v e S ' V .~ îu~ S. e- *- ~ k c v 5 ~ 1" - I~. àomac, Mw akm i scch redweip.a*. At. th mm.Une NMilton bus ig Grat bspez Hdot oc=udtM"tasotSei to Mlton Mrchants i for aimnt te. pu in Wie lmS in chat can b. malt1 tudbs conurmed Mosday eveahng -ýp chiies for the job,.and former GrU In HlaLaui *0 The ff at utekend of the onnuol Heritoge Soccom Tournamient wo« a big succsai s uwirdogs d.).ol.d fema les andItin= welipay ebmpeti!ions dom*. t, h~ Msou ornament. Thefoilbings a Sfinui s'eilend action. The. S 'oa.egwnits uP "exi weekemd; z ~~Boys Under 800Ci' Cai@albe (lcoch I ii> aMN) 'iMW ooe , Il cho cW» imeirames- RENI F1 WENS 1 téé I gouftengiima baiipuk show of. a bae sinai gsiby *c0 mis Soin. players are besi under te in grIis la.eliNe 501k. pressure. Dereh Rochel is owtof 1-ke~bored fîve goals ini three fl gm...including ah& trick ini the h o l\dchampamasip match-,to fend Food ci- W ,aCiy 10ôv0cthr'y and the.New Mechanical iroplaY ai Milon Districtigh Scliool - City had edged T&R Bakery r 1iMiand tient Murhy 's Carpenlry 3-1 tolin o piirenrouie lia th iie'boui agamat Sy ROI KkLLV * to the r4b#-field Yence. whcre hi agaînsi T<on a Maai i mdh Canbel"'ohakapaid woround.tr peshaittrd btoneed thecîvfe FoCt n in- ea. t hf i ]der, il Denn. is rsuacedgoaf agaînai Murphys rhineb itrith a Wuini = ï p edoufence. pt i iands Carpentry seilir o.ae action Saturdsy , nan caugei t i or a fly-out. Food Cily ixiach i Jm Heffron waa Buohauks bsel olgdhaire.eovlt. charîîng *an uknown Njurse Mohaka tld of adg boinsorr i biniixtr oftlhroughout the Heritage 9RRrun- croaoc tin t hecoa.di 0* Wethoughîuwe had a od CapIalvIl hit .ijedby RoalCty Rual ybti h a e awcnnna Heffronsad. 1h. t W4din t utRoyal, came bassMAth Vh eritme- ' e haitonypLayed fu ans bock stiédîly' andt alinoat bob the tionally calhd McTrach to< du>' At ce wr. comnei about Murphys lead in thte ghth. . wcih ico oui. but Bo Gilies ii nt T&t because celhadt neyer Finst-year coach PayEvas wll field blooper, rtiey f ielted. playet them, But ce beat them bath. tg i c, of couu., but lh. ended the gane.Wtlydela tu. would have takus it btterlbina Fr oal i S 10utl iî WîleMurph s a amlayan people had bien more consuient lte. Tb. red-faced McTrach. who T&R Bakery remainad unknqwn opa -W.e Mà iead and ce're u u istnprwth hîùon ent goiug nto thetoturnne, "ute comfortabla,*'Evans sZid baarnerR Sdiion P ie ens>s Flower. e aîla po -W. cire up by fOve and wut lut eighth, waa vlsîbiy frustrte U sni boakTbyped acay andt praised hie players for a teterimn- e had playe thai ieam before pckeday 1don't thmnhwe bala id efort A wie hewaâscrlticai a beaien thein 3-0.