nieTMAM» ""WW4 M& i 1030 KaMgo@& UM 101207 poui A.Isaeh.CA. 824U-71»Rie8711-141116 * NAD.MUUJN CaumeraiAsosmtee 10l7Usutem lit, UN"sm Reat.wMocaSI otmangaai av. 295 Allianu P4d, sum .la MISon <awsslho, B Haussa Esça'g a Trimcits~ Tapeot esmi oraul Il 0i camniosu Up-.--- WiI loti Oe.Wel auhMltdq t 4.1~1Zdmnmul i. Clc~Omal [ -7' =FLOW[017 CAMY TAu VUTI. BUAI E.S.L. CARMEUNT SpKcidrtg inflousa ratquago kPhetaàCrac room maaorehla1 87".104 Tmuimn. joie . 'y.rxai ni e op ari ELSAR 5 Yos , kma& anCLCRAND WATCUM AR * ..ww.....Dtnbuiýof o CaraWle WaRches Aimum *15w, Wo* e" oht 225M i St, * *rýg *FâsLýa, *Wndo"a premim eat ,0El'.î Ea.esrowuhb - Fiee Eakiaes Mton, Ont [91 1N9 FRI ESYMIATS (416)87"159 874 no a.APPI ANCE a M OP Y S ERV C Ep OVC Fains. sa« sService nia .»dla .mlq quearntffi SALE 000M IOWAVES 448 SteiOeeA»iau.(D,ma.tmaa an i 74 .1 8' 76«"le0m e lu AnMs L8L74-11 Se SALES A&swi G ETsihe KutchuMI SERVICE l'> au nu" or ten PARTS-fo. ad nii &W3Iwo La IL, a.. 517& AU OOIE OY: H) OILL'S AUTO 600Y Cimleomaita Heurt 7?:»s4. 5-0 pm. 15nip"eeUg @iM72173. 87042 ANCifO 'AUTO COL&IMO u nsmm sun cs CorowemlePeabngw dy A.çalu FREE EstuiMAes 878-8424- 5 Comwms eCO"Masonktisumousam %Mnr W"lI.ui 80148 15 1 imon 1 1 misé tOrgt01f imaA"i Martins Copier Si Spacmaitzing in Xdwoa 2300-20 878-7013 or878-491 Am typesCo f eruliaigeueg e-s"alemume epa00~ I e srvlce 00-3100%'. ilea ARNOI.D DOLAN 878- am3 * WOUTRIAL '* COMmpCtAi *FAA6MSNeS F's lémes. 0M p aon OMm, as eRi sau, mt iE ui* osua eot. Bb0 t.bando 87-696 JET ENTERPfISES Reumevam omm eteala Adihm - * ec Rosame Sçmcmezuig nrevo»lambnowa à cdoors cuatabn oWxS>s mlyhguts John boiba, 870400 RE8UENTII.IUà~ FM ING ESllMTES *SK YLLH- IlPuLS a'PA Ti DE AVAKAMLE 0 SOLARfMO S CALL ;« GLAS & I.i GSERICS 878-94 52 r Suobey cg Oak idGass Il Mwou , *store Fronts -* Sonn Doors a Wmndoh- *Patio Doors Scfeer's - Table tops *Glau a M"O ul o i 1 - Cu mesa RPoo *Pbx~* Noun "ae GMas 130MANST F878 780 ~~ HEATING US UWMAY LTI 0878-2381 à K BITÔHM& N w o e vr àu m t e 4 Si i a sald m " 0« w n u le a pa, k« "AM t ---ea.U 870-0083 euomiOlmm¶aamfluIJ ANTAIUINTÉRIORS -Puafnublq PalimU Fmo aumsmtu MPhono8781784 CAU FOR DE06ORATND mu aa. PHONE 878-24 MI FO TU cWuMWMu.' --W W~WIT«i Planning lalrinl Llauer * uaiagersb, W.J. mnor, P.CG.A 0ÀaaerCRossiniM Transfffl of Spousalduo. 8700307 ib 077400 lnaadTs rd In addition to the married exemo DAVES NOME M AVICES, that you*may havae elùmd for yme F'milbpa« eS ieraTEiS mcInare. t4if a GAVe sUfliR 8M3-1617 claim Umse ds.cton or crodits aimai Lic 00350? P oparing your tas: TtllflUlý Lie.____ 003___ 2__Revenu____Canad a myhasi&t doearmine il yoem are entiUsed to thêta PABOUOS WALPAFEIUB ad thaeore vould pot "se ite at- spécial grames lot Sanie. Cilioas, tllel Wnt FlFaisimamaes tiaaaei il Tex aeis COUE AI 878- 5789 anylime Aiiy ini?»mlwltim taxabilecbornmla ______________________- entitled lytUam a Faderai TaU Rodmc- GIL ANSELENPaiting tio o( 110providino thn "baie GIL V NSOELN Paiîi.8 Faderai Tai" dosanet esçesd 38U. Itdosa exoaad 1,11111imhn yoy mot Coptractors rdw tePedeal Tex RaâKm by since 1965 1% of te "Baic Fedrl