Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1935, p. 4

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___- -- RESETATON.esmh cal . a L gli Kmiursr i Mark Busu ax l th. SilhA rW1' survlvtng mon et th Busesi loner onn oteasDay. gr .l. theibC. lmily. Thelr teaia was lt ,nlnth N.X. waa a mnu or. o albel uter 7 AE IIN Annie anderson Wao t on at rom alton par tlnw e l.ver- deugteitofthe Anderson pionoer louécatputionas. houtclub coi. aml.Their larm wua.lot 7 on the peUlonea ceblob aUr oted .0(frits I iinth lieu. Mark and Aurde cere seivenheen chlbsle a(oubtrl Onlarl. IEBASfilUL BION" MAT'n.D ide imarried the year 1911. They settled oes. on. ut b. outtaedinagarlu ,. termicel for the.bnedr.dtb lie on lot 6f, nlnth lino. They made ex. sfilatures et lb. day'. proormms. etel10 osLsth evi ie.Fr tensive improveinents, building a Million laituiub w. reproumoelby e iu h1h on e.Fr large banik barn,salto, a largolhon temd 911, Reffloald N.elandm. Roy the?.oe, witb au neiir.aand aaiary boune, hor pen, ani an addItion te Tovell and Addion Woodl.y. The. cluched, bé'd soitber tô .,arry bila. thelr dwefllng boune, The lawn la sur.- groUp wicilg ral aonor.an a croup liravaiy b.oalppefi fron, the saitIlice, rounded t»' beautifui abade tros, sud pacio secood, 'bird sud ixlh la s a tinbrenard Allure Quito baîîdine %ChVn1famly, two gil and a boy, got thir 8teil,, lu ihsè 4reaY section Halen lond teie a. tge h euiu Ef O are dua ne hesho nthe wà# rmpreaoted by Gerald Graham, bod"ra icorner ci their farm, S.S. Nc. 8. At George Hendeneou, John Molura and wlusima v*souetéins t10tel) yOM]" ran aly age tbey attended Mlton Fruit Rudeli, or the, Acbon oIb abuld -L ~îîCn,(I a veli, c. High Schoci. At the prenent tim wuhiacet] secoil te a group and "A confessitonDon JuanV' Wllina S SATUV R D A Y S O0 lL rîi Ol Margaret ija astenfraflher IrMr. aono lî u îc'ntb luin iahe.camaoîi. 1~olleRarislowo ,office, Mi.ton. John i.aetai bu" to i dieldiiel entrles. bIbmthe "lisatul RBecs" hautalaitaniCd hio I 5 c 'T jo I '4 a mit n : mg to i. aic yoi tr a. 'home o r the ferro aud la we î' cis ille nm an hip cnupeti on. w tb forty. confidence van îsed 'lie u ne tlin I IeC mli-ilgli the nalin hor lfied wvili faros lite. .îaat Min ight linho npetilorâlu tlb 'ing. a"lofuthelb uldbapfaed mnay listes before. os vI-nthe01 I, o gl.fiîegItowliond ilice lmort ci a loy îîeedLLd on R arer t tegPtrikon. n tuo eracirilera c'N-n. i tmee,- mttl andrtttiiiiii te Ilm i andovr oeflehigwas. the prianrt ime. bsabl felt thle pl«an second. John bMcClure fourth, Y7011 ta bI- ain~0e mort aid ____________________of teh rursing profession caling ta ROY Voveii îixîb. Addition Wuodley ltI.. for theiniJoterLague ahop.', ffgia inIg 'nach Lî,is. ber and ia anaweinr the catI. nnh saui Rginald Noelanda Ibis- Whira reateil ber baad agaînat lis BIJY 12-TRIP TICKETS lifer vin .îl kfreî1uent ad Mcs. Sol Codingy, lier neureattt ah8oUida. ga bnped the waan't represa PERMIE. nd neigîibon, ami her tceo copanions etIlun eGIrl.' Oltîinfi aud Judgteu lni a salois, *Tbankz. Bain. We need ONLY 2c. PR IE. qependable serbeduilos. 'tour the hig_ secool, Doris Sanford anid(lompetlîions thlbl al esteau. nhu.T'dbarraeatl p- Oi n d ci îr iilvSet1..ai] heuiva gent MIllS iotor coach Margaret Hamilton, tinece that &il poaed ot Mary Jaevila, FieraeoCart. th are uda.tltuta."i t h pu H Siý, Kn as, CSAv1pt lI ik,îts b iii 1miti. in Canada Iaabell'.n comuepniona and neighbore wright and Mary Brildgman, placet]PeWoatdettt. Hig av ig MoTi, voîhea l thîe Uitedl Stites. Phone would hike te give ber a good sentd fous-lb In aumpaîhlion ciîb taiue n centnued dancing citbout cou. 175erfor informatiron. coff an ;et busy. At rirait tbey ocly tfroisîceenty.aîx oi.ar colintiea. ta verItIon but credltably. 