DO N--' TLETrý. THE BIG CITY STEAL.YOU B Ws a senous charge, but manyof us are guIj of actually stealing from our oi-% commun4ty. Every bme we fait to shop our own home town stores first we take from the local economy. When we buy from those who buy from us...- either our labour or our products, we're getting ful value for the money we work to earn. The money we spend out o town could b. used to help improve our own community and help make MIton a better place to live. Because only part of each dollar we spend puts actual goods and services intoour hands, we need to make sure the rest of those dollars go to support our own com'munity. Let's support our own schools, roads, police and lire ý'Roteqjion - n!tsomeone efrs . Don't let the b"ify steal you blind - shop at home! j' fi 1/ s I * A LND * ( 1- 1 r? MON.TOFIýIAY 10 hTOtIMP SA *UYtSAU TOOIPM NomS op~u tMN¶u 9 SPm ON SAuAwy *118morpln riMAT NAû i c-t. AND RWSTMRAUT& OeF PANO ~I DOLOCALLYr hO. ~ IV la.A <, u~ .-.' Avemà lmk-*&, Iý% Ignait %saoul (aima W U--4oom-