Whou ur swen t hfil y& Who enar wee t ay VoLumR 77. MILTON, THURSDAY, MAY 13,1987,N.5 AN AI)JA N O HAMPION TRAVELLERS' GUIDE- chukar, Nativeofl Indlût Queen Bee la Greatest Queetin Elizabeth Leader They Never Comne- - T-UBLSHXIIFound in the Finr NIit of the World's Mothers of Fashion Many Years 0ULSa ANADIAN PACIF1IO RAILWAY The chukar, somnetimes calledt red A beehive is a perfect matri- Queen Eimbeth waus a leader ofi aCk iCti HU DLAY MORNINO legged partridge, is a native of In- archy, the queen bee laying claim to fashion during the many, years sel--- dVE RY H U RS(Ail Trains Run on Standard Time) dia n s on9a a north as'theJ the itle of, the greatest mother in rul over Enigland, observes a writer. ByE.PiOBRA at theJIBoeof Pubedom -GuilNlet-Mongoliani counitries. It is a bird the world, asserts a writer in Lit- in the Detroit News. Shie was vain Mereewaprsnot. MILTON1ONT D,40 of more or lemss high altitudes and erary Digest. Every one of the 50.- about hier dress, and it la recorded fitatiNU srric. b RA)N T MIL-TaalyOt frequemtly ranges as high as 16.000 000 inhabitants of the hive is hier shle had,000 gowns. During someý TMoBUs Pcs.ayas"s' 8 ill- U- ailty exept sunda. feet, writes Albert Stoll, Jr., in the 1,Offspring. The queen is the only years of ber relign, hardly ila monlliOl Pop Traverg heard the newse paldin.advan., Detroit News. 1 erfectly developed femalle in the passed that shle did not add 2,0 nr 30 wi bowed head. "He aln td Tc ,saaa-opae ü eta -Go-lo WEar- The color of the plumage tS gray. hive. The workers are partially de- new dresse, to hier wardrobe. ready yet," Gué Rule sai. "No uie ann naeaeae ai.•P 41e 931 anm-Daily, fia.ns-rwnwti lih ig.Avlpe eae.Tul eate it wasethe CustomadrIng Elizabeth's startingbhim bisere he's ready. It'll uŸne•oiul 1,2.43 . D xcpt sunday. black border beginning above the queen de.igns not even to feed her--lime for womeu to wear pettlcoats un- ria hm. Only ting you can do 13 T Ilubscrberi heUitdBate l .0a eyes runs along the head and neck self; that is the task of a dozen der their gowns, with pudding about run Sunlbeai n his place." ear32.0 if padin dvno-1NDAY-- and aCross the throat and encircles worker attendants who swarmthhp.Tercltngavtema Pphokhsed."ud'tb AI)vuRT8lNG BTU. (Going Buat-7,40.m.,,2.42 p.m., .31 p.m a light buff patch of feathlers. The about hier, taking care of every "bel] shape", frot the waist down. no0 Use. He's tot old."1 aDv t aRTiGRToi s' Go 8.4Pz(oing West-9.31 a.m.8,16 p.mn. eyes are dark brown circled by red want. The queen's lif e is an in- D)uring the second hall of the reigna,*"Oh, I don't know about thaet, P'op. Basnes o. , f h.nsol b.$ --- skin and the beak ls red, brown 2ar cessent round of egg-laying; on hier'te"atigl" otm aeit That old nag's got some speed tn him M th. 1moutrdb oto AAINNTONLRIWYfahr n e egs. Excepft dur- fecundity depends he ife:sfetifvo.A whalebone "wheet" was sus- yet. Better think lit over." sold nonra 1ti.utati I.roi,.(ON ORTa oeSOUr n h bedn eao ti dm n apieso tehv.Tepnded fromt the walst, and it caused Pop, veteran owner, at one ime had -- AdeiteenewihuteelanacinsGIN oR. 7 cuit to distinguish betweeni the malewokrbeivsutsXwe n the underskirt, petticoat aDd dress to boasted a string of faut horses secondm "yrtdulnIldth. bj.t uof hich 1.to n 1-• . and femnale. In size it is larger the busy summer-time, the Queen belge out. in addition the womane of to e. wc h a onteKe-- ».Iand.l. nyin, n Mor unn d ruffed grouse. There are a nm-- which shte lays 1,500,000 eggs. . Iin.arye ars o f lisaeh'senut. h tc aktcahhdcuh o aiulglOLOC & NG IAlbr of sub-species of the chuikar kr besithavrghie simple frill about the neck was coin- him unawares.Thnbedeta,--- Notices ofbirthPOmarCage& andde thB butthey are more or ls iia i ttert f100a a;200mn uTåe h ag k-ufge fr' yshdgn nhe . ie sol, mnor.; 0but0.nueena fr theSccelorrgoeser eWoth n sze nd lumge ne ons htchdaiy. ro Maouirtnedenatleat iaiethosanntosener.