AT è(wC MAT 2K lm li& , ML Mi 1 lemu, th, taFor$îra- tIacinocu TE fi.nneuenMûr-tle do.. '0f hedie n. t Wotl. i..4z l ui otii-ut-ne.0manplVit. lE OM utb h <oe."TI LTON. 15; ACTON.But fi'$ th' 4 Ave.Mauoeemge. Hecmcl n lne.ggard, n elcopBeyrPen (loue ton- ee-etudeet eddtee. rt. fen ton- )e~eî <l~<u. laby. lirotsi--et&uae 1dt- i4 ttl I t Zi Wî-t (ie-en-l aboTow oAOe.liad" n hfI «eCD irlat7 u U& lan. bu aim ~t~t~ti ueti..~ tý- i:t- Phonoi.Anpy ie ê local pedillen-. rn-mou. t il t2&con,, - trcdn-ia large cow inte .part in wue John hivn. Who vas borenMai AI Eee huitcme itrucniaced oui..&li-ncu.hmt* acne .ede honuro. tuntIcc ha-1.l- le Ouiyfb.1,,t1il.eticinc Jn8-l l vti-l1)10 lik unnn fer eenncdnothm fier l. cou 82N). Iafine day for baeeb.tiseM te miiae o f ceecy >Maitr ceWnn, chas~iioiienoe.App:îy Ciot.. On- Ton.-btl - inund men- t-eeluI.tenuit Viii retif,. Alter- bemgt-bei, eeynon ri n nho___nocefrom tug111eHl'"Ir IN luîon .,raggeJl lau noeeiit !IV. e Oirililité, fo ne Id triVahal au Mot-ter naia miyBl, hoA' i, wa-he uètin, 1 ynen- Plrtn--e es h ci-t f -.aii.odn. big finit- carteof hte non- e a, a<trI of ttn yaaus If c&lIbail nom o He-I -tu010-' , matse&ced coler.-on foot mueot paye on it-chenalatentt, tef..ldy gLuIl froio, Nnlcnd nord 10.1 on aceA- W tttfltri 15 Ih' C". -, o~dhi~tnte.A:i lI:Ioe D65 lîneue if thm ic-Vtin te. Ili. 14uu ectait a f ba baoit? t tm.e j-.n. A omAl metOISctChenuie. WhIn 1 poit an lu-c i l isn '11,1 And $(îif t-heyu an-vmein.o The tîîhier-IL al dtog i l ibe Pioches, and i r,17î44 .7,illeryllArof He L., F«.If.âi-,o1l, b în 10 -, 0 i g r, e hoîne Iie d padaier 1u-ohe e ao evi-i:-ont00, Nid"ol'by &eJ30caperf.mnl supportfrocu imn 1- i.teot-od celfron t WSdut h, 11.1 euned Iberan' ij*ln lI- o, i. ilton Appty 1 e.pectlyIio ti .ni nrhntî. a-ho de thi e ,; f t-ieant, .bail lite tcuitle uount-y Io itlI Cnt-y, uun em h nie. Jîe. alâ.1 î, eII S t. Nerva, eçëot- ponible Protect-ion. Th, in k.eonth-eborne taoue bety. n tu t-ited a hater Accd hacle MIL &aLAn' lei out an uu io,, -:'u-u :ouwefnt-atl.7 i ne'y 'I'c' ho urhai -tmnmenae.'nt-y the check.Ta- wb"l'silela amai >6" IBVed Riit.WZleVt- a boy, Mn-. irvnn'tgu'. 1 S1,ýiImfrCtl. 0 mrpoitlc n coltlecton of ii inns..gool bail and uer. lea a eu iag ope bi lther naltth~e oeu-to ofTh" etheýr dav 1 oi "roci; I tei i-mn U.Icn i -tOr. APPIF Robtir _____ ccl. Au in cm rin elayenr-rabed te ht) M teA o not--ant. Anl' VcAllcd tutte i-nr o i i Tîcîlîc1-. piral:, 7 1 ai ter tegane.î'Ley bt merot-eeja" bienIalidel 5-. .ca-ioeW lcileSay. '-' turnel romini. an' oeil t1 f e - Riet.,îms i-Snbefri1oe Think L-ucoften." ?'ho-egai. e trinings: i trceryphneo w= p era- c ~Wnll. pou 1110011taileu- li wer or allait ctcoinient. Appty Rog. Fer~.ln. ite.e Wb" 5expao.ero ce t&&t14lStandIINt ight 1 jed n0 lRRAhim ra.;.JroceTheatrme. M Jt-on-w. Cleiet P'ffiN1011 -tube b <oe900dleed I lett-'«Meu. A& Byfeedln' th' t-kn.yflu s"i-. Two H.uiSES u TURKNi,- ee ceo A bulletin recttv lutmil lu-t-be Waltne.le Helouay t R. Ni-test-a Yourng Man h t,,lnefly ehe-ed im 1I ved'onet &Il t-h' gr-ainlhev3,d h:lui uSlt... ccli t-e othln,.outceOk Si, Ontacrio ighbwc tlePcrtmn-. al- Out, P Moton t @-oRI11-ToIka%prubp re bsIamAdBtte a alm ie« wit biga-ay a,,ldentl, mcdo tt.