771ti iufurn.uiou.intended te rail on the section, but îb, i.eaS deinonstration, "IJettoua * n.n. e0 when iAey cere met with much gen- MaY lBu dsnat." Battue piacd third, erocs cspone, they were temîîteidte bcbg repritéente.d by lmekm o %elsli, NItilmornng 'tha tactory auperin- ansbeyord hieir boundary lire. And 0on Verna Kingaston anidlletîY Rivaz lu tendent ieealed lien aa le enteredithe 1 Sept. 9th the niglit bfore leaving Ib. open nomptiltion. Drueas Parade for tankier roule. arthe field. "No planes VýV IVhonte they lad complote arrange- juniosa, Aiîvee lnlay cea, itîci Mary te tal tnday, Bahful. The nid niein osînts for a fareavrîl meeting at the Hanter firth andt Jean Fisher aiul. ceint. yen te go na-er le the achool asi j I sasel home. The igît canis t t.tlu the senior section, Hînanor IOnulendckotailhetcomrIl -l for aIl nîghts will carne. And cebat a Ive W eilite the fore in ail ilinanciinn. hc u mtdcmeca pnl - jniiy gathering of aIl agea arriveit aecus'lnw fous-h on drenai and @.-Pud date."1 aso i by magice t the two entraocea book, Ibis-t on drea, parade. and cul liBen& fîuatty pieeaat dispositionî1 fla the farm house. On No, 10 aide- on acorlng diectio, nitb Batty Ritva ez M rd 10tevaah. "lat'a Mail'n1 road twenty-five caca enteced. on the placing Lird lun bi ltters-iscin. getting bit wil?"lb, growled. 'Tin ________________________________________________ 11lice twenty-flve enteclet at The Junior Fariner Judglng (20. auptiosed ta b a teal pilot. nul a the amle time. chen lbey came ta- pétition attrsacted ouse (MO eOuile,. atudesta' noursemaifi." lennath Re', -gether et the houne the cherfui wihb Normeas Wilson etcuriog firet lu gounit of car whistles cea heard for creanu esadins, (iaude Metiaî,abirritatlen far a lesrfying tear. WiIzna î about five minutea, and thene wee-e ird, HilbertI McLauithlin fuueh, cea.à liield candidate lu ths Aooeay tleheaota; the cehittea eemedtelu ay'liie Wi Vlson sec', i.lu PocLîry Fîvine actuel. Thbicosrne ailI ic-'in memory, ~as r "Taylor ...ai lret andt Jack Taylor "The nid vlan lhoi.gbl IL would la PIANOS VIOLINS MIUSIC ltime ever onceai toca. toie th. lit hurzMai Mrtyn Helop cea a goof Ids, for yen 10 do a 1111e ln- -Illiila k I 5'.l ls E iI. 11011ER iliiTic AiN', lANON AmidailI alwayo e ry fragrance, ike si-. bn sbeep Jobuston Numiand cea, tructig bhorie 700 taoits er the andoi .ll'î oIl.koîsIî ,ksra fragrance of tle ros, Ihirteenth and ln fruit andt v@ueabi, Noton branei. Ton ouflghl hîitld up a t fia%( ulana i aisoil'i t r irIouîlt ois but Iy gkeaîeeîýi, ranh ai ternis AU yousc irenîatoigîht cejoicing jîidgiug Jack Taylor wàwe acco. aciool ever there." will le frierds u in ne of nreet-'Wtho'&the sîndent' Ben Irlei tel no t lnt51 îaîutî.cei i is-.i iaîlune tueroiiîîe abc F0or tley ive you love and bottor WEDDIh-GS lstMa ole@ 0cmran. no oin i notmtii(iiý i ýielae isriieiaae n i each thuught. and cord, and deed,-"foednatc abynkae \'I<LIN'i-i. BANOS,111 * -, lANDOIANA, 'KULLE.S, So write this humble tribute, though SPICER-OGUNBY lues, but rasembnler, ne favas-tu," tle Slh'tIil, Lo'dî' s l it luirMî.eîa 'îph And hople cen vnu makc new frîcuts 1The tUnited elorriî. uwvile, cees fachos', opesinlendent carneit. yoî'll cal forget youc oilles the seneofa a iretly ceddilng lin Bal "What placer lBen gs'ucled. PIANO TUNING AN D GENERAL REPAIRS thoni. uîday attercoon test, wlîen Lesîlora "Checki plane tceo. Theee wiclg." 