4-ie Canadian Champon, Wed., Fsbru&ry 12, 100 iht ignabiai Otampigou Hsb mbrwte - jw iimRobinew - Edic ____ DonnlWa - "tlon Mu W MOTORiAL:il - u: Mi. Boye ifs saTalln. CommasmlW Jan Mule. @ude: RobtKlIy. P54agrpap1WJon BScestrorn, ADOvMUNsnga aaI ai = ùnqs C iil Mcu&legf. Cw~ sadfliM erRuth BastîlGip01 ai.: Judi = ebi. Tanils WlIdlong, Lynn Ar. thur Naeii Rap: Doi Broame <(I18)4013W., SINES& Laurie Basins. ShWirly Dyc DISTMBUTION: Barbiare Leader i~ -c.e,~,a 4sne ," "D . mm"5 neTMvu" p.., ne - in. ta - Phon 7n8-2341eain isi -O,.ne s. fo odya grne ofneg inne. ne. uOrs w selct em ersfo atask.fone wmu.a.. r ooki t..tne futaur e of untngin aion' agreemet W. tsS .--ei.Wtmns W.CurreOnccupa ban is inefw s ut W.the .amotofpuliea Lareet etadteTofthm akow sppsdt :one week f rom tday gop ireina ouCilr#w T select ambes frtsue forhcnb ewhc wîlookito .The feture ifngsprindcn haealtn14reemeson thefor es to ern CurrTh bttenty a s infore ct bt hoe ornont c fmpbie dîspleasreateaneptarl y ot i itoba esled lh foMalton 0f tthe tasx frceisuasmtofhegr- agmen foret and lthe lre te tsforce is supped tor :goain withu the toud tics icmeto h r n o ih ngs prosaud con baet anoeadytshw te mm ista ee rui igh The e etth taa fore n oe afoia eor omstis wgich is orlaivlyoraccptale tfpbotplsdeso aethscac touexMrltsntta atcthercmx fthe issuhae asno t o thegee mhefnaot fore adaltelreonsfrta atr r locatdfil uthoetown hIt isinutentgeeon tos ro ustco >othunnis suer b e n onta th erhnt n c ommite r. vi)ews are pwrsnte thtie eforae a na epotigoes ta shrt t thefinal ouàcom T s s our chance ta do just dt.t Hard Iook A Ktchener doctor has corne up with a solution to the extra- ýbllilmspiobeimch we tMinkthe govwmn t ougit to"lo at long a nd bard. His simple solution involves alîowing extra-bilEl only in pnivate medical practîces. Doctors performing w9WI public- lfunded institutions bhospitals, clinics, eto f would be obîîgated to charge oniy the OHIP rate. In addition, the ditort *suggests provincial doctors use restraint in extra-billipewhen charging peole who are poor or eîderly. Certainly, b extra-bill or not ta extraibill is a major pro- bemn for tbe provincial govertiment, the medical poeso and patients. A confrontation with doctors c on L id an everybody else on the otber ide is not what we need. This plans has some menit to it Should hospital coets ho *uniform, patients Iwont need to face large extra-billed cos b *afier a stay ih hospitaî. In addition. moat private-practice bils «can be dealt wîth beorethey happen. Patients cati chose tW~r doctor for a prvate practice much easier than they can wile n a bospital situation. * Ils a delicate situation for ail concerned. A plausible solu- t ion bas been proposed. Damn the torpedoes andLake a look at MI~AD 9' togUY Vie2w'poi ni WlIth MIKE BOYLE i have tins fneond wbo o uka shiffl She ""y the hadt praotber= houlsetn eý cîntomed to dayim7 alvso atcing. 1»sahe's tarting t t lme it ive al artat dall'y televasacoth ila gaine shows aoffporueaithe penalty merved by thuonoboi* .f vrakEven psy TV, with tht Lifelua Channel, Much-too-Mach Music, Lait Chioice sand 1611 feturlîg coller derby. domsaloler mach relief ta the daily diet o commercial TV. Leta atart with apreUy the b t thiag in game shows, wblch la, mone ortof an gman variation cafled Whee i f:otas.T t aiiof moderslely in teligent folk akiu for a 'P' on oi bons! TV malles me wondoe if tht human 7 z-esis ia. o r.gelg lielscualyif ( era or ituliîos Vans Wht.l Lsr aif the menlk w tcare abou t atZ î~ldwheel. en a a4o4hd co in ton vaththe saoma ~ gina hume