-, 'O-7ltieahpWt5-tt Oute aBtlt, r. d.ieut'l-ed te. Appty Mit-eM . .tioa-led, pt-on. 3M., foreantact -n- iele toe- omit. ces.0l tliae. NIOt-me laffiete la* ~té f.hnX n,,ws ea,1lkot' rn i h'-I Millon. ionne., tatt te toano d co e taiei-d oron-R iîea-akit-l, Tee-M-yedrcan-tai-n t-wo ,, Yeh Ilu h aton b mi of luepttnacnhr2lpercuirn înîîd facen-il, lltowal pcplaed o J. Brimai..1, tau h. earnmit IMar-y A ' t' hiektn h' animnal. Foietîu 6t hgi-ad if,-.4 lux, (Eddo lrr.adhgw.. nOn lWII e IK lle n t .Oetm-re. -gm-te. anti-r fBol Il nth'hitrd Mont1,11, il-:n -i, m .-:, i i.onto.dPominij tâtian-oed l-tin lejid.'T-ho , 0t'un"l0rbin.0Narr(Ienra. n-egew. Woho opleui&Me dieorz faimta' M e.p -e:n.i-ttptnolVfiirie. pleame. thnugt tb Lt-ay-aoy :i'f noSecîtd Lcoing, on lhe 7tuMille Ofit- tnoisnut l- .caue HE r1fi-mIl 1lit.i -t- cIlo .cight ho lhni, I et-rnho.t-ou 1ne itii-eA.(Jeent cOit ce aiy ekUp. e-tuba id ballonhoneeaeded MIl Al'-o cA lut-tit-hrlep-t- ii elei-oriiecl ctoîYuolîn t~Wtrt-roii-, ~Naylon &LMmicg ed t is ifat-len-. Tiolloa. t-wni-re ________ B.,;it:iî,4, -n T-I [nBaby; aticc -u ,-.u.niot08m Pj r', K t Ouct, t...L _ usht"hi 119, atid wluicc ta icda nuilin:nnn.i-otIdfiittr' .eeq-y t-ey euitoontnile airident ,, nîngîmie Cr. Andersoe bit tu loft fur by la g-c5randeon, rThooe , j . iiAMPBELLVILLE t:let ier 1 iî:gý1î te rmoult. Iii tbo,îghticiiceNr(If Illeo thon-nbasea, eeoringNaylm- and Bn-test. Eiewtdge.I 1 I"xi -cii -Inttierce bhiîias forte orcnîlnoe. Toel- îtthoo - n-n truck cnt. 2 nmune, 3 bite. O In 1884 Mr. ltvin cnd hie yeim Mliie. M Miore cf Guietlh oim- iig::ttinpo îii- omM aucuclit Loaoitin ii t-te hi-hire m--n-O-i.%Ill e oeVil 10 Pottypeol a-hem- lieMie, Mai-i-coc Me11Iltan i-i I lîdyI::t i A1:îI- I. I. I. ttti, Couei eçeryonue eohoutd bc. 1r,1,amrclf-iLi- Auin-W. Watarbouse watt-el. F. elt&rt c & utur cundl oingipn'Wtti. fit~ :l: flo inhgrale Wctr e'. none htc-.lpOWol lemiel hW >Dm-!Aramieh tcae-ac n The .&Ife dni'-q lo alwcye e-ilced oa PIIIIi- W n---eea e hilnd, P.dalk. in 1î95, uhere liccarrted un renou- cf mUr. Md uMn.. mn-t- i NN:IT1- Hý::nohi-ht-tpri.uepeed; irait-joue, Watertoug etc]" seccnd. Lonicectm eliaiiombrcenIg cottit-e1 tcil ne t-ose in -tage eot-ott- t-ceIII. lul-.t-y Th aie ect dcri, i: cur-o a cd i-nso-cleint-tici-et-ee, tacets1 bth iaton uit-h his fattien Wtto Opet-ated &c st-ce pîcsa i-e etuîîun-, o untid obto l-Il& tch:mn 1i MTrue oiderre m t. te afet- cf otheno pic- ArIen-on and N. Mrtn.eTyle a-llnt ntail hntoberbutur on Em rentptonittuimia al hmn-- 1i g. ori.rîi.Ii io:e irte ticutcrty chItdr.. cdatm iged. ,;I Tolîinkc lu' Bruet. 