2.7 - a c uaîîel 'î'ee'.About owe onoaa ere sport in May, d'.laîîeicîf Mr. andairsMc. Win. la Beon'£ îndt lIns'fosued s liue- I .ioiunia1i'.0îîu~ imoiulesl. R~îitu- cr I{-1îiccl. gentes. The cejîner; in Etichre, eigiltt Onnul, Milgroce. becme Ithe bruie parole plan. Ho lad lu Incapacilate V;ý,ji'F ald ali't'inud lntnmvtý; Rgalaid andRepaied. tbles ere lt prie,îFrakyChi-unfeienMr.idchl, kuyplan.f Mr chec plac Maidonl Mld nînheite mill-Khlnr' zpalýhîlîo, SarI Sauncîers, folie band 5. andt Mra. Harry Splî-nc, Hanlîton. olccking Ibole transport candidates. l'lîcc 4, ILS Si as E E Ladlies Mca. Carl Sandeco lat peize 'l'he Rer. G. F. Kelly ohlcateit. The Then le coutd gel Mlalden te checki Phn 4 ILI, N H W HEEL R I 3 X15 and Ul e lard f6. Crokinole, 4 tables, bride ecterei thîe citîlch on thîe ara îm."luecln u1,crua Mis. Allie May lot pinie, Ken Orr, îof hec tatller tiIearla(!L ter 0jeta@ceontd keep the plane onathe 2n,. Mrs. V liall iîa.ky itumber. s-ira weditlîg nîarclî lIayolI by.Mien _________________________________________________ IAbotfoîur ets of voung, the gay îrail Mary fluillly, elaler of!tltetbride. The ground long enough." lien deciteit. free.,aere dancing by the ligît of the bride W'as rlarmlngly gowaed in H. .ntered the hangar andi ap- MIn ol the strallo of an excellent hIsalt nî. faellncîi on long hrinresa proached check plane@Icen. Hîs beart musicien on îlle mouth organ. Thon ]leaues ill full aleeven 10e tle etbow ild a Pottear dive an le sace a melain- an excellent lunch of i.olfee, seuý i- ua long rîlf enitcg In a poinît oser le bol, up tramn tle motos' cocelng. vi,c-î miindcoke mas secved. After dit, lest, lier long vcliofutolilie ceal"Mornin."Mr. MAYfleld. 1Ihboitla caiule À , whici ailîtres was rend by Miss pleateit eti the back af!thie lead and DaoiSanfor,,can d tle presentelion blielîplace by iriple banda af oranîgeou0 tasly ta cheekup 0on III, timer. rîaîle iy Mli,.%Mrgaret laînilton blonsoma. SIc caccleit a ailoaveri, ceai iaain' a little celen tbey a uî h J. J. (or d inc I yM ce.bouquet cf :leptore ruosascittu bon- brouiglt I-t' la ye.tes'day. ttverythlng C'ruigicli uy Isabtillin a vciladit 1cd 1ilitnto! il cley, TheIc cehi 0*b X. tirbylb. ie îseitudenta tiw-sovs-iIl choser ritahelalbrie w.clan ded b(~i ty lierLainIer. cgel les-m" Afar he i, iauiiiul iift andl for al the Erlaîîd CuliIIg, as luatron nofbatirr 'nTera wuaillething te dcezcept t ~ kilcîolîîss froîr neighloo'rs asu sehuigolbyiocetIpeaucrc w1catt mnaies alil trougl 1er ltc. Mc. lion- celithbri wccesoîrlea aîîd carcyllut Finaliy Vluma dreve up. H. cesa selnaihtailu'uiaIl or1ichaItoIf Talisannroase.:aseMca Clarence liîuîuelf andîi vie. Tion ail joincî ltuIiecaon Icee IlieelGilllespie). as rigIt, le Ihougît bittes'ly. catching h a culan sang "Fur sues a juîly bridesmîait, cecricg pale green )rgan. brpligagaoilte rs e i lcîd sellw ausit tîrce earty cileers. ls wîîîu rucl'îaccesaorlca andl varrYgolden bain, But leewatt pulet by , gao lîu Ibouquet ct Talismaîun Isùe. tle gaiport. He alanl knocn lIat tle 'l'H 1'.AI)l)RSS Mr. Cordon iSutoii.c'nsin o' it'l'-chol na ni tIen ouadvancedichcak wîcaî eur tls-tahsse MilsISAIIL IELI . rouci. 0'as groomaînan. VIiueuoler-,boa. Wjg tlpoeOtur dafracfiî.îldeand uoniulanionilîlie lbride, andiMr.liertialuîuaîuuîu.tube posshlltis et the gouperi de- '0 Wekiow uoilltin 1110te (,Il fol lîu ig u.1tiîî lhu egiu rred taebien. . . . A chance ta dusifer eu ... lke a biud iii a cage. "lu ha t iu Nrman y" anri lnes1olo, lte luWilma celîlout cunnlng lin ~ ani' ~' .tcsiou vit lii,',ehistlisAller thlue riemnnya reiepîli ie~br confidenre.teclsoying lents, solîl- be-rxcn îînintîg1 oîonfor a long hbld ai 'Fuorest itii' luomeoithle outateuco ooking at ber itmorallcîng K-0paY"a Iltm«hwlime. lîrîdem parents. The luides îîuiueîi tilli - cch ld te ad,11 iic. your courage lit o-ghauul 'llu-ossu bcuuwn transparent vuls l Ben itullaîlhielIa Ited roggle, avec ad'iiîî goit rimmed it ceîlgulu'. eutdirlon a sr' filin cyesansd