raicamsi~'fatima 1 usedtowataair.TiîePceis Righ ifî1arso meoné se> -Cane On Down!!, ont more Line, we ihould seuil that unrunsmte to grammar se"os tesat& p...r> çrement of this show ih that con- pr feverythkng Grad- fath.erciocliu ha-ei. mtoclces. s Porsche, vith fmm tho i5trouticafuelinjectiot to emnuls tn headother athlt toysand trinkeis aie available on distractioanmach as tht famait "Phone- Home Garne"- If E.T blid sain thi, hle "ywould bl u t tamain memmpieoft sangr end, sait tronc the income tas systean, la 0f courwase Asa»e A Deai Wors. à Candian - Monty Hall h-lethe rifigmaier Allied "ta pretend Halloween neter stops sditaide bock loto their intellectueildhRood for 30 minutes. Not matiW ita accalit a gilt vorth meveral buicdred dolars, they asdmfttitoothe vint-more fear unW ltht> geltzonid 1t"k il lochi4ood on ail 0f em. Sou».ï-,v try clifferent angles, cith iove beùtg the mns94(l antipli> Yeu atart vcth IThtDating Gaine, ame ta tht Love Cosmmsction, advance ta Ilie Newiywed Gain soi thon finish vlth aotUalng called Pertact match. Timsoretwcaly, a couple can do. the circuât 1 co mit Our Readers Write Taken for a ride l ieur Sui, el is becsid Uth a àioer Lasàa man tht sain the laglai aithe end0W te tu" ndsa fini!.thai -ilt'a h onn to f an approseching fright train Reftvtlv 1itoahLime off corS tarait my car *into Ohen atres dealer Saine again to retneve Thte car bas "ekn tebowing vbni dfisg sn u Uùwax iigolrilI ly gia apeei. but ordyin i cci veattiefRecognaing On ssif a torenlta attr pwnp f(roum an aniieWSiatl -~TV cinmercasi. i ai culedtheOn saLoi t 4bock sn appcointient el tMa are s Magb as val do One96960-km inapectaen siae yoi're ut il" t1sii "lt's omiy gomt 46,M ho 'limavtmne havsng te ta a m. *off torS ain an anoher couple 0f veeki" 1 n=itOnstandard cal galer ti re&rival , "Bt dinnt, Ln 5iswteý's au Onheservice dû mangr ?For certaný' f INTwNI micat 1 fr, ai begm an bn r Imm g vai aItheit b otenl gO ..dsu scrateh uaieOnfaii As 1 vipai avay ~pùd e- e, wc-.- c) c- W- mc - e imirsimella uidtrachievmvnt. renansatc0ftheCt gvtCanadian braie thpt stuo deradesudorvingeven am oe wu a it behia If. bowever. yeua ant ta break mat iehayma csem=cdme olar taio cta t ta yinwtht nain italeasly return mail Tien wtt hlm. Tlahçoidb th tartof a new( OÙ c Incathought. never mnd Il ad try my bacSwth 'inont Herti' - RONIa * arram Rd. Not neighbourly Dear Sir: 1 have lit-ad iOn onfor 32 ysars. et cigtht muai us and di do(0ftht fanai>. but for thetamait part Vve boa ad coait Hwvrurleai lueasnthe ed=koW. Lnl to," laci = C.mk L 'es y P qa y a Wb"ice cp 00" voui oui ttti Pages of the Past One Vear Ago Frem te eb. 13, 1 BU Isse *Attacks by rabîd skunksa have resuttdint the destruction 0f fao doga and a horst in south Milton. Tht re- cent attacks ihouldnont cause pante, NIK according to Nei Pittullo. entor Sc heslth icupector. Thtrt have thie cool irmed and Onte icon- firmned case of rabiee A third dog bai henqaatntd. 'lZImmaa thing ta ta, avoîl contact vith wiii anLima!s, Dont try tu pet or f ted thein," expainti Mr. Pattulil Hetasa advises dno$ oners tu, keep their pets titi and bo sure doga and cea rem vacciated againa th fat stil bc quarantined if ýthtecn cd. a ciae s' et s rabianimailhbut Une drti a decreati tran six taithree Lte. MM______-_A large mimbtr 0f even are atrai> unolding as àMi ..u Zrazi nd New York Itanier ieft w Vr John TondUi vith a speclal Billai as John Tonelli 1Dy or pebp.Salute ta John Toàeli, ardyarosat, sutofraphasssion and special eventa ai T'li Canadien Championsa annual Charlty Golf Tournament have bt-to srrsngti