0finuoà, 1 t-Lt.0IArt-r noenitra, yecn ï t-t temmiaf fimde.atbin-î"iîtî--mmrîiii - II, l ilIon o tetrduaeight. Thetief. drivoir cdln;t.n lim sopi-nl 1",: 1r. lu.dmn-ntelt LeAidthe gOWlgIewlrun-ll no iplmi h t-e ;515 *Iýl: :11 iii a el 011)1Fiodr in atteait âstri en-aller ondit-ici miiit-:: ' i-:îlIcing. yotmg tomn ot Tononto JuncetSn cas iiot- jmcdi- îîo-nîdto l-e nAme stahle. thte fi..o f taffn. i'lit-on -W lemoeto pcpped cuite a IlItoIt-lookinttninut for ac liîelh. Mnen-e i-a-Imnn-1and ail enidMat-c.,1iiin Ifivu îîe cd. -n.enec ai. Tain-"ci,.dri-rmon- i. notrclt-in cl Wat-m'. Rt. hie- ini-le l, eItbut lUmaier bisti(it-and in 1902M Kit-ennecrced iedem-Ii- 'eInnNei:el foue to ti-ici- bonnet. out nt0 Ite cî:,nfi, c t-hem- vei-uetî-. aar-u-ht- ef fimaes Wcltem s o Haàlo- frvyh o c, wtt-h i vife Raidaarc-ly, wa -o- foin- th-e td- onon-rV., i.r tuti, urne- lînet-aka etegleiltuho lft. A. (<Wle- 1 Sve! rin ctuidoe, 1c Tornto lle m- Un tLU- 2511 of ltraebtcn--il touîrn 1 r-rlî- fitnI d of nat-ieunc T'he. canedriVer kecpe lbis bh-cIefi , îît neI.ul I cnreu k'lr cIcfien -ler- in eBfciltion -a-l th-e a&ment wVa. bell c aà tîeni e v icli-m Ii... itIt urndanStga-et. t i.ue n a t-erig geart-igtut. snigicd LIcentre, &:ilt :b» = t--melate R. L. 4OMSnmccand t-le laite at-blet-k p-oueds. Cýaîpbettilln de l'ieiluIli en-. 51 (K)ter tbced e-j Are pe u c ale driverP tecunt-t-n-eu t-e ball AT ail e tPart-IR. E. Gitaen., tue found6d te Ton-ente fesnt-ilBuzîingt-ce.but a-ce Infn-ctei-lni-in, tt-Al:I, W K Fard. pt-e tllu-ltre- m'on.seond -ed . iemeetitJntuiLn u Lmbe I Au enM - b, Aio.',Sn .; M .ii:ii.3si - l :01toi Acînin-u. I8Voune, 4 bita, jioet tf t-has buunîmu, -I-i imiutuliy ca iou i no A irtee c n 2 etl i par-t it-ne construction. Ilduit-t. ce O - 2Ist Annuai Meeting A-ui-RMort-o n w-et -ut, T- jwtc.~at- lose r.nid t-le i-Ica-th KXLBRIDE i, ::lMncî ii. a-it I tiirk eefor Toronto Presbyterial telol ,,imot.It-r"Ime-."PMen-rt aniri, al- and expeoimoe f this t-ounu i-lien- --- ~: ~iu Il i IIraeied Ciuy o. -.Andern - o. Bn-net. i MImty frtcnailu .OIlced buît-hrh-tug The tnF-ct-n- ,tiid eh. :Il:: o: io tee0Icuilt-o"' ".,kttet gardrn- Spiiici.dli-lt.O e-rt-ra.ltte -llrcd twn IntOme O-f the-ucTnitl-ha-t-ci-ihu1-it o, i :t:tgA- îmi-idnt ooocdn Spicli pnogrio, unareo t-Le Iîîituinnie-. gVeant -aan-du of tho Cit- f fToro-li deyO l, ,iu inl ibrîlici- 4:1 M, l î 'I 1'4, îî App .1'T. dI-oraridge, tunet-frefceucnîet-ngotceitiî,Milto-. Bla gico<t-abhit te ni, i'illoiunet-le linat-i tut.s ma,ý F Mi.Nien. ahocî- rîl:iîî ii :iîî.lI -s . 2, TurnnoiiîPn-r-ytei-,i..W. M.ul - t-du t A-edmmrriit e nut-to tdfr titre, eiae atr tIl---buines ,os urne te- et cinr Mîi îoîîîouinl10~ te aie Puehyt-t-ititrt.i-i-un luiunh sooon-iogLondon stek utomt. wholy aitMn- Itrvin ancd hâs s id eart ReA - i F t- A'i-:-.i -lii .ii-il- elin vitte, on Tiieiuiuy, Mit- lut, Thii AtndIlcret- t-ed luni t-ee q umenplay-. Charleso ld toliu C. &hd n"uo rte * hui'l' enno . Gi. F.h oh iiii;;, ,, I, I ... ir o -n .enrcocne.iic. brtal