flisparachute-ilIk necties' Menai yen dace' away frontu faniiily aîul hontt- aîîu tuhe aortes, elitha euorae-it Talisman eî'iulf up or es'I mouta. haalot nlnt ife 10 wliclî yotîare accu-,loiiicd roses. Thue gruiumn'sti ier c'ore suiru e** a toli e îtîtldeîiuaiîd-eiurg), and erelue andt oelv ili cine liat oil] Vhlle the mecbaleîc ere ancbacti- .n.saDoi. iýtudedciion, butt lashiddeo sîiîî nil grey 'eeorlen, ailI a corsage (llIg coheela.lBen. pllchlng fils voIre as Cails Il b-as ut ad a Demi ewauli cul, al tdoghah liane' ' nuadol s~î.I ILS ire brrks ouiand Satisfactionis iiunoss'o bthe gette Iircrlite rosea Aller emsoylc il ni ai îog h a un ,lieon thîe bride eut groom lefi lfii lube: "Taoit s ftd lîmb t10titre tniiso ~oroflao s.lulbabpropert>- and ueisd1 anîsud eacettîl existence- in siîrcouîd- a tiire- aeel' trip ni thu eWesternl ihauset. Fly ta Dus-ber-y, diolg aonin u.iul-.cr. 0vu u- dear lu tcud. iiu îuaîks lu lte Gîer curaI eretue LItrntrinînmd il iuhb-wîu dcci. Wcen you (et te Durbes-cy, land 11-t-,l ,,on .. urr t vor ele o il ah ood and prtac-îgifla that qîilteiltlaffela cnt a brocen tweed at then CrporL.' f."i-cal isolYithcronce-fox ]olac,, wtavbiî fViias lakesef r ajouit acui ho celn ys'O fuan lalia phîoe. fI gets belli10 yîou ceben 2îuî bai-e ail tht- gftta toc aîî ideal 'boC ilacceonorie.4. On volir rotera hotttllp iv movî needed as thon- it,- esc a perfect figurce, healîli and ilue.y celi rcule In Hamîilon. air ceork .nîuolhes-îltientet0frmany Gelsrapîr.îî~î'îî su a liertil iviiî aîd ________ cecacan. Atter a dcv turne lien abei m.msh~' s.unds of cascs on record shoce. Sieg 'an"aan lia contre.&. WIlma releaici tham. seio as On ti necna: ln, h dîsposition, wicb nmade -you Paint Prics Shrply Rel.oed Bout waclcitlbes- te courenrat, on ý- bi nccur loe te a"lavorile whîtecer you av-ul. -wîct le as goîng te My. dostrccphoîe is indispensable: ye 'l7iiucniory u of oe and tricotsA a ratrucîile un b pns-eecil Thts lIme leditdaet dilu hi it srves you day by dayi in so aili if 1cr give rou %vautis Caiied iret qiiaitty houa" psr tto 3- 2 e uc."os oc assyaot. iiiuesickîies.but alvcys keeptiis gallon ie anuoomuce tue leuseo o oba uarWli»The marylailier ways as vsoit. îu a cernecr of youc ccnîoîîîbcauce tumeai o! ainoueatCanad', ent 501 no ure uma"Thr as yout.i.iîko ns n subr&nd of point, the s-esuctiosu ra ort.:of coursa.,le galberait 1 otead renstliev re tlikitig i aiing Ithe aunouneacunt, telryfing ta10 ] oufor along Onle, but of yoîî.futohie abst': nles liold cnuutaniea coocrnet claIe lIaI tbýu yen ae".gai me off 0on JucIorý the n ioînt enlville place in every retîîctiun ic nol justiuld by any deung. .eaguela or aomethlng. Noce bu goIcg, inmuar-ket condtilon os- unaifactur- tatell0yen cait youre not goîng te tmTE a L e aînily. iug coalo They pont ont, boceeo. lnerccpt: b love yüu." 0H F YOUR TELEPHfONE; "f'e olîe cîî lîîe te absent oie 11.1 turing the pont feu, yaa.a acy urouudcd lby sulaces anud î'reaîen'd bouseboldars have beau mislet îy The e omîld l ftail apart sealien 'it dangers. Wlsal a îuagnîlyî'g 'basgain prie" intu uLaing infeo.îoccontinuet. "l'm goins e lie manages- V IS JUST WI{AT YOU MAKE IT' flu w oe- u vuyo nian it i t e at hareseteit mn outhîe Noîton Iraecb, cuit 1 cant 7011 ouroavîî Ocetturceat ni lavous-sbiy on the cebole înuutry. t es'ary me. I promisee 1-" etufidue ita Godi. We aretn' Drassie action Weia teit te le nmeeenary Wîîua .@book tle conîcui igormfa. makora of fate of liiose crouîîd us Le check a situation liaI saeriouaIy -aitolte ve s cthai nOurs goverLs iteeat,'ued îrops-ty asie aa vr eîely. The e ont ceafallîug spart, &fier md t s icsatepou- 'v-rycoîuntry-.