w Masked bail is arts cooun-cl's pick me up -,A mas aiinbinseluferedasaai cure for Lée Peiwoery buatte by 11ei Millon Arts Caunil The groups iri tuud ra.hý'ýen othie year wiehature meuwic1( nine-pece orchestra, Ryt ndon liceds said svocalaé. The avent wili b. lield at He4lon hMilePluce su Smbu*dy, Eeb. lfroimalis Courécilimember Bull La F e éid Uthe group tait the maked býe ild be"a nice pîckme upali taimo the yer Th1e councU s Ln*Je suaof ealbilahlsg s calenbda of mis for hie ol9ulyloicisdesc "iofc Rifleman of-the y»r Pis oisaste , ton 'Punlo... AisIOReNdis 09Kant, C »CI sdChiotl 0lhW tntn, th. jeci wart osmes wauiee of 10. *Guiesua Own n canu Ali #Jh01e .YevamAil ta Gu cuturel os. àvank ilawilasone o AouiotmkI rsoan1010tir- ii RccoeIq"<hiI ce ýInîsk&ilne chanmas oft 11eurmwici's mandalemi. Sponoring th D-Dey lus 40 coeua hcte Os rmldtI tsdnao i- concert seris la aegler Pro- motnItian 4.500 Canadien vetrnsetaI nnlescsary c.rermonlaa In, Motmendy. jeci being ioolted ai for thefiew years Frene. M . Aton (centre). posîdant oithe Ouesn'a Own RAllieAoia- lisen snd monribars ofthlie roglmant wllnssaad thIs ita nle. A meeting in Decenber attracledl 1menyn e memhr.seemruln in local womodn are honouireci aLMichle Anderson.ci 'camp research in thie field of social geron- kihlr and Judith Kichirig. uf Mo- - *1lcgY9 0îvr gnen thie Margarel S Me Dean Richard Berbam con- ~ads Schoarshipiisrîng an ascards gratulatcd al Oi hie cluaentsa soI nonv ai 1the University f Guelph praised Uic gencmotiy of the coliege's mD«mber many benefactors The .19 schoarship. estabtished 11te Aima Mater lunt s nmmcd in honaour oni1the former Dean ot Mac donald Imbtitute .Iller students in te Cllege of ftami__ I.ý aot Consamer Sladies sere- honored. sharing rateni.of S.x seRo iaa ini telowsvhips and icholarshi s .The hMacdonald lostitate C(1.410(lt .3 (.econtolcgs (;cadultc sc'0lar8' U THE FRISOYTEFîîAN ~ui~ sa gne secal mention TIe la CHURCIf'IN CANADA a art î,d s;Mcidefr ho ne vear KNOX, MILTON tW(II timi'pot-graduate stutn or 110 min. Li70ff-0AM SCi k fSesscii tow n clea eda. Mla ,hacen854 9997 VVVI II I~U DaCV cc i tCtwst.a Educaten Continued ibm paga 1t MTS it1 008 78 4979 *Bpi 'nAmblier omplinet that 1the ~ fag. Lihisccracrem tiîidMfals'as ThurScday Jant 9, 1986 properis ,coned IH@ sait about haIt 9 00 0 ' S.N.. ofciîc0o1o Scetd ipen-sýace consration The Re, Noble Dean 1%.Ibnand ,s hîet mf the rmi f rnr iil% e ieSudyt, i~ grcclurej and S'a. . 2. 1986 *Opeir space c oc.eration land ce- 945- B' Dle Study C4a5 huires the approaicia conservation ' 0a e, Morng Wrni,, k1tlort prieîrIo building tisualty Choîci, ScSoi4 %iis because the lant is îubjcct lc Aocl SuneiaeCONricto Mmie sagaci ci nature, îuch as ALI WELCOME fkiochng fromtime 10 lime . A1hîcgh àMcAmbler tîtn t et 'S PUS FUNTEO olrcnousl% o lbe 11*51zoned land 1e STPUSOFH Mid te label en , romcntally sen CHURON 0F CANADA LUtis'efte,tieii prevents me rom 123 Ml in ai em aes l. uidng in m1 landt Malln.Ontilo Mr Singer tîtn 1 agreecithtlibt 1lia. El .J*c fh c ylcpton.althugh h i aîh1e hadt