)Q, T Rl,. lUIS O 11W-CELLULAR T!LEPON Niffl HAWK 0 rSALESLEASING 32 Bron*lsSt. lisa. M' MAPO a! Wedneod&Y, JUIY1O, 198 871 * horse~ * 4w.s '4race- Ia a Uw sport taking hold tioali suhern Ontario, and il's a new rqer.as the liraI mch organhzeti and camm.rctal aoto*rp4 sport toUaIy Zut, 23. OfMitoaButZuct wuaawinnoer n hlmnewly thse l" ovince.ef i adaped event Sund.Ts W rac crnas th. inevitable resuit of tiie biký's growlng ixipuiaW- Zuest won the gril 1t-Iilometre event ai lthe Norco Mountain Bike %*..-DouBrown of The Mlton Bicycle Works nid 'Sixty tuosevessty per Event Suniday a 'leui a. egolaating thse hlly course in34XmMi", 37 /lIt" a<th, bikesh. nas sella are mouolso machilnes. Brown coptd. seconds.' Sundy, as seil as lunlng sp Zuet's béke for the race. 'Itwu hie first tinse uest had rddea mounLain bike campetitively. "Out wset mauntabo b'keroutselailiers liii-.. 10one," aad asiseman 'in nt a mountain r"Zuat sait! aler lse race. Re had obtaio- Andrese Johnson of Torotos Eloor Cycle, selo lecuuidered oe of the edaàmachineonly a of woeka &go and traded it for anothtkhlh better rWin thm new sport. 'Il'. lthe verattlhty ofil.t You cati r*4 il h. ued in gl]e race, Zusi former moocross racer. led for mSo'of thse anysehere. Onu1.edyu' Iildbyhtrsfn t gar race. in hisa-srr~ much as anyrnne else'& iakiies minyeu feel lite a kîd agAin. Zu.st has e a iUspeed road bk% rider and said 1w recntly coin-, A moostain bike has lOeWe ratio gent arat keclimbing th.lutasJ plaied a aeven-hour 130-ile sprint tu Wasaga Beach. As weelias virniaf hWil srt cda sclihf ai lesat a poablliy.Su ëyrd were cballenge4 l di 1- kilometre race he finahed froos tiseLWtwd-klomet-e expet avent. ."ascend one of th. Glen Edenskiaills and bat Udry (firstsud Zuest Whle uçamibiar seti mauntsîn bih. ridtng, h.ued tUa general bicycle made il 10 tii. top.True frames on h. ibis àa#e nalerhan lOspedsbut knowlete 0 l ueffectSunday.. urger ha.ffiMX machineaand hhey are sturdy. Wlde, heavly tUudced I waan'Y goigtihêvd bffthe lne. 1 knew a lot of guys *"ud dia on irqjreàsignd tuhandle sick and tougli terrain. h. rocks./And1loely ~a~ whnl1had agoodhlne, ltwuaa goad, steady ff11luntain bile tract, thse erly prevringsdoon Son, ahrsld be30 racm n Inf overly fst.1 tomý lead in th second la p nt by thet hird per cent tgiWI 30 per ceidosnNul andi 40 par cent NtIaTIe Glen Utien laplsa a et of peuple u oget UP the lUs. il t kiled them." couirae, fiveLmes araouid lwoktoers arvi eroad up anti behdnd h DvdSudbury sas second in the 1-kiloantre avant ini 35.47 miflut. ici hUiN, ftur t a t ltl pucuta e aohf l aid Irnan Bergoas was third in 3654 minutes. Burgos was mseondte0 . Balla. R gc ouivàîiAirIymkengdrco oFle 7aaaa in th. tseoklasetre expert race while Mark Prei-aas waa f in1 b ai 76 entrlea for ibis fiteV a ndu that the Aithorily may wal mn thse isovce lseo klometre race Peler Nefia was second, a smilai- racg day in tue fail.th trac l taillrmde for such racing es Slantain bike racmng is nae.10 Ontario, aith th Glie Eden avent la. "AU we hati to do s ecult the gi-ag" Italle nid. ïrustrat -io n cotues for sr. Royals The stud>' in frustration for Royal experieoce 10 showi through. I dont City Rralty contînurd in senior thisni the older guys rplayers) are bbalt action Suntia> aI Brian Besi getting frustrateti though They Park as RoyaIs lost vet anothar ame realize tisaitthe yoaasg guva have got 'hth ley oihaivon'0 lgel inIa the gamtes Ani ur new \ St Catharnas etosdovnrd Suys are'stc ntisusiastic, flilton 