Ta"in ast- BOX 114. MILTON. ONTARIO cm of $6,000.ifyo sp Ihm.BIc Ocrald olammim a FedRlTaxeI aï==an$100t.thnc Telephont 1416) -637 may tracafer lime mclanmad portincf- teaxreâuction tW yomr return. lme amount that you may claim eleally PAE ECLESdstarminend hI rserrlnata lmqtax tablaswhlch came ,, youe pe- CASH OR NE PAPMsonaized rstmrn. Mftsr reterrzmg W ltme CASH FR NEWSAPENS table enter tima appropiate anumt on Ibi n m plsaletSlel9Aet. f. lfnallof yeur tex r.lrn AlentnAe201t .wetndantsFREE p.c It VlSodaTx Credit yp cf nawepmar Sometimes thte muse receivee <RacycWfars et tes on f pawen djvdens trom taxable Canadian cor- .C. WA8TE MAIIA8EMII 14Râ'iOt0 porationu but ie unable to e the limavi- dend tex credit became h/ame ba no * taxable inm.. Where s m limadecm ndamarried exeptionmwouldbe creatad or ucrlsed i f ail lie taxable m à E TIEMOMCHNJCA dividends wera excluded freon your * ~ Iaica 8ai0 ~ Z~th= = diidends in your incoame in TUMlaS.order t aes advantage of the dividammd conl "ME" m702443 tex codit. You may alac ha able. W W- choieetUmeedivdnde ln yomr caimfor jjjjjk1j ýlima Interest and Dividand Incc.. * I Ideduction providng you have nci " Rapelus -*Niwsut kalready claimnsd limamaximum 3,m0. " R.fissilog -*Flaahmmgl'mm"ed eaeloa AsIt for Chalt, or Clapylou Certain dodactiona whlch are nel re- 8 78-5463, atar 6 pi,, eo8 784 74 7 quired to raduce ycur spouses taxable as mcome te 'nil" may ha transferred tW _______________________________ yowm returi,. ln aummary, time feoalmU SEWIG MAHINEunued dedietlos mey ha claimed by J R ~SEWIN« SERVE Cu: inteestand dvidend incogme %@mRaga eas u sa dedutlot$,0 Nwaà lisai Wécn. -helimebility dachaction mm50 thlie sueexemption $250 the jpesion ncome daductica $R1.000 *Juome-tlie educatka, deductica Il 20/mo. lU U~8LTht amount lia ycmm alowed tW 7 transfer la calculèted as floum: L .Calculatthte mount by whÈch lime net nccme of your spoue ncadn î hm/mir basic pereonal exeomption 2Caklalte the telajithe applicable ve. Ycu shculdt note " ut à@liatranaferred dodume- BA ~ Bblon for plamaend dividemd incarne eR M cannot excsaed thenarital exempton di $23,M for 1lm). lis Fi Uc 3 Suimrect the amSuntdétermninm 7w am à MW W4ld Vo pcès ""' sonil ram the total ci "Z". em *-ou You simuld comple SclmtêmI 2 ofthlie - tex return wh ahimti qamy deduc- CIOSiatUe ion lobe tmsnaerred. Computer Wmr uAnysie MDII eraitl laaMlcessinatenmmd FlOsfmgaBga p~rtsla S4W Ulmfin eato.tetheRifrai Acoaaaoulae Mene. Hlliaeei.l om ese& r. 878-7087 -870770 - PRESTO POUIs ROOUC \ 3058STEELESAVE E 8762211 Mosn CoIoow & Sound LtK WSZ"f.VIO4Uh N" Ceymr6-um tc. 1 TV. 0UM. NTEM4A aaiflàORVEl 000064MES à RNWA.8 ON av^ Mt 1,, LT0 r . . Miary 's Ctisiem tpho!stery: MitonS878-3157 SPRING SPECIAL 25%oW PA"Nmc MILTON.VACIUM à SanltatlonrSupply 751 Steel. Ave. 876-3394: oboum o 0W unc#atof PuXu LU * I A - tise - * migeegi * e raeorle/megmuela 2 ipar50ealla~ u~.llllve littiF, j a~aîNbod4ssorl~*1 '0" - - A s ts- -. ., ~" t whè W»,fn.. .14 - .~' -,. a' 1 1 1 FENCING Me CARPET CARE i GENERAL CONT ACTORS 1 ALUMINUM -J APPLIANCE - S E R-V -IC É 1 1 COPIER R[PAIR SM L - L