38 8 MAIN ST. EASt 878-8101 (TOR) 826-Ul18' U MMW ST. EAST -8781 I TÔR> 8244218 0 ne f :=Ooulsf tIwo1 3.bdrm. bun-eg buAI 80 nes wgndows, centf. a or. 0800 8 4e Otra inouf. lo o etffU l betitO. @"ad L*p a"8 ams. lm bLt.~ ba. 9-âNL pusalié for 11M< ht-bua , plsab Zptoon à ne*lu pla 1<11< l18 f enil acre. R pl1oe11 go oel at SsWo.-benzii LvuIoe, ""lo10. In41 A81 4 CboOOI Eat-in féfh b=I8OIe dil4~ <0004, Tiléa en end1 unit1 fia bocks 04110 delachod homm.e Véry clatn 889.900. Sandra Logis, 8784101. BEAIITY à THE BESTI 4-badrmn, 2-etorey .î.cuifve brick< honte on1 pSl.séze inf prime locatio 041 I Mn. 04 plus family rat wffh f.p a Wa114 out. Mally ,uepgrèdes fhroughouf To o.Cali Son- tire Logis, 878-101 Mnu PilAllU iluil TOWN. Duel1 !Iomo. 2 kitcham0, 2 al"s .11. Y mOr tfend11, lote of mettur f <ea. Thé, la M: mot%. cul kor Mêlés. Limfl<fet 01 boo-,-Oozil L@wr;cl AND yuS r CUI aCul 8440 miuest 101 <eO =lvam. AIl to<i $16900. garage.Juif à booutIful court, "Yd ArbellU .1#l lu=fli 1 doaIs.878810 P iaiStIuFALY o »Mn - ifgo roc. fln Con- tact Audree Loir ebostgan, 8784101 PIAIT TRIUOPFURU - TNle super lmmacula@ brlq# bulgéali le alluide01 juif 5 minute Io00 51800 on PASf an<01 plopO<Iy, nets <00f & windows in 885, fruit traite. déliés. o Ool' deIsy - $08.9r0 MarguaI Salin. 11711-711117. THE COUNTRY fIOa§UAN It dlfi, 1&«ore safi 1149 .11 rab" o m".41 homo. Sms rtuo< .4114 J004g11 à mélit-out Io poo Ak tennis 00.01. 0000 ba 4Ih 0 401 0'... .81V AN ET. 4 tbom..3,M ai fi. fi'ces. a=montes furallure attireaW es g 0.d0 Cs for ait o Mal.si d al, 88810 AN INVITATION TO THE DISCUUATIN. Exocuutîno 10 plust rooi on1 0 booutifut mm. Super for 80f018141fl. lnground Poe01 S-coÀ uao 5.11811barn. To <10wt culadi Logis. 87840d "1O.ACRE BUILDING LOT" Minutes from Mohawk Race Track, lover 3,000 Young treé, f80 m0rtgffl avaliabiée et 11%. Foçfil detaila cati Stella HM &7"1h01. TOWUMOUSL UI-brm., 1V, batlla, finiflilud terni- Iy rm. with cac. floi., th18 borne has large patio daces overloolcing the 8784101. enlil atmi SYL IA A UQI fou 054al11, Z fruIt 0<Ci4W11i 5 bad110041. 3 bat ha. efi .1111n *1114 f041001 OdoK Cali bondi1 Ki145.1. 8784101 NUMY - NIJAY - NEW LISTIN. 3-bdrm. toWnhoOS, SaPdratO dining fln., living rM. be Lgtt kitchen, main fieS>riaundry rm., wlii out to a pflvails patio. Good 8,0, 11011 luSt long. Cali Ba9ay rading, 87"-101 or 87"718. OPEN NOUS! SUNAY FIIE. @1111. 2 per - 4:30 pot 314 ICNBSWAY PLACE Pib. S141,m 811,1. enuy i ettOlIdIa. 18-8101 CAMFBOLLVILL§ VILLAISE ESTATU §37M0. bxeuffn. &M. ho m 441 éý 1<84 oce. fl041, honIng 4 bafti, fopi & nuflla<us qudlly feaértur.. (fief in office) f0 d.fgh a prudenti TORONTO CORE IN- VESTUENT. A welI.kapt, 12 unit aparîmoint building with à good rhtumi and potentiel for more. Located in an upgraded sat, minutes tram downtow n for moro information con- tact Ernie Zammil, 878-101. LAmOumumIE- M*II MA ï,"',',1;alpis m. mo9110 ,OVN liffl79 ýz40 Za OMAN 870M8 US-l8i6 m B7'U iré,.a~ CAROL ST00.J. 870401 et.9. -uammu u Dm080 aofoUnm tre800 LaS UCI« &19408-4 amif n181 n mL bL 5 POJL oUMAJu 878f Slerai MAU #tresses 884413 umjy» $$>lm Kumus-PA 87'40 am A1f 878-3080 U.CU1EMMf "vuL -OD elo lmZXUo w.mmaD.ORNEAU.UEJ.. ASYORAABLE COUNTRY. Cil*'nuing bungalow, outil f0 01117 m1nutes fron, 111,101. L-stSd Si $88.900 TO 00- C3a1 E-e. zaVInlul 878-101 CIMMERCIAL INVESTMENT Approx. 2,000 sq. fi. on mairi-floor and approx. 2.700 Sq. fi. on lbasf- f foor, fuliy leased. Hors os a place bo grow cuti Milton. Please Cai for defaîls Denzîl Lawrence, 826-g218 or 878-8I11l $AOMU flIOmOO 8704"0 J * 3 III e' -4 "<v.,.' m 1 il