UDent Glenn Wayn 3-bedroom, F h SlOrey hoffe n Just Ilfsed, WIGGE YOR Tide M,Iton" Large ut-on kd p rhrng spi WIGGL riR OZ en. formai living rontf, dlnrrrg flan colt U n Fthe plunfr broaIoom asu , roo Tanei decon, mone,n con. gazi ai an oulslanding FWo.stOe dion. Plilease Caei KaFrint Wallon eintrance loyer, tramait by fhe0 t or more delarlu, M5137 spndlýe Stairceste and baicoly. Iiifo enlerFaining, This.rom. bhfols a br fiti spacrous gerden Crn lkcF fi convnenshl iocaied beael Fihe formai 'l'n ing1irnrng rocmn are and litsony Fnriiy roorn whicrr radiraFes wermFh from tFhé Floor o-Ceilng FEA 'iUfl HO brick Firepiace A pleanure F0 se. 9148.900 Please Cali Dane AdI dson. M5122 LOGICINO FOR 10 ACRES AND> LARGE HOUSE? d'Or sid, spltt with CuiFFedral cet. iga, 2 lîreplaces. finishiO fec oonm or possible in-là« suite. O.iy SF60ý000 Plias. Colt Bara Glenn M5101 COUJNTRY CLAaalc, Close F0 Hwy, 401, asing SF10.000 Throeedrocm aide. spiF on *&CI ar lt Caîf Wayne C.ao fo. your personal ni FIon M mNu TO "ACTOW" "Th. No<mèney Franci Tudor., appros 3.20 iq. "f, S.bdmn. plue don, tunken living mcm. =1ma dinirsrocm, npund i Poo. a and é'". m ilBarbova Glenn , MSON? TH4E PRICE IS RIGHTI Only 386.90, fully dètached home, large lot. For more deails, caîl AinaO 0 . M5135 BRINS THE HORSESI Approx. 3,060 sq. fil., 2-storey home on 50 acres. Large barn wlth hydro and water, Implement shed and pond.. Call Katrina Wallon for more details. M5124 000050W VIEW Morse ferrvj go acre. wllh 12-stait barn, lovely 2*slorey home, Spacous country kitîchen, enfer- langn 'ivning rocmt, Indooriout. door Pool wilFr kîlciien conne- nience ln pool are. A muai to se.e for the country aermer & enfer. Fain* r Prease oeil Biurbire Glenn. ms133 Locafed JuSt Fout o towfl. this Specious four-level home se one i ushud consider. iF Offert à righ kilc... wilh piisFy of cup' boneds, formetliving ronm and dis. ing room, family roorn wilh fireplece. dan or gourth bedroom, office. fut Ure games room. Frae waalroorns, Sun roomn, inground pooland a2'8-aCre oWlhIFh .lea IonIen OeIl Blif Cufie 905100 JUST OREAT SAttractive four-b.droom, )two-alorey brick home with large kitchen, separate din- îng room, family roq wtf f;replace, large qfeoI* baurrent, large lot, f ul fenced. Asklng $147,1oeî Call D. J. Turner for more Information. M5123 THREE BUILDING LOTS ' -.8 acre anq .9 acre $ 51,91W eash -42 acres - $89,900 Caei Bilt Currie Realtor 89 ONTA 'RIO ST. Nall MILTON DM. MWii 075-ie KitS. Wbm e. 7.IM Uif" aE Sna~ 876-1156 *5MBBaiesi ~eei~e paas 24 M4R. ANSWERINC Mart. Naeu > .~junt. ~SERlVICE JUST WHAT THE FAMILY ORDERED Call Royal Cityflealty ta vlew th18 3-bedroom bungalow. Features Include: eat- In kitohen wlt*f walk-out, large living and dlnlng room, famlly roomn wlth fireplace, dernand two waahrooms. Offered at M9,500. M5136 ..Imm __ _ .... ....