11-8 'The.long ball klîrd us At the Mid %way point of ties easo bdy idi Miton co-coach hle Milton has tron sins againot 010e Pýer. seho shares the job wils Iticklu ssas St. Catharines upped their /McTrach Tleyhýadounsonoand tvo ford 176 IMil s expens#in- two-rsan lomers - a But the one tisai ble% out lathe That was tha best game they have candles for Mlton came following a .j layed against us ail year. sid SI sesentha nnîng liire-run Royals rai (thanne'. manager Mark Walters. ly Following that the score stasod at -ilisîinl Milon has or#tlent than "- St Caharines untîl the top of the their record shoà-.. Wth (Wadeî 0nînlt. isen Larry Stepisens valkerd ekar the) iehave "t bh~ Cand Darrrn Bau slammeti a two-run in thse league nbintpt1ton ma-I honi- little short in picbing. altlioug ta 'Wevg ýot fis-e ane-run baIl games GaIs-ao Marin) bas a [ie arm. 0111r andt len a ga me UthIis. - Turner than lhas I thînktlhey cao upset haid?: . tlaferthergame "Ils gel- anyone aI aoy ime - tîgfutrating but lm 001 going to Tise kry word. givciog Mltons cur- et il sisov 'l'u cant ]ose 15 players ranI recordiosever, aa'upset, oser lac pasi two years and vxpect Royals-Wwh have uflen outhit the opposition in a oingcue trn together 10 hala. rat n cra sttlli them. Suntisy St Castiarines b.d safeties. Rayals scori once in ltle s- cond. Isice in the ath(m-lioce qI th the fiftis and sîxtb andt thitesiff the aevenlb rame Metossored one 1lcfiIoc n1*f fb t hire imes in h. sil,.ani tice in the ses-antis. eîgblh and ninlb inninga. Dan-en Bell pickcd Maths e in for st Kilts seble Donk, -Falcione shouldere-eth ie loss. surren errin1w sînnîng iun 5after siIerRit MeTrach got itoto troube b.ffi; Si lottpGary Nylr ent Ihire- frfefrMlton w...i a double and lwo singles, knocking in teo iuns anti soring lwca Newc11mer Scot Ear- ly. whbt played for Campllville Mohawsk six years ago, collecledt la ila andl trird is swilcb hitting technique (fly-ouI 1int only bis second olart. Gr-y Milne and Galvao, sebo pitcheti bth - effectively ana er- ratîcally t10close o' ttise gaine. each collectedtw o safeties D'an Despres hut Uhc other Ian-flan bomer for St,,Kits wehte Larry Stephens uncorcedthela solo blast. Nots: MuItons southpase Dave Turner ta lied wlb St Catharines- Tim Roseden for the leagues lowesî ERA. 21. Turner has thire iuns charged againal bum and Rowidan four; but Roseden bas woi-ked 17 in- itop anti Turiner only 12, Glen Turner plans on applyîng for lhe D h.rth in' Otaio Baseasl Association senior playoffi, Il seuuld mark Mltons third year aI Ibal. level. Submtsoions on the issue are mnade loally next wrat. but are suis- ject ta OBA apporval, Milton pîsyciL ni Oakville lait(seek, but oely a partial gaie. A- .:gbI con- test, il wssosuspentieti n lae lfla hinn- irg seen th. parles lîghla faileti A suspeodeti gaie is rrsuîed aI tise point play entird Welders going, tomte big one They had ta go ta extra innings for tise fist ime thus yearand a lot seas at stake But Seahaver Weldîng ma jor peesere basabali reps, liants 10 some heada-up bal, a break and Gartis Moores timely bt. haveerm ed a bai-lbin a pretigious tourna- ment Weiders ws eUlh.gong tbIhe Peî Coa CNE Major Peewee Bs=11 Tournament in August - A berth in thas Lourney is one of tise most sogt-aftér prîzes, next 10 anOBA championabîp, for the besI trams aItishe peewee clevl n Onario." raid Mlton spokesman Gary Williams Welders qualafieti for tise tourna ment , earning one of h Ceisal On tario Basebaîl Association