- Heffron hasubt in iv. nîne OISkip o tle pse utcommunication- pointeil oui Roas cabRt cr pit- blion beiceen Selmon andt hâait iti 'i mean it ws going te lie ch lat b j uha e coach JohnJ5urner ini easy for F.ood City. particularly inute McTrach Ilowed six rnef, u9fiiglh h.apogîzei tor hi§ irnihailT lh. opening ha i waa hits ad Ove caika and :Alrîk .,scoreleb. Andt a lol o t eplay wun aibelite o athung . an\ n-seri ond ffhumarno arae codsaz .li e i a Peritaîe2 ieuabt allo*tg= hdMs: ran suigedefoMi'tn i. ricZ n ost looe tfo lb. hon ii er~t sie'Galvo dH iebotto a singlbaed- ~ frKrn lur thouhoi h dy asGen t.itr MTBuh t the sba c e fort casicoth- pressue 12 sruly et paerJbutoue snle antiured cimne >srogpromn os tthe teni i tna oin etthe n Pul lhot'sdoule or amp ircIn d ait iasatll, Mttdhc ban Hieon. Ture-tbittrshoe belvle imop <indtateMscorel. Fod Ciam ie e ara Tea ca truhu m the pa as G ie n- RscoreMeachn D gMRechs tra idkeforste*as bci au uthen hit amotherlintlthe 11W ingle d rCampivlle ini the.se- Grant Heffron Miao playet weiI. Het :9 Prrottis nuaiber ail day. condiooadhemsa Steve Smith For th fiorsat. Poli&anad Chsria addlu a aingle and a weuhtehMa bt a grouistir dot turd-basaeman. oesîc% uer. testantouta totale, and h. almest turned the Gaiva. misladid tai scoe Mat- FuCiy brohe ao!:n a tiglat <arn gmearoun in the ihthbunq choit. TIai Roberta craeltei t pinst Murpy'sCrpe n theb re iwdding musc rl=d inn double and Smth. ou on s.eÏ haîfllh score was lied at ose 1 thet durcit lehin centre tlird. acore tlg ramn un ai the ini hiatie alter Jason Ci».- IPe >rrott ptdsed hmif mb0 to uenaisflycut. Dive lfarrett ngham scored forFood Cty&aid sae m rou, trouble.And then. cappait Mohawks' scoring in the sîcie Penman rretaliatetX for1 with ico neis searedi n the ining. third wîth Camnoiaeiles finit Mrphys4 Ico oui and thtyin uagn ai a second homenam their ieu park Cunningh.am s second aid Hochai's, base, Turner,. c a u three-Ior, Milton droued tlier SWi<laY nurance marker mate it Foodt ttreait lit point, carne t, the game in 3umdâà 3-2. Camleliville Cii> s Lame in tbe second hall.t plate. and Mâts go ai ut IailiiCam- Asdrib ltarthaot. Ryan Murpihy 1 Torsar lacW t ut.Perroets'a .îer- helvilitSaturday =Gain"e m s and Jason Medeiros played cel fer1 ingsu ad t l silgb ioad dep 2» p" Murphys chie Jamie Sniuldoarf, Marcus Cutier aid Brait Wlkinson i uere effective for Fond Cty. Roche]madete ifference lin a She doesaid againSt. aam A She doeà it again Oakery b> àcoring on àpa .1 Cuoing4~m. MarkM an Star A vnplayed *l Cfr Ioo t> while Steve Humplineluuasfie- a og .at 4e swwq uivefor TâR Bakery.r Stmas mîade ite thsfin*sulla Feeaacinl née r Gau m- hWsone Uw m 6-2 ut. ov per Ato and a flegIyew<dod Milles ruina, sv iave c cie i . lber pr . betDeick neted a hatt rck-allaient "0e cerne uihintueweis M" OLtIj mmoed -atewthe. tre Auto and Poils&eo lmte G-i srui the cviAin i 4.Iltamd M.71 smcsm& keesi te.so mm aU thesMmr taeit . âW dahSetai72 athie t n a b~~~ psfl V" bi elc atsced mma W tbe buat nnrs <utna bas bu la buiam aaq3pdii ior qsiv Bar.. alowapMM â amuu oS had hi lhliconom. "os i'mrInhmkum 4d win ba ibitiateso ,,rGidls under 10 MILTON LIMSTOUI t coul bu, saIthle wf eeut a d"cave of d» pay. mne cusIl. Beams ns u 1 W=is mre cas thet mâi iMle Liatiiorias bi aiou dmin cea à iMM Ibm K te i«aM due PumudAmis b. ,Aid tutl lit, il%êmm. issulecnlnaMaidan M64boi 4. 