----e s'o"N/Io'sŸ,"sirma et a i n an n In commenting on the chukar and to September, the active period of h oigo trhmd ag e oAsrafra prto n eT -A si'twl binuersed0 a1 W beeC.t. ON ENTS t habits, an authority says: the hive, the queen lays 2,000 eggs ufspssbe.Te-epl-f-nlad--d'-hv i.Hi opsha ese n Designs on Request. The chukars feed on graineeytet-orhus astreIt seemis, did not know ow to make In Sunbeau the Second, and hie had BL lTi & WHTE, GA T. Phoes2MONT g'ssbd, nets n futtimes lher own weight im food daily. or use starch until six yearsafftrEliz. just been told byt Us veteran traîner, _:----- Punmuss. AN Phn"There is no evidence that these -ler attendants range around he bt aet h hoe h nw uwohdbe h wny-_ --- birds severely damage crops. inacrellfcing the queen as edew-bruh-ro-h-on-et-yas-ha-ubautescodws' M¥EDICAL ----oe hi wd ag h h-dictated by court Custom, leading nEng u&bglihwrtefr ofthe Ctienal.i eady. Hie'd rbe hae t rS uba C. RkarRNER inhbt very difer en anypes'ofh eee cy ve thehne-starch "the devil's liquor," and lhe went himself, 1928 Derby winner, retired --r--,CRSTUERNEERScver ut heypreer ve aemb c elwhchhae e en 0on to tell howfthe ruff, after being these many years to the stud, out of Ol, VNÛdry, barren plains or high moun.rt-rcevwrer div ao washed in starch, woulid stand --stIff the crash Popl had savedbut these two! lrm m egogQ aiqmmn Fuealsrtr taenel op e.Ty seem ndt hcu s.about the neck." lhorses--ne too young and uan ofT rT. PhyicAYan Sreos bara.fhayriflladtikqen.The quee'shair, we are told, was to run, thethler too old. The Hand[- POFI RA [Ilcovr.red or reddish; and many w..oen i a prize was better than $141,000--P O FT Y u o e DasNo Te brd nrmalyla te t 'hekindo ded her airinth mre ha eoug t snd arItfIpays teuse aquality paint--and quaity is guarantee PHN N"T.N aAgent for Dale's Funeral Desligns, Teveggirs. Theay aelten-Strange Superstitions iterort to makedftlo uitof the me utiainwriingwhe yoebueMarin-enarry0'tPur ome ouama 13 in M * PONE 63 MILTON, tners and low, fast flyers thalt of- Recognized by Sailor clo.But Pop unally deelded t e u-inrt No useless au le ran are used ithe' Pureaa C.K r a .. ....fer good sport. Somte authorities Many strange superstitions from lbealu ruk th"Al rgt.ihe told Gus tPiont.oh is slngdut. The ure hiteflcpeaant LIO'Oncr and G-l Surgeon. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~----say that they lie well to a dog, fthe distant past are imherited by the "l!itetescllmgig10 ino hs trigpout h ocwieIa n Um" --.others state thant they are very dif- sailor, and even in days of steel First Peruvian Flag las bring Paddy Day downe fromt the ranch.! zinc oxide base gives you protection iha lasts, cover- INSRANERculNtCaproah.Thechlar aneseamhipoulokii-inlunceTheRe, wit ..aceenennnnunc tthi ateroon" ge ha saes oumony-eauy tatdoe nt fde BR .L YRare quite aggressive and might of- by them. WhRdnhithadereeewspaperaesy hors heard itt desflo i PmN-. Fr fAcnaScns, fer severe competition for food and Fromtfimie immemorial, observes tortls arater Ila r cas b ylisie.Wtheyew