* Pfl, somplopof mm" ..Lbis eImbed issid u 0» Waalk. R.U.V. Omb.. Os. Domg688 Brmes 0aab choes <om Comfpny aewMi.. Odmois. l t mo ouimaMW BourgCla. Milton Limestone honors employees Piv emloy.ea f rom Milole. <ieCaMisny'manager, BNU Grif- neduith 25 yuet ser vi..o éervice wr. e or ecul 17Z oi Those honoured 'ver. U, V.te fiuu usteom esm.i * becul dimnrGolai, Brun GoMmoaMi Du, IMUhimmemaos baopoàucrW. tfis ed od wîatbsere Blg al n~ce an Mmd sGUM Mi mi ad te -fr O.coudi ris e preented to heiv.e enloyeus by modno wallonayun r u.dulry A A"d iradkmmml educums Um b uIM mhortemsqa ,ý.i hbka, kmuwoem -s. I I. FAEFT!I JANUARY lU Sitle said a unique opportunity Coallagd ai umpmg i te decide ho» mui 0oftaI fuiotig con lie med fro ailor edueation. After otite cSla.ter. tu net moi. W.11 It ia an înpdequate smount 10 sup- port an active ouldoor educaiai pire.- gram,' aid Mr Richardson He soid lie Cnta th hoard tlakaa nem direction I lwoWlm 1k.te sSemore sliprt rn teeavîronnmmisi prvigrama ut1 fmrsi there wîilhave te b. ai change in phmosophy- Mr, Richard- son is responsible fbr bdtiu tand oversees te physical. hel , and ouldoor educatut opogramnia la n Hilton scilool Mr, Rchardson gasyaHoitnha& had a tradition mof purchasing servi« f rota conservation &rets like Miami-9 sberg oand Crawford Lobe. ParentslatW te aludents pay etra for te bulkof tes. ommîlgs The board hantà wa~te ake on thteresponsibulily of property and developng mits on ouldooredicalon program H said the Scotda. gaopeaIy wouid provide Hallon wit an ez- celles>l opporlwrtly lu geltteir tluth inb a strong enviroamnertat pro- gam Thte farta has several mmclidg borns, sh. ,and 4ie.ahuge pend, and à herd ci catile "il ta an in iltreotiig offiN, i rigit in te region. and ha a tremon- iýiuraagofioporapy to fer - -tir PLs syH La Lamgia ý,no Ww Onltho nrs a X 1 ýbireV m nultdmtle<hbe etisI. 410mbmore thon $«.M a yar ta keep is Io Fteld Sludy CaS- res operatbonat lieiy have mme tpachers worki.W ful limbeIla'th Jack Smytit Centre in Terra Clla, andthelb G W Fiayson Cene ib Cbledon Kacit popes y mn opprox- iwalely ljçres. and faa a wlde ronge cW envlrommtal p= mrma. Mujdetta go 10 lit. cenIesforpond almdies, oriealeering, acrial pholophy. orology progranta and plant tudiei They con ah.o crois- contry ski and go snn"mnhet Cos for ail acivîlies, includiog traosuorta on, are absorbed by dis ý0v 'an cigitl- or- ne-year pet Pui iudmnla ihould viail lite MMContres four or (iveeims.' 'aid Hiugh kcPtiersoa VicePrincipa Wf OUt. dnoEàc.tio CIres f or Peel. In Wllngton Counly, West of Hellen, h, board Wf education spends aI bleut 11i0,0 s ayr 10mainain isml QuIdane Educoblon Scitool at Edent MIie Tiso bochm sare emilyed (ti-lime liey aoh. have a mobile ai11 wtchvisitoa<isrural ichoola l'h. Wellington bards attitud ta a progressive onm."said Rck Fuie. Qutinor Educotion Co-ordnalor for ltaI hoard ite only factor holding un bock ba mon.! la Holle., Mr. Piles has apemd PARENAL STRESS tu sune long-rang. plan for te Soladle proçerty He ald lka develoomunt sho db.cp~ainl ove, five Yom. ia Plan cau for ilIta bc staffed by teociters famillar wmllu te curriculum oW au Hate sàcitula "Eveny uludmit sitould b. Wffered ellemn10ry chol tfe" b aid Ilesource maeril ahould b. avoulable te tochers. aunoy"caoln- lograte te outiloor .dmcaton i510 noieraI dffer eat claises, b. laid. A il sands, h Haîlon hords ad- ,tiniètration lb waltls for te renom- menditions OW an indéemndatfrm, hirud by th.Onariono Huritage Poun- idation, tu determine te .xtesil of al lit partis' inIerst i n bteScotsale po-y avion f.lbeahW. f "Iob *A m mi LLuMO" ÊELTON 878-2803 SPECIAL VALUE! SCALE <S VOURS FREE! 'il JOIN TODAY AND ENJOY THE NEW OUiK<STARTrq%I PROGRAM - WHIE-buSUBTR.«CVWIE otqs FOR FURIHER INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-268-3915 FLui coe.nesdthe oenimSe of a dalyin 1e acc<umt with a high nwoey mar int t-.o e995% Daily Interest Paid Monthly Dl ycaihave $10,000 or axxe, comut ethe rate prmtcd abatte wuh thetai m~ current ddy intenea u ainmt "utlye'l sec "ha thre à sîmply anunhuraanm. Tha bnocmow ,-ue monwi wekly boai eo ewnnmt ci CAnada 91-Day Teoaazy Iilb Vua om e m , d7- 1 Ned ith a TOTA.L MONEY MARKCET MCCOUNTI Amot. O«u t ua 01ky th Mwtmoups caVa th, AL .- l,seni - ?5.,w9 mami - nPM 111,0-0150.999 lo MUON MALL You &StClaur, %h a&-ad %Wpr Popie - A j .4 P. C.Fun4ralalng Dinner Aue., i WZ ud Sonime aI730 87 P h 4 o 8 _82911 -9NATIONAL.TRUST olie m bm màà u â uo.. . IL 6- L Pl