lltctrna-i5un-si.,cmytubacblionoperat-ed nd ier the tmême Of- du-rt-n e.. i-dn M , i d M-, c i.u- I uit-h Mn-. Ni. E, Nîxc. MillI ei.Il,- t: t Ii nîftu 1t-ehtg.Walhen- horIl TuvinL.uebcr CI. Ldt-"i edOmN ,v . i-l: :p -Iîrlt-ra--n:et-t-n- t-nit- t ir ten edtil iii te uî lîtiît-:.want l. ltie m ir;mged cnd la-ce absent fdom hi pliace w ttue hicc ie 1 e - M..], oit-pI. Mr. M Io i:bol 0 -rîi: ut-e l)ýiii ot-Iiic -ii a-ueo tt. el IcýmI: :5 uîIit -- LION Aiiot elal fflient. Noi-r a-wuiactiveIt-coni-el it d in a a- Ii- i elteeu f 'i ui Msm-eMMithrnn. NO,-, .Miro, Mtil1 Inî'I: WIett-otri Hcaltowcy.2 rnen.ment cnt-iroctonnu-ti it-lunu. eu,,Oer-îllo- inihni- mif ve u,li.::IoLtt lAlaeJh neaa Luhîencdr4 IOî 1Iel ~ii tleII--o- 0k lute11 iixLnoflîtu N go AIwye . -î- foi a iuetîî u-ur, l:.- Lal i dm:on11er gîVnnliy f1,e.1. 'V, Finui lliet A mn alten-,btLhi tntbentubaIlit it-emeuuite i the cocudut f ot i -l u n-O 1:0I -li, orri e, - I-ct- :î 'il VIthe Mr A. il h--n-.tî-i-., W.t enlii, 0 n eO-tu li h -tint-t" .1 z r d buànonor - uni0c,-Ilui-:h Mr,. R- : r :, I Ailu n In ig I ite r ainait and ohiltfi olo,mrtun-ightî ile:g.ii-iOI a-r-c poppel cet eouzvi bounessbtis. hie lent- lis uIt--euicr ie-Oîr oI:îlî:i:l---i- iIl .Aeelte frein I'taiiti:u rel tinllxrîil .t . nA.tiiieunn. ýAndem rer ct-son o-t t lLgttt- ut.nco C-.n cd eeti-O:1Iil-n ( ulbieTu -A:Ii.::î-IIl T:îiipc faire. llteîîîcnîet. iiengariar) i Mîuro-Andceî:nî t-o J,. lrIiet- fi ruon.fi0lbia, rcJccl. for- the-font-turancnîr ifter-, oî : nlr 4 J li OOi OO I o: - le cni : I-n aryn- ruînx bltu I er i pîl le 4 'min .te businness teotil. Hie "-M a l in t:lie Ii- w-um: i ii MI i - - I . I- a-o h-et-art o al -yt-mr a-i- ru lît- :u:iiiru-rLi ~ Chaniter- I-ofmi-r and Part Preeldent e u,: tîg t om q -jr 1 îîi ou. t 11î:~ i- I nv - u ie.lilin.ct- and et-t-îîeîeeîrnrs oh,-reliaIl 1i-m umî Tiitek a .-an by apnit e c t- t-el e ntnnen, Ct-cdý u uoeau cf :: in te ý, > andt 1, 'l-.: - - V I',: 1:: i tn-o art Peopte cn.athe., p:ioleno :ltieuL:I. al. A ieîbnltitnot. &double pay, . Tonon ndo. a Char-t-erMenuber fn- cLf;i Ldr courirt- . M-n'f, Wiie - - Lo...e. t-lteIrn t F i..inr'ouap n minJ. Wctmr'r. r OIt-trio Pet-cil toîulloot- linJni.. s-u -Iu-tî ri oc 3tt.h During M Ioeî t:îî-I:nu-n-. iNaviiuou, n - J a-n edLhumis.tir IalaLOWVILLE. ini:rl--i4I::,d fer 0cr .a-niruiotlu a- I-n-e u:ltc-d l:t ti: i- Oiiif h Ittt.tennierrm, bowe-i and uItihte Membet I -boWf tth'- Ii u-R. Mr te:d:îî n-lteu-rMen-A:t:'-.lontnenoge tmttToronitou Lewl:Bouutlng Oit-h Out f crioltre4ehcin:il, -o';,ic b.'d::ni-nan-i Iet,1t ii-t-I l -, l ef--iîc: I.i ti rn5 iiig tom- Tyler- etegleitu tMiss eliIt ni. i il1it1at-Ilt. m iiiu-: f l-esni r 14- R M L.m r-rck omt-3 . , tan eslc ln--t lusOIt- it-ittiot-t thi- clob iOu in -t--i.en ,lthi frî-BI n 7" 1: --t-I;!II t I. , 4 I glenn lut-Mn-. nAidn--, .l ît i, II: îî:eull . 