0 a great supper o! goulatie, pttoto, paprika, oncona ea te. BIG Featherston. BIG SA LE Sunday, April 2Mb. b.tweten the nîght and the morning a messeniger cane lvCheset eFealhecnta,'a horé N 0W ON AT for the wfe and mother itle that mm , te iujunerseadi)et dcci I. o the laMch in ti home, for1 tgev rew the medirmne that ai t en - Ibdtisnufferie eone, toeid o W hitak ir's lwaysb»!k tht e yh 1' (AKVILLE) luth artaemhome abbath morring ('alea gentIQ vscerdivine. Ami ei nts thi3 patient suferer, ____________________ Lay 'our feeble hand ina miné, AIl yor pain oceaerth ie ended, 19371I 1yyonr cale, and burdeen downl, 197Chev. Muster Coach Pur i'r rîaom in heaivera in ready, 1000mllbue ne ýâ1guaeeti mu muast colle ami Wear yaur rrown. 79500<ack , mth frIerîde ,on iarts noamore, $795.00We t taijoir. the e'elting ry laeclaîamng from the other shore. In the blautiful Bethel church 1936 hev.Maite Coah liereIhe mmd te worship, .friends 1936Che. Muer oach ' eHamifltoe, Toronto,FiEsîauptora. KIl .action. hydroulic abraises tiunîIas eandthe e8.aourding country camre tai ay tlaeir last tribule of ce- *695.00 siret 1t lier Who as atloveai byevery $695.00ýa1e <Who kne. lier. The Rev. I. yre ___________________________,ffacîted ,, bosing fer his text theae iv'rds ft ur Sa,iour'g "lit thi., werla vu .b all hav tribulation, be etcf ai 1935 Terraplane DeL. Sedan Tuc' 1chr o vere the or"be ITrun alliécs,gi-ad tisres aed in tiret faaîeiite hymns, Nearer My Gdte clins mehaniecenition. nedraft la*. -"Jrsus lever of rny 4uranard .nrileioan o, f Ag,'s". Thne cengregatien jîinitlK ait), them. She was laid te 064.00restin the loveiy ibcd's acre beerde the _____________________________ iurch. (In thieee sîl)emn occasions, wben we orin the rhurrb or beside the opi-n 1935 Ford DeLuxe Coupe grae, thc lving beside the alilent ,aM of the iieparted cune, tee thiffl, ail Ford radio, heâter, cillai equpment f <br îersarc rortained in the -. in Al sirapa aver n on Id cang: 1' her, rj, e future, oh! tbank Ced, $575.00 (f lit, thi'. li, sc amall a part, la- d<lestotduisat ben-ath the sed ____________________________ ltit there. op thire, rs heart touleart. And weuh gr -t pleacure mc tutti aer 1934 Ford Coach lIiaaev cf tie Pages in Mr. lbeather. stan'.. le.She at inposession cf DeLux. Modal, loossand rafs lalke me mMost rrecicias gift anyone roulai he ii-., , a tiretei musician, ani when ,ve aander back te the days of ber $«45.00 îhilahood me sec tis happy girl, Lou i',i ie lier borme practisieg ber musc le o. onc the family orgari. And the fairst!lmn iche Ierneai te play was: 1934 Frd De. Roaster toll vac g ther t the river, 1934For De. Radser '1«e beautiful, the leautifui river, Gtaher iith thie sants i the river Rumbis seat, oc'y ioae rileage, jut I Ther floW, liethe ltbron, of Gc. nad ane ameer, top nidcartains In thet best aI Coediti eI. And' hi,- hymn alway. bai saab a i(iroilfor liar. tîrere and ail the rest Ouai eqaîperent ,f lier lfe that ber soul waslosmt an e ratb ntat happy land abere. Anîd $445.00 alie a c..brside the saints uîaning ain ihiar hymn cf prai.e. Thera wben thre <<girga .e vre enging th,' hynmn. 