Flo s Me lu PNOM a amomua i s Vt. al1hy kqa.@ tbu m mmMun Cham berapplauds E More tins11)8 eewo neanbaid ta "ta ut Mlcs CItiofsthe duar emr- at t e a" Mit ncommrce Csmrnaty ,Awrds Dimmes r lâdy .vSnlag PaIn! 1 am a am vedm-maatar of terean"lufor uweont hkuta a Mr, Foer hguaid. OtItreci- pet er, baSelacourt Who was »ame i epa fee the duye.r. an, Wayne ad atinle Giardof Yeberguard Products Lad. for »W.nuaiet heyetr. Thse Mul5enbliSd dor chairwu voted the Orga"iotlohtheduyr ritIt Marco Ken, chi charmua. accepting te suard. Ite Civa tm- provemant Aard uent ta due Toua « MOttîvfor te restoration of th lormcr courtbouae and ol, ta becoasie the ne toua hall Sach oftheicreciplenta u.re peaed with buWlferud teards. Ctamber of Comnmerceprumented for the chamber, ad Ma yor Gord Krants dii en for 1w Town MPP Don Knig wun hn ani for tdu prenante- tien. anda sruçslmetstve nOt Jeihas fie ude a presentation on bit bIt@ Data shows drus kifl lipv tre a ie marat i frdk. th.le= a average fr alcobil- remul Ifailtla h55 u u ne mimbmr .dm lg cidssts ruulëtlng ina21desthIn nM05, M&alUM i n=etlatd17 fatal ar- !n lui, four accidents aire aloool.ulaed eautlng in five du"h. du the m iofMü1S1 e" ouanwas *ilda$dta factor, but nlo the oaaiy 1, MC lBe. "W ave à lot = burup"bihe fkw à ilne la drrnktng touhuMWfederal and lpovuacial laws. damptaag douaounampared drivers. *'Ou oailousu arhs4a difficut Umne geitLoaiImpua= vut e t 1a . in t eq1nlaptchecks fordue o.th ai Janary. the trafle MmoueapdU cars, but nalbaid mmiefr flrtulne impalred drivers adaoaring inrance prulnuare a kaugalt Of motoriata. tareaelut bi onte wth pu"l *Iso dive fora hvbag.'le added. In the. put a o ny couitide an lm M arirortrcm tIBu tIr.aptde t fo a yesr Bu Publ fce = lnat t step up the"r pli diainprogram onilm pared diving tiis yesr -W. want people to start tbuaklng 0(drinklng and drlvuag as a crime, theasame vay they tlalk of murler asu Mach menubeof the wtrslfic bureau bau bera asaignai a district ahere sapii Oataauu lu they wWli e resunible for holding ieCmaualy Awde fora, sijsa nln fraion pieaia epa,.e5- ta aWbet. son rlclb ieal esmulbNm eega-oit1u thedifforeat mayor' commit- tous en drlnklng an driving - - ,.- ~ÂSI Monday, Fobruary 24th At the Bayrsch.r-Hof Banquet Hall 324 Steeles Ave. roweing front :30 peu Show Mtarte et 7:00 Pmn For ait brides being married afer June 1sf, 1986. For a free invitation for you and a guesf, ca/i Barb 878-4098 or 878-7875 or8ev 878-3477 Reglstratlon lelmted Féshlon Shows Dasutrulona Splat Olaplapa Gifla for al rides Numecous Donc Prme Liu .j ýw iw - ý - ý-eAm ý ,,Ilïlmillw