's 1 ompbon, w Juteiwwi& n '~eGeminj'"coach- Gary7 %umOU MIfa d Utht ma.sg a " av1"l a vote od cas q at" Mocs -tiac. -% is thfeiri«.. v, -auldgal.bok y fcoicA. & Geor ebou MWas h o w~ h ould ot untorfemewith llud- Gar bS c '0ee asrataithe tanibehM dtht sais.'- Re ietd ut 4Mâmhs bd bosu maiiqMitasIn IRuilai t adt du mm edia. gafor the n- riminhr. iranlz.oeorg tou «tm, mou aponacned b> t pluey aduite 1mh a"iecai mou pthîtti earha t~ Ratedh aetHé~udhi ataa one wins in shootout Mue« Unetom. Iesibreah hae t ef., sie. they cSem Uc w6alo clm ple mh o a ashootutma Iltom Umetone amd KM~menbattisi battici turouglit" sooeiesa oveetMe 0Pvierosilo,. fthe gam moiasdeci- ai on a shooloul. tourrnmeni but Saturday Kinamen Prnnoks kneu Knight s bat a shot ai shaded Muddy Duck 3-2, Kunsmen the tille and Uice(.allmoers Motors badl aIma hut oui Avco FInancial as tropi> follocing the mcmi-final Satan- goalteider Meredith.- Lis.a. ho u day, mn chich Knaght>s downed lIait.n aise outatanding ini the final, tarned t LfTruck 6-2. the abutout. W.played ceil on Saturday ai Urilone unias l"impre i e ufeu thai if ce played na lsun-Z rnarchinl tocard the fina. e>utl doy ue could have an even chance. ou prli eliminary oppocies ýi Pm apkiid. -Andid.d Danb Auto =od 4-o aid Rumax 2-0: 19yg Smiuth aid Ryta tCorbett In. the chimpiomshlp. itimberly scoredthUcewmaiers goals. boili on Macposald pairele the poau for the well-orchealratedf'pasaing playsý casoars. Sic cas W t oming off an Smitb worke,4 sharp double- unjt but performet effectîvely. 5h. crosrtail,,jaly iii Wheelîhan. had »ew a doublaI starter up untîl Wlieeldamtoo the initilai hot .mi tUn gmiig of the fiael gamne. afier Smith hamm.red ini the rebound five liffling os crutches for three da(&. minutes into the second hallt .finsm feflosald tiateit ber e hobqy à .,fndng il sl Girls under 14 thed safeal place for the TENDIt TOUCM CLEANINQ 5 1 fo«eard weoul hin goal. DEST FAMILS 1 Macbload came thgh par, There are oeil> three teainsin ibis tiW ry ccli on pnlty kicha b toivision antone coldntild e uh abnouscinb layers for 1h. elîminations. So the bueiat ii iimou aua ia tch-up hecame a forgone con- but trwie.the hootot clua imon aariy, Bolthe final resuilt*aa licà probahiy favoutred Kansmen a nwplrise. At leat 10 loig coaîch Liniestome had enjoyed teMaJorai> Bill Harrison of the ofance in the finalminutes oft We bail hamien te ih.in ile-ague regulsiion tnjttir Uwgo: ve-pila It eek. Harrimpa'puintet tînt (>1l> ms. vedaymeia ad loui. But Harrison cas miaalng soin. iig and oltstandl.g core hy W h ie <;uns for the lournamenl ktItLWLuffl offN the scor.l>itrd. ~lbch Emma i'iata cas absent. apMalO bacc Iwn rwabot. When