The Canadian Champion, W.d., Jun. 11, 1966 I1 The SecondoSection JAmb Croew - P>ublishaT in Robineon - Edîtf 70-I_1% Jim Dillon, - Ayeilng manager 4ý Dnne Willia - Distribution Manager Maron HUI - Office Manager- BaITOIIIIAL Nous: Mike Boyle. Lise Tallyn. Commjnfy: Jane Muler. Spuets: RobtKelly. Phtsgraphy: Jon atrom. ADVfIMTIUNO: NWf o n Délis:taiOse. vicie kMcCIA0I. DbbéePm als Cd Fiffl. Lyii AriSe. FtbAbms National Amp Dl Brown@ (416? 4UI.300. OSWNESS hure Bsaulieu, ShirleyyC, DISTRIBUTION: Barbe& Leader. PUII.l.CSIII#.o b4 , NM.Iro i ,OSle.511,ogbOItcIo.o * II S h51., 50,00 50.1- LeST4NI .4pci.-752-,341S5bl . I,-.S$bo ce rnt ToII. Ot.CIIWIO.h on dI.0 -,SO.11 *000*0*t191 fM- cSI 5,100 0,f On S .Cti. IlS M nOUl PnIrgPIb.l.g &i "th.îoIn 9 t01 Il0f .0o -0... ,. n. I.id1.. TI. Acton 01.5 Pi... A.tPicxSIIN5NmA 50014.i ISOTheoA,-# IZ - TII rio pten Otd.n Te ,H oIfOn cm. Th. ilobso. 1,Saioaoo TI.007.0. n Sqp.c .0 . ... Eco.lo.I.ià£Sn TI. 1,5.051. Te UébSC *Itob ooç S o Tef, .IioI.Tibune,. Ti, i llod0.01. 5 1 M.14ldO Pring POII,1r15 01i0M115 .. , lefIquel Ent.,0,rsn Id 0105 t9.0 r rfIII. balance 01 ffl .do. i,...rî rr0.o àd or etIneIII 5p1ca5IttIeI Pholse 878-2341 Toroto Linos 821-3837 5.000 c..,. 1 0,1 SfltlroC 515, 5 013 Second rate Mondays decision by Milton's counicllors ta construct a clubhouse complex at Brian Best Park wll be weII received by the cammunity. It is long averdue but a welcame relief to teams whîch use the soccer pitch and two hall diamonds on the complex. As Champion Ieprter Rob Kelly so aptly relected on the situation last week n a column, the sports facilities in Milton don't truly reflect the affluence of this town. By and large, they are sec"n rate, make-da types of fields more reflective of the way the town was 20 years aga. The population of Milton is hovering araund 35,000 and when those great lands ta thse east finally get developed, Milton's heaverage 2.5 children per househald. IThe new diamond in Campbellville is a great addition. But Ilike most sprts complexes in tawn, it came about because a developer forced the towns hand and as a result the town has twa nice f ields iii Campbellville. Similarly, theOptimist CIab owes the tawn some maney, a bucketful, we're told. They are forcing the Town's hand and the Town is responding in a positive way. They shoul be ap- plauded. But Oie Town §hould seek out ways - even if they cost the Town money -- th imprave Oie quality and quantity of sports f ields and arenas here. We should be at the vanguard af in- itiative of sports fields. Playiflg follow-he-leader 20 years ater Oie fact really daesn't us -- or Oie Town - good. ChiId abuse An exhaustive study of child abuse in Halton derived from Oie case histories af the Haltan Childen's Aid Society carnies e smre shocking statistics and same clear messages. Halton Sexual Abuse Pragram co-ordinatar, Paul Bennett, reviewed 800 cases of sexual abuse in Milton and Oie three other Haltan municipalities ta find out we have a different situation than Oie classic "big city" kinds of sexual abuse. It was noted Oie largest numnber of alleged sexual pe rpetratars were Oie biological parents -- flot a "dirty Uncle mrie" as Oie stereotype most oif us have come ta suspect. In addition, a high proportion, about one-quarter. are young maIes. It bouls down ta Halton having direct parents commit- ting sexual attacks on an increasing number of yaung-boys. The report clearly shows Halton is a different place anba different settual abuse problems than Metro Toronto and as