ontrovi ID a ea t mra b crary, .Mit wtOn cocBar- flitt cebgod that Oingas csech. Gu lpor, vu In Wki1,Mtb v ita ittnao laidsby adl.-talkie. Iuv Ibm.talklng huitand llotlsaid. '«laavthe coedît yonbbench bld baj lîn its a loor adm itted po eaeing th t uniction v ad eEut ot by P. inid, tht devicia failed4 voek. Thy vert on ont channeli aive van on anther.- Stecl-1 E nPg B)n *Bloor vu upended for bae gbrnesfalaving th incident. Ontioa MnrHockey Aaociition eecutive rpKe R igailibe wvu mpend- fohi ltet ta ue the devicea. behrthey functioned or not. At poua Lime, it did not appar Ellit sgtng ta I ie ttgaine 1Hav rnuch dlfferenceth devicea Illade in the contet in an rguable put B ut everyone.,ncludin th VILo coacl, wvilIadmt that Sargent F orm vld have bad tai conte up i: fa fr abarper effort in order ta, vin :We vere flot. just pliîn Nt," 3111011 admitted I-lcould't believe w1ht vwuhappening But thtkî" have corne a long way. They vereally improved lm realty proideas bell of thmrn- It (te loadaean'trmenthetkids werint puttlng forth th effort. We had ta vin. A ie vould bst us Maybe vi panîicked I dont know wjiat happenbed. But in the stries vi had aur chances I v ansv hdlielsa alite i ttgani Wte lst thern luth "Thia tearn(Milton, through th yar hâa alvays bien e third-period club But in this stries vhen it go lite thty vire gettîng us Milton vent vîth threi defencimen for the entîre Cing stries They vire andcuffed in "ht aria because backlîner PltPwnphrey broke a vnist ricintly -Ad thtytp f hockey wi.layid tlia year vas pretty veilIdifineive.- Elliott addid -once wi ga( davn t vas ard te, came hack Milton lhadtbut nt vctory mi06 in- ta th lattvwoAmies a( th stries Ching van the stries opiner 42. took garni tva 5-4 Ln vertirni and drap- pdgritri3-2 Chbng scaredin th last 21 seconds of tht garnitta salvage a J-3 lie leut Wedeay Ching opened th coriog vîth a aly goalinu the firt piriod but bag'rkes put Mlton on th board ïl.secgnd. aasitedl by Doug POUitta. Qug crnmi bck Lt a tte the lad again but Milton dsvv uses vlth Il M ndresnainting in tht second aa e motrideuscortd, aselatedl by Rmùuton and Colin Grieve Jahn linav put Hitonin thtiluid iryî the thrd. aitid by Parka éd'n PaPnan. but vîth 21 seconds faîmng intht ganiCltang scored tiînià face-off in th Milton zone Snov and Grive scered for Milton, btph in th third piriod, Ln th final $rmi Grievi aaatted onSn' s goal white McCndleueaid Br n Hr ige asîted on Grive s vu s2-0 (qiW e fler th fint and «-9ater tht aIcoil è'town retires mdigots ,MComuram minar mlWts' hipa of vinning a prvncial tite &~rebru tl hes eya Eéoritvn.Ùn-County rby rival lîuAj9Inurance wvu shootîn foir th provincial AA tille. dapti oivuulMmalayersthau any Mit r%) enat. o li bonce LnTri- Cbsnty ellminatàM wavu fot only afut- Il vus untîtpeted. Wewwdropb nCo.Cmty P&YdfwvNifLonrmnager Gary Ui3voad id l"ts tke k"aaaçy.î ale but v_'U try and vin il, sason vu probably tlb li ellnone t au ONHA tiths for moit nided players, Ellvoodd nid. Next year liebehev«iasit pLayera viiilu ME *~'ILTON ~ r OLD VURS W" ti &UA ta eita lb bin wkgpersona & wp afor »Wdg amgAnnud BeneftS >lackey Gaie.