.4TeCanadien Champlon, Wed.. Jmnuoy 15, l1M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Milton Heights Ski -ÇIùb Off ,mn gets two more victories FO a.iFU F1ia iM tehnnu i bhb bc" am Orb gweewn tue dvisé»a Wood th NOM luishfl M C o vtoale akainst Cedeeand Pliceie Summdy. Chub mmmbrs RemyKaoe- queu and Dawa IeHorbta p pa in lie Moeamtate w ctUon At L«utte, vxf Mfenve = M-.»'d"&thy Anm-.di dowaied Plnerdge 117-78. Miltonm gwept lthe topOrm s.posing piak& ihJuf Kuns. à=m Lalais c-ime oo~mi Nd liird Drmveek " (Zfailel orh amd AsNulafltuhiueu fhm. mam* Hoo4elu»metidfor Uüt n4i bede aI Uxtay DOM*M u - ingrs cm petitém .Laura Proe wuaa ltlm Je*- aller Quicâ wvies sxth. CampeUvM's CrisSnltb was aeveÉam aDbave Eu n ù". Laiveile fnhahud fint i boyscn- uinal Pineridge et i Abdmn Red, but his truU uhowl u wn't cnoeaghte hmmp Mta i to vkîg-y. Pinerdar oclowdsolieHgbts0a . Lme wtttck wia th",rdfor M"tain ebeys aM QraaiGordounlUt. mai NcCuldu wa u te p ogiir lm*. ooeu Bl akisos nailed due Uth and sii, thaika in Kelly Klesky and Kery Montac àI~lffl km. PtoWes am e2ý wemeWtI mbut, em*fath flnaahe titlla.bui='$ blaneCh" iawu i 1 m Dabim Wllli aah in girls .Hoger Jerch waai sixt In liboysan d Juf Alda @*thl Ham iii gets game winner Scott Ha mmiâlauimidait na/gJ on ema- in the luti.tKahn: uila six inutes .remanieg jtà gvc Bln baeaIm ugl mliyli airK ilto's novice retteantcmàa4-3 v-in- ta hZi iI aaatFlmooHa:mlmancd moai oy v. Brligto ote oMf ive m-bul g 4laid1 l idMlI i a cessI garnefor the Mlton chhib, fini puz tiBut tait-iitliig 11e rote mtu ch1 sernslai whcb Mitniw-nlee and Flambera lationa came bic itUa = Wt A nie ,tuf id one. qucgoalanantdded a third te i ilonpliyed tlIt I oier match. M iltone dowaed tto lthe led dainaglthe fnal frime. HaMlon 4-1.,r di thur fint con 'Ie lutait mici ed a flmrry of tet t0 Flamboro &-iand leasied corteg. but Famboro came ait on liemai afour and<l heu BurÀr- ontopufIbdeCoo.a cra frBlo agate k-t w.cAdan ommoCht TUII lai du .-.. coneste Kevla i lson, Ksiliand Matilin vi "!0 mu Hilaton iIOIfaceti rdn1 Hat K ija.Gffln, Aa Juhamn lacî skatnt eambut trog gls!Todd Belard cited mau".l ron Joey ltodrmgutr coud th pipel fn MUitons.atraagchchl a gve Ldun ilon lie ed1.DifyA@dw ncoaildtwlce laitdu retalimat, lmbr frMtn COt andi thae idacuing utBUe mmcky ShawnKm* liècled i wl ne regalati dulïr footing aaid ew even.r Dr PmetngtMlonte-- la.a.~ .. aXiaiauullassâtecambthrd n it du ofdtheu fiae iltont laidu ini Duanion onti. ientià tuogapî lead inte du m Triai tewrt echd ttti wimale nila asf ronideld uuati lelAr- PEMRR. i gadt Jenian idded ane 10 coniple- bu&ie enerte n pick INSURAP ment Hilla game-wmlgeffort *ed q asist.AU s Roert Kueak hadt oaia wtmle Flimboro inotteti aI al three, '6UE Trevor Kubai andi ittlaew Hart a&t- bowever. andthe du aaitradeti goaul b m cored bfiltm'a in Wilson and SW Ryaai smill ,agiant Buul- ftp *CURIG LRME LnM SH4ERRY INCE 855 SYER DRIVE MILTON, ONTARIO 87"47t4 McBride, MacDowell INSUIlANCE BROKURS LIMITED M N-Y Ai Am WOOLLEY 870"749 w '-.,, 87"872 Fus M.*b THoE HFA T LÇ ON! Ut MICROFURNACE- - ehnology makos ', efflliien - Size makes it potale ( - esign maltes 1h sale Ths amazing new product provides instantet where and wtîen you want it. (2 M.F. SALES à SERVICESf SU OUR DOSLAV£AT MLTON MAU. JANUANY 23.24 aaad BIBI AA.L TH-IS LPLUS FN! Ym ARARANTYà cu A A4PRV j: 1 v . .