such requres different methods. There can be little disagree- ment w Mr. Bennett's contention "the treatment system is totallJ under-equipped to deal with such large numbers and boecome overwhelmed if it were tai be faced ta pravide trestment services ta this potential caseload." Now Oat we have a direction sign in Halton, Oie logical thing is ta pursue Oie need ta, eradicate sexual abuse. The anly place ta do Oat in Haton is in the home wiOi an intensive plan of attack. We have Oie numbçrs, soit now s up to a group in Oie comznunity to take up Oie challenge. Viewpoint ,. V» IM OBISONBits and Pièces -Tise cartoon above ia ta remM s nto1 set ncxt Satuwday aside sa you cau briug Use entire tsmiiy ont ta Victoria Park for tise annual Milton Hospital Auxiliary Strawberry Fair. Tise vhoie usqiga set topliesa mcm- user mocali d il la perfect ta meet aid friandesud get to knovisew epoaple. Thse bust part ot i ait la tisatIaIl the maney aimed Uns ou ltlie (saipital. Plmumoimte an effort ta, came out ltise Strswherry Fair neut Saturday. Miltons Triathlon Ed Brsam. owue of Ulrasport on Tiscmpmon &d., la pttingeverytinig ha (as ito arung tUe second MitonTriathln whiciswil be heid on Use Labour Day weekend Uismyear at Kahn. Thse Triathlon lavlfea a ose-Lilometre Serin af Keima Reservor and Usas a 40-km. bicycle ride folowed up by a t-km, non utpu Hilton Faits irons Keiso and art. It is s tougis demandipç spart, as many ai your il have noticed iront watching Use Iran Man an leieviason. Ed expccts ha viii ha swamped erlUs entricm frous very serious competitarsfront scross Use centrai States and Canada, but ha vanta ta have Milton people in Use race, becaume af Ue location.(He o holding entriai open for ,more Miltoiians but anly tiis wecei. If you have ever 'tlougist of Ittetspting smamethi thUis grueiiing, Ue trickt is 10 enter aud tarI training tldy. OId Frsnd, New Venture Kiri Birnisart la a superiutaisdeat wlUs -1the Peel Regianal Police and (as boas invoived h i aUs e major cises tUiC force ham investigated aver tise years. 1 have. kncwn Kri amne 1i arted coverinfi cap tonies in Uhs aresa n.lan. 3I.70 I aivaym tisew (ari vai arts onleiteti becaume of liii painting and sculpture, but I vas peàaatly, aurprised Uhs veek to, (mu ha busa trted peparusu tlnited phbotrt printsansd vili have sa exhiition June 22etaI(s comet 2MiNo. 8 Stdroad in KClbide. If you hapas ta, (se in Ue ires, feei freeat10 drap ilanad meet Mltons newet addition 10 tise artsi onony. Police Officdr c0f the Month Entered burnîng home in rescue bld police Offier of the Mon% i c regutar facture af thse flot Metrolansi Printing. Publiuliing and Distribution community .itwepapers in Hoalton t ia presented ta give reoders a btter undtratandlng of thooe of thse Haltan Roglassal Polire Farce who arFîhere serve and prteci. Dy LISA TAU.YN (ismp" aReparlaI Police off icm ee ta10rety an Ueir intncts, it sa Ue nature ai tiàsain eussea Hlton Police Cnstible Cd Irvin lied ta trial is actions ta Instiuct et à acu (mt mont& Cagu. Iruta, Wvisarkna outail Buningtai. arrivai att lie cmm of a haoce fina an Plaint Rd. bitera tise flradIpnttsony Saturday Z .a t ldnly . Wllua a .1tiseh houeb@ , lkinbly(oa b«ntI 1*aa-. wu re asokatab_"elout aif itery via vand doorrjaitehommb.' »aWdCont.I- v(o. "ium.aaeitwo v"daspoumwmoinb. a lwuetisabouma" Om W.@ bs MW" w u go tiscit (Ml ttsa OMW t piarMd di 1 ua.for ==I.'