Uubles accepting the label 878- 8895 (Nmo pannserBNe Zuatani said, 1 sI- i ,hémffing tutaIthe label tg b4%edhilll Reginl itconintm Sunday Jani 12 1986 ri sofiiaipan tHc saidth tal ii-Oa e, corth.piS.vee %V eciAn'bet could buld on , ta iclePîanoaatai civng dci lemed etisiroonintaib ysen û %ra w. nluiga Sondai Soboul * Omiher iîîmpiainti ioolîed John È a r e k o î b, a ît a c c tî g in th e G R A C IE A N G L C A N C H U R C H ý4assallows building on to0s l 1 Main $i. 078-2111 Ibsicolsln ma led coad-, li. re parweia ns on NI li3ci e Rhii. l~obeIsno 1 dlcoad %st of (GuelphLise AI ili .tel Ile road i. mcreç - a di rt patb Suifday Jan 1 2 1 986 »dl hasiii c-en mýa,.net toc ai 'Finl Alor EPIluhn Mli.îsr hî aremidhat1e at 100>11HyEuhr tinti-iiiot obiitîtng on Ibose loi%, O 30ae, Chtcm.ch cooi beagest o ahich is a saturai asc esilsAOei deuilot lHe sait he bait applied tuthIe ________________________ .gara Escacpment Commission Io traille the bountacies of lIhe lot, GPACEWAY BAPTIST ia,m nori h ncclh I. @ast wsvlHe CHURCH IIt lie iattendst li onale the largest indopandant- Fandlommal portion (cf tliseland, efleclivel> e Pasiler WIiotH. lseeh 1 i ti, t. he (faîî intage 876-2298 44 1î,taî îl sot ben ta e the Sunâay, Jan 12. 1986 l it hclhu Iers on Second Lise ant crewtpîev tacare lots 015 eicneItou Iine01,.th lIus ai ,.Hokeeser. Ille plan requicesNEC Uý.t.0 laSt0 eceCne *prcî al ih abu b bînIt et 1100h 407Plns. 085. ~ ied ItIwbhen approvcd b tIse Ne, t imon8111e 1dar on i tlton iint Hallon Segion 1O0 1. a Siinday Irbool *r Yaremko a i the a ss cbcting 1t1 Oa M Imorn.oc 15jra0e th11e Town s hyas becaw use ibis 30OIleiEcen,ng S.n.c an tnicsni res$f se NEC apprealýTuilt annit b. prohbiled (rom bulding 7.00 Pu0p. - tiba SI.dy Th NC téi4uon bas hen reaclicd y". i s, Seoch 1>1ila.aitis appcpval (rom te pro Ifw s 51.Chwehl.- * -Iial misner TIiet is expecet EPIPHANY i.n 11[Irà -.e ý IN, SsRANCaE. c m Alwi St Affirnla me--..,It tu s 51.5ln PETER R. SHERRY INSURANCE 855 YER RIE MILTON, ON~O cBride. MacDoweII INSIJRANCE BROKLRS LIMIED licha iBediet, Public Sehool 10lWI.oD r. lien Thom&@ Prchet 878- 2562 Sunday, Jas 12, 1988 10O30ain ldya sirNp bLan 10 Te LailelanHciii OnSiandas 8 00 e,-CIOCI1150 Coma sud 0e. wliui so UMÏE ALL TOc OME uuTO -M mmemU.as 70-lireCi _ - awoe 91,sm YeuèreW u le o@WdOm A01egeel DTimls uMdaiMR a la aite -atIMile Sote aidih0 na eMleg ele a lera md l.y h h&oam y.. al 9w».aiB em le m1.oir MIlle eliethUre i"wu ai OWis lvIolu W"enl. CHURON 0F CHRIST 1412 bcllanl.Ai. Wst SUNOA ,JAN. 12. 1986, l000,a. ebleScotoi 050 a 11 00 à n .Mng WoMhi.Old rd Lord$ SUlPe 7 30 pm PMrWcfisOtilGOWWh For hitoran @Mad llwoeon c Mr.LFerla,=ioever 11e ru t stl ] n tde uigiiincrease ia nuMier, Th1e arits owcil n currentiy involved in *'membershîp drive in an effortitu ratse'funds. Money îs required tu rover legal iem leceaaary 10 incor- poralte itheorganiztion. 