&aI ,oue'b andtfelillinply from lIa ice, adi 'leI'icliivrevr heo ucw ow price idesîgocit te stick. WiIma couldo't lelk ha-h aid sahie, viliece our oved ont-s go, or mlleilceeiertas- prunes-ty oceera s @iec oUlfa'lwi cbse, blutellecould 't ley stay. Auj, fac Dr near, ole s untIiliLiy pint ouîy, wic eblsclaia ysmbrnfeititaIa boires-cc the absent (tues go a vouce aîitig m tu ilittopupcîy n taxeiîl ketepaflhuaiiug îlrougb lte air te- The companian anno.încbng thc re- Semttee epr imfrgt îîîînding thieui ut Motters prayer. dactban as-e Canada Paint. lotore. tirs se freain. Ilought lien, na Wllma \Vc ask you. -icar inabeli, un oaIè Vas-niah. Mrtin Seuotir asot cth îe gyaltd oit altitde rapltly accept luis travelling bag, as a hie-cnWlim.in a spiral. Sbnlanitet I"autîfuliy 0 Businesc Iripe Vacatian Taur,Day tokeuu ot love tu remiud you ot the- ced taxie conto the apran hu front et Outing, ota s n ieMoePesr ap as N aesetwt Nesapapece lmare mînteke..-me- the langes' on ohe tig lexross C&dBGîvue oe eane. 'uppnditday e as-e int L th , ges, alsgît, but il romaine for a Bea ensevei le golport mouthiplece on tt- ig isxciou C B ineStemers ouotulIm uitar id uou tLre. ntdirectes-y la apeli Osaugerulle ,vlhsaeiclzbands. Witl great effort -Take Your Car with You-Azzto tlte houlte oni3our youthu. - Osagevihli' lha sîclp etînsoif te restitue tie rote Rates re Low Save ime an MoncU And vse ail joinun ai bing you T' t ad orbussin 0Ousille o- f ftîght incs-actar. Tha ll%îdlîug asc Rats reowSaeTieadM rsti a o. Z- pilosparous, happy lheileun ceu luttü e high et tle pressut tinte ail right. battîibicIn't Plirterry,-le CLgvLAN-BufALONtîiivsieacn mol..dl~ 01. ynutr ciioaci calling, wi'iisieriiiit10eutndprospective ceonc re -aexpocer i. loiIng at a praiel,'r thp. CLEE..co, ,neD-i toiSUFac,îe w.5 4.25.Unt-tnni 9. M.nt tihe sick sid dyiug. eneing omae trouble lI'ulluinga8italc taie :% a Legede,' came tescati 57.e. emn loo sîsîe-, -Illua l id.Y ..d vn îa, 'sVc kuoce yni taill be a ceai houses cuntaparîments.-f) s lue 1 eply,.thele lupemI c- ac aero îîey icîniceainos. ib-sve: nof1Florencee Nugltingale 'Slar. mery peupl ieas uiiiieta o tice. CEDAR POINT-PUT-IN-BAV-d i - utt cclaald cand lvaîigeiie, andt tiere ceil l c Acorm(liDg tbHOn. C. M. Caban. Atrer wcitIing tIc eare o1r 1115. o la, suiSrî2,d.'.ao dcaiuim i-.oCodaii'not umv-las~~~Thankugiciug Dcv fle biug ciiligcilte 0 inîm'ttiii l'ogolaf ta glve yiuo a 3l1O0 i,,d, ,i3uu .l. ..T., i nlo2Z. -iLà- 'inisasinY Coy.Thui-ay ucause IL nasa otbccvvicoe.e-luaesr, l -lanre limir mîi ,do V(Ua?' d r, Di'leItaad,o lî~lbo .. pt MonydarclTacny-o, Signed on b51' If of neiglîborsuooiug -a day fs- holiday ce'.rbi.ns ____ sous t.iC.ait(] comiiiuions, sud trivonlou% eoîeciairmeui.' 4ito PORT STANLEY-CANADA-iien,,.Cin. ednnmM 1.RS. SOL COEDINGI FV nu minhiaîy cau changethelabiteiofli TISh. iasd Slislep De« d.v' S,,,l., ni dHliOn,. lc- 5,,,iDORIS. 00olinsoir$x.cu -People by cipIeo.People cai - c LIle uhe aaggy Shetland lns. the cacdke5000 v ,oi -.diiii-pc $4.00; Oîsda&v î-dne IORInSAORl i niicsnen.uct îy îacmig .aweee ndi alunI7ile 11(Shetlani tarase but a $2,iu,200. MAkAIRC \ 11 AMII,'lON lIdybuetsiltekoloi Iwaeditveraion a' t11dm larges-cela- WEE;KLY VACATION SeptO hanîait nc5 5 t03 1e ebl col day et hontîe an odi ai.îe nîemllat aca'r Seuil I3ýf.. B, Mýi. ý 05tate !iîst tiecae the gavas-coent telîleoie n htler tsle lypîIncalnfta 5L1ANt)011-Oui. Clie-linl. ,aenI-c, .i. 60.00.-iISANDY. theui to do su.Joite 1lrfnti@tyc sw d- S44. odi, f- id-siieo im, Uh- &- ds51 INGOTE.dcsci5ý î-llseneay ta psier point.. uatlifa. (lie Ocn ouO0 WacCo ds.oeoclailrcc 'n tluesCci.OnsAisafln îuiîlsc..