Ihaer c o u SIhem, ie. eaboum ltc Max the OPP traQer dog Is n&t crimes best.frIend DY UOA TALLYN (beamplea Reprtee OPP Ciatble Tom HuilonaM c hie pp.loegMax have ac g oalmrkiai tolabaob.p rytrstS.eeci odher (» .Htoi sar eteranort tir Wuc thsen eyecr Hec >aut tistoe ymcrs rad d eiglu aily 97 paciale -Max n aieot li Germen Shopherd lhaking dogs weîr4 og ut rai Ue Buri. u g~OPP detacismaitHe has *oe L osa. te aicover driaV adfg tive h'uaglut th lis-mfl sbctelsoaith Golden Horeeho.. fýoen flurtangon le Nagra Fale "Vga have in buld ap c bnd vils ie deg and hehcis totrsatyou. " "l (>0ut HumSo mbo lias bou c dog handle orfortatndcahalf years "Ho céuld h. sving my bIdeeor aneno *lee mscc. day."* -UN qute en o h.eac for c de te bbcame à e osisuerf 1htraccblra Nm. cnd the OPP jiit doc' e- cuptevcy epplicant Iriey muet h. h.cc qu iluda. r<ni cas l »uof0<guibe cdpeu an -rcy tor ce> to sandc iboge dectu Mestl l pleteeli. cranbltu MU04 have c the bâ bust -Do ith vuI paw potileare co- U.rd4F, an, r amiet id tisale Sale-etise animaisaenrt1 reutared. tomssceoud h. et rlsb i bbcocnng pmegnnt, &tIM aolde't mu ielocltvely :M» t rec. a s oms. trame . vite chieticte Tr eOPP douel veo4c tsiee r breed tiser ove dcgs Once1 àèc, ise vw a &renm ra th J)PP1 pony miraBrmptn viser tie, icidergo à 4-ek u t oe training pro- glam Tise dogo a-e verbuiotusix IWl- hpur deysv fer h. irst cane moeét.c means business_ icM - = ch. ooi dienet ant o apcetthoir bondie .Their bonde mpu tbraagh 1w hi itPiocevt thtis. Demietracithug Mare lUtodueed to difftrt inai ci *s.ge by tUdr hanies, fr hm la10 our voeal.1eîr t0 hIsol- cint et tisa Aradmy Tv do amar givon etrkctl>bcm nsbcd ex- locatmon adittent vays the1h cut rcùng dllaboccime cny cevere movements eoubd b. Evor> cas vois, thse dalla ccd tisir partnu-. go bock 10 h. Acad.nsy for e rcefr rn. Coumit.Huilce erisa ra ibr Nufl but b.e ccd Max are ainccli ahua,à,e dyTht> ra-ai 10ap- proxumatel> le0ptrai-aauricelc" yur Wbse 1h.am cralled 10th.eieeci .h cs.,Ma telep on a loed and put rwx 10 wo.i Tc. e m'seether cdt insa ruci actoein thee imata tre bci Thtdopiac taie ed to match lu- theh r W"ele.. wisicta levyroir e than tav hai rid Semil bop ot aistureslete.h ie air, vhlck (ale aonoelletabon, pre- vldeg Max vite a gond place ta cMort MIas doet acys get bmsmuibut h. al a ouecosomalbacier *W. havent lied an sucaccunfia treci ylwt oniuly ,Wldthtie nvlaacicers il ithaoetisNo mhal tie a*r- Qute ctS MixWDas u ua omnt 10 dasevu- lsd the cuiprit ata cway in àcacr *Whee th. dega go bock fr 1h01, reruhotr tra hie fW qn»ocýIl