10 The Canadian Champion, sd. July 18, 110 It's crowded in BIV STmVLEACUSAIl Lvry snrlerand sCampbol. As a a mt of ganousplay.rd lait NSd semmoeses iftrésitrrtd wsek ol u ofs ai e urqck Kein Precsdrgast ciaid trogbfefthlie= ,e rbb,.d f Iteecetle. te se b Flag iceibet Leguienain i~ p1 'Ont yfirst-place ReNlax BRatty For ciEo n, veIas a caseof and at-ptmce HaittuL Pools asqut rmler 'Woder Bey" Werner secure in tirurpretsl "rlmo mkaeirt ndergoing the aid whîleB EnsetHodTravw eChirlaes@plmep,!. ant Kvot. lbe Raod Hotel. Bansai Fans and the bices team wpo table ta mwuer much i- scratnble for the allier postiega. fonce. A steveLmachman puint snl Garnis played saw le/Max Rmlty pu hir nypontothsbard hl defeat Ilanv il Fans 24-1&. th Chrles Dv"Iw Willian. came up witlg hrnrnel5 Hood Travelj e is Ut li.Joit ai»M pien aste laiton Pors 41-14. bordthe t pootthe ga~nsfter gme une lie/Max liRne ioty 11ra7ulnsMolLOnh tNo ouchdowns êfrein Hectar Ca Ir 5 ts ~tconnéteid pofpfly wth bel] hndîune f roco Gary KeX d nth hr9 Nom Flemiegaon or hs an interceptioni relira.sEut il WUs thte -tI retOO ttffe. * tue of quarterhack IRay DeLegrde -l in gratIreetUt bickens stayed tliai dt-t-ded th issue. H came hot WIÏ»à 41-14 trocascing det : îhruugh with three converts and a Pools LMeken quartsvbmch Riet field goal trimakethedifference. Kim Goetnhbt Tom Stlcock for tierma- tlîshop làdded two interceptions fer ana gSesqncted twls Deug Ranch lit- Maxi anZDomi Lpre fur sklne. Ranch ad- Clay,.rN[c,îîîki look care of &Il Ban- dort a second toucbdlown on an bit- 1.11 1't1 11,g wth a big ihree- terceptio.rti eurn early in tbhne . tI,)u1hdosi garni, alhheugh notetfand. nt ta b. outrdons, sa did ab thfmj irxs ert ronvertd. Larry Yaunà few playbInlte. Sicock add- lute'atideti one intercepion. edithreane-point canvertsanad l'h, <iare Hotl turned a 12-t Ranch chpped in wih a iwo-pointer haîttînile lUiid iou a 11-1 roui againsi while Lepre aima ntrcepted. H omi 'litavel- Touchdowns tere Haltoil Pool scoricg came on a nîong Nurmi Flemogtonwith touchdowns by Dave Sweetland and 1w, g one on an interception Mîik Hobsen treniember im? I lut1-1.. ;ter Dla'. Howard Mti. Peter tiolman added a two"paint con- Guzman is-2nd,; 3rd Xýii~,iiîune of the- toughest colin- But, noted Jenn fers father andi ph'îîo in tht- province and con# trainer Omar Guz an, 'Nodody buk ix-ti:irsîith girls as -Ouch as tht-te Jtnmiftr "I bi ~e lin under 16) aitr der -nnilt-r Guzman pcketi ntî year. upè curtud and a tird in distance Omar Guzman al eponted out tat i urwiniî/t Windsor on the weekend. Jennifer -raced i vacuum." Thnt The Il war eld i Mlon athlete wus rai whiîe tiehad rio hope of catiiig -îý,nqiol*, ai der 16 3»e mtre Armstrog, ne one tIse badlanybhope a! c»teRoyat Canaian Leffton o ii n lier. lt-o, cial Tiack and FîedMeet. Sh int- 1ad 41, clî ie ete btinot a Tht eung athletes ftler saldth. 1o'rtiIiI ~hopes is dauglters training-s on 111 rindi4r16 1a5w)metre ractng Guz- scbidUli for nett uet'. On i,.