a fhi Werner does i El.Dlmap easream bet- halei s l" won teflmenotbmlaclon astosllMUa Ia Dàho cm u wt ltr. toohom.aneles whldm twa a o B-omtdil wtrceinmen SIdomlam RMa piv, ot Frri$,a.Ken se in amaiars an scmmervi. oe àd tm= = siames as tle Cari- onv = rsadsdb H M'ot (tui atsr i usaw im. yDofntaBCam l Nm Rmu. aamg t arcetmn Pedrgstesro-ok Der Ca 1 et ad bot . on mvr tse traned aWt s pe StieveLac an n MniJl.M tisy 4e nec 'gTe batrc i lie Bavfo r e IatndHl mt h wa liih Bonin's face a Boom 's sondt basebail reps Dave Clark sand Du dropped N mst Oakvmlle lasi it sngles as weN week 'y bo it two singles Tueadaynitur. Monda) ai Hrm.n en bt Park. Dave Oakvile and Iacad Peddie Di a three-run double t0 stake strucit out 23 Bonm ,Milton to a 4-o firsti nning lead. &* Oakville rec]L@% cher Chirs McDoigall took a 4-2 llad Milton starkrIl int the sixti npîg utOskville bat sunik for eight ruais <1,rft.-ejxe equal 10 (h test, scor mu. but rega ned contr jlthree rus.event*rin enaing -4. out sx batters Tournament r The à itht Annual Peter Chucitmach bau a lot of fun golf tou" ment is note over. but the folowed afler lthe t %va) indications are that planning Charles Hotef mighti need to start soon for naît year s avent Urgrnmzers 09 bave been bombai The tournamnent raised $400 lo be interestyd golfersi domated t0 cancer researcht and 140 partlate naît ye golierb joined in lthe effrt, but a"so 4.jhave a temtil 11» CvmiaCh«uma, W.d., Jun. 18, 1M 11 uý Walter, fmasIeths vicias,aim lu Se maid d ambI chipait inWUtlone gocoamplute lime ttack. Fit& PalJarviescore ie iwem fa thlie hsri, it Flitadim a s wiWM t verssa Ibe sMary aofiethernt, a i Imte ck, rmM thse sems, my ceN bave occiruein the.tgme fuIr- l OWTma maiam TmDices. Frn n antetmu"aI lin relative samt W. erMutuel »deth ie Bruce Heqmteic spot anim ..calely heasss à 1 ù%hbitomin asui. Mle lotai themenad air vtory as R aiSeiiI m mcr two TO. mid Kerry Omuan, Lfp irbnbDav 'Tiger" Willmias ad St«ee Lchm n an inlterceptian rçturn) âaddml ha mew- Jrs siided truecoavers The Huni defem heped Werner haok gond citsavez interceptions. Fairbaenksanmd Leacbmannlhed lwo each chile S.kfhtcd, Clvi Sew ndMtwij!zyn esch aid fFran »Étff. Dm Lfleiad Howeard Sullivan kesDouzE Rancit mii ad 1w converlts he himvan picked of Ico nerce- bionssmand Ricit Hiermait sdded ciet 10 tnt Mkolet s stataý Vele la th locher smsm;:Bruce Hooda naisover- ighti sensatimon. Wener Mlkolet, saying . Tva always sii nybody caun ha squarlerback You've rgo lbe slittie :mature, .Have a fe poumîds oni 1k ilodeni« neyer titrome in Calvin Simca. Hey. we remlly mmsedre arqusrterbsckî Jon Suzua t s t ow strikeout ace incan Heggie eudt Mâton only got 150 its. singles by à as Mîke Brooks Jim Specltand Dave Clark, eventusi- a 'ly losing lu-i Tise siitout mess broken Mitoln rsvelad 10l im e nmnt i nnng meen Jim Spect a hot pitcher cIsc resched base afler getting bit on te s battersinoset an heai ~arlHebert cas A matir fight oixwrred aler te in- n t finI mnnng. cdent betiseen Speck and the finit roIto 10 ter strike baseman Speckt titn stoie second mand scoreti on Clark, single RÉses $,O iA steak dinner golfers for next year. said Nick tournamient atie Cituchimach "If thîs keeps up we well bave tu find another golf course »id have tiso egoing0I oce .. tIse tourn*snent ise donation ofhie money cîli ded cils oils by take place soon mho would lîke to0 We are really pleased 10 be able ear. 10 iciate Ibhis amount 10 cancer ing list of 20 nais research, saimd Mr Chucismacis 1 AI l *-ý7T -good selection of.etock WC4.)choose from for immeciate delivery. Drive % brand new vehiç[e for onlý Pennies a day! CIIi us fori FORD LEASING Today's (asy way to drive '-'f a f a M ) MILTON'S ONLYfULL SERVICE DEALE%_ eBODYY 5110 eRENTALS ePARTS 655 Main Si FORD LINCOLN MERCIJRY sLESN 1 MILTON 878-2883 A wlnnlng knightI S pend o wonderfùlweeke4d- in the country for peanuts. Long W.k.,nd Ev.ry W..k.n8 $40 %r 2. $25 for2 kjfr-Mm Fn-Sun Full ter"* Full bovlo* gr Pm* tmtspft as Ia, r.ý 1 1 c9stie txiokkng cil Lesse Ipw 1986 Tempo- Topazft. eze pick-up or Bronoio Il, out of stock and Galingers wIII psy the 1 et and 2nd month lease pay- mente! ourswejje34