& Dance a gest puiceme. Ths yeew« Dsaooed Un menary of Davi »ueh wUi lb net procestla 10 l evening goitg ta the MM n b&MctHMoaptFuid. -effa tato- obei -Tob aley Prî*iio -Frnk Pend -RC.M P 11111lsheo ck* :&;~On No sus. yere omC » I-W Ib O S. mlu~a rersy rage with epiit bitv.aiJuvilaiulz &dJr- B SMU a it istad l 34vtth sataot tut, lt» Mm te. goea dlu »v 4 adCmrlbboel intieaofplay ere iaiaved. e Ê MËbl 1iagalttat lce IlWe bave compllmented tlb Of.test flaiatboubou l yerbutthit Ag t . Ctathre' AAA liuc lieu , e..tertca."Epao At~ iilba 3-o but rallled avi d ale b54ls Bwdy t 0"amd aImait l ot a GirgtjevHaydar amd Ml icaan Waynte Rivers vu Mat.itaeft 5ockets a.upwEdd7 f or nani alter lvi Milon travoit ao tada Tbwe-ad ven t lৠsfrustration vlbth tuai-for it a t garni. flciatlng Tlaarsdy. Senti lmen scoedMtons only Optimiat oit a pair in~ their 2-t logis Feb, 17 at onriel Arene. Grant, hfloiiai The berne-ici edvantagî dld uared tht aselet. nothbng for MUltonas Opq"ia miner Ellvod' vid Milton autpleyed meeot inA/t rep exhibition hocey Geagttvn ts'sdy, aipte n- sateak.Opta plyod a bM-- ?n17 sor ei ole rn home samas vlth Okville aid revers- ticifor Utai, vbl ravi Caeid lthuujl trend. and Scott Hilsn liait ont eacl Pollen Optia but Oakvillî 3-1int Oakvlll collerted Moamit vhite Scott but droped a 4-2 declsion inilton. Ellvoad aid Thorsn e d an caI ist Ivu the tirst action tlb Miktase acl At pieu titeMilton avaited lih aiuin a amait tbav es. inca lbe announcernent ad a Tri-CountY being avept Obt of OMHA qualifiera Plaiof opponifit by GeargatoWnS reps ready te goaction wvu importent A rqmroid to o ic tim forOpli esg thty avait an O bantimreps re ki P ong an n Tri-Cmaty piayolfa. Hainex A bna esar elig Miton-acored Ivice in lb second thiir hockey skilia sharp vAth eastriai period aid one in tht third as thty af exhibition garns vhile tbey avait defeced OakviLib ta-garn ont offtlb Tra-County playaifs, and lut veik rnInl-arima Kevin D&videantaok a they proved thiy renimbined bo t oyW ane Dubien and flred à ptrforrn under pressure They 7 fn= pin apu ito s cirnebired vith e minutetango0 th oard.Psto ftt a pueer t MIlithe Brampton liedt a 1-o led vth à uk in theoakvlle znat and h minute ta go ini the gante RimAxas s std t ae it 2-0MUlto puJled theirgoalie, and JefCo Michael Lee fed Iant vls lith, aloi skated behind the nit and pased t vho scored ta rouid out MUton's et- Jan Spegnueoa ho slid the puck aver a. ta M iltby Ht bout the Bramp- lnMto psfe] ýLd w ton goalie vîth &slow vrist sbot iti tie tb Neitodnd, opsfUtxn i a tvpprireaimcalinl ecve tbe = r le 6 eod itibiq Gio Piaiza cracked thtektl 1itn iI rbly stert thekîri- shtt puf- Cnt.pliyoff striez this vitkéd CoutE-Flbs scored f rom citlosetig. m Socksts ea this ound 4&lHenneberry & eaatd. But that'§ Socet lo@ hisrond aIun offenre Milton caul4,uat Georgetaoncleîrntd tht ltiat and Oalielli scored their: cn ro"n in tht battît for first Place vîth pover-play goal ta finish tht garn@ at Milton navice A/i Sockits by oarmng 4-2, e 3-I vîrtory an a penalty-f illtd con- tesj Thursday in Georgetown' Baas are back on top À oa f>minutes vire called in the hockey garni Georgetown open- Everybady's enxious ta, knock off id tht scorin&wlth the bote goa l of the top guna Aid sonner or liter it the first pernod-After s sconil- e-aielways happent It happened ta rond pt'd. Geoetaondoubled ta Milton BSietcirs in novice A ld rnl M ta t=ito ut the margîn rip hockey action LitI vek inh baf Evth olfro Kyli Martin ýncaater defeated e lickltutre vîtli Jason McGall and Kevto Hilton agud 3-2, mounting a tluei- Nascimben asiti goal lai t b seconci period. Il vas A George = *efl Ith 25sconds the tirst tImt Ancuster bu doaited rernaining inlFthi contest sealed tht MUtai &aIlyear But Beliners ne- Win bounded to ri-estiblisti