-- e ilBb emH;ly D*S tîat seecdogn lbeaitla legs lang. THE r-8 VELAND &b IFFALO TRANSITrCÉ)OMPANY hfitsacgr 'o.li iyccltpc,îsîîît1 aclebgtoltouu1î aebiaol MOJRLELY BMITU Pceaiteul ot DomininîcoB1,rîs. l.tt., abro las jit etueIisddfstraiGrat lisitatn, ClIe- olnes-lngIchi,, sars aparatiana lu Chat euo'Sy. "Killy Hawks Identifie& SIata, Rust-Colored Hawk Tl tales4îbaya utemietiO-oc tilcîmiCole -fs-itewiy ensuugl la uicoes-Ilîe ncri-n tire s,". niluîuemîy oeisily rcIclle- lîclîce.,itire navalme Iilly lent. Tuia loîmîll. chii- ileMinrtlrri laC-k amîîîîcsolîi tlLi i l- on orni,înill pel-lul ln alinpe, umî.y hl eli-îîrliII Iiiy killy, kli t sa fîcl iîllecioul or ti't Ing. Si), ( i errloe 1111y lîîv .alai Idlentifices dis niIrroce ltini% allai endiily. TiekiIly hmal. ay,y5vritl t ii- Indiaapoîlns Newus, wcli lue ees porchîer]mn the tlof f acc pitestn lelepboce paies &taus lihuigîsorndi byseaym file c"lI atterrifis taor a cul" os- ne sheadofet aslocely ai.uviag aula- mobl. alilghing n a poie a fIltle ýh@ed ofutIhen cas- caclutima untli tue ces- drce oasy ens-rem erperdh. ShitaI a fmlendly uiles awh. lifter. têe &alu ireItertam, hoae. Very gracîful, lb. tIily haewrsoIMMhalver ov.s' a spot ln au open fielt, coinsg bealing îtpatlly. If sIc sp-les tle moause os- gs-mihopper aboso musa- ment aile tiret glimpeit ns alle made a short fllghl Irou er les laimt point, the coul dis-tclocenandsetizbe ItInluber chil ttas. Ttien the scîli carry lier lîrcey "Cal'ta ansertiefvorite îierch lu devoir. Bite sla analualn 11111 lawkt, le- renliaitii e seBagomy ires ast geain lalilien. nitenccael.aul F.igils spar-ec. lier vice 1I. iînt Mnue coll ps-ey os vallîchle Mimait lîlde wheî uthuer fond iunot il lie lattai. Amstardam on 90 Ilands; Ha& Hunds-ads ot Bridges anc tiîl,.iltl hise eio tdille 1lrecezt site af Ainq-îi-ci ,, I netotpoit î [ri île begiîmîmîlmît loicteiîlIa clIill Gyulru'lîel, IlîLrdl oftAiîîîsil. 11.0lt t ceethe, cR-as e 011e almus ntiuteîiy Itei couiidi-'l iy grecay ca nsiailci tlu oillriiiiiîl.a. N',11vAunotieeuleîu tends on s iamhuli, e lncedeil tm aboîut 3100 luidmgean$eitî aepaceitert bly iuîuuîneraiuie eRnale Chicli tiré Iandeceuled andt seguauîeî i colîu 11 the enqiiilee mrete-liliofîthle acier uveys ot exîhlhltingruuiaula. Alonsg iiîcîe catie celiIfi,'iremont elclulily commeuircialtli.e,igh fate. ciae rnisotflunu-mu t ren s miulu fîramîclîcea soiluli the vuIîîisurfaicetoflite lv atr. l'lii ild1irîcs uit Amnîterbaun iare uil tas distliiel Mt: lbe ait-u lue utf Wcuciraccîlîs tuavse heco trmîuimîl tiy cmrîîoîîîer cticsla auileast 1 Ilcers-inîl lIc <w. Neiu la cuiclesi balisen wlth "eiep' gaules Itulîca iy il sclucsnceit0f laugle te-ifs ostndeotcemety modiern- Ite llultires ho thc buttOir i aI celicit Pbilan asitlii eci!a. pi.eer. A NEW DEAL fco iîgtr r tîîhmng ! l'auif, R le doae? Aîppmcelltl y t i,- erit sf Ai- bert. ai] c venut iiity ,îf imeci- tesnomutir iru inaîe pî,uvceu.-oit lu, thintIusta. 1,-at.amIiii,,g ta give ita ciai. 'The Suriel tri Party, lle yAhos-lit, at;itnlO the pr,.ru Letire Ics-'c-nt lcion ant il vi uil ri-ci Iigii-nc thîthec or not, lhe ps-eeIi-tiin ps-ois-n rac le hulilueul. 'Vilare "Iraîit, isouiri -- LIST OF FALL FAI IS 1 ramupton ..... . .. Sept. 20-21 <ilaIt ..... .. ...... ..- Sept. 2i21 CoolsibllI ........ .. Sept. 24-2b MILTON . .Oc-t. 27-211 Csatadnie... ....... .. Oc>t)t. 3-Î, <îouif'eîcetu fie. 4 ,' Woodbritge . . (et.Il il ril e ctrcioîn îof orchai trrinhy tIc nveaottft liit 34, fiuai renuet ot tahich as-e appeccbug Ilhi@ yea-, a ieete,lil1, iOntarila gortuîuuuc. ce. nort fu 0ls-aut1.111Ios acrecge in nuelardoý TItis ptay. îît,î1 bue bantd - ofgond os-ehastin hIii- NunaePenineîla. soler thi- iront dciige ae ht. Apple grîlowea ini luinedccescae 1mai. -eving fine cs-op9 ndue siece preplua ceas ceu tce tie fruîitis utuuîîging a gond pibe. MAIRRIEIf Spics- <,i~ On5 < a ctiidae. Sop