1Directors and officern were elcled ai th1e receat nsting Filling th1e I ~ i ~ M41LTON ALUANCE CHURCH Som Bansfi tPublic $eh". Pastî E Iccl liereol 878-9584 Sunday, Jan 12, 1986 9 45 . S.adsSctobl tthe 9W 0ol1.Fwv.y 6 30 pn' Ecev.ng Sfcoce Eerone WW.lcce Nurbecy Facles at al Sacîcces Cnrat Oui SmoiaSanutf* Heden aid Coivng Kalo MILTON ÎE BAPTIST CHULRCH 878-0035 InteclonPeauxi.. ings méoLff Malien Canlonel Mac.. Audllerlet Sunday, Jarn 12. 1986 10008M WoiàNseNS..e à JavocCtiwCh Il OO111 8 alabho NAv volabl Coeibs aCo n08io a Oiede TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH P.O. au sot, oIsaiie 4272 APPI.ê Lie lim. W. Payna 634-4879 Sunday, Jan. 12, 1988 9 45am edoleSChooIl c5i cn. to aiages 1 100.,.Mong Wcielnt TOday S SoedaecMI JoliOpOg, 6 30 np ' Ecocg Serons Todayi s "e.,&nktcGodv c..i ri- 7 pemTr.n.t&io h'Cluhb lied 7455eP .raneceetin a 0.01. stuedy DlungAil 1the CmCouassl i.' liem. Don Ferreat 8784138 842a Third Liq. MitiSu SUNDAY, 10 30 a m Surksy Scfool mou fid moývg lanee The He.ng 145.81 830pIl con e*ioecac Y'%eslloy 7 30 pe - Béle Stad 'Christ I. pot fllued at ail Uni»$ ho aolu"deowuseW. MILTON GOSPEL HAU1 3O Oh.eULe 10 878-2022 1 the tii feu' 5 1MJW'JlSCrv-s If DYJn- 2.I 986 11 45 min, -&undaylcSep 7 00pm GospWn.le W - edy 7:30 PFn PcaW suMW abIsledl Fhch «s obati mai. O.1 1 v* EMM ANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 246 cosremisi 08.8.1 wft& ImtioLàbla' Psah. en mCsmpb. PhOne: 878-3542 LORDS DAY SERVICES Sunday, Jan. 12, 1980 HonWoW i cd t ide"Mdwo."w1jI H8Iil ChIMMAiai Cdeuii . ido Chialm en scicng m.e.ety aig friso"aid 1Pm5015e,1.0.10. 1j- te 9 45A M, FA.Y BIULEMOI4P. 0085r00 M«i q1 11 00 A.W -FMIILY wordMt w4h J~ uime\lsclihdm .8 yff uid ude 4 30 P M-M E.TICIN - à Co UN Vw511 hims54lwr -A UTTIa FloRE 89111. A 00 ilrt' -J 1, poolti.. ae ~ r. h L dg, M - a cretary, A.usHarrison and Ca.ria ci, inciudehors d'oeuvres a.d dent; Blanche fidton. vice radit Taccajino, officers. dinner and the entertainment. For i- Dlii La Ferla ti - uden ;m Tickets for the maaked bail are formation contact Amne Harrison a Newefl, treasurueryCrlu, avaiiaWle et a cost of 05S per penoe 078Ill MILTON .MAL j. . presents JANUARY 9,- 1b and llth. .1 Üàr Yogas WirMd.l FLOUR TO CEiLJNG 114 ig Are Just S A topAway! SAVE UP TO 5O%*! AilU~ Thts rlghtl Yumac. on 9nacyptite.se.ry style, ee.ry tamoul malt. patain w. carry in oustoaiOa Murry fin or basi salatiot,... andwh le. pou' saieot our mors ers al tro how (1 101= in lable.MI nlfl. TO CHdOSE FROM. SAVE 20-50%! Quallty Paitg 36 ym 0aie ow.agarmalt ng ou, awn poini.i'odoaie produce 48 lin., - avacytisng I rom axouailnge te, primarsanémaie and moe. Coma maya on tome of our inirnaiia...it'he basît We G.Ued CUg Latex 0 Prmlum qualilyt Whi. only49 E»," k tu». s=13 4 Velvet Latex Interfor Latex YUAV 4v 4 MBAVE UP T« Fie.' Coraucmie NaeTUel w~aklfifl 10111,001, a0Gîeaed îîny 10»musds CLot us show pou h» w cranbvo' CA. . q M 10 W.111111 lye, S eni8- 7-4,7..SALE LID.y1je *AA2176349 FI.orlng . 'Y« You Y 1 a upcsd hovraaay. *carnulta pour fête, pilnlet or ae-n»MMlct i 525 OMMANSTr.MULAA AVE., *M MM87-U jMon. tFrI. S .m. to 9pin.; Saur*iyg9a.m. to &p.m. INOWR TIÉE A T ~1 1. 9fi SHOIY & SALE I .1 R" INSURANCE ORY DIRECT il 1