spots. by beating Bramptin in a best-of-tisrcc sere Milton shatird Brampton 4-3 in lise opening contest but dropped tise se- condi game in Brampton 5-3 Bramp- ton returneti to Milton for tise rubh.r match, Welders seere in trouble early on. as they gave Up tour ruris in.th. first two innmngs on only lwo its Damien Dubien came on ta pîlcis relief anti allowrd only ta o hls for one run over tise next lie înnings Welders chipped aseay ai Bramp- ton s cati, scoring t to in the second and two in tise fourth Brampton scored agaîn in the-fmfth. but Mlon replird with a run Mlton then seent ta the bulîpèn for Davîi McDuffe, sinner of tise first contrat tIDlfe held tise visitors scoreless for the re- maînder of tise garne, But Weldars seent tto tise last regulalion inning i1the',ccrntis dosen 6-5. In the seventis. Todd Malley reach- cd firq, on a fielters chioçe for MIilton, stair second ands.cored on Ncluffes single - Mere led off in the bottomi of the eighth aith his thirdhit of the game. a single, and adivancedta 1 second on a passrd bail Stewart Wlliasa truck out, but tise catcher couldal costroi the bail and Wlliams wsas sale ai (trot wilte Moore went ta iird base Witis t1w infîcîti drawn in. Kevîn o*Donnell laid down a textbook suicide squeeze bunt ta rasily score Moore fol tise wtnrfnR ng Cont'd on p. & They ROB KELLY Sports Editor i J'Bruce Hood has chaae<d d0ven lved a supelan'a hoc former NHL refereah. haai playedîtraffîrc cp a( more styleti pro hockey demoliti ?debis e s % tinan Of profeutonal sports asà i pplies nxeîously hrougi lys bhlgest frmer aninex Withhn thi'osali n-ice pirticipation. attempting 10 mai sut le êqutlîbnum in any given cotest. in a game whe ent ,alequilibriun ta eluauve. Withoeal throuo hàN loegtime raie as the bearer of bailc and h1ý of necessit> soomewhat distant relut onship tt Hockey aM the profusioaml lavalist a contest Of r:ele, 'lb. fb tl as wset lthe gamea creators hadfin mnd. 5 usvitsleffdgsng, When th shc play, the big talff' Gouabeacamter-goom A whle ago il accuredM ov«lmof aipro sports blest hie-for-al dt a gon, modut atltdW, abot whttasurgon or an airline pi cuid force aaa t i n"a tec àtes N. ev ew ~puainug aaèh oher on their l .but h7.10 su ht m=th MM dt aTamd their liff trut M'e bd I &àalseg, bul aceording o Hoo have mmretaitIlnw.Ad cet 11.1in hockey.In al apor.ts vilnc on u uI8w& e me mla on the "it Thsts wittOUoJdi* tù*stoo MrJehina, the fa& search fýor -an ýelusive ideal. FiltiesanAmtu Sports, lias set aside 5o.oopar annum anti oui. Tisa-ais no= sion tisaI. parlîculsrly attise hî>gicompetitîve junior mon a 'mîeu t slcelebrities from arounthe 1wcountry 10 belp hîm levaisL. l ae re sant i nesmen are oflen trcaicd a lvoornamenla by spani i Tl~' l>non ose ass rramovement away (rom Ioais 1ht plyars.But that f rea-for-aîl attitudeie s nt strongly exemplif lad trendti. aard a oa t b î'wat af1l1= atamateur ports haboux~t smOo t1paZrf -aycroadt1h. National Hockey Leaîe fraternity. Th.y'll Ibrows 5o .tIhe p, le thalyfr ie next fîve years Hoi oe s lehsbsdlaecsaL t 'oe pi Your agent thinha l0tîmes that tm seult ibeaàseAted drop in the bucket. i uesa- ols0 id Ieay ic boudb me UB but tiaI's fot th poinl rigisl nase id flally, "lUs a detnianî 10 hocky The NHL is a busil tGY. il Besidr Bruce Ho. Jelînai ant i bs associates have convinceti soma e-n lier bssinesaes as they see bast Bu they bave neyer diractly ati- AUoeatwetght Ih1. petXtioo ablseork. Csnatiian Amateur Hockey dresseti the problemt of gbon