Leml- 701î.aet 321 N.i î., in sUit ('hîirru aa,, icl],îy lthelies. G. i' Kelly. Leou.a Mey. au.lto io Mu- acd ira. WiVlliainm tunhîy. Miii gave, t10 Heuîîy<fîidll, ociy sonuili '.Ir. cud Mi,..Bas-c> Sluiccrfiait DIEu) Mal 'îîîIdy-At G(lî1h (ilernlI las. îulci.Fs-îfa. 1111 1 1913.5, Alox. anteî M Nc ilcdy. i. o îlt yecr. Tielueiccs-l al scshcl M.as oîi Irioes-vceai, th- bouc,, 'anupboî ie cai 2 ipun.. !,icoîhy nri-s-ve-'a Ileuote, v MHtonFair' SEPT. 27tb oaid 28th A!sItTIOltAI, SIt'FIAI. M4. FacerSîocc. lFIs- bit vasie ot Flînese.utL. Ko cor, lsiig 4n toc acectotdFiîîwerung 4tI~,lb.or !Z Bs-cate- Tüclî.. fl-i . fi. -. it, foaChbe c ls-eb.ed Cliclen, $10 IuONATION.-'fonahipoutase. gaceeya, 820 00, HALTON COUNTY FAIR MILTON, ONTARIO FRIDAY SATURDAT q September 27 SeptemerZ40 TRAILS 0F SPEED 2.17 Trot or P'a.e -1.-------Pti-se $1.50.00 2.22 Tr ot or Pace -,- -------------- Purse $1.25.00 2.30 Trot or Pace ----------------- Purse $ 56.00 SPECIA L PRIZES Ail eclîi bie winniog in tlîcHall aeslipeeilnnat le telivoro ta te mdonnes. Ilerilu awî'îîîem i emilaainieandt lree aiomi,,. CLASS 34. 1, MALTINO BARLEY SPEF71IAL, (Niet retaînet) The (',. TARIO AND QIJESBREWINO INDUSTRY Ianprovidea lundi for thuesiieclab. Encli cîhibîl mustet coilafl1 otIuani. loiI prize.. .......... ........ .....386.00 2nit ps-be .... ................ . 0 Itrd pruce .............. ....... 40 dl ii rbe...................... 2.0 fiII psi-boa.......... ...........1.0 1I. 'l lu eliiîte eclibît maiuaet of1913b production. 2. No exhlhltor may c-in more Ibenansoneo these SpatIal prise@eataiFull Faire in !i%35. iWitinlng anceofthtbeeprizss hoceaver, celîl no esber aunouthîbor Inn. coûmpeling ai tle IRoyal, or allias- Winles- Seat Fais-e). 1. "ýacte ut Inuit. stmî ama" ".o=_oa Bhlcb y s i li e jud o r on li e suit.bIIity f r ualllng, nul for ae d. The fpoîints temlred I nodbaslrv for mailing lu os-tns-oftimportance are -- ae) Boundueni 1hl Mac antdiufnrsnty of les-ual. lecl Freedom ntusaaler graine. (ilIreetofon tm eed &aoed nt astmalter. STOUR SPEILIALiI 2.f irafton & Co. Lt. Hamilton, tlutheexchîblîo nscenululmont pointa In If rue classesaiI ta cOunt i points, huit 2 points, lS-t 1 point. a S11ui':sCup. 3. Bcdt Lady Rides-. lt by Ballon Creaaaesy Ca., csl 84.0 2t by Fred Walker, casaI $2.50. 4. Pinteo Rare, lai by C. Knîghi, guoe,vclea 85.00. 2et by EarI Brai., bouler, sulîîe $4.00. 3rit by R. A. Weslbrook, goudae, value $3.0 1. tOpen Run. lti$1000. huit 45.00. 6l T. Ecion Ca., Lt-liant Paraelis-e Calf. Dais-y Type, six matilleandt caiter I1car. lauInaebeu lus-atraiset and ocenet Iy the Exhbitas-, a Slves- l.itedS efiicîtReproduction Ilulcea Dinh. Aay taatly haviug aven a T. Eclonl'o. Lt,prize aI e Fais- un 1935 nott ehîgible le coapelte. 7. tiin Stock YVs-da ot Toronto LUI.-The liait liet Steer o us- ers, l'oreebreit, trade or Os-oeass-et.no nue irait, 84 00. il lBtras.,billion-If ot Holstein Sire, hi yaarsnoit or oves-, open la laluon Coucuyonlîy. 10 igaie Poun r socn Oul, salue $14,00. Il Wm. ilsencan, bseceout liest Colt under lhs'ee yainI ofale idred Iuy 4 tiis' 500, $3.00, 8200, itetîtcutf19h17 fac.. 10. RIobetclSimp soc Eatern Lt,, Tosouo--liost Hart Jeseys, Oit Eng. l h Reprouction Silcer PIsatdCompos-t, value 89.00. li . W. Rlyuec & Sou, Burliogln- Beal Hart Shortiuos-u, Blnglue, vlue 810 Gi, 1'2, turney Scale Ca. LIt, Hamilon- Boit liard Ayrahus-as, Sel of Scalea. 131. Masecy-Harris Ca. Lt, Troulo-Det arilsd lu Cîsai 12. Os-tas-value W5 i. HOLST'EIN SPEC1ALS Ouîe-Ilîîs-ofutile aouey paîit lin eSpscîalî sot &lcite lregular Hoi- sncloscisa n k.ndty tonail Iy tha Hosteinu-Freiuau Association. 14. Protuce of Dam-Bout lau animaia, Bey nue or @ex, bret by exhbîtor, 814M,0,38.w>,$1.60. fiel Ontof Sire-Dlent lîraa animais, auy mga ors- àc, brat by exîlîhtor, $4.00. . 