asy.Aor Os eadrderMLT-SEAE Ofi,. -IO i o ormA-e'cover to the pheasant or Hunigarian a writer in the NMontreal Herald, :eln rlI atel a mnefromot ofretiement Pady Da of ee a- ain a il, Automobile, Etc. partridge. In confinement they gcn- sea birds hv been rewarded by then known am Independence bay) the hdrde uba ovcoyi h mohfoigqikavn-ihgo omchous--a.m-l o am/ P.. -- ealy kll the Spcie ofqUal Silos a pecious. Woe lbetide the Liberator Sant Martin saw the incOm- Kentucky Derby. "Two Old Veterans enme.Ioo for ins'idle and outide. 26 l'or ail classes oft Insutronce consuilt and pheaisant and often injure or mian whlo s uy ne of "M'tiother Car- Patibility Of fthe old Insignia of Spain Combing Oudt of Retireent Ilto iei lrosclrHpu h eoiinr Il each other. ev's Chickensç!" The fatle of thelmwith the Independlence of Pleu, and!Casi, rnt etdlne.hFaed "Crysta l h 08 6, D DENION F. W B, FITZGERA1.Dmn\t who shout the albatross is wvell-1 thus, on October 21, 1820, hie Issuedlintokyt ie198DryWne. Physcia sureun phount,53 Offlee: Martin 8t knlownI. Pisco a decree proidingthat, pening RaJckefangRiew98 ethusin. Tw Phsci-andSrgo Florence's Pitti Palace Bult ithere are other supe-sitions the establlshiment of the Independent veteansto.ty fr a ebatck gan T A S O S - - 1 Ip. I Y i-Ruind ManWho Built lit cnemgsabrs aysios oenet h lg of the coutntry a field of younger and faster rivalsý omes Hourd 4 Pa, r by ap- uine anfor instance, believe that they are should bie white and red, d[ivided by whetdterapttsfrteda poiutaint.~~ Luca Pitti, a Florentine merchant thle wandering souls of evil-doers diagonal Ilnes bnto four trýiangularhmate. They apll kesunb ecudn't P whose riche could compft with condem e ocontinuallmove. fields, the upper and lower white, and in u dw ldherherste 0%UE AN -ANSHEENAMEL .. - - - LN S U R N E t h e t z i a d dci f l i esn t b ei n m e n t . S o e b c- l i e e t h e y c a r r y t h e t h e l a t e r a l r e d ; i n t h e c e t e r a s g a e r e cpr a y i n gMPUth a t h e w o u l d ,S I O fE L LEGAL- __ _._gan he Ptti alac4m4Foren einsuls of imasters of lost ships, plain- Coatof arms formed by anuovl crown corsethy d intlet ayWoneyOn ---- 4,tiveIly rInite still watches of of lautrel with a sun within, rielnglhim, bteeyondi ewldhve l ost- H S .DA O Life, Fire, Automobile, Burglary One day at table with his friends, te nighit until their bodies shall be fromt behInd a range of mountaias borilajus t ee tewold ven ome he betthat e woud buid a place arried to the land for Christian dered by a cabrm se. TIs wasIlike- ILO P ae lasAcidetBelt- arge enough to inclose inlits court- braWise fthc flest eutof arme;ol Peru,. bac.htheld' HN.2 wonyconwre>yard the Strozzi palace, and that it The smiall gray gulls which ßly The tirst P3eruviani flag, states'a wm-baii [Ppül uàhex tituhisbcapfidtl Mar.esoce n Cneaorwould have wmndows larger tham the swifly up and cdown the Bosphorus, er In (the Washington Post, Is fthe re Th day beIle fortleth f racapihtahls !F.ne.. oELoRn.cacHientrance wof teMeicmpa"rerrthe Golden Horn, skimming sut of a sublime eenception, In whIeh wmud, amounting to a little over sx omee-Cort Boae. Muto. On • ., en ae. Hispalace as to e moreclose to the surface of the waster were embhodIed the local traditions, anhudedoartee unedn .--- honn mee Cr.Mai aKarnae.beautiful than any of his friends withlout ever seemring to alight, are ladomtable patriotism aa loftypo- whchdheladrstrowed.huiebig or rvalscoud buld.said by sailors to be the souls of litical aspiration. Red symbohle thelamey, howevr, was all on the fvr , e .