. io~aa * ... .RapeC'ý! Dy *y UA TALLYN' Wonia's I (,"'hMo»a Reporter thetcrisilaf nember of Dly Jute, comuen in "1"altorich Orgns of *have betnthie vctims ofrapew.1libe fInthe p *;.">i ta PW UP the plionand conneCt have ilt :cit acietat ho ciii providet dia wtsupr.empatkty and informa-~milt Liaot r options. HamiltonC =C I-tLiui e i lc, olei :',crstîa. Tl'litumber ta 873-OM "he i .'The tiraI round of votcmtser cati- vOkiiit0e" ~tasers ciii ben training in mîi-And iterst , ctht -arr sfelinist0 M Th cyt ii lica scthed t ratut wthee "toln.lime is fulv of violerc '7 1 . . Volunteers kit _ t. aonReionat Potie i- Jitdgemeiil Ivettgted92 striai assaut t> Striai v.A tho t.ttics 'havent 1cm tcnahps, i t.boalatcd (for ..there lias not 1 eiy aurreunduin ,%en a , 1 0 ,se le trainet 1 *iti ti tmated that only ont in and provlid -eglit sexual assaultt are ever The 12 wc . rýeported*.- aid Mantyri Green. a terventita onthe itboard for Haoltn ear. toô ?ho Cw*dIu Gh.nplon, Woi ,'WUWY 21 mB3 SPoUlp vleotpIng mees exoptations oeauioa apMIr aih u. Ofveac eb e 0nNu a tt de~ ad Puain Ihl statue" cornu The rs Tap"ai theuvme-a Procedure (TII . Ril. - orsh amutta kopoi te- itaiof t e t km eULaw adm om m- de et Mm &WaNpqto Jamoury, 33 %Î t.. - __bsseewadai on "Tue hpr*Munabave aruom citt cle Norma. Rysi tM'a,, mn »M« )Wabout anec ex- PeNn ca o ,uuanedt getding phonoelino is 'set.to go SPlace, mind coerdinater of s une. -rhat pubathe actul ifaoputa sornahare in the 700 par y-s." to =aI Hamgtten. Torcalo or w the craisaservice, Ratta 0il& ls ervie nTht Criai. Une. The nec ser- be oparadimi H4bours, amd Nw hghly frained tuteur. basic requirements of tled. Ibe t dao have o utlook, and r.cgnze that at à Mmeof Plahsion but orne mce,' said Ms Gree. rs .lioltsîo be non- Miel Iasaulta are liard on rmia tl hate, do cîth the mydus itg rapt Tl'ltevoluntem wcli wmmenut t 10begin criait w- atrsîncgntt.manth cli citai wIýt hree differuut 10W OPE ROBERT'S HAIR STUJDI February 25th, 1986 Welcoming ail cliente/e to his new location! * 876-2886 typof caâmi; coma. cwho have bm% eiaally addor vIeicti 0Ec Int actalng UqiaNsp;,tut. eo have boas au*WIairacandy, aid, thon e.ara 1P Un amùmote U ly dund of theUn4min train- lig Un vomuta. ll u ho cativsai innemadicaland MWasopects of uatani htlut uuiont uvalg se on tur endiof Unebis." coml tal mi n ph... tht u for pressing charges. ani ho avallabis la accempany Un vctim 10 due hoapital for au i lnatioii. i ...w.. t dutheiavoteur re is baid, and cut imaitUn victlm 1.10 somettbing da&t sho doastcant togSo duw4ih' Substantil »" Wiiam ti Se emi M lus.(418)4124848 hop tht lb dctu m-oe prJo- cedure laid outt m theUt Mary e b Solicilor Ganualas Sexual Anault Kits. Tht examination lu grueliln P'orty diffaicit aamplém r rqured iaacrle 10 ticvic is ail tht precaâares. Tiay ciii alao dncibtutiat tht coma. could face whai aegeto 1court. ne Ra CriitUe reaevadils tin"tiawudla ram a Georgetocn iCiala Cib donation. Orgauzrs cli expoas otai ava.ue tactthe hmn la "un:titEvontualy they hope t.De ruarnltco vohufteer tes in g. àvobutaer cao Cali Itatton women'a Place at u-.5 Denur lIa s aariy tb 60 chy paaa nafas Mia ae boysbanlai U ýqarch. d eai gos wrM MWa, aaf c alaRwia Co.- M"taspra Mr. . jutice AUla M. Undas. "lune ay il may bu bacame twta b it o o hiail eauf us âw 1 tha luacet . t i. bomcahe UW muiparam ltUt Vhiat in à arelv*yMac aspoct of pollceork. We amacharg- Les ce lau.virgn tailrty a&Wther am r. aNa gUM Non t. foIloc- ordintors lad no cay of antktlng chat tUn coulrt rqrem.lsu =i ho. Tedtdelon1ocornuclhave ut *cuituààd Jteadmiinablty et tapas Tb kht vlda ofapng0Eaattniena the liaiar aey ctiasI*"ad "Vliaataalnglath iOn tb S " but cayd -i r -oratlmmut tiol Une Ooilastabio.," «aSe~. Rymsl "HcU* o lmta semml aaMbetltq at la" plac ah Along clth Un t eacea" attaras, = m ia cwitimaae- colata have sitebm scalia a Mml. PO elic hvetond &@ea l h bmnccalbeoaue vidtima, par- tlcularly dmIboatchbave aafaredm-- uM or chil about, doun tvlo iar duir stolamc. tan tact Tbe cai reput on T..P. h dma la Juie.UhenMfirat aa i Unpmo A ftirmtive in-action A $14P study 10 invsigte the nue *fer nie aficnstlvt acionPro f51atO6Rfl oolon Wceq crappd eg"comiittae reconty. 