g p i -E----_ ISHOW OVER 200-19 We wdl b. havng a show of our 1988 bikes which wIl be displayed out ln the. mail, w. are also having sales rePre- s.ntatvs fram Norco, Velosport, & P~llg on held for' the three daYs to help you out in youir »bedcon of younw 1986 purchaae. CCM or VEo BuwODE OUR SELECTI ON *VML SPORT *RALEIOR * IANCHIS eEflm * ORCO * NISM * gmEDUER -i il-.ji TYPES DP I Touring, semi-raclng, raclng, mountain, commut- ing, fold ups & aduh trike. We also carry a large bselection of chidren's bikes Includlng: 20" B.M.X. 16" B.M.X, 12" B.MX, 16e' sidewalk bikes, 20" sldewalk blkgs and BMX Fmeestyle, Jr. Mountain Bikee SEE YOU zFED"RUARY 27-28 - MROR st. 125 CrossAv.844'4394- I. é Eý- b l e AKVILLE CYCLE & SPORTS - 1.1 Imm" .oeO,- 1 . -.ý