~-~.~-~,~- "~~~ The old story says that on thlevwicked captain)s of ships sentenced blood of the patriot, and white righitlitesn ubau'nsie ftepb Barrister, Sol c tor, alc. --- -- ------- -- day the new palace was ready, le to waner tus till the Day of Judg- and Justiee. The laurel crown was the anedty si eaund tweotyooe. o invited a hunudred of his envious mnmilay ersnttoro rumhadI a fai i nth a imt they all S AP Pù owcxon w^ T . pAMSHA e that"Il e t;askhd r n in lbo;;,etnnatIo,te"med Ille , ak n photography, Time and Sentiment - - Valuator and Auctioneer his fortune, hie gave them all sacks Big P'earf Shell Areas tra.qIl1 waters of the Paelie. the twepen thu Iletusistson the GEORGE Et ELLIOTTof gold to sit on at table. There are three. big Pearl shell gree of which expressed the hopte of tilu l tOla thhsos lp lel- EO EEE TT valuatione promuly %ended te• Bt the sequel tells thlat. it was areas in the world which produce the l'ertrvians striving for a noble llan-liceap lineuit paraded beforete Barrser.Obatr. ew Ibue. sale coducted andsantisfaction goar- too much for him. He was over- nn-enh f the\wold suIpply. VIc- IdJea. The sun was fthe deity of il-s'saf Taesitoda herice aned hied with debits end lhad to sell tually all perfect large pearls comne Incas, awakening from at sleepil ofe OFFlx--o Fruwr IM uK. a HoN 10 . - MILON-to the Duchess Eleonora of Toledo, froum these three. They are thec Pao- three centurie. n fetialya a fraedchigar.Fi strIt, M 1 0. wife, of Coim1, for 9,000 gold dlor- motuis, thle Torres Stits n hewthed the horses go by oell y "P Telphneins, Persian gulf. In the Paumotus-low.. Sunibeau, hie thought, was looking ex-- lying atolls «300 iles from Tahiti-. Lesing itTowe May Stand ýtrer-ly Weit, with Paddy Op. Paddy are folmd the Lagies pearls of al. Thle campanile of ia'se cathedral, gave himr a big wink, as Of old. Sunt- INTROTaChrysanthemtum Held Sacred They are found in deep water in wold famoleus fsite Leaulang Tower, beau and Paddy were gettIng a big n yw r 'lChina the chrysanthemum is "h klinried" shllas wide aross hsbe tal icesn h ere adfo h rowd. The reiew L , Areerdas a sacred thing, and Pil- as dlinr, r whites. (A d'ver or Pearl of "-lean" in recent yerur, and the dan vr the borne« lined up at the bar- Bolr ,, S agrimage are made yearly to the buyer nev-er -iays shell SI The shell ger of collapse wattsesoImminent thatfier. Hot TIP, thle favorite, was trac- ,1 13.,- ranspOr LI River Kai where natives drink of from the 'orres Strait, which sep- the water was pumpied fromt about lts tious, hard to handle. Unifortunately I- ~the pet.al-strewn waters in the hopl arates Papua from Cap- York Pen- fonundations and cement forced In un-ie wals lined up neto Sunbeau and y a ou ~~DAILY DIRECTI SERVICE of gaining long life. The type of insualstlia, i s salglIrde ihpesue t em ikl Ihtthe latter begans acting up. chrysenthemnum which growes there silver lipped, and produces many the tower, begun by the architetBn 'utlkhesdtodPpu- TO ONOanNMLON isatiy lntorbsh.wt bosaediumn-priced perfect pearls of fine, nasus ln 1174, will endure for a few-lter ohimself. "Just ikehue DEN TIST RY LOCAL A-411 osa mDITANCE olltlelre ha bc elruster. The seed pearls of the world more centuries. The qetowhtet do before hie went In there and ran button."It is called chrysanthemnum comte fromi the Persian gulf, as well the towier's peculiarity afacdetorte feet Off all the others." - MOVING and CARTAGIE indicum and is a far cry from thre as occasional large bilacks. dsg sfrqetyaske. xet he hy«rf--.uddenly. Pols 98. 