= W. . sàm .Umth. Ha m " r v aia IN a i m aarali pi dueo a (ho aN m o mtin it hommesa tmsappai a. a&W bai taouavehiamt. Hcwstaken tohoipitala&Mtreated forcuta ldld't tink tvice &bout it, 1jut want i." toJis armsansd suscinohaation. CotI Irvin ha; beau a usamber ai tise tminutes sites Ue comtabie vii forced fram (isho..%ioîs.s(Polce Force for Use pust nise Ue buinng shie, tise rire depsrtmatt rrlvad y. « iinigm a cadet in197 at the srèse sud recsUseiledeiy man. Plo..Hae ~ ~ ~ ut vas li tas t hitilucritical condition, but Plii t at aditiorn te rm i weil died fudaastar Uselire.svriohireaieèr fir sfl "It la pretty rare for us (Ue polieto, arrive Cnt.Irvlalvea inBSurlingtan selUs is vIfe ai s lire cati berae tfinre dpartossat. Is snd two chiuira. is asys icould ha h> tisae situationsuyou act en your instincts. WIen Ierested lan wkiu n Ua deictve or in- I as tod ((sut Uer. vas mmoenhUe hoe, lailgencesmaofaittisaftrce i afev yars RJDv 20 St. John Yemçfs Tvellty years ag o. aàusucis youn4er Don Miller moved ta Miltonnand he brougist wlUs hum iis St. John Ani- bujasctraiig. 1 Over tisa yer, Do n ad tihe ther immbers of Use brigade have flac fromsistrasiglis (o trength visere Usey are a major pesance ai cvery event you lte your fami- (y to durnu the year. Neit Wednesday, tise Milots St' John Ambulance Btgacis and Brigade wilhab ceiebrating Ueir 20tis an- Sniverary with a dinner and dance. 1 have basa invitad 10 attend, and 1 am hanoured ta do mn. TI*s St. John Brigade doca a job ahove and beyond. ansd wvamaraucky ta bave people suris as Don and hus crev (era inMiltais. Showcase Showdown Net 'flupday, Showcasc 'M cbairman Tain Richard- son, vii telltIhe rmtofaitUe Chamber ai Commerce a reviav tise May 22-24 Sisavcase and vbal Use future ai tise consumer show sould (e. Wet, nonencneeds te, tell TngS about Use fantaticsuc- cm ern and bis commillce pulled aff thia year Anyonc visa tricd la vaik dovi thUe anles on Fniday nagit knonv Use anaver ota saoaie. Tise=bgqestion (sng oiiig lte, se efrequency ai Use sbov. Soud t ha year iy. b-yeariy or what. Persoae iy, i hope tise chamber wiii ha going for 19M but i kotow af everai cilibtars visa ould very mucis lite arotiser show Maxt year becausofa the response ta lhier boath ths ayear. Tise bust part, for tise visitorm, had teha ((se number ai prises, drava and gits. Talk about a coroacopia' It bailladawn te, Uhe fact MiltonS as a thriving businesa baseansd anc we shoud ha proud of. Making Ue decision onvbhen tcioldtise ueit!gecase lagoing to b àtougis one, no 1 ih Tom sud te chamber gond (ada on tism one. Pages of the Pest One Yer Ago Front Wie fse i~ ssue - lu Crasy Hor Tvero on 5teia Ave. - whicishs'ubm.aça" ai lecn or Milton reidents ince it epted for nuie erotic dascers - lsaa h oveftise buidi o.George Scoble, snid ie kickad ouit h awnera recanty and le înteresied in re- ~e thn ie building ta anotiser tuses- ance insid woulihitt ikely have nude enetéfhment. However. despite Uhe ciosing Up of the business. an apa regislcred by lawyer for the Crzyories awners ta thc On- taio Municipal Board ta permit nude datncers in Stilli n effert A Christian drive-in t«tre is be- ing Me up et Uhe Canadian Tire park- ing kgt on Market Drive by tise Mens FellowslsSp af Emmanuel Baptiat Churcis A variety of dates Uruitt.tise summer bas been medled.Tise films vili be for tise fenrai public vtlh strong accents on amily reatinhips and tise persans struggle for an identity Thse prograin begins Saturday atl7 30 p m. and-sill include a group of 73 teen singers' from tise United States. The film. The Croas and Tise Switchblade. begins ai dusk (absout 8:45 pm.and stars Erik Estrada