'lie aa c,. <<md Os e ucl. in <-r ail- 1934 Ford DeLuxe Coupe g'a;nWcudelirbieth saIt iteriver je that choir arouria Rama. totan neygea Cenlae 'l -Y <î «es lteay ap yr der, ghrou(thout, fluai eqiipýeî sc l 1-a--r cdcmetimes te pender, II I, otemuse and monder, $445.00 Wa heir lite mork aIl a blutader. 5161,,n I - tai ms cf lare are bliaag, ltag. sothey wcre sm 1932 Ckev. Coach 1îhem. New Paint job, a. ecenanaîcat -'dl S' ias io, e,. lyeW ta operarte Va bn lI insitermabpr-aseo ring- $6.0Andi I r ariccrgreg«ara aaraigieg, 0365.0M, U ae r,vedoreil.ace'in gliaîy, Th î, fir..î ranki, n the t'-trrt, 1932 Ford Sport Coupe I ke ad hehui-î n ilu) aur, ivae. '-eban 1teecher ie Wol A 4 cyt. etoitmi aî ota an.ppy lad ,lu. n' sia ecîing aI Kitchener. larn-a-ars ai borme, one br)ther in 1i i tie modei, n eer-y good lci'-rac ad cn on tbe Ford] rondition lm ,care lefi lia meure the loes "- fa (abtethfiWe, naahéranm int $3650 I criyle crii Ralpb, the twc oun st as erreuneabîr- te attend the fuar ___________________________ irail aor accîîant cf ehock. Thear Pera. iaa.ilfriend r oiatint 1 .mIl .dcea Eiiiar anîd Sct Crerrsberry erre 1932 Ford Coach lre..raîit ibte chu-ch service. AIl Goodyear Pirat grade tires, ha&js irSALY haf u-ne ananer. I., thte0ry bet- of crIndtcn AN OLD PORN $345.00 lhiniaik eraldî Alber t FrenPc f Meanotii.on ase baandeai Th- lternid the feilooing rhyme, nshrch hi- beiadi n Aincrantb 1931 Chev. 5-Pa.s, .Coupe Le-rnbp fir-rleyam A to,,f ilnar-; Triank apace. Loks and rafla Orangevîlle fer whiskevaid bave a« take new gîod time; Giranda Vall-y for girls. Sheibure $3250 Beifer taltk, $.32.001.1if Y-làteint to get akînnýd go te LP,cdalk. 1932 Ford Special Roadter JiDylgt Lin ire il, W,,kng Ramble test, ci-r-y soa tires, tep and lra the SPrmnif & yuang manas fane0 cutas in Ai shape 1 tuerni te wbat a girl bas b..» tbirak. naabolut aitl er-. e45.00 < oIr-t u tili a cruaro moont of - ~ ~ ~ . dc in o nnei-paperasan te wbeth- _____________________________ -ret Le apernisible tonpriei th,,rliatet ii,.ere a"n tua faner;I. Mot of the Idicce gre. that iala nather had âk 1930 Ford Coupe totte, and soatie igget tbat tl, $1.~500 baenati moble t terdeentd t e mo i- mike that word> ,eratill ijise. __________________________m aYbe I. errari lp if th. Palpera prIeLth. Ienan am.f thne hobe snt lonreraliaeth. hos-itais -Feigus 1926 Ford lourinil $3500 Nýei-Iad. Ma rie Rolandi Four Star Written Guauraniee MIa ne Jfenne Philipara ractiorard nre Larr-amaAie rpre<ed, b, er thA Frenclia PQltaaI guîllorrnre n Paris, Pap 1-3 do-a, the baiai.e oi- sraying' <iYeu moula tnt thave 51.aiftlji Oymenia aon tltG. M. A. C. nîreragli-a efougla tOe ee me die." n-uilment plan. A hiGIl prrcn, aileo- Tharr, rrountng tVie platfcrin her- rfi lac yor treitot car. Al Cuison self te sufer th'e fate of ail ra- aiedm. 