0îmg-hlae 'iut-i, enlIaIt-hie UOOii .intotday tftt-IM'la Mr and Mr..S. i. SPJ,,-i-i-1 :1 t,e:I dimpayel .m-nItifîiIl nie.c Ili:llu ul,mt ,ot, 'I'îîetzt-etho J. Bmunt. N. bowlinig uouo.utttuent- un Mooiat-, ean l 4 mtenl Suedirs' alIA M i iii 010-i, cestumces. At- mat i ,chou-k t. enuM-tseîî:-îm. Wtt-n c neTI t i SeaIt- McatilbyWIIc: b Ml-il;:iî ou, o tIabs Aily.uby£stae o f Mary Agae Auditu. cou-n-el i thmelluiement bt.} u-Oîruioni[,, --Il iitî I n,;2 bite, fpaierno-.MI an mi.. ... Vi- . A LIiit-io nir-eog :,:- 'oieh i-î: .Thn du-cth eof M, lt-vii:manrs t-le£ :l pnIj e h :I nocIl:e-M:, o l ut-ici, acr ft- orincp li-th,- Vm:un:g 11 (1:: Ilt-emeeit lamtina, IBruea-fdont-break filit-lin îcml' iluu iuie Of Mrt- N. Richle t-Vl 1 -p ii: u :: gaînet n.:nnu.l-cii :Iii C irm-:-.- ie.i :: lut h,d% îî itwtol n-c, . ahic-h lie aoc te heurt He- 4L leur- TII 'Le:tîi: Il, I:,I :- 4 i l - l Poyt-Ai-ri ttce. t-y tlc NW i. ii:i.l iuth,:î (>di:t t-cN. MO o e ivedt tut->t-t. it-e. tt-re 00-L muid Icou 1etgalull:peuti, l,,, -il, c Aiul:i lI. ::.l lic 'I la-net-tp of Mr. A. Peddier Mt i.. ur- 'ut: - h n:r t. 'N. Morio.n t-o. Werfour dAiaghlcn-n Chuarhcu. cf Toronne. tuIiuiili-n Imier. iîîeom I: ueu::î:îf lîhtee. Fintet-. Mu-Gi-c .il Wlo.,f li î:î0tîoo'. 0 rtb.itîle fir-o. John C Of Wesonbot-h aeocchatedl M iidMrs Ji-i:i:l ii:..i 4: hI. ui:.1n:- dri-Iieon-o Lou fn. (te m u-uiiit-(Iliii u l it hm' bn-e AtI::n W. W at-ert,,- o ct-ce a i- a-lt-hiM tinn-lie business, i-i. Mal tI- 1 1 Idl il hi- f:riei-ii :11f n- 1: . bi î i : 11 to - 'ti E .c- fcten-,Mr. .. Mar-t-in. lituI., !::Lt-,:W.dCImnunt F W.terhooiîedfoutl!colin Met-arsteR ret-f rli. ceE.Lii.rijj:j,.:t- - -- -1 l -cii : t- edr Prieraiet- .9Mcittlii . un iiîec :,I I L: II If tBi uh. Anlton -t hl o t r-et-Per-t l Mus-ai, iit-O Ely et- hornie, Mi î,litM, - b--ioIîS u î-î- u --o 4:i: c In:clte 301hi t-e p-ent cnd Mr.u N:x:îI ,: ieild i-It -e C. Aidercun htt-el t-ie WIlred Pf tulil Mn. C. E We.ften n-uî: :î:î le Oî1 u-h -,:,l-îu I 1riioreth-un- for blet-t- n M.,.:ee M il.-le :1 gî:î:1r N Mî t- ruckmt n-mket-. 0fl lhhI t-iof Toronto o, a il a I9:6: 0 Iel.-- - I ton, pn-:îe t-e e cuocei t-Li-mt, ea s:t- -hncto- it iaoddhildrein lar-d Ct-nt- gt-oa t -rerI. . F k-lt orIun::- I-tt- I I:K vocal riilli. 'T-c gwimulspmieker i-nenîtuinm&uT. -end cACha. IMr. frvin luaLIo ri-.u~- FI iîco tt: i, 1 0 \, 1--: Illo ) I:t-r:o a-a tti,, t- o. l-t-oîei-i l-iv:,cîl -MlI,, . Ce enti ; trh iet- ce Iv4 b>-elgit t-oct-her-n at-ind ust-eur, Mi: ruu.itesii. amet-lh .î j -i . lniitc-- .W.M.A Sii-etir , I t-: -oi. t-lt-h J 11Weluti:oeî iroc. R. Bm-it- un-t I-ne A. MeKechone cf lt-uup.o Mo--pi-git-, ud M::III ". i I.,: 5:1- :.ylt.1 ltgt-t.n rfthler c-îîiI :n n:il u .IýIIN. Dlt1- -on tu J. V'.'c n-it- e. Mn... Jý Re-yniolds cf Sudb-uruy, iît:l:i tî-î uiîi, eilli I-I! nmoi W 11.14 îu ( itn- îuunIL e,::; t iiii.