of C.H.I.P.S, faine and Pat Bonne. W 1 Dîck Wiidcais w§re the overail winners in tise Milton 'amily .f Scisools track snd fieldineet Thurs day wîtis 264 points, edging middle scisool rival Sain Sherrati by 12 points.Tise tva muide scisools were strong at the 10O(bantam) and tt.year-old (junior) leve(s. wth Dck *Wpciig fil'stboth times. Sierratt was second ai junior (1l73 ta 127) while Pey Merry Scisool was number two ai batami eiti 56 ppints to Dicks 9i Sierratt was oniy a point beiind witit 55ý Atthe tyke taeven years oid)level E.W. Foster eras f irstWith 28 points J.M. Denyes vas secdN ~wîtis 26 and Pincview was Usrd siih 21 points 20 Years Ago Frai. the June 8. i9u issue - Construction began tis week on a 1$1 2-million addition ta Milton District Hoaspital foliowinig thse boards acceptance of thse contract e ast weait witi tise Stewart-imn Construction Ca. of Si. Ctaines In termsaof ye*rs. is a 'two-daýn- pn-to-ga situation, Il vas jusi two y crs aga liis manttise isspital bard began active wont on planning Use 30-bcd addition wiich wiii bring capacîty ai Use hospilal op ta 8Mbeds Tise hoard said il experts the addition ta b lcqcmpleted sîthin avear -Representatives ai tise Lions Club asked Milton Council ta deed (hemn tise tirec-acre parce] of land sortis of Base Lie Road. west ofi ligisway 25, for construction of a communîly ren- tre. Dave Brusis (aid counicil tise club was looking for a site on winîch a cc-n Ire could ie butît. "about the sire ai Use arena- He reviewed a fund liadt been building aver tise pai(iiree yeara for suckta major project, Provi- aion for adequate parking was essen- tiai, lie said. ln spite of teUsel act th ie pnîce bas dropped from 8$0 to $3 a pound, gensing is stil1 bcîng gro n in tise nor- tisent part ai Peel and Duferîn. h îtakes seven years for lise ropi ta mature. 50 Vears Ago' From thè4une il. 19»5 issue kMuions population bas incrcased. Ec C. atea. assessar. bas returned luis rail, whîch shows Uhe population ai Milon to be1,785.a ainof46 over lise prvesyatisefgures for hc were 1,739. -lise fîre alirus rang on Tues& afternoort when a ire started ai Use Milton Brick Plant on Thomastreet. Tise brigade respandcd and Use reels were hauled aut oi the ire bail, but visenil h as reaiized Usat tise nearesi hydrant vas ton far away for tise home t0 reacis Use building. Use recia vere put evay s&ain. A bucitet brigade tricd ta extinguisi tise ire. but at waa ont put out until anc barin cas destroyed and anotisar ariy ruined. Lu viii be over nS0. -A fuUl busioad tank us Use annual excursbion ta Quecrutan Heigis and Niagara Failsaon Sunday fai. Saine oflha userry.makers "shuffled off ta Buifîlo". Ail u rt b avingliadt "a vhale aofa&lime.' 120 Years Ago SFramWi. le ae84, 5804 issue i (lving heard UsaItishere o greit dkactiafactian in reference ta Use marner in seicis Use Scrub Rlace for Use Puieof $12 was disposed ai on tse Queena BlirUsday, and tisat tise judies of tise race are iigisiy cen- sared for avardlng Use prize la tise ho* nared by mse, for Use purpose oi gvgaay ofthune partieavwhoisad harsem eelrad for tise race, snd are dlatsfied vith tise Award of tis Judgoes 1i suc à chalenge. To offer Uhse a m cac i again testing Use runing quaities f ir i atve hosce apahu musin Iarn ig ta match nsy baocsoaainsI any hirseafor Flfty or One Htadrsd Dollm tu be n. over thes arne ground - haitf mile hauts - bst (bras out ai flin lu(o megtisa tram the data i (hlm c*llange. Tvty4ilve dollars ta ha be oe.@VW ihCuUasSe t DUNCAN DEWIAR Uit... Maylm l