1W3 iîcensea. ioralarts luî revolution, she lookeai over et a statue of lberty anda ut- MAN OTER ARS LAGE NDterrdair mm'ral phrase that krep# flA','03 IERCoR, LRGEANOthe narre of Mme. Rolandai jve: fili.fi MWHIiCH -ro CHOOF «iOha Liberty, how uorucy crimues are sorrarntted ini tby came!' AteT ALSO GUARANTEED USED letlaiatner hiasband kjlfl dhiet- TrrrCKsbell. "I would not rerriair. 5.1< longer i a v orlaite tairied with Sii FROM A DEALER 'fOU KNOW Harvest CelebraBona ta RHuaary j Ol FlAINfIII'. -Nii <Nu i n Rla a-ai Poeer<',o lti lîasPia-1aajaaruiit ia 6 r Total Operain1aa:n............... OPU'RATINC isXi<NLS:50 Lpas......................... I)eprecicui.no , s 5' if.,t i as a- Pr.icijIaaiAî,,aaî . . .. . .. .. . ..î iti-te <ia le O rn elit.,î.... Total l0'ov<ai i. .. Cenýt îgeocy la-a' i oc tlacr rI teiterOaail -tns'l,,i .. ..... Total Oieralaeg I..p..s.... NET (il 6RAI INO INCOI.\I NON OPLIOAIIN" , ia\iI- IriloitetfronatIJeltraaa<ai<u,!a1 a.a- r tar-enierao t ,Cî,'Iai, 'f TotaliNos. ie.ag a<<i' GROS' INCOME: Dili. I oIn î- t(îg 1171 -n1. Ils PiC .. ..........t< Il .teiar,io -lac ctl.i i a - ..... IET NOlbliLS0 D tS ioS1IN ) N 10 -<ii Sinki 'oil lt,.t r .......«.<ai eli A iar- a....... NETIN2iN, i., L,.11 ilI 'i 1 7 7-<i77 2,' 13 s C 1ia7-,0 S 11 20 92 22Ia< TITE-LAP ROOFING RIB-ROLL ROOFING Ttpe mn-c nilote- This duýrableroiagbtes aomico.l on tien mar-ket. Tite. wok.The sertof iae.treragtia Lsp Galvanizeai Roofing gives th. ribu ar oniyiteeanches aarr' grsetcovermng capacity. Tla'mosieopiedroofngofie-banal Thanlaisotigbt itlaonathe markiet. Be Caler sala ,i simoat inviible; joiioy tht ine, nuonomictai,1<l âxcldst driving tr.:t4"'=y o < or aner. Ail, joue bonIefer det.ile . a &Ms roof andi rafler measare- re-roofinjt on tbe Govererneit- met& sfor freet estmatea. ab1 ei cn IpoeetPln JAMESWAY POUL1RY EOUIMEN' Ts~hi Wi-i. C. iýtmta a inaracr tsUJ.I,... oi i. .. nulata, tat »i f-s. nsrti..- th<« Fu e=aOoIRÇAL .nd aOONIO On and After Sunday. May 9th. 1937 CENTRAL ONTARJO TRAILWAYS MC)TOR COACH SERVICE Reteen Ttronto, Streetsvîlie. MILTON andl Guelph, gtithener, Strati'ord, London Ferguir, Arthur,. Owen GGoutid U and lntepmtediate points c: WILIÎ uE OPERATED B'Y GRAY COACH LUNES 11CIUWS #t i irai l tana Trailîwcvs ok ,n fi'd -i 1li-I , i-t,. ('-ail i r ý' f a' lrI i iia" iai(Ofice, I37 , og' -ta -a CON)INECTIONS, (a: l 'anlalia< 'ai . a ita llcae afori:1 a ( 'atr iit,. arad I S. A nî a e-il lia i ir'. 1< a a r relatre. AGENCIES: <eert Ag(,eiie a (-araif <iriv i.iaa miicontirlue ha gi-i a foi 'e Fur tlicit 5aar r i)ltaCrin d a ns'<i a. anda ssuire yau ofathlii rgireait Cliau-i I l1 LEtuVE MLT0N LA\ETOIZO> Il) I n.a7 7 oa tir 10 Il.t'. ( t A r ii )4.20 iii . coatnectiaaîaruaiToron tof- a'North Boy, Nilii ai.In iaad 'i ad Otia a ilaiut tfor Deitrci t î1 i ao For' Information c;ýi'sult GRAY COAC"H LINES Milton inn Phone 15 LDVERTISE IN THE CHAMPION Suadbury 1.1<.., 't $ 11<ri . .39 xemii<ii Atii $1,411,1a07.22 ï1,4i1117 22 i ',l'iaai.iO 1) $ t ah Ca i liail l<a l'rira o7 8.1,12178 164,17848 11 9 .;1,15 'I 27.709 ý72 1-29,750.4 i', 5 il ... 8 1().96 iS,099 24 19 1 q U 42.23 $ 3,50168 20$81r89.58 $ 212 l 1,$ t 5 1 3 15. 47114 ..... 129<1<i 4,905051I9 aa) 3750ý5 823, i7 865 $---.... ---. 13900 S 315 S14,S25.20 $41,8,717.3IlS 7. . 2<1S 3 Î37 S 24I.Çi0 13 $942389sV, $ ?uallaIoi I 0 11,66692 $16, 2 7 2 15 257,807.28 li..0S42 66 121 t2'if4 938 "'S19 28,82'.17 2<aa -1 $2QQ7 1,10 Ilai' 71, QOu'71 2q.0 957 51 7A9<11 41 $ 31,323,93 91t,06,5 9J 691.943125 40,014 ara $ 854499.51 i 5656642 269.790 192 i95245 a $s a9Z.Q52 0i Mlembere of Palim Fartnly Foutin an Odd Collection Ta-- s laca i. 0,f tire pa)p) l . - <I ii ci,Ilectar Scire ?laa aI t i fa oto hagh; i I' le fi eely a < . i -<a'o ciu<ist cf 11 - < i rr batrabîîoe a, -'aaat<ie ave bntb '- a palin caiehers airf- ., , aaa'll,r t «Id fruit - . <,a.<<,l'd ace Olîr. S~ I l l a!, mliî) 'a - .1 - i <In per <-<l - .. 1--e eIire lal'y i a î inad <oiîîe gise a , a- . I « 30 feet ili la<, i S<< 1< l ibi<iat il-a, a i. arOe less ini -a- a aï- a. i s <i a'.at, eaid theîa l'- 'l s w<cilSoconuis, or <iva aaher Iif I. O . rt- ' l'liai lai- a~ ~ ~ S a -a.7,a lie. ar ilans ta a - .- i i i l'-ually palme 1-1 1; î ,Sa di-in cice s50500 i d , la:j , -i ails. AlfewpaneS .1 , ,.« i ie «Osiplions ta tuas Di-orfa e-cy Tai-)eetî t , V < i <' i ', I, u t a-t l'il - - i - - a , i, lr, leatala a , a <a ir-n 'ciel 112 12 l'a 3, 1 N) ,7 2,70 44 l'a)-1l' h ýIl9 23,1,1 il c 1 1 1 ,) Il .l-71c 2 4 .51 Q 2i'Oi 2 5' 'a.7'65 2(, 1 <S6 1 z 11)11 9 ,M 'a<0773 $2,316.579 77 *.5,68 87 t 5<90 72 82422,23864 .... .. i ,q20i39 22. 63iÎ 413 49,8s23 47 ..... 234,405.34 34,172.90 s ..........f268,57M 4 $22,63746 612.121 i 3.718 213 77M4 44 14 292 (CI 2.32001 1478,579 S54,552.66 .07,199 64 11,44136 38610 S819.96.A1 $1,422.270.54 35,149.57 13,4;1, 15 25,70318 $ 22.76734 1,44,03KtOS 700,276.58 349,678.12 774,39 4.151.41 2>926.67 43.466.0a $1,101,273 77 i343Y.31 S 35,646.74 37767061 Ô.«.68 13,185.32 S 31 rî.42 S390,855.93 S 19.21724 t$ 47,091.62 41<) l..5ii i 4-19 01 - i 37,33(,395 S709 ',411 5 S9748.1- 29,3! 7 1 5 lia 7-i 71 7fj Oc $372iC,9 937,642 02 7(2 195 1, 143,i18 i990>43246- t$ i'77 1 S 2>. a 1 a1 4 7 t,1i l;7 SO il' 335.264,13 'Ii < ~$ 385,014 r- s'irai, CLUBBINGRATES Toronto Daily Star --------$6.00 $7.35 Toronto Daily Globe & Mail- $5.00 $6.35 Toronto Evening Telegramn $5.00 $6.35 Montreal Family Herahi and Weekly Star ----------$1.00 $2.85 s"Bi itz v s mtiitAnXîd te Ford V.-8 îc your passpcrt ii I rdraî . ii<.i frrtu tîirîriîîg fcarsr-woih Easy.Action Safeîy Brakes andii raui..<- Iîrh.i'r<îi,,îîî frotîs cecrive expene-%ith ils grcater gaisclitr-iiig'. Fr iaîifroua the strain of driving -because tis Ford i,v.. r.'al) L IandIr-. Free'i'îo froru tte ie y-ecus the 1937 Fo'îrd V-8 >' sinat. SIcapabrle. (;et out in the country. Erîjoy yocIîr,.ellR-II ! iCs ea,.'a e.iîh .a Fordl V-8. WANTED "li ,Il îa Niv'alaia t'tiur <i i. l,< B a', aIai < ul a n 'ee lait0 lii a- Aai..i- , o f i li <a,- 5iitt tarlie I-deor l i a«<i < si3 I i a iii L«TOu' PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO ýr- POWER SYSTEMS IN NORTHERN ONTARIO. kt (Operated 6y the. Hyciro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario) OPERATING AND INCOME ACCOUNTS )IL FOR THE VEARS ENDED THE 3lst OCTOBER 1935 AND 1936