Spearheaded by former National Hockey League reteret Bruce Hood. the events vert organited ta bonaxar Toneif i vho daring the 1964 Canada Cup hockey toarnâment va namei tLW tourntys most valuashe pis o ~drew rsve notices f rooi thet=1 Let's make , y o te adeI 7. ears Ago Fran the Feb. 9ishome now, a coupieoeur Manteasr uth& ir -rCoib g of Nauoagieya, the Goo&monTodiniconoection fotr lb. ia n rthea 0 mh wllvf l on a. Wat'll tht> wia - a guest sho on Golita Wlve ae ort apbe houaI> spitit Game'tinder the guise f trycng ta mlmace e re b>th a$ oty md 0prcent femnale reltlonahips, Umeegarne ihova. 0fco(urse. ent > th e aircut n 0prcn the opposite by provoking argumentafnoya th e pove.0 atismlP wsU one ort cimoney tieat thn t rainbow.fHat ad ee Tht viono seldoin are the most contrvWslal, wbach i cuties began consultation colicero- bel causes the producers n nd of problnnaTonbâtdmil a ot îaiventure The commit Tht Divorce Gaine junt von «. teeverS, r e st t ngs t a aisn t Soine are tlerable Wby, even 1 bave bain caugt rvale o ero riigln watching OneadJoardy show. Trivia or Snowledg lue maenutabe theontythng which reasly voek No In A large barn and a5inuiiPetaiai vomen on Jtoary.jît old-fu"NMdqustinsan building were desiroyed aita Waikers âauvers, Sale 0f OnmCntury tries Onesaine apçChe Une terni awned hy Brork Harris but tht> know their Amercan audience a11tonweii- Wededay Fire fighters were nedsmie IMU omnen. and min for thâ atntier. s. tihcaWuste O tr ae aitc-ahe and lmone> - tLvian evoAry urne, iebcuetefralnwyws 've got tuadmitt1vam glitu teeOnhenri ofRichard povai. ye'Miesotugis tI. AWFUYFeud. Dal Marethan $1illai wîll ho torward- dlients for familles ta bo malai. 1i vuonie 1w ais> F iato o h Ïal.ta chiliren maodsm lom f5kePjchard D D id taOnhegentrosit> 0f Millon ad ares One fura(0 AIDS end tOn show, vbat wth allOthntoklsmicg reaidatuts Mrs. W C. NRowney, con- and c .otn HWtooc' Maybe.losn Collian ld vener of Ue March of Dîmes canvamo bave ret n showfra couape tgyears Sasnt o near ta thst Lorits TV ksin.100 Cnsec4an a CptL&inpar - o Nfta beoutaion an ne haboied bocktath tîcipae lithe\tuao-oght etians. lsrihof gme shows, acfe offerthé u ' 0 Ye4Aog thuad fdollars in prize inoney tor Snowcng mach in- 5 e g tritLedetailà s the OncaaargsezeHershey bar Profiltht Veb . 131»Issue Try Githal's Jackpot, wmr tht main requrginent *The Pîdemi ofGermao messies anuOng lis 16 garisteems tahiethelouheswth winch vhcch bhad raged ini Georgetonfor theycentyeil JACIPoT!illy ridilescouplelith theputtLimemonths ia ittle abated. h cati brlng contestante seversi thomand dollrs ai accordiog the report otftDr C B Oh nd o f tOn eek 1 boar More tino3,500 persan s ali Wiliams, alto had 34 cases reporied Liouifor Onthow-ihoe the prOducers wore emuffs t10 bain anauary .Pealnps One ultinate lame show oight tai ho ont - Our curai mail couriers arr, inv where otutanta 0f botc sexes jsauvr all-teating i a hard tme these das getttsg question for mont>, Iget Onhutçportanity ta traIe Onht through One driftsunonmre rouies mote for Door No, 1, 2or 3;guex tOnvalue ofOnhegft Those who rt-ceie mail from rural beini One doue; 1ad, ahouli tht> garnafitcorrecti>. bo courters ihouilkeep tht approacb tu awarti s marrage wlt thOncotestant, c0ftOn appugie tOnr boxai open asthe routiertiare ss.a vhs flnasM ih t heOnnext blghest point tal. oct reqwired tu valk t0 thecu Then Richard Dawson coud coret r om i lnsd Two houses, a barber shop alda gâl em 'tboth s big snack oUb&*e linainith'm %hop io Acton vert lestroyed hy fIre which fane firemeai àaftve-heur fight