keps when Max le n aiteetib-el>of Mme- in& pou-ons, break and ente sipets bn& td rves rdrue Puruesnatcher folIed Brdol FOS"IooShow '86 Fiafu,*,g Bdes, BrldeoNsd, Mothetes Dreecea, Mans Faseisn, Special Ol$alyi. Gifla for Evoiy Bride arnd Nunsirouse oQaiPrizi, TO SE PIELD A T MMRMuMIL m 0 Chsuech SM., Giorgetoun - Suo.dey. Marcis23, 1 eei. p.. Show Tio- 1tup. Cclou £tuà v ou m M Ucha. omb 74~lmmmc 7116 lé' a -'-s-, Thse Canadien Champion, INed., February 5, 1M l6 CHURCH SERVICESoe t mdimbu p i- ..._____ =___ DO__ Can tres 1 oelcgtwe eaus Con. A ntcu raqlelbdr& e4y laEt = d.@-. xe7 , ",i brotacoverll$ A, srau it 1par e l*'&81- ueoit fordyin*.an Mcd ber puy§Np. Theowuan-damagebut c«»U tfar Complexion. ne ::4.= W.u Larie ar=u lutter.llyLcrl v wcc @AveabIc S p eau ane uckl Eiibaccee ec0usdtub 1h a à.eol t à . tl huicnfrot daayaw Cdcmna ama agies, M . rto aS.lmtses, Polic det dugiaI 1k etafiniPolce an wmbsvuog à wwok Se ~ ~ ~ ~~& fulhrbca Dajcvacente lt. c eafumeinb *cple ae,.lbchh. auve teociAve nuvtonA "ara. c3,080in ana". e =t- Mb hicrcq nucunact Pea, hmavq egau nm140. bibince.vu gch.DW 13lbg th. front icer, vtech wc u riait n Police cilvolalgebruckih.Police have nuo upocla w& tvooilul h St. COM, Raya. Lme DviouIne .fs comllucolnfa uir lo urne building werc raeeaked skeatés, nw ytr. ecmntlco oereil ucdy Ju M Soonoime Fridcy noI r Saturdcy ccd Nuaiy Jan 2? * urcuslpits cul 1h. fonce Aar AUlngl ulhlg mc aba plic nre l b.. lot irmachines i., alcn tat 1. clpeIteverevuevas 1h.yard. looba5 er aeh nbaoe ea ain-2ekn mc aleuSPolars valsaed et .d Uwnl l*va h sie S.. i & Yarnâise250 ortis 110r S3,000, ccd cAlUS Ho"de orth 82,M0 ...The Homse.d Vamisihave cÀ. "etomn Regonul Police are la- basni osret bpolire bthd vestiostaru c hit-andrun Accident have oteo ooedaeg nji lsdt = swobetven i12 30 and 1 the machinie awu d h.bnd P.L c.m mmauJanERobertis' mo.dmaed Pr aipaiP1le itteu ed le kg. Deme 0bzthCar=le t2 pioty bcave ofhfrequency ~a UM. ofthe oceurronceeo MILTON GOSPEL HALL M Ooctale U 878-2022 In Une Nasse cf vie Lard JMa OVI Sqdc, eb.9. 1988 11. am Sa*sdoy clood p 4>m osowSe.ic dullée Old. end lue 140 ofleaÀ. kt a 3« 878- 4206 PM. U Dr n. ed leele &sdaoy. Fa> 9. J986 10 00cam -Wavoleu4c. 11008am Oicsdwy9hA f.or u W Fundyri MITON ALLIANCE CHURCH S.seou Ph.omme elc pectu r OniSReempe 878-9584 S&aNdy. Pe> 9, 1986 9 45 aM - Say Scl>oc lai me 40ole Fundy t, 0Oàmem ncg WoecI> 6 30 p n, Eco.csg S«cce amui o>. Sevicca. Ocile me"10. Md cmme Kina GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH 878-22à8 Suidey. Fat> 9. 