- it- g I , t- inml eh-eea t an t- k o Smekaoi-ui MýIl. H.E. Finonu',.atd IVi-rgoi-c f'illu,: temetiîig wa-n utîtîrlc:nI.1:1 i-e ti 'oIeIt-ekc OC"-l-dtireit- cn AcIer- Litt-otînd' MI-latn, Me--. N-XnY, A tl cof t-c n.'i-'-il: oEstte cf Catlermne Ja Pets ni-ci-e-ct-y î:l ct.o:.n.g e-in rci:u:i. a.ecrirý.A. Clenut Buit te ru-tt Christopli end t-Beitnil or Toron- : wî:î ilh l i-ifc].or: idaI- :-1ntPesaa white lifi. -. P e-c 1:0Met.bliu:. s7ei-ii:- - W, m ict Cii-metwan-t t-O. : lIru- ::Ii-t:uio Milton,. andl t-e Iieu.ediu-t-iî:iiti t- -.. .1 1 .t. JWîmtoanu-1 Walten-n- To. Thue funerci lot-mInpice 1On Moiiduy. I.:I- A î. d,,,o lt-i-unagaint- N. titiF. i l i - ,:, Pcmm ieîi-îuruiIct-n goîig et trI mclNaylnm- iret tiat-'25t0. ut-3.30 pm.: t-non hti. latl. M: i-.i ItColm i r I..I 1,, i,- k Ii. :1eijiiin-- Ct-un-h. Mîltmî-. Io-c hie ---. oli.n, h-id'î i. 'lîee K. Ole1 iut- btm t cii pdmie t- t-- u nCein-a- :îr uns 'ilm-nm- -i Iiot-u I .i o -I I II.î hTîî iut-tî mfile. I-mlI l -e hane. ciicri Nc-le, r. l M W A- ont, pinoo f t-ti-lu uîli l-tuct-tli-. lh', -m . -i u i id nnor iAuiedei-,mtm toppel ocut te Wsltame.Park Unuit-edt Churîl, i. aht- uhucli The T P fT1 Iîî i,,, l-it - u I -tlIII 11lSi 'r0f'In . lI-ltar SCOTCH BLOCK W. .HOLD t iui :lit..Jemc-c. ch Mr, I-t eut-hMu- i.tnruhave 1)0110,,I-d lit: hfro t Iiei-iîiuî lu-I4uu- -clirth, the de- THIRI> ANNUAL MEETING;ui îu1- - iu-integ. t. Watern- e tCi-. Aseoclat-rd Urîlibe-o r i ilul A gîuîî i-n-- t pir i:, ui tr. uiai'Mt-en i___si__cîlgled l l icf i unt-rieie nt Out. Lon. Actecu uW" t-leh e , it- W H -,- li ttc t ri t ulimîr. 'If- 1 . 1, hl j1:.l .-ltuna. Th qhý ata avi h dil-if) :J lumuehtu c -n. it,at-m i um-nse incks, formenr[int-ar An-d fruenul of IUniI,-d ci-ole n-ime;:i-y bi a la I40 i iii K, lt-e 'utmn-l anuumî -t Ici- muf I-tei-irthire,îu:mZ.n.tIhe deCeisint. The ;iallbeurel,, Ver- ueie-ltIm ce-tî- ih ':,-A-în iita Scoutchomek il Mur..lnotm 1 -ee-o.MIIinaundo edo. W. Cie Mn- Hi. . TeIrt- . i-E. J ltMi. Mn ,, 1141 1of t-e gi-odnd..A StiII'ilieci-tlOral tuel t--t- lone 11 in T f îîlîîiî:luieit, hi-ieuit-ht R.Brun tisf-aitoiJ. W WânbeOucgh De b 5,L. Pi-al--de Iou l<0ltu-, ce lh-Iudet- cfim'n-iiul'fi Met-L14shlu-; cm m t nuIon- t-h..t-c ea- et-. ti-. S. S. l aue n ud M --ltne Ie t The feport.ofnt LIe ritiilent Ileiiiii -,Iiu- -.:înd-mc eci.d.toeteka Aex. Mot--e. Thc ruinerai wasu- un-rt- ier ndaltelniouonil aniiimi--i-u- .,,,AIncul liemprit- hit-t-uueft for-t-rceteillaI bt-n '-t- o fbe t-n fucnni re -teI L tI, e f uim ontya nt tm"î-niie 'l..iu-i ii'etr tt itcit e . lrcl -v nna 7co u bu e r 0 s etcla, t-e he. A it- eu- mrel tIuiuir o:'uum ut-. NYlei rtm.d anehhen-tai-nMearly cf uliom, has n kicthet-luedo t-tueLcuntt-t- a-ot hee -e .îîîi-î-î imt-alei If)l: mt noinIirA.Ctermoent. K. ecelfor otimarltn cf t-t-t-- e an tae m lira-s: r Pi idet. Mr- I je,. L iuc u et.norn- a-Ptoi-ul tribut-s e uiteftctn -u ccl an-e i Ic-J, tBulit- a-en-I Oct. Wclci o oj. te in wtoclu t-eli iZt-n Ii -m-L - Wilso :n:n mytmruci.Mi-.I-OiI-m.iu .Anderson fouleul out- brl urne reumled in lui-te oucutcrs ,ian-lue 1ht-Irtlucpî- dîî: h. . t tui uft-bt.f rc--mc omnt a ide cii-eoie fi'iril, utlm t-hie tmodîe S-Ii-li'pit-deult-l-. ii A 11:W WI--hi.I ut- . C- Ot-nmmant-diotant pounturR0'E T O R u tjitot i e-i-oui ,t e-i-uMeI- uîou.W ct--cecnA I-VdeIt- eeparater! antMontn-al suneA Bei-re -annît-an t-ni I Mie A. mentîl 0. Beiiot-. FWct-en-une eut-r_ ,o;ur tt ti ut im î t, ru1ai.n. 