N 86 The CA 1an Chamnpion, WV4., Juft 11, 190m~ M' (e than 100 Attend 25th annIversui Mr. Md Rlck RIof MW i fousaFaslyreada vo us Who . ateaded fr., OakvlUe anteralaSd me dian 100 severaI yem n = bt .du aiIi6z 1IIg.F = ~~ ,t gumbi et dthe oyne Cent re Sw ,osd ta Vaucauver.fuy rebtumd lava, ÉMdIr, ,lmlax mar~ig du ccason ciduir te (ikvlfle fer tue yers ad nou Ma Toromiaoeail wedding thfe aeay.ofompmay ta .vla.g the f rnlly te A mute m= uhmsosat trd=d=T.bie ai25 yra ao in tdiinew hamin e liomt. Tii. Un. Flu*y Jaryb, a,aLusbead donnsd ber beautifialweddag dru hppy ampe recelvedmybd UNiai Prilaiflae swPi for pktr id c~.Dnigwauldgfalpi s pca Primlefor aIda usepOB!45hmI was= enadlada ft unc.Dh W' Ccas-On&.t"*a= ta.tab eac; dulyM.. di served in tdu taté een.-erylaubhB-"Paok eaDiao; M«m, graadcinldm. a Rick &M dJoy i Myweefamile ath.ed .1nnÙa . r unln s. RI*y Jacksoun; yalrm ewhud, Dr asissted by si avimatiPaul in it duefloyn6masday fer a buffet t Juan Géé;eeon.c*u l gui Jo rcvdur gai ierlm- 12:30 pas. follommi by.a gondai.- sance, UM ldMms. Davd Kelîh c anditemebeu i u oam dganiqrimdactlvtles. lIy cd Ot. i.I iti Magi failles. Mnln.uruima.me the du A guI vu ofate .Un i. Ralliej Kattiy Tnillo. daughtîmi ai id aid Judy Tmiraio. grsdulsed tran Sheridan C fllsge oi Appllsd Arts end 1, hanlogy mi tia weyeubusinss 'mlnlstrmîlon accountlnq option plona. Convcation ba lce Ws Wd. be 4. Shs ho@ acceptsd a position *îh leicina Rdddl In Mims u~ lndepeatd s hm oc= . Etuid si nsteJoy et M lost m plessite anstoustos tI. gradutIon a1 t0"ei$Mt, Sast, tran.thi. Uniseei>o Waieloo ullItamImo'imof MtUa degrus. $dm,,la m mmnaigisumm of Leter, . Peirmon HgliSchool, Suit- Inlon. NIe haos chpsd a pailion wMlidui.Contkmesttal aofaiCeado, ,¶oeanto0. MMW idMms.WuIIesbine. lton us pkumd it. anaamb mitme gim.i tion of tai* imWgiir, ,uEllebS I -, train tU e lly ef Tuant. utita do" hm iteurm p.la cMWsom Asomimane tle, btS M ii bnMl hWm mmeemrmd - e ocrsm Ih i N-my molemsta.a i te Wunllty et Tairnt in.e ail. dÏ dix dio ma Pel at ceN lien bw wuiwoWOO bm Namy Taylor id ruglatratian pim. by Violet ronjch. ii.yoms4ut mem el>mn y&d due pony ridas given by Kevin kocd. P aiun, ta emilerlain tdu z lm an omearly rumin a W o aad crmalta d m uc h iladaresit m lm urarecogniasi tbn*vu as ekyl= =i i. A go phot ma Tise rsulca l z wmbe: pd at lm, Roy UwMar; vlce-resdui. làe" Dronlck; @$Mcry u!e, gnari Patermn; iioian, Kmn mccci; t"blecamantee, BU* .eORdkmand Cecil Pal*sm; sporla tr* and Loi Sgalzcki CongatulilloummW oil mishea ta tiy land Crîlg Royce an4 Manilm nd Bill Loakie h wiyl b e di* atiag weddlng annive-anies Maweek. lie Milic farmer's Mas-kit got dm n U sy numaecs Final four. for'CAO Interviews of the final four can- didates for due job of Halton chief ai- manlatts-have hemn hei. Oneof tdu four ontdu short liai of canddates lu JoS Rinaldo. due ca- retit treatme. lie three ôthor candlidate. are from British Cotlnbla, assleraOnt- tario, adU Ni&gara ares but mre not named. TIi. nnueient of the suc- cesfulcanidae re.expectsd wthin tva meeha. Uke Hatn!fc1 erchiot ýad- mlnai tle Ifler peni els non ci thees tin lalwyer. Muoast .1 rendl ave financial an&oe bdckgrcun a. MI on AwarGWI~'t Nalon Lb.5, ai Mites., lait hue rmo.bsei lit. Csoa.Csls Lielisi Awsri for Omit- stonino Aclisuauini la >eisl ani ftmshaumnl Manqmm.nl. s piopain aitersi hy Ulserlima Ceimgss moaut~ ai haines.. n. maboul le shOw Irmmpimn campaI. Mie.,, prsssstln~ muuri le Wmker hall, ai Csea-Cdm. -THE NEW QUICKeSARV*&PROGRAM. IT WILL TEA CH YOU THA TEA TING IS LIVING - NOT DIETING. %@nm FWW 1oa-sF*am i oiuri.m en8,00 .u muiý d %MM e ~k n ud FeM ugFnOM 81= $60.MoÈly 05W--U. FM MEETiNG ORMTAMiN NOLOCATiON *4 YOIR MU ACAL.1 1-800-268-3915 1 WBM"ATCwM - - On bel y25, 1 M, DoIgliiohnMe. Mr. end Ms. R. Dowdeanmud tamlly Conn, bon ot Joapend mii olandi, proud ta announce the graduation giadufl m aWltisi Laulsimle- their son, Patricka John, #ram Bracés llty. Wmielaa. ultit an hoosr'dmrs jiveaIIy. S. Cathtarinsm ihln lbusisteasainuluiltrallcs. Dougla i,,chelci ai clstcedge. Pmrlcla Ihiammo-pçsia position wti te Nort ontuiung fiba audle SIl te Unlermi- Ainonw it eai offlc of b[km iAcit. cI 01Ouelpithniweptes. uiost, BC. mal 4M Umeproutla winaunS Ure amismiln 0*MWitt ""Muger astiVouglmiiDu,muidW Us bilan am apsouIot.ansounce ts gradwusbOfatth ister ali.Debm Je«n Moln, train te@uilssmly ai Guelp. Debilitmm- ainplmled a béoso ofa uta d00e. Milia Impeolshiidiostai I PeYoitoi MWg à a d minerfa tne, «Wuid ituile. AHl you need Vven you need instnt cash. vnç'ther at vork. shop ixgor travelkigir n Norlth Ameu (-à. the Nationalf Tiï.t TOTAL Car rîau o,,e fneed ýtiuen you need intant cash fh onyour Naitional Trust accouxnt le's a Money Machine Card. Use it at any National Trust TO PAL Money f'4achiçSe to get instant cash. m*-e deposts, transfers or acrount balance inquines. Most TOTAL Money Machines are open 24 hotN-s evety day. 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