1988 W. uleuecFm la WM M e e 407 pu e N.xaIo lbn >LkrWY lo0o&n, SucvSd>ocl 1 00càm Moniessomhe 83Op m Evcnéng Sensce Thulday 7 00on me" mMy 'The am i iv- -Se, e mii.Q«iý CHURCH OF CHRIST 1412 0lehni tyome Suncley, fe>9, 1988 IlOCens u*o..,cf1 7 30 p . P>u.wsAc OWaOePW For informeioe Md Trasepoelen cd 878-2733 MMEAIL TO cm 4TO cMis LATT MI S"?? Yofmm ccèw egteju olee O i L~e By D iel cdV4joIcnla - eiu le ume. e O 0 tlai .SeuthOe q« uil OcrtheIwo 1M More business for you ./ Ruth, Basket> 15 à f- > facie have ýomne t10 offlt on Ruth f or h., asssaur e l*er daésiadied dcJi" H fel Id- teen yers epefrsee in ci..- lied c&&eitn" dl heip ycu Pt off mCeiresuit whethe, you ère selleig household eu, h"u hep or pannin à "nares id A long tr"s.resmdeçsl Rtfs baows t4 ecoirircaîy wemi d>an eOi*iwAast,( 544 poiter of "Iton, Thusendxsa.- atm t evidert m al aspects of ho. ob, pmflrsg h.ef pesrice to worl> for yo&a by poducng cissdied advetswbg tIs ieork3 As à momberof < ecwce- henniCis Qwnpl advormscu tear>Rufihasudit aiKe a" >wsg ati w4smds orsble ho. tu creat More biaise.foi youe huai Jaiung a f W* nUssiso 1al 10 ait cod wkmou .fS - VS 2&41. % A 11 I R H A ftk le &.-N1hpma fqt Fm ulpo 7ueeMY Febvy 11, 1 Ol@t8êg>. lueA mwwqye l .5 IOL U EPIPHANY LUTHERAN CHIJRCH qebffl "u"sPubes""cW 878- 3406 ScunasdyFot>. 091986 10 30cam -Fwoy Worec (aIel le ise mw ,Hmu a00 &M -CKOCIl 50 Cm* Md oGmw wdI ST. PAULI OF 1THE UNIlTED' CHURCOI F CANADA a",. Et. Jack atot 878- 8895 &mndey. Fib. 9, 1988 930 &m THIE GOSPEL AND, SCcE«eIc eluot soedw Berry go m 11 00 àm. pSmitusuvIc SBAMOfS- ose PwaeoucCdu b Ne.cey Aulileil TH15E PRESOVIERIAN CHURCIN CANADA KNOX-. MILTON Thse v Noble Dean, owfetx fcf rlea, tdcc4so, 044M TMntS"W8784gl Stnasdy. Fe> 9, 1908 11 00 mMmnrQ .oWosa CChsSchot ActA Scier~ eo see TF41NITY BAPTIST CHUIIOH F.O. mucM, Bceusgtm un 3Ameiy Une neu. W.L Pwmn 634-4879 Stffdmy. Fet> 9. 1986 m410m entsiumgcac A Elras 'oab0bofnwIlieGocci o a830 p tccmsg Scr. *tusaec Tpm.TryisM Gm Cka Wed Y 46 p.m-*Wioellncg à amSkaclY -oclmré"en w» OIeCmaelw Qed ORAGE ANGLIAN CHURICH I5 l yhmet c8e6411 Mmi., Thse A.Mm Ia o Susday, Pot,>108 Lait Ato.Epi<wy 0 00 a m I - ?o-.1,>Wc 10 30ca MOI0 oE I-t & Homo elati 10 30 . . C crcscd» & Vf4 eL APTIST CHURCH Melor, OMctaeLOT 2J3 ietor Kien Copbel Phone 878-3542 Lod* Dey Soivicos Sunday. Fet>ruery 9. 1986 9 45 AU PMIILV BBLE 1101 1 1 00 Ad FAMIL Y WORSHIP HOUR Scaispmel. ) Ci cul lel« C&IMdWn DreOCID ofTRANS NOAtO 6 30 PuUSLIERAT10N àe cc. cf cong M am taid cc cleoumled esee lm 'e . w #s ifelIf m... il colaii emslae Mme.lor c0fum-