hockey - Andi Hooti lefti,tle doubt as ta lise Asscitio M Costello toto So is Wstern pkey Leagur tracture under ahich any ig irague reIn-ca seorked lic atideti, 'Na- piesîdent E Cseoeth. port Canada tirector-Abliy H fmanista Ikîog eional Hockey Laque referons are employeti Iî the NI-L toi apply ltse tiky ream .Ai yZ hlhsaefon dotnOlers àtehnrr chairnian. Anti se Hooti. bis colles in Ibis adi bac adscnture andthIe federsi re than 1,000 Mai. obdslà definite andadmirable concemn for thsa piysical yliai-e o4 former figure akter ste bfore one big mnuntaîn claimîng ta ha ready iêhout tise sorîti hockey players, antinbdyln any sport anywfl e es to cltiib dihout Her Maies- demonstrated tut m the past antih eyed on tisat early on as h.e spake' In, the recent American bastseller Megatrends, a fat its drscribed as a abot wat he ovrnmnt s cllng t's"Far layin por-Acam- aloi-Iterni phenomenon tisaItrickles ton (rom tise top.lîke bula-hoops aintin n amost >i# aginstVioenc," or yo-yos. A trendi la deacribeti as a noveipent that hagins aith. grass ci-e by tielinition II4 ht lh. vieses as an alarming mocreuqe in sport injuries, Hood mots level andi spreadas. It a a long-terni cilqge. Hood,Jetlmek. the irat, I Nses lpayer 'Weve got a different attitude n sport nose Maybe, as you say, more cao shanse tise NUL loto doing il chan g ien msoe i,' Hoti naid. hNLbarons lada thoan aver are playmng. But more are leaving top. The support foc tise That 1 fbnti very id.alltmc, my wel-mearn friands. I tin i ils sala ho s anti retlliation. offMIsl ta oct there Tiera's Waomach liai-assonant, ton mach iavaive- say tisat I'va baen 10 more hockeygames alkgaves yaa tien ail but a ke second wste n rn h oah npaes h aens hr' o uhtivalve- i n e ieta onstoseerd a major em pay \ ment andi ot enough respect. Safety tgoaa hantim-handti lwshat se'ea haègeeipthe orpl a te tise %ort, or (ai 10 do otha- toi tihe sogenicua rlg .I' nylgclta etrdsiln n etrsft go ôé th tngsbu. 1I ocIovetnnw hat amounteto l alte '- " "«aaîly seere ryingo create aiattitudes that kiis wanttp r.dninhesauqosrnshecnry sports lIt:t (m is lare tise ganse andth tisaI en tiuy oued to pay interneiate hockey Fiday niglita in M"lt anti or semaw« t In mwr boulonna (hockey) the attitude la sin at adl cols'. sehenever thire wap a ftgist thared be . figist the nexl morning in munor 0i ae.T b.' 'lier', p4tie obacapetition, but leta jui in sperspective. Whan 1vais a hockey. id nd otha-5 s. reoa-eisemteti tpiayersl tu ikae utI fthey olidnt lîke me I1seanteti Instetdof inteaniiae hoceyut*ttute the. NUL. That dseansfacff s, Bood bllevu, , tisen to rtupect me.11,1 a vident in Europe, wh.re they abide by tiseroi- la sehere tise .xacpla la a, and tise feds have ltie contrai 1hmm'. fl W iffa amd aceept tson Wlsy cmalahst that becona prevaient lhme'It seua tLWaNHL chiangs, the rml sill tend jo onulata ls piasant trenti- God la-si Mimteret ah one tlme. But w've malIen so far seay fi-ans l' luce btiste fair pay foks. lt.tluck ilbl neeti r You couWdot mat for much ortetfaà ucoèe in 10 r lest astlngthan Gary &mi e sjoyet Standay at Glon Edan In Ne Inaugural mounlesin bika face. Zu.at. a Mîtlton rosldent, ddmtatad the i0-idlomeies amin, rus oser a hilly couru &round t1*1aius. Aitaot Zuit relusaMthoul avvon tooklng f0c tlrad. aller tht race. At top rlght a ao.npetltor coole*c offolog the diatansce avant and at bottoins rot Jonathaneic thardson of Ihn Cycle Logie ractng tem do« a pre-roe .im-up tretch. Seo story belqu. ' Pioy OB , osKELLY