Iaton,-&sbortfaii2,,- ln chronic becis a etudy t51Made p4u.e-sc t MaIe stit IleaH«tIliCouncil. The rels come fr8icoan-c modation l.urvey af erncandi S extended-care beda completed ln SJanuary by the council. Notonyisa tbe chronîc-care situation ~~ "sbocki', accordirgL eea dietriii Leonard tlb.o, on is bebindguidelie in threof the five 41d tfpes iidentified in provîn- Teahotflàlby ferthiebIgat choccare. This la the type ihr ptetnecîhi contnuous supervision alog itl reliabilitation and * wton s39cronic-care bds- leua than halt thc oumber recom- bES kIflg pmended by thc province. "nu pite uialVeHop rince and Halton bias oniy 5.5 chronc-care Di en s ad apu e ih iols elom t wooh at J là. 1985 lieds for 1,000 people over 6years of ScholIn heMus4lTheHapy riceby OacuWlldes G*Oeglng R"*" age . hguideinescalI for 11.9 beds (la«It>letha peinesnd AndrasRouala hei Nrl. puo t he produell io hci rr 1.000 But alton ta even further hm ia. l e =al.Da Diehe aise, puys the petnea opposite Susnes J0119. elow the provincialaverage which is th OPaMo. Eve4 nInO iaffm Mne s chdulad lo Aell 21 and 23 sulli 12.9 lieds par 1000 people over 65 . % mnbng and Mlenm on 5Adil28.This shortqe hataso started a rip- p i fect, shichle eadsa topatients lie- ng impropely paced. If the provin- cial lever ofcage8 cannot lie obtained, Teachers reach pact 'peope are taking what they cao get resulting in their receiving tees care Roman Catholic geparate School, ly a fîve pr cent salary icrae~ than tbey should. teaclies approved a tentÉtive agree- the firet year. Part o l îtill be effec- Tp raine the care level. Uthelieath ment Thursday niglt. but by the tîve froin last Sepembler wtantet counicîl ia recommending extensive loicet margin ever on a ratification Deceocqr iththe crst licoming e- vote. fective in January.f~ja Ony65 pr cent of Uthe64W teacliers Thia eAUl bring the top salary, saîd %EiJDIPU iEI votd n tvo ofth tw-yar ac Butfor lhoae wtli maximum with tv Ealton Roman Catholic qualificattensto $45.672 The average#jiC9 ,laI Separate Scheol Board, said Berlue teacher eAuge aout$3l00 nd licfo So iet Blut, r ident of the Ontario English loiet for a 000degrced eacle r TeMlo isoIa Sceyw Catholc Teachers Association in $16.234. Buttsadhdotewhhc TeMlonlsorclSieyîi Haton. there vras anyone in ta loicct pay tribute ta the Milton police po The key ou f itifaction ta categoiy. tection. past and preact. at Mîlton thlack ( l ~nig time provision in For tUic 1t4 years,heisaid. il as Lîbrary. omorrow £hursdayi at the contract, said Mr. BuL. This was been OECTA's goal'te el *neate Uc7:45 pm. one of the most important aspectsago- wage gap between the ie and A prize-winning group. the iîig tto tailia lai yeer, ha addcd. public teachars This contrac pacr Cirse'rieta Hlo ~ Wat waî achieved in ta ares, ha rowed il slighlty so Uic differenèt is Police. wll open Uic session wtth"30 said##as Uat a eOmrqittee of board 00w litweeo tus and threc pr ceAL màyu6fof PooularDad' traditional and teacher ba been setup tareport lieadded. bac by Apn3" wl a plan that The second year of Uic contract Former Milton police chef Ray An- oLkd gie teachers an. q'ab l ais for Uic teacliers to get eut of liv- dresa, now serving with 1 tionl amont0fplanni time.inceil ing increase. hased on Uic Toronto police. ciii recati soin hF d.emor could involve Uic hirîng of more consumer price index, plus one par turbulent and mcmoraF incidents teacliera. Mr. Butt docnt expect il to cent, Butt itated frain police files, go into efWet until the fai. ILl] ha b bord las con riliuted 85oi Historcal displays and photos ciii put into Uiec&cective agreement, ha ob0 u toward improvina extended hetp set Uic notalgic 100e. For more addcd. and nWjust Uic board polcy. healtU care bnf and the dental information, cai Ke9 Lamnb ai The teachars wdl get approximate- plan, hae said. q678-63»1 Vistors are weicom1ýe PROMOTIONAL TROPICAL SUITING - i10ocm Mdi poy vicc9 8e E U SZ olo rs F F abocli" s Reg vaue 6 98 mW W~ FANTASY UNEN*LOOK 5 '/ il 5cm mo, mi n Ma&l Sohds & snues ( 100% COTTON GAUZE 4 FgWxclas Rg 3 96 m 2 ,AN[) mCHMUCH MOREI - - - - - - ENTIR OCM Ce 0' ETjEI MCAU au ATEN PROMOTIONL BROADCLOTH & DOBBY DEUGHT il 5«n e. epolr c~,totbd &«&S oli nay -lasre soff %s SUPER VALUE, EACH6r locking' expanin i cameunt ci chroe- care, exteds-care and rehabilita- tbon lieds. ln Uie chronic-care ares, Uhe coun- cil says Halton n%* 10 add 15 bcd. thia year, 30 in inl4B; and 50 bcds in 1986-89. Ita&su recommenda an M timnai 145 extended-care beds OU 1 tno0 reibîk+tion lieds Ibis ycar. be Two years for robbery Sean Francis Lee. 18, cd Camp- beilville, cas sentcnccd tn two years teu a day in jail last Tliurxday in .Milton District Court. Mr. Lee pleaded guitty 10 arsned roblicry committed ai tha Livery Variet>Sor n Campbiville on SaturdaylDec 39 Following Uie jail term Mr, LeeAs facifig 24 hnonîlis of probation 'fracey L. Allen, 21, of 74 Main St. Adtn hanlicen (mcd $400 and lias 4>d lier liceneauspended for one year. Sha cas picke up and charfled wîth impaired driving and over 80 mg on Wilson Drive on Monday March 3 Ms Allen ptesded guîtty 10 thi u- paired cliarge, but Uic over 8Bu,îng charge was dropped, Accidient SaeyuOte boher of colleong »vl s lre 1t ste. -q» Deve.ln pp<alalng »rov icemtt the coopeutors givea you oe $top coinenke. Colil the co-ope âors- Insuance Services 44 MAIN ST. E., SECOND FLOOR MILON' LIEsUEe *oAMIIOSUSAN O'CONNOR lN8ýS78176 COMMERM * .FAUN ep«egm lES. 854-2125 BERGSMA'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER ARE- MOVINO TO CARRIAGE SQUARE EVEYTIN MSBEOID TOE BR A I ALLPAP - WALLPAPER SITOCK -BOOK ORDERS 4 O%to 75 O/ciFI 30%oFF CLARNC iPPES VE 500BOL AS IW S$19 IN L IR L PAINT CLEARA1Ç E STOCK UP NOW FOR SPRING CLEANING INTERIOR FLAT LATEX 12 91*it -AMEGAL AQUVIELVET LATrEX Er.CHELL FINISH FOR WALLS ANO TRIM SAVE $700qqitr,. ça PARKING &. PARKING & ENTRANCE AT REAR ENTRANCE AT REAR BERGSMA'S, PAINT & WYALLPAPER 359 MAIN ST. E. MILTON * 876-4922 ' REMMIR UI&.TEM Y"EXRt ousom CLtntng ult . mg v .v*. 1