6. A., KING giatostrich ferather types mwe grow esirallyagreetat theuhde.aek h Vet ice wen hecrowdbega -- esssin the United 'Gtates. Whereas we yeln o uba.I a utlke DENTAL BUGE0N A--cE-H wearour flowers and decorate our Ozone Form of Oxygen whl bidigoerton ee InI prog- .1limnes, only different. he ue Office in Royal BuIildin-g, Miltn OO0 ITN hmswt hm h ninswr Ozone is a formo of oxygen. Tbcrsahtfe 1ù rltobe thirmony n hm.N they tI.l l 5.T..ph.. 97 Je 3 318ti i shipedi thema In Japan a yearly miolecules of the ordinary oxygen of' d(idIt think enlough of Me hncst soora-sto5. Telephone mfestival is held in their honolr, at the air are built of two oxygen at- other direction from the 'Ild storY uditbet on him, &titi they wanted to see Rokarturu backi*,ard. Odr oevr ile 7-R Y erne. Evnins y upontera ___ . ___. _ ----which time a festive drink is mtade Coms. Thie molecules if ozone con- wad hi m win. Time, in your flighlt "ihGýpti n . lro the petals. The imperial emi- sist of thre of such atomas. As at Pop's hopes fnded When they it the ftr iaalGorA Dn blemPof.iapan represents a six- result of this difference of structure Ci., p TILquarter mtile post. Sunbeau wasl bur-J HIS ls au address to mo s DR. , E BABOCKFR ED'S teen petaled chrysanthemnum. ozone containis considerably more Cee p reldi lu fds.Ta ant owning parents to remlirl m iIm a »Min DENTL SRGEO ý1chemic energy than does oxygen liliDrinte Wrold ar.inscretsliklehibi. lHe had alwasys boeenouti of a few lacts relatil, to'Xsnt'Tms DENTAL URGEONaRylcE TATIOÑ n sfrls sal.Iisaga ekdctn Erp.tly rmin ert In em front That was One of bus strOng mentalvtallue of Pho ahynd:l" Ofbee over PrincesThetre.lAs the Tree Lives with a ïaint blue color and is bassy i uoe l eroaq twr oit-etn u fotadsaig passage of! t i f selideI;tboh Nightappontmet.s my bearraged, Qg(r[g (g, veryliving cell of a tree is at lformed mwheroxygen c3itslecom- shadowed and freque ivtheir te hreuTe timeheron theuderby h' te mybtes : é r o X-RY gsve&GAs EY.TRACTION. TN-ailltimes consumning food, breath- poands are acted upon by certain werdenc p oud iallys.ayutCol. ad led allthe way. He hadl stamina often forgoiten. LatIluudlad in, ndgimgof wst.Trees sources of intense energy, such as eth The first fothat ni um <m baye a uni onr.94. Te' .w 6storetheir food cduring the sum- a silent electrie discharge, or ßui- lier's weIlyRallwer- locked 'in for a Í sdel omtigate arents the o i udallly -- -G A S- 0 L - T IRE S mer in theit stems, limes, trunks, rs a r certain wave lengths of mont, yet secrets still passeo ta thei the nswd pdenl see eiiu at frst palotsgrth e 1,11il. "o, l Iý-l, c11 1. c -- aa cgret.4 nd roots. It ia carried about n -utvolet 1:¿ht. It is en excellent enemy. EventualyIt was discovered n amvigu dren. Whlenthcilrnm u, hahhhu N 1 E ILS E N 2Theo iaOtS'the sap. Oxygen eis constanrtly ab- abs,,rbem fur ultraviolet i;ght, un. that the spy was the iscrubwoman who tVhenPop aw what was happenluig photograu'hic recordsIofh-wiau nh H The ChiropractoP ConifectionaPy• sorbed by the tree, and carbor. di- der the imfluence of whici is leion- when washing the windows "talked h egngin esektling hIsI looked asucildre eo a e tIIi Hi .l >4th ar o ,raeee 7 · t" P " oxiide is given off. This "breath- ized, or partly brlken cdown mto toier assistant h fidden i hu eg iand shoutrng. The tblugi years more andmorlimi Anoon - - - -- ---- .ing" resu'ts in the liberation of ielectrically charged particles, acroussthetreet, throug tel os'I : . couitllne udrtn a ubau ob bu nt Daa naa 3 Prenimpt iod Courteous Service at somne heat, In the spring the tr-eesroe@sithe Lused i. drying the glass. lbeChinr. Hehsad wever be a go d ort numb r twon 1th1 l "d 2 to - e to .M pm. 