Il tloe t pmty ick. 1wasth nasuaiehalfbach Beatice Bliser Ilc~etopsaiyhlcsienhmk LiosClub wch the third leain Mng iss ece 'dut- led O "hai ,t slated 10 compete. but lhcy tititt But uIcelliMsy led ff bavie eoughplayers for tudr opener s high goal. NaonlSutlilfft suuaisTester oTch or ileir second cadi, b*Jll trnd, Jefr gamne agaimi Besi Famil>. conne- Elý8 JaS e a lhsriand qunty torieiiing bth mconiesis cored sidmia dha t Natalie Clarke hanged mn lue goals put in hiddgng ifrOift of tdufor the corners hile Kerri fousfielit, KÀ'ce st intdufinial miaua of em iGaie aid Usa Sncyd scoredthdu rgulaà it dt ess MilUsmos. heait meverfâcet etrTuhmahn .gv overtlme bhotu, but MacDonald .yibd Wil's uiePat Ihafbis piayerwur riy fer it. ~TIIO. aileDuet "As i d u u, ent alos ihhuahI1 c, fr m1Fauly my taioue a s à ittebier coni- t 3- TuhtUilai tim" M Dm 1 id (lebele a oals" <raniGale, Cl an ad ail vrd d b@49«ngout. Iliea si eresi rmaily x .laute Sheet à gamn. .we. a tidu onIIdbthlp eiinco" Cbd NorE ea"flnWai ft W 1@sitr2 -sswej ".a e idtdy Weina lkle lime - teUum a :zAOd ThtA#M lanebaalbem dune n le1= . a0rem pleâc i a jba ~ ~ eohqe Wyd dw. aiele- suai ti hi u as M uaeMelfer uW M ria weeiyor W«ful8«"cMha Aeisdmasrcc mi mais on an.th rau« plaWi caikiUrsac FWM&. prai Ir n* ier ide, iJL PUROLATOR cc~lU8 - MUBW"mmPMA t -7- _»9 Il "i lb lait Olu" Wt OsiliM W Qi fiîw+ - 0 - - fr p @wu te lou ffgmis P I s a e p O g i a i ti agaînsi ithe tetermhinet but short- stafied Mr Trevi's leam Mr Tresi s tielted oamiy cigai iplayer.. but 1h.> ail playcd stoo ginmes. -and ticpizzeria pel sworci t1he tirat goal of the contesi a, Caroline Hotihs convertet a fime ihrougkî hall b> Karen Gîbray i-1urolsîmfis mîdmelt stremgth broughi 1hem Uic iyimg goal, Tanya Smith couvertet a crocs tram lhe lefi site orchesîratit b> Dmnielle Guz- mn aid Oaci Heft. Eriî Needham. Mari& Gerace and Laura Roasiier kept Mr. Trevi's pinnpt in the. tefen- vive zone for long permods but Mr Trevi's goaîkeeper Weidy Dutho handied everyhing Plurolator couil Ilimnu ai her. Lynnc Hacthorne stood oui tcfemaivejy for 1h. pizza people. In oLvgn. Mr Trevi torcards Lelicie 'Martis and Kieron Aithen. cho hait pLayed eftectively ail game. cire imable tu dent the strong Purolator ttfencc OBui bheMichelle Haley aindKari Matin siamieita la for Purolator thecd éd Milton Youth Soccqub pe In Neil Platts pritseeferuVl tello for e1celicsosrol Outhle La'me Minor Sports in second section crps get.20 M10aabon"aa 's' ¶l siè~i mg"a combinet for M la h o bail grammaa17-2 a in Nr aOrSam elu tIs iviaso..1 lIboe se basi 9ifm d ti. Lanng ut he d.Ama Po" It à bae rrs. trW &Waid mgi, aiscat an duudisg 9M a'O vciy aie 11ow out aMm tse Iscond base fer Aqahi llecUses bdais o duha adua~ tts iofr du i ea ç Juil loodil cilifoicrsiagi.aisi Mao»si. lie iuNt tics.ilqN. . *&My u t~ubd ive usionfor Mim nd %i» dPa srshepi ber laisis wlb cm. * - -z *