'i'. It-,it n:tMn .eiu'f ilnftnIr.d.R.Bmnt-_______ Lors-î.iM.t-, tl l.. J Ifýý . t - . î ii t .. dimu - oi l-t-,i lt-vin t-he luieu m ui a d comin t-Ly i.dt-o feM r J Llmtim l I .te-ltrlreocf tWent Toi-ont-o han Oitfereut-llii-TIE ftmorn-ii- LI , --uu -i l t-i:tumlt..lde tf sin hoiuiured. furUlr-liu:-. ca-],iM ..lilT. oIuCh lu lrtn l, Aij Mlîîî liîi acit Jnmet Loe.huicim-u ii'..-t:W>Mr. - lnii- ::1Totîrhn Irea - at-A. MRS. JW lt-t]t lulN No-i. F iî e .r, Mrr. .t-t- 'Cl t 4-mi ou :11 ui î.itm i toM.rActe aldMn-.C Menu mou b- f irV 'iuleur . lii.i i i:.I 4iiî îie o timu nceacfit- 'o Ilv t ,Oteded thia. B n'lof el ft nidtrnti. teudîu î:îîutlî-e ihij nc, Nrt-.oc nt-. A Cniene-t-o. ent-n litr. i'AKil ten Lint,n- r. icJ. tuloirîî. b ; linîlIe end i iî i-.1et tetol eîK-' i-cie hiii-iFcI.aîae t . b n:n udmtd -eInn- TM-t-t-1..lîl: iîiîu-eîîîd In,':,al-t-e.i-ami- î0rune, 0 'a-n feteen-itMirn Meîd M,îeuts clentn-î- Cimu t-endin MI,. Mr@t- -- I--c in een Mcioîr. f t Its!plmiieiltc Clark m II.îI' ou - h ,- I i-iAie H PO A Il 7nh fia-itn o.t:,, : etr - îme-t -u'îm: nli-lt-e--i-l:e -nl m-li I- > -. - t- 2 0fi I e ul ci t-en- eenen1 t-i-cri -itin- ic jmtnmlulî. cuiros. MSur, Pi-il i: , A or . .. . 4 t-et2 il t 2 i-ou tetîni-9 ca -îlde itr ,r:1fu iedo .a.utgen i -cr eu lt-i-od liiuî l UniuiIfA ...St: fil 4 3 0î02(c Dece .n-til t-en-, ii-oo fimcnd cn.l a-nthecic-ul-1i.l:iie 1irmii i 4al- -', . c tennimuton t ir leF - .0-to et: de t- lu-cmuelI if t- ai2 12 etI O n-cil ot- f t-e Unitud ,-lou t thi. mt.e Lt-:ic am!iauii-ml T-i h- Mmoicil 3 lI2I If iaton m.een-ufttI.Me-J c S . A 1 a nt g ngof t-licN.t-iinnu Amîilii- titti,': . e , () I<-i 2 Iltb nuuc nrîn i:31-iiiî î . um1s u m î nuicim itu tle Oiei. th i Olin.- b e Ici t- Aetu i.~n tiiçh- a 1 I niin ~ neut fte. m 1 o 43t1 t, len27 10 I W.C.TI. Pcrun gekil, enîl IACTfIN andfu Icpcuuo r-nu-dci--u len Link-up of Police c i t 'î oief -cisment- o eleniBout i-r Radiose Not Feasible -lt3,1 f-lb0il i i1 t-1-S.. . ltch. ge,Iornt eu-n-rt5c ltliaum -- lIili tjhe Cu. tPRE. usmenithtuo hinume uot i.îîîuî - -i t-.ul-u-of1:t- Il Il t- 7 O0 nnvn-. The f ...rciat ueu ii IoiGulen- lIîe t-W -et than to.~~~~~ ~ ÜIu-u;.uituîi:0l t l 1 - Il m0 fildunct - Y t Vei. fCno -t .-1 , , oued lt-U cric-ir (it-eo il : i iii 1 l-bt-ibb - uttm,i-ti. I4 1Il1I 1 h t ler. Dr. Sempi. cf Bell il, c f-r e _________________________________________ ta uip ciiti- i - - - Aiti t-lin:- - - 4 lit-t0 h1t0 p&-rateur col i--îe in eI f tht- f liI ~ i 1îi-il b'rîîî'î Mui--lnN ...... 4 1I 1h8I I -a- e ld i t hib e -huu u-li lin Toînînt- Chu-r f o ti.-.tIl-i...... vCi I - - 1 i ifi aftrmure.. Theo crtaio ae- -t f. thml-n TIui: litel ptli to1h- tmiOr-II -- I h u oDeliero. i"'i ut-eutn ett-l,>~ i ~ N S F R S L mach Ot ib l atii b.