î " thuru Track and Field Association chani- tulei,' Nrm-roog. 16, -won baili piocuips In Buringion. n i lîîisirîqgs besl imatis but. Were close 10 the pet-conal b"t >qlid (1f the- Canadian agi ut bad earlier ai the Colgate r u -,Od aiIr mere' Ganes,~ .poiniti oui. Ouýille is.now5-7 r*. ISir irat, areasenior tîShli e cuitht uinCamp 1, rinu>'îd li hiSplit by btlîles o: t tiningwuitthteîghtn Ir îtU M.iîln nwi whin they scoreti four runa. "I î'rl'oala Camp- George Moore iarned the win for a , r s t- hey beat Brants white Wayne Emnus o ,k vshouldired the lIas for Captuellville s ftf(- ix rois in the Emnma us new 2-2 on the seasan. , ,i i1W uit ,îddedthree in tht Tht liras dropa Mohawks tei VI al the mfd-way pint of th esern Moawnks tagged Moore for four haone rues, but thiy were a&l sle Chh, eleStveersh frs) n Pau ElliottI eightbr ctubbid the g e ,t - other"'round- trippirs for Camp- bellîvifie, ~ ~ Evans uaa three-for-five. sdding a. L I ~ single from wich he scoreti in the j f urfis inning Smith smngled. advanced an a paics- - .ir,' 1 ihal Boltn carneto id ball]and ccanid a tag rmn for A 1 , i a,.îîiaiîge no btter than Nicholson doubed and carne in on f.. 1,t,,Ir't lUin hsiturs last ueik Nchosans single. Rîck Slaght singil- fI f 'i i tldI1 itti BolltonIn id and scored fer Campbellville in ili-nractioit aIBriafl test tunti nning. P, I 'a ltrisg tht Wngns' goal Ca beil pîy Mltna pt-na Il St from a bond bal, CNo- bU lle p ton Mlto lW s- -a ,lt-ine - iddltton elided B n etPark tngt(ens ý, r .. i. uler andi took , g day> Girnetjmeià6:3pm. i 1i Ihtr arm and wilI te i[d -1011î for st-serat uehas r 'tr ti batk ntht- second halfl tlt-îlon goalit i-,ldt-ncews strtong p ckng up the Milion Bahitadýs win 7-O. 'ta -lu %Iii ltlon A 7 în on l >.i01('ast atek usaint ti,lir nI-tii s-kîI iiativaniagi in 1 11 a itiltd offensive perferý ,r.Ili- wMko teliiinnini ., .h.i r, ilitiit nI', ont bit and lttiShannîon Jeflrey andi lefi- Kv" i - ',în tîroun ht-Idtht As auati L--nthe B -Ilteam c udgel lah Iuid treteiseti alitias ,rw-qxh l'-innîng KnstiUlve ed rîét itrh a triplt- Tht oeil it ap- jmelI, have- a scring play IWIIIV4t-loi itbut Janet Celig 'iriiit. tir tbetr lt-t bettInti irst base, I t-Hete l i alt and Ilrt beome tacut i1l i t-te heaiko trurk oui the rît-s!traitr tu ed th inninfi. andi the g4iîît' ta- dalled aller six due te an Cher-wsîkmantd Anisa Poloni it stollnlesle avtufor theu innirs, Ls "ulîti li M :hetle Sutherani, Shan- ion J-4tnry, Julie Wnoall, Callîng ailMitheilt-Iurante inglit loe as tht- big gun uih atriple In other récent action Miltoos bon- tint reps dtopped s 3-2 decisioci leî li f bi-Ileosarrit and thibitibut Acton - K.e.s., tire tlulowing night leidi Hi"lacwua rotired f pînaible game-winnl, home rois in ht tit f thori contacs when a C teenhain fiedir made a tînt rimtning ho-srngj«tch l in- lîitu inninfi Hion ma evh bitter contact i tht eLenith inù, baseer, uta. allie SIamt s home ruai middle.of*.MFL, utie bt 1.1qusaI ah urt alte ure!cas fILl ias hoan, Midgets ta, quarers CWa4 km me 9expore in l, but toel end EllctUW tht thair hornte vnms eretfl5nenili Nllse. Corne ll I.wo u nti Drryl .Mlltin hurler Chris Mtiloqatt 11.651 ulli a iti Brooks chtd a strong pm . ainig oudy and bave OClark dedinlgles. firiigs tii ll on ,\ Comlci off ths use, Bantos faced h iinit tieetIio.Bt Byro. Th opiOtien'i six-run se- 55 of laie, aIthe isluapthr :IIdufferecà. 'àav1 aQUlned bave StIiW ynrm ii~tawet a toles1-_Ofenive- - w msupport. Milton& a"17of- ly Milton could Sony muster a triple f'ço s ttarn W 0 f a pair af by teCandlesanad inglas from nu bad&ulsl-i cm , a pir of bali' Peiu, Clark and Cumre cnla rotMcDuull and singi.s Tewms ntwuc supprt fo er t , i~ SPeck, Peddi adCtr- Miltm ice Hebrt. who mnged ne.i leiIve Byron battirs. M ltoyed Gergetaun Menday Ca*inghom fe a eguarseason at Brise Bt Park. Résuits uer. net imaga ina retviIle. goniasavailable ai prias ime. t