Wednieslay nigImI 0f tesat veM. Damage tas tistimateuf ai $11.00Fors tti t was feared tIsaI the (re mas threatenîng tht thoie toc-o A imntîl t>ofurnît ur,'sas ais ed(om ,housess UrOcg drastic measure,, tu carS mauntmag relief cousa lespite improv ~ai ce a of own pe the altgh0f On Industrial conditions, Mayor - goiagiiag rlghit" 1 William Marriso. of lHamiltoin. drain oft mrrtender sand i=um et 0fiyprevioanlY eclared ai l"riduv igh's t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h petraissainvgoitl'iag eurd Municipal Night Meeting' 0f furi out yau uo n prilut t e Ock Piusa, AtIngoLion Club ihat he tn perparel ilo yu t 6l30p.n on Friday Jan 21t 10 accepi thse respomîibiliyfor iin tithoeOncoutesy of lesvang ai lesst an .,ifsftes usav fte aiver My apology on my wundthitid let aime an offer t tuitt 5(iiseitrnsportarseon [tom e fat apemateviiotaaetinprtûltroa bO'c l tisa same peerindappear Mino is City tu l original homes Tht second une tromu Actoan ta snutgonald lIe> have rn over your pet' OrifMilt n b-en splendid]) maintain go back Uey lut yoiir chah!. your parent. >0tr el lIi violer,[lisa delidtb. sind ntghbour, and lesvit thein lylng heipiesa, or Weil ciesred'rosdway, have hec-n ap- 8 EZ ANT esai fOn thaoght One commission 0f th"r prcite hy aIl à.. ites crime bai goal iuten' Ara.. F re us. Whido you thlnk' ERRI 12 e i g W e eledrPrm lm iss 16 ue - " h pe ,too l'r tht iaca tofaIour realers en happy De. Mr: a bort-an present vhat happenti ta ACC«* ordiutga apIctuse sud caution an OtOhe oIe jan 29 Jan dflti fTur Campdm auyor ~jS, = ti nsuppeisel ta have artasl>Ki5iiiz. Bruce Hood anditOn Jayc e vt-e Onsatfered martyrdomn. or vas sitem ,W ae ail> people htiping tOn VarieI Village sal ivieth àsiworl nriEttopas. Tht Taramt. Sun ni papu i Z Y" '5 S Mark vas lraggei thraigh tOn ce Or 1r voLi tlSe =t>lgtayooraUn that smiets 0f Alexandrie. bingyçO til o i l> wre GR ode f C&"ms ,Mann 1w ex red c se î» .tv tables aiuMiana, bho On ,gr asg= lt Lue vas haiiged apon an olive -1 erit vere tha. tran9 ý ta 7 pin. tise in Greece. lbiela P onemor bnu» Ab YM SI.John vas pultenaàcauliron f *»59 Iwlistht1bvcomn t e astiavà édidasnaturel yerawm um ma h nlmamr deat al b a in ". 1 Ai Guide ,A 1eilimsyuab h og s a i . in OntheGut wva bthtsdti Mass ai bwe ave et J«unla. eurmeles m&W vrilleca a mia eps St. James iMa ,Lus as Uncovo ~i~~n m.a.s u mm u am aU m m tulw's cb*. be hct P #0 rgo l of m Illai! tu pullaa City r01tn VUih kw iu ai.o a làmlrwu bhouagilgà r Il mi l b m W; bdvé 111. An%»v vu bru d tscru eaqs M 11111»= 311111 a * s. S Wu àImi a4m et tfrOlhin *BUn5 aIUn~ jus e l mM IMM5S, . Yiil YOla OWdW Je u5 - AI4Ng ML« t . S.imon hisltvas crucifii n One pint is"as '1h s forslacger, tavondmuei vho but te pose tOnolmomns question 'Yeu u sldod itsi' 1 sil '1'c aasmefruhm' sai One N-back-an-hair mtchanlc-in-traaing 12 fini mvay IttonSàase- cond rnofor in> brain ta deciter tOn fat-go- an .blurted aiut au ripai!> Ot I Sntw Unt i a, its ia athteblocSaSap' cham- pion, An bouc latter, One service manaiger told me th&nal O i' flnd ot vbat vwu caonaig One bowling sndblhâng '*No, .' ia -01 ctaeuni. Vo. ue r n-i in h agiei 1~el.if il gaves you an y oe trouble, junt fu lnmttn"blie d*'Il enly takesàminutae La charIe One vatu- usmp" As 1coMW sto astopaipthentige theurloW, 22smis p orali a bowling vate- = rUI ni>yesrs, I Casa utMUne Ut@i on home-Iynons1 taidtOnL va»u ied ud"yceisie dovn vtt s bai Ou i Cls0fflbng aitl lathaldthecar is Aflutis oïal ouJ diieva> 19 joui resdi Mastory s&Wdahrsig, you cnai llasbang e tria.Can*dWm. You ~ ma~sa a bia.coamaesta0