-- t ...t, l ..... h1 Il h f) Il0l9 icrils' plot- .Nm eo e a ute dIfliet- it-llu-ti--îî.t---- - - - -floral tnibtdeure Mut-eiteuL in11- U-oR F RIA L 't-c ot- tiI i:.i: etiii-I i- -29 1 4 2714 5 th.a-c in-i mcl oteon n uhîi-tb. Ite. j. 2l0 dteiK E 3 ce pkp. -25 ........ m iOn t--ru,,, lt-O R Y SO A P CHEESE Caffoll'à Rich Old - IL,1 9C Jomatoes ORANGES! Bananas 2 lbs:.rip25c 'h a a 3cdz d n23cd. LEIUCEFiccrmNiCrùeStz:6c CADRAGE » 2 u-oi9c Carrot: - 2 Sïesb»ces 9c1 Lemons - 6 X- 1 9C CUBAN--Besh ltor C Pineapples Presetmvlng 2 for2, Nice Slge, .fmesh Gneral Sessin t JUNE 6 î Chathaim - - -- ---i2 14W i rî-:l---':h -mumhtl m Gait -uTi P AtO Kitchener ----$10 -Q. Town cf Miltorn Loodo -----$i1. 15 t -t Woodsock - ~ TUESDAY, JUNE 9tli, 19361 Rotun-eLtiit-J.e -t- i Canadian Pacifie liu:.uîîîuî iunu.hîulti-: '0 0 PR1CE. 1PAAJ1fD F o 1, i-l , ii uhutm mi i J bre, ijui-nd mat-tîn. on-n tmum,t- t-N%' i Ilt.- Iuiu .uitahle for foi- eet. Wttthi- rdnleuI .iii-m 'mi pas' t-te plioeeu-t--geo nnou-c.. - tu.n ce ecure tmned t.ei tlt- i-i ne. vANNATTER FOX FAt-tM t-cite 91 n-Si, <inrget.cue BOUGHT 10ON RMSED 1000 TI ut-S i fOi-COAL Ct-Dl) fCIE BRAY CHICKS L E 'ARD qO't -iICt- ci-d Cetc pa!t-cor-h;p cit-trp-utu- end cf t-efar-m huonrîntt-t-otn and -dem-I t tifhiBnci-r 1-ii-k CNt t-n. eýd - o RAISED 101,M).Thbe h e1 In, ot.ciPltals'mn-e-elt tne ot-- At 9 a-ete. 28 cf t-teti-. u ecck.Ir-ree ae-ai- -ýj.t -nAi10 a-cet-ntbn-t-it diMct-rr oti- -averaiei-24 lt-, -iomuue t-le-u-- leu. Iend ge-- ti ti-l llcet-',ataagrcc..L :- M.'_ ui have mail ftcr-iemee Bec, We l-t ien-eb'. hat ht-l 'L u-v. luit- hi-t- ut-uty.lent goim- narîs'w 94c1r)g etoot- cf t-bd kîn there 1,00Doseen -t-t-June nluumke ibeuldnet le-eteilopito Prmfit es-n-n-. On tbe Otehb andt-ce., Jite n-but-e ho e-tp inho p-umflt aet-e.Yteu NERD ihi--it-&litv. cet gi-nuie ncm-smaturing i-,i. Of tt- -il. Ou- op-&ml "einlof sdsoc" pniceaes"ti atmnartune Fred W. BRAY Licited CHIcK HATCHERY - Pruiuu~fl mcii Cctmrieîiiin t-rn-vice Phono 1(37 Il 01,11 tt-1i.i-O BROuTE, oro'r~aiiîo NORMAN HILSON li Itin-OPeOmon- j -i Farm for Sale. itie---. i-t ...iAulieg eene ril-uit cli.t~t iithn miioMten. DAIRY COWS l'u-echodo ne Z-i îuB-elfor- cd up. i le ,te-iu ntitIn l. I .ru1n: -.iii rn-ifine-t- aerept-eI MLRYLO FARNMS Ili:,, ut -,ilT. Tul-lîne -2i.mi.ictnt-cric ISOLINN.109 ni ,..-,t i btk. doln tiodcn lLIiet-t i T' i 'n;., --ath rý" ' - - - . - - ý 11. le-1 f-n." n-o,- nM. e1.- ~~~~~~~ý. $13imiu bil :imr Trto h u I--i-t- - - -i,,,of L' t- 1h - îl IonînîO oi z- i, FAiP IoMiii-it î Eii ir1rS Ilil. Service Statioil MIL! ON H1Itlt-t-tTS GAS anpd OILS Tolietce Cigarclies tonfc tI be- ýGRAIN lJigliu-cî t :; lu-t lu-o-. b pid !oir PHONEt127. Aîî;o fi !u tiýtuta, ,l-itred in- t-o-,; "I' 011,1 ib i t ! jil rt piian barrSe'] 1(" iMILTONI UNITED FARMEItS BAhi î A. R. SEVCmnCt-g IPreo-dent-. Seu-ears'. Ph-oe 217t-r-2.2. Phono BJs-rZL 1