Uuiltu 126 ~wcDnad BIvd.i dCon. Ort, (L7J 2V7 ipara -mped -' nmlilateiy itequtres w 1on, ipo.r 0saia *Variaiy of Asgigrnsofst *Weeeinds & shîftS Interestes<7 Pilu cet: *Nancy Haiketi Reg. N. i 9-5 p.m. Moa.-rt 849-1025J CANACIAN RED CROSS SORIT? Mitn Unit laMcmaking D . Reqiares temnPorafr II,51t14 h1 în aeek f0 prOvide clurcal t&swcretarilisuspport f0 Thre Ilomurnaer SiaPernîsV rExcellent interparaonai and csnmn,îlcaton 5kilis Piease 5C'd poil ai pkiation aýimdresneIost Mis. Mageai Sundy * rnetmaker supivifor MitIIon-Unil .ORs Canadien Rad Ccai Society 1 go Main 51. Millon LOT 1iN8 START TODAY! N»taCnr&&n namafaciurmng COnIpson is RQuI alimral Peolgis 1tgfui tuiiaa nuagsl ment 1poatmos. esirt sas sfOwrOOsf " diilaiay pagellifor qiu Maas enofcaad: moi ninh lva C N E No ssPsrssncs noces. aoi IInlu i etnrn aiouiapsrissMuai frNaoaToç'pay tg be doaCUiS»d In PerO". *For in sa*w only: 896-8805 T4 lb.Codian Champion, W dJly 23,11M6 Il