00. 8I.0 16. Hallon Holstaiun Breedari Aaaoiaioo-Daal hart ut Holsltea, oeu- icîing ut ona maie mudthiree fpimmles, îceo individuels ta la lau yaas or oses-, opcen te Italien Couuty anly. $7.06, 85.00. 17. Dentl Holstein BuIll Oam 1 yr. and undas- 2 ys-by Wam. Whitaler Son, ticisilie, Rug, valua 85.00. Is1 Tic WoodIantn Orcharito, Broute- Boni Ham, eue box taucy pack lbpy or tict ulenli appîe. lit. Win. !arr & Co.,* Hamlan-liesi pr-. troueit chickens. Lgeodls îZî. 20. Hegg & Ca., ilmallon-Bent hampes- Spcs. gztoul,$2.50. L1 i. .F. Thumpson-Benl bu. M caueu ash 82.50. Z2. W. M. Scott-1cz2 bu. bicînlosl, cash 82.50. 22. Wý T. tiercas-i-Beal pr. tresmet chickans. cash $4.00. L4. Milon tlas-dcae-lies lu. Seace applan, geoda 83,00. 2.'. Mîflon liartcere--liast lu. Spya, guts I3l0 26., W. H. l'2ftascei-Beai gai. mapla iys-up, cash $3.00. 27. John Haunaci. groces--Bant bu. Snoc applea, cash $2.50. '28. M. F. Nion-lest pr. dmesedl chiclana, cash $4.00. '211. H. M. PoIlu iaaBt bu. Mclu.ioal, lob edluverea t1he.orsdon Home, cech $2.50. 3i. J. F. McCaum-Besi 5 lbe. lutter iu priuls, cash 82.60, 31, McCarti-y Mling Ca.,- Sireelavilla, lts-an b R. S. Adims - licat Loaf ot tBreadtmade tram "Hlgh toit Flous-" or 'Caccller Flous-',aise 98-1b. bag ut _Iiligh Loaf Fleur'". 32. McCcrlhy Milliuug Ce., Sireelivilic. through R. S. MIens- Rosi Cak mate ftram "Credtvale"' flous-, ana 98-lb. bigt f"Cseditvile-' flous-. :M. Dalton CmocaeryCou., Lit-Best pr. dresmot ehîkens talivere tla G. IL. Dawsn, cash $4.00. .34. T. A. HulOiso-liet hampes- Mclutosh appia.. oeil 12.M0. :35. Scinda Tes Ca., LIt. Tusonto-BacI batt-dozan Lemaon TarIe, lut, 2 ibs. S9aaeTee, 2huit.hiiSaldTeam. :16. Won Hiagbna lest hampes- Mclnloeb. cah8.50. :q. C. R. Tus-oas-- bat lamper binloal, cash e52.6 381. Dr. F. E. limlcock-bel lamper Spya, ciel 82650. :tu. Wa-.. Anderson, Bas-ber Shup-besl hampes- bicbtail, 3v.0. 40. Selie Siore-bai lhamper Spyn, 830 41. C. T. Dat & Sou lbent pr. tressetl duels. 82650. 4'2ý. T. T tay & ac-bail hampes- Spyi, 82.00. 43. J. M. MaKnuîi-besit reiset chie, 819. 44. Slrcihcone Ocs-bomdc. Basligln-boal cellectionut auples. 5 un eiob pîlate. cf île foliosoing cerielies. King, Spy. Suece, Oseening, Bcltcein, bItn. loch, 82.0. 112.60, 81.60. 45. A. Cneleon-leal hampos- SpYa, 8250. 46, Ranhace inaursuce Ageucy-lest prs. ditseiletbiean. *3.00. 47. A LiMaeNab-lo thb cîhibîtu as- aallugthe larireel nusabar ut autriia la the Mcin Hall, open to Ballon Couoity auly, pair she, valua $3.00. 4K Tip Top (laiîoersLt. Barlinglan--lest pr. dcoaaed chiclens, guoe, 1 calot $52.00. 49f. Mlton Daiy-io te exh;bit-" seaidog mun Milton admutain theIb iarLeatst ucr otfciresin Main Hall, cash V W 5. 50St5cpechsc-Isl. 81000 ly A. L. MaiNaisb, Suad, 85.00 ly John Irving, 3rd, 32100 by M. S. Sproat- 51I. Georgetowon Lumbor l'o.-basi Pr. drcanetd 1ickens ascccl$5.00. The oluiong apeciale base biean oteret by TEE PRATT FOOD CO.,DOF 1CANADA LTD. lîrough R. S. Adams: 5,2. 1 70e pkp.. Pratte lironchilin Tabila, ou boit S. C. White Legbaru 1 70e plig. Fratia Polîtry Reguitirorun beai S. C. White Leghorn Heu.. Mi. I 70V ccc Praf ta Dlp k Duinfeciau, u beit S. C. White Leghorn Pullel. ,b. i 10e pk2. Pi-cIta Roup Rcmody ceablete. on bcdt Barmet Rock Carl. 1 .I .10epkg r-rafla White Diacm'uoea Tel., on lenI Barrot Rock tHen. 1 85v pk:-. Pi-alto Ruant Peinltao Liceonu boit Barrait Rock Coclerei, àk. 1 7oe pkg. lfiablesIrourbilia TableIn. ou lent White WyandtteioHeu. 1 I710 pkg. Pralin 'oltiry Regulmuor, ou lent White WyanotteoPellet, 6o. I $1.0f) plg. Iraila N-K Tableas- ens-anm, on tient Collecliot un Slow. 6.Il. i7h0 pbg. Preula Roup Ru.umedