M4 The Canadin Champion. W"d., Febmuar M IlU Cagers want $porteShorts on a ral, but il could have hautàabot- teru-r. cyd te nortit Ballon sem-fnlTuosdcy afternoonaiet home agena Centasuiel (rubits not avalable et prse a ime),aMisat.e soecod-place finisiersin th. nos-t Nallon legu ve. h=pgte cd vcno Turse' o-lthlo finalsetiMilon District Higit Se"o. fIn has latd No lague gantas, Sherratl downed Gergewns Cantennici U-37 and squecked by Bokvlle »21. 1 Ln cIteraction, G àgtvacHi Crose boied out egallt vcting Wiliam Phry in te citempiomuiip final f te errell teunnement. Ptry downed ucithe ar e r o p teains 3220. lInte conolation citmpioraip, Mairrait srjred off agamnel Sewart- 1oev for Ilrd limetiis sesson and let a nal-biler 36-21 Stewartlown jumped te c quick le-nt bcd but s-e clulcit shohlng byKnTikygai Riernrtt bcktinte te gRme.Tip score a knotted ai the hall Sierratcgain feilbbhhiiby 10 but ratlied le put te issue in doubt duing te dying minutasof te gante Wîlli twc minutas te go StencIlt go clutcit baskets f rom Ora Van Zuye ndCis CluaClovers. They closed to vîitin lue points. Eric Devine. Dean Campbell, Ge. Trickey. Scndeep Siarma and Todd Mulley conribuled te Ulte al ly. Milon defeted Cenea.la band- ly, jumping le c 24-0 lied b"ef ie opposition fcund dIto uWe otag.Je Bmirch scoed la pointa for Me wiafie as Itm gainte clicked withmâold tent play and c hait level of cg- gressivenecc flsdcys am nie . roekylle ' nua cdanal, UMma*sséGar Soudhvaotk id. &À il 'n a Win. Sctscisy. MiUl«s ravalaid te the maimimiwad a" gi pisas SarIl dropped t Isole BrtwIo Paies, bo515131-30 a Io ly Rosry anIUtoàt. Fracis. Milwircllle la hastHlily Ceose »X. Miwamtt poatean ovorcil ecof 10 vin Md 0*lgisios sas h o nim y evemm1. Th"y liedt bas.i ddiesed la th tosolatia. flash ai wo tour- namentt andciifnWehed second in YSA nam.d co-champs The MUtait BA junior bacitbeil l in I icUc-ntpO ~ bwooa* on Ul it sakend. Aft« i sci lb wSe ta rustw1, maseMiltn andNortit York wye asiàochai Io1-Io aceri reguiallon ime l inte chmpomuhip gaine. Tournament offIçIala decided In declare -champons ralier tonc blingomartinie In keepng with the fair-play =~a of the Yout Basketbed lion. Mark Lawrence, Pet Gesen and Trovor Fleet vuresinstrumental for Mitte in te final gante. Flee. ad Lawrence paced te dfensive play whle Glaisai. wtio scored te open- îng basket and te game-lyins baket, controfle lte offensive tem- po. North York, vhicit avercgad sN pointe in ila first tNo gant., wu clearly out-huslled and oul- relionded 'by the ssmaaller Milton n te =ei, r amof the turney. mtcnhai pe Srb.r0git342. Judy Rideout, Darnsîl Vrbon, Nidk Vamrccluo. Tiffany Scobie. Gartit Moore and Trevor Kuinto e it e ai- fence. Miltn folowed taI up vîth ac9- win over Toronto Central YMCA in a gante which wantasclose ceste score indcaled. Michael DeWolf a and Bannie Van Slyke played welJ vhiie Glanait scored tree points. Springer '- qualifierI a t Drury Ahbou 75 gymiesprlleeil MilIon Springera nnu l rarea liitai mel Sundey aI th clubs building on Alliance Rtacd Tlit meelas purpose i for te gym. ate te enjcytemielven ltougit compeilicni i stîlI a part cf il REacit g naldemonsircled lue or lber skioot'albars, beant. and (lmo viii lite exception f te boys vito conîpeted on te rniniitead of te beam Tise matl succemaitul compoilor wene TISN1: 1 Melsse Kotacit, two firsls.a second and a suIt.; 2-Hocher Hrold, à tust. second, tird cnd fourt. 3-Kim Titrîiat. c second, Iso thiî nd a icfourtit Tlay H: 1 Katy Anderson, Ivo firesa amnd tihrds. 2 Laura Frencit, e se- cond and e fut. -Ialie Artaoctie, twa seconds, a tird and à txtht Ttsy III 1-Stefanie McCann. four fiese 2-Cindy Howard, ied for fust in Ivo ovents. 1v0 secons;- 3-Itnuiy Cas-mier, Ivo seconds, àe litrd and c Age 1: -Jane Rosselle- a fit, twea seconds. cantird; 2-Citln Haggerty, tl wgts; 3u. 3Tra Steeves, c finit, second amisàtiet. .aol;Szanne Joly àlirst and lecilsîrda - 2-Corne Pilo, càrai, No thirdsandiicàfl'it, -Sreh Hughe, two seconds and a fosatit Cadet1: I-Cris Munra. aàrrst, second, faurtit and fith. 2-Tnya Ar- doit î firs and à cfout. 3ShSion Canmer., csecond, lwo turd, cana Cadet Il: -K thirne Ktemp, twc tinte. a Ihrd cii c tom-t; 2,lycon Rammco. twc seconda.,càtpir d ài fourt, S3-Crmiln Vila, a fietaà se- coid. catrd and àasuirt ne 1 1 -David Spencer.twa fies, tv. it"d. 2-KlcnOHigUin, c fInI, secnd miluefomato, -Luke Dcci- îag. a frua, tkd. faurtitandii ft. N0TI Miltn Slringers viii hast te second provincial qualiyng meet for Central Bagua Salu ndc Sun- dy E C.Drury Scitool At te »sme tun, te clab viii hast die final rgoW 'C' strntmenat aItlite GMAGN MINOUBASEBALL MATl DATE UNFOMWUE PLUS20W PUS LA * UPA.Y TO ID TDL * ..m northern titie damié t kap am Mias .d U m l aW M imimihalil rWc li.rili Debus OMM ls ouq Cb . f .e., a fNSlea fyel'a MON.sAlpi flIjW Ur Nte lla y o* ,actione ee M laiteonse~eiIi l hi YBA Roo eaaer.dvn sny Kawu a nk t lied spo alt Maelopa YMCA *tenu. fer thea»M sCM>la bc oys cu«t MilsWhtep defeatad eue tien uNe lAhdhabils usixth MlsaaseUa tam = wbW la MUandmJb Dosons dagltilDwerBtz Rai& a cscn MuWmacqwu Sasev uOb ir, Slacey ONeI aqu 5-0.letit and CeahlIl MkIe 1 ltWhts'ofhane u lad by Pat Dinvi n it*a Gle ,Mark LawrenS andDernT" FM Demies collectait frd for Vben. Audrew Skitner Reli Nagi inlaAkp dm e. mWitick and Tommy liathom ne adex wi uftoswh la beysi R uchoslord . Jwie n seve""Wh.au UCdnvs . 2lh fer I TinReàleffece rvoiv arflacte irls, Amend lason- 13hlmi 3Gartit More, Steve Pleonnng andlCly ooy14h. Nicit Vared". oBriac DeWolfe, Kye les s Alpineélue flalahai fth " an MatinPyl plvedwel 31. Dve£Mon, CcampabdMes daislively Ghhrs BrS and am lna r hsd Skl"cIub cornes clos. Cath. 23rd cii 341h reuevamy Liay DnanoiesLers teItpami e Wites.H Jstany 0( te". Uion gil ame. i MiitoI e cn gwgaas t ta the 3 firet$for SWlrnrner circuts ia opt Io. u even Tom Logan colslote a flrslJ ce jAlpine White vwu nt close e a n d h. cmIo séecondafor tie eo r Whteposted te top MUtaitMastrs aimaia lam aietàc Sui- nt= ecdaIltreetîtamnth ie weakod. ei-ll ylors to AisMorandciJohn Woodaeuc»a leant l os catgtry cdilcas. d m -paefinisitasin the. ISmatro >jpue Mities strang fin"et asfrastleraces. Miltenas Mary boLtered by Jeaper Martins fourtit- = b wonva two seconda in lhe 0 pa finish ese Pete West brmecltroka. ciAkna it e R UItand Mtons mater suimmers coin- lotit MmpelLybanc WlLUIuma wu pte in vaiwe entas &W &Se 101h frM.i eigits Ln girls con- clcccdicains, froei geMo up. a AM/FM cassibe hos 24 watts" i total p owe nd oeto-rîers l m2 2-1917 9I'/ iimmvm cou 3lon-mi ~aslaeOffsll%~scemksri.1 Q00I9&S PCWd=n~ i ~CAPIAL CONTRIBUTION- REDUCTIONS - mnel la lis elhig pacy regordktgCap"isiC«*hbi*lu . . Iod mtr m oeuctlon Oi Senrà Olizena Haaig, Reémem n aNuoh1glmes,#d Nmb-PnR HOuWng. umiN Uatcn e- oppcatlansfor reductione ivflte dell du i ieprpoeed progscm 1be abta"id by conhctMn lite lgasFnceDepaMntent the pumbersWetout CMom rt ta»ite pofoesdpallcy maIb. made mpraita Ma&rd 31,1986. *urlngtoOeklllaMlftii8272161 Alderhoia.llmi639-4640 Hamm Mille 8711,1113 David J. Verley REGIONALCLERK TE NMOSIPL WMIWLrry OP DEVEtOPUOU'tPRGCESS1NG FEES Regional Caunco has recenty reviewed a staff repart respecting a study undetita on fees charged to develapers f or staff ime relateti ta procesaing valaous applications and agreements 'or developng proecîs Thee options are being considered The first option "aes lte existng tees en place,; te second wauld provide for the recavery of coats besed an the average amaount of ime spent on all applications and agreements; and te Ihrd would base the new tee structure an s task specdf c bess Comments an the paoposed tee structure are invlet Copes of the prapasais cari be obtained by conitacting te Regianal Finance Depertment. at te numbers set out below. extension 415 MN commenta mijst b. received pior tb Apnti 5, 1986 *udrtglonIO&kvlleMitton 827-2151 AlderholllamlltNM639-4540 Haton Illa 8784113 DAVID J. VARLEY REGIONAL CLERK THER ElMAMUNICmplALOTY 0F -À SPECIAL PURCHASE langonuw lu