the stittis In exhibition action on the quo. wttkihd. Sackets played teir bust- In thet n-match et Anceste, Bans hockeyyin the paît six veilîs turiting stung tht hornitoinrs 4-2. Ancaster bark Camrindge Havks-3-1 Sunday in scored firsI and tied the garni liter et Ayr. Milton elso battled Sitwtva but Milton lied a strong third Catharnes Saturdey corng avey ptriod Wa carry tht day, 3-2 lotes in an avay conteat ln other recent action, Bite put the Milton had their bande fuit vîth bteon Georgetown, disetobig their Camrbidg vhichtud rapturid thtetQ5éguests by e 6-2 marginpC=nlover (leiun a higliy cwînIteîtve ta.m- scaced tute in thet conteait vtnle lon ment 'n ewvrarKet Tentty - Flann-gel,.flousJanjevicb. Fabie Shaynt Ferrier opintd the scaning Pinta and John Moffatt added vinh a gasi rus IMcCai aid Martin aingu. a __________ .1'1i iel r i IOIU L ý i ý 1 M Ching M" lDove dmerla ne tw avlfla l le e.domsd et * B"M.e, b""da = =aIMml ID lfln.a oti gl bal by liseco0" rod captn ao i x K- nayMade it a cimegpose inthel Base welre riuady for the rumaicti Sn started the lamen chly. os rnvaaodsaored i.ogenir4 goal ar the content. Flannagnand Km djîced up asaista. Ancaater = Wp"t.ie itbut Kennedy put Multo bock ino th lid, asalted by Grlrnvood and Eaaon Ancatr tied it again by the end oftlb second. Grlmwood gaI tw vtaung ii auitqtd by Ila innaa.àa~i Wige Nfftt fz lre ivrance Wa=e, unasalted, lote in the perlo Wo cernent th.wln. ShortlIV@d leMo Jenmf;r Cheves Cdfi g oal agve Mlt si- om vane pee itaàa4"4 ie t& Oakvlle-oy three minutesae maineduntheirgameFe I lîbutun- fortunately for Milton it waa a short- llved tie. Oakville came bock vîth tva quI& goaaàds rdnodwerinoaan tmp- Cheevet, netd ber finit M seconds ino the content but flakville cane in the aecond.?evers acored three tirnes in the lia period. I'allovîngcorne Plarrad- ' utmenta with Hoime Hardwre. MiltonV a' ra iy anov Play- ing in ttaon iiln(they vert formerly peevas) n their new divi- sion ' Milton lut 7-2 ta Qabville but bad a mucli tigliter 2-1 battit lucre losing ta Glinbriîk. Jambe Picard end Danielle Doucette scored for Milton againat Oakvllle. Margaret Eâdt scored bm first goal of the aiteonfor Mac's agaînat Glanbroak. in bantam action. Brampton dlown- id Mit Videoilicha 5-t and Leassde edged thtm 2-1. Joanne Wdanieaa scored for Milton agauut Leàide. asaiatied by Margie Parker Helen Knoovia scored for Milton against Bra mpton assisted by Kim Lie LMflflTLAMBERCIT Murrayv Wilon is pleasod to introduce Lanry Lambert as the ne*est addition ta Nse prof essional a"le ar. Thlnklng of Duying or leasing star? tome end see Larry for the best deal in town. Murray Wilson Pontiac, Bulck. CadillIac Ltd. M MIbAIN ST. E., MILTON 87825 Mtsi I zTRAFFIC . 1NEEO SOME AFFOROABLE HELP70<D VOU KNOW THAT WEARE THE MOST EXPERIENCED TRAFFIC COURT AGENTS SERVNG ONTARIO. AND Wl AME THEU I WEARE FORMER TRAFFIC ENFOACEMENT POUICE OFFCEMS. STIU. SERVING AND PROTECTINO WITM IIFFERENCE 1 JMORE TIAN 1,200 SATlFEO CLIENTS, PIPOTEC* MMUR 4SRANCE PREKMM. AND LET US PRESENT YOUA CASE IN COURT. Cali POINTTS UWTUD 1 Now svlng HuItan Region 1 0Culi i4haus 668130441' &enton ton «rcmqule OsheteaNinger 14,... ai AnaMaiaa iaiaa t The CnudaitnOChamion, Wod, FahtuUy e8, U WHERELS! Are fat.d fer dearuedo., s»d dhe voer« el1h in tey a«os o deseirY dimaoeevea, but frequendy douù.y sh.r ridera. aM ode hà"é gui iay! N" Fer Quaiy lhyimaPS oer- a LM"UAQueey Prie».. raefflW ie ~~ D.DBrown T - Teaeha u190 aS.. L