'all tmes.Phon 178 mus dra furter o itsreseve hrse hn huhadtotcmeafomb- wh are amornownrs h e ·euv CI mE nT""(FREDEREK JOHNSON 1food supply to open its buès and The Violoncelleoi i e tdyhi e wa sowingma r-1 hm,e ocoinng pctsof ve mmo eGuoituwrowN.1 put out its new lea&ves It lailmthe The violoncello, tunied an octave versand o form.ie w a canged cilrfn at any tu imethrohi Phone li. w new leaves that food is again mnai nblwhevoahslngrticr Gown of Abtigai Adams horse those childhoodyers à srgs h gnrus 1s ýe of the John Adams hadl been appointed se 1 l ld SOInteau dropped Sergeanit Th. thfina uni most iIportant i J NOTICE ! -1P order to pub- ...--- u box wtr it, pe iknmanr Ito arrange a treaty with England Dwy hnCrweladSa ae htsneTn o oo T A. -'à" on time every v.bMade the mark ofdor and when lhe and his ile, Abigail, Don the home stretch heiecame Itke a tree!thtanbrpatdr u n 1 rda cp fri.eso nw Ccé CokFis snruscewere presented at court she was at.. chargIng demon (0 etallenge the iand trned lback to al n tn, to, 1 Il Il,1l L'icensed Auctioneer and ader ilmeteMUTe in ou" by BlackFretPinercestral t e, laucll s aw m o,- redt "in an elegant but decently eio i.A h ieps u aynrnsl.Tn li ya FLrit l 1 '[1011 l hardto laam-1r- I.nging le hseeru- rag fmoetantre caeplain gown, white lutestring, two length8 separated them. out Itiking theIpict ilai i : Rurl Ruteo ILTN o Tursay leaeotethi -t 1tained the poPlarity of the cuckoo i ange iningmuality ntha otmakes Ier d anduî rimetr lIlacwrib o rthelast udedyrstheêy mketh r f Itherha clock amon.g the peoipie of every tnantoutstanding facorite. Ià has pef ought it outneck and neck, tien the ý constantly chngng"l .. ~~~~~~~~~land, It is them clock of child1ren, asashr heavy bow and the left hand admc pltlce vra opogreaIt Sunbe-ubeganreachling Out. Ag,.,ad on, la quil dffre BMBE;Ml-Ms& IEE4E+2iilB1olligasmaBEPB9%EMB"grandfathýj" iseofthe o ir nu setreydfeet fromenorrrsextent; a narrow trainthe rushofrreservestrength carried hIm lýooking p; sIon from tI Ihl r l he, There isnoming eol nabut ------------ d wathig atate tatrasto ake beig tke ofbltmenrbhe 11T h e la tte r lis m o re inh n e p t ha t If e ith e r v io l ai O r viola . t l i b e I fr wa rd by a h a lf l thut m g a f ou r a nd t w . lI you i 1937- LOCAL COUR TS CALENDAR -1937 theecuckoo whel this s FîicaDe Nat Need Fooatu acea actwfn ms.rack history.-wile on the fer sd8owhbooe td.fehn " e bird pops out fromn his little cha, ntawy csaydAashdtopalpn nhr oflte track,,frtaier stood tense.1 vv nyvgul.Rm1eru dod --Ja i not Oly do the youngsters ge t.i a ilý.'l therfedigandil itnessIng the r-nctetof a scletmeM .tpi"es adp Mi; h tbrIlI.. S ,ot fsei e Ptirilbut even the elSlake no- ihavin g lbeen dadoe.r gsuntnec ac Oof1log ag,. Il lad been just Ilkel images on Phologiýp)ie , pler --d --tice of it. Thtere is a fleetmng - ston1that whlen sunbeau won Is islacb-- il z i of Alpine peaks,'Ilorly pines and The1 thing pop didn't knlow-etan s oer eo a a sar a e 8babblimg mountain rivuIlets. - - --which thle crowd would never ko n i. , 4 ( '1h2irt mkococacodn as that lthe original Sounhen had volu,--. to a riter in the o nt rea ed , udny eeoedasrindtno