1'm nut amrehy ce have la do dlu ieu acse dont have a (ai emplmnt ticslin ergion," dit adminstration and finance coin- miùite Suely, ce dont have 10 attend t S1ZOOO 10 get tebest people for tht job, regardions of seit or race."' Tht province wcmiiihave Stckai 14> dit otber 83,000la in h t abi. But Vichi Henderao, assistant te t chief admeiItratIve ticci, sii t reglon icnt have sny documen- taion ta fair empinyment practicas. "Thremsy lie noine pcived barniers by thte mploytas,' she saîi. "snd ve have tg aeetif thtyre reaily dien.- But Mayor Btrd sad. 'Were pro- bably bw#ding ceai hackwarda 10 set th.co oit se ri.ovad tht $12,M00for the §uIy frein the budget and i tutSdai cihave thepersonneltdepartmnntpropoat an tn-hom u mii e t mplytmt prac- ticai chie l cii ct about S$4l HRCA huugu Is hWklThmday Tb@ inaugurai meeting ofEtUn Hallon :: L6nCoiuiivtlnAuthor,- ty ursday Ftc 27 at 7:30 pi. Thte meeting înciudas a revie.0 t I4RCAs year and the scý compliahienta c0te n uthoity. 111e meeting wciii h ld lain e councit chambais of teHalte. RgMions esiquartets ai 1151 Broute R.Ttpublic ia alocci 10 attend t meeting in dia chambers. e *e e NO OEN! MADTE YOUR KITCHEN WHITLER INDUSTRIES LID. Your kichen may not b. gMng yVou wga e= -We cona nge Ol~thot ozdcabinets ot affral prices.1 (tom BuuLby Mater Cr6ftwm.n (W. <obo do bodtjoo vonNi.s). go suss.. Au.slowoom 1rs ulion.o art. 878-8487 A11%«BW9"51 ADVANTAOi 0F HAVINO YOUR RRSP WITH AU INSURANCE COMPANY AND DEAUNO WITN Bob Le., B.Se. 1. CANADIAN DEPOSI INSURANCE ACT Bais aid Trust Compails eurest'syour deposits aid kterit to a maknum cf $00,000. lnaoeaice Compenies guaiatt 100% of kwida, plusitorest. 2. COMPETITIVE RATES iruitance Company rates mes comroilIsta Beainad Trust Company rates. Wth kloatsisCompais. itrst la compourtded ainuy; aoms Bankisaid Trust, Compenseusa simple iterst. Addltlnady, ttws va snf stal up or close-out fou wh muet iumne Componé». a. ANNUITY OPTONSa At rstlrment, no cout ta stat yoo. w aiioty, plus you recod« prefarsd rates. Vain repreesntabecon iNid the. but ainulty rate, give you souid ftnwaicoadice nid dacusa tai oadalas.Lie Compnls er a6 opln -, uht sBu*a Trust Compenles "i Credt Unions cmi only 0f ta 2 optons. 4. TAXATION -* Slaeschang. Vousrprsemtatflveiilksep you bfomed up-to-dlate as 10 how tisse changes affect your Rslrement 8. MANAGMENT RF UNDs Yoti Fund *1 be rfed a et abnuilsltdata aid you wcl be @&vlsadon re-knveehnsetoptions. 0. 061T0R MOO VoIEr RP wlth-a LbeConqpaiycamas wund t i nr kumnuiceAc". ¶Mli s na ii aisl.y yai ude calfat 1 -tudby atru-nwtisyoaSmdu ordWaycmdast. Vsâdac 9» stype aofccamtunt eSnt cf =oe ýnk ad Wa f dpi.Fmsv a ta aosOmUJ at buarelcm ai erugd Ioku>0clwgkia & ammms. sow(Nb)L, Mc Iii. burin9909c ilMwaI CORRECTIqN, Iný ourFantastlc Savinga" f lyer, Sale dotes F.b. 20-Mai. 1, thé watches shown on page 24 lncorrectly resdo mens mdedes' mtoh. . oth style@ or* ladies' only. W regret ony Inconvenience this may haro cauaed Our customers. As &5:30,m Wed., Febhuary 26,1986 House of Green Gingers wiII be doseW 152 Main SU.E. We wiII -re-open Mon., March 3, 1986 at our new location 221 & 223 Main St. E. irst customer each day for the first week wUi recéive a gift from Gucçi (wlth purchase) 221-225 V»') bTP-LLT NLTCON ONTP 10L9T t.ý9 (kum~ 3.su~z~ IMATE M MAI CONFEENCE M1