-. .4 O NTARIO The Treasury Departmnent of the PROVINCE 0F ,ONTARIO A nn ounces the Resuits of the "Pay-A-Yo«QoPolcy1fo Fiscal Year, April 1, 1936 to March 31, 1937 Statement of Ordinary Revenue and Expenditure for the Fiscal Year ended March 31,1937 Department L *IAYRVN A griculture ............ ..... ............................ ......... ..... A to n y C n r i ............................. .............................. . Education ......................................................................... .... Game and Fsheries...................... .. ........................................ .......... leath.................................... Jrlghways - (a) Signs, Pumnpa, Garages, etc ............. .............- ......$ 298,07û.38 (b) Gasoline Tax <,ess refunds) ...... ......................... l5,7tA,87,.97 (C) Mttor Vehclcs .................................................. 10,916,491.08 Insurance ....................................................... ..... > ............. Labour............................................................................. L.ands and Etrests .................................. .................. 1. ýgisaion......................................................... .............. .... Mines ............................................................. . .......... .. .. Prime AMinister........... .... ........................ ...................... Provincial Secreary ............... Provincial Treasurer--(including Succession (loties t'ullf.Ied, *5915 lî Public W'orks ý........................ .............................. .-. ................ &tatioinery Ucont-(Excesâ ot Distributioni over Puechasesa>......................... - Amonunt $ 807.65 1,290.0,03.33 1,803.92 782,217.63 38,485.95 20,976,444,23 237,840.86 7-3 1 , 17 2,974,907.54 b,927 .U7 2,110,581 >32 22,t,32.20 (e8u,750.23 45.344.210L 7,2 83.34 s")0 .60 580,488,439 95 NET ORDINARY EXPENDITURE Departmewu Agriculture ..,.......... ......1.........1...... ................... Attorney.G eneral ................. ...............-_ ....... ....... E a n nd Fisheries .................................. ............ 4îgbWays.................. ................................................................ Insurance ................ ......................................................... .... Labour .............. ................- ................... ........ ............. ................ Lands and Forests..................... . ................ ........................................ Minicpas far................................... . .. ..... ........ ......................... Northern Developrncnt............... .......>................ ........... .......... Prime Minister................. ................................................ .... ..... .... Provincial Auditar .... ............. ......... ..................... .... .... Provincial Secretary ..... ........ . ........ ..... ................... 'rovncial Treasui er.... ........ .......... . ........... ...... ................... Public Welfare ................................. Public Works..................... ..... Miscell1ueus-iiiludlig Wurkn.es's Con4iensstion ltoiu (Payrnent 'w Ruai., $4745815) ............................................ 1 ,54b,471,94 2,290,164.08 10,001,950.31 6,280.131.08 4,91.3063.65 4 ,9 470.87 6277.87 1,90093.83 2780,319.83 2,34.3 19,6659 39s,0.57 107,4751.t 151879t7.10 11577.29 8632357.1 46321645 5,05,388.34 565,698.28 $3 7,30,4533,77 Public l3ebt-Interest, Kxcbunge, etc.................................................... 20.543,990,35 $5.0.444,12 Unenipltint Direct Relief and Administration tlweef. ....................... 13,270,057,29 RECAPITULATION Ordinary Nct Revenue as above Ori$yReeu n Ep8ltu ... . WA88439.95 Ord, nary Net Expenditure as tibove (bc'fore providing for Unemploynient Direct Relief) ... 57,904,444.12 Surplus---(before providing for Unenîpioyment Direct Relief)....-............. $22,583,995.83 Less--Uremilloyiiient Dir"t Rclief and Administration thereuf 1 ....... .. ......... 3,270 05?.2'" Surplus for the Fisical Year ended March 31, 1937. ..ý..-......... ....... 9,313,938-54 THE DEBT POSITION 0F THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO AzSat the c1oaeof the fa-l ye.endd Mach 31, 1937 As at IMarch 31, '9 6 .... ...... .............37'J m As at March 31, 1937 ................ ... ....................... ....... .................... -............. 56,460,348.37 Reduction in Gross Debt for thse Yem ............r.............................. -....... 33,98,165.39 IJEBENTURE DEET (LESS SINKINO FUNDS) As at March 31, 1936 -..... .... $594.1 12,954.50 Ab at Mlarch 31, 1937 .......... ............ .... ..... ......... 56 7,9 73.130.86 Reduction in Debeaturs Deb for thse Year..................... 2 6,13i9,82 3.64 TREASURY BILLS OUTSTANDINO As at M arch 31, 1Q36 .... ....... . .... . . $.......... As at Mlarch 31, 1937-...........>........................... 38,000,000000 Rcduction in Tremasry Bis for thse Yeua................... 12,000,000.00 CERT1FIED) TRUE AND CORRECT ( In pursuance cf a promise made during the Third Session of the Nineteenth Legisiature of the. Province of Ontario, I take this opportunity of publishing, for the information of the citizen. of Ontario, the above financial report, together with this announc3rnent as to the plans of the Government for passing on to the people certain beriefits made available by reason of the. surplus of $9,313,938.54, realized last year;- MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE AID AND TILE DRAINAGE DEENTURS A reductio,î in interest oun micipal Drainage Del ntures and Tiue i.inage fleberitures effective April 1, 1937, rom S5 per centum 4 per centuni. PASSENGER MOTOR CAR LICENSE FEFS A subsantial reduction in passenger motor car license fees will lie ann'cuniced before OCktober 15 next. LICENSE FES ON COMMERCIAL VEH1CLES Effe t ive on November 1.e 193 7, wben the 1938 permits will Lie aval- able, there wilI be a redution of 2 5 per cent. in the fees te, be clîarged for the registration o! li ares trucks and ai! other comnmercial motur vthicles and commercial traiders. T1he approximate ansual saving wiII be $î,000,000.00 to the operatori of i,.,.r,îi,îcialls cde. PROVINCIAL SUESIDY Th Go ri .iitvcr.ur.cnt wiII psy, by ray of a grant, tu every ity, ttw,, iliage aindi ownship of !lhe Province a sum represtnting t,ie Crîiilenlcof ifue miii un the dollar of their respective asses- ic;îî, lor geeiuai municipal purposes. 'ibis grant is mnadc. uncon- .~<~jl'bu, n mecxcpectation and with the inter,! that the ainouoi !ihalh Li pasud ri o!, i t taxpayers of every community by a red.îc- tun of une millinithie gieneral municipal tax rate. Th is subsidy wilI ainoonit, in the- sggregate, to thie sum -3f approxinî.4ely $3.000.e00. ROAD SUBSIDIES TO TOWNSHIPS T'he 313 Tfownships whnch bave in the past received sub.,idies of leus tliai 30 peýr cent. will enjoy an increaseto 50 per centý Tiie annuai bentfit tu the 313 Townahips will be approximately - $300,000.100. OLI) AGE PENSIONS AND MOTHERS' ALLOWANCIES l'a further taire the burden off real estate. 'un, Provincial rîen ment will assume the nionicipalîties'share ofl014 Age Ptiîsioiis and M4o-her., kllcwanàces, This wili enable the n'unicip..i couricils to redjice their t2xaticen by ajîproyimatcly $3,500,000.00 pMr annuiyt. PENSIONS FOR THE BLIND lite Pruovince wit assunie tht îîîunicipa'ties' ahare uf 7.ne croc.! this s s legisatton. It is estinîated that the nîuncpa,îîes wii therefore save apprixiiately T100,000.00 per annum. AMUSEMENTS TAX Effective june 1, 1937, tht Amusements Tax sel Lie totally abolîshed. As over 80 per cent, o! the amnusementý tax ii, rullectad trum adis.. ione',onI25 cents or un-der, the bentit, largehi. b citizens of lessec means. seaU amount ho $lS00,090.00 foi cite year 19u7. - / Prune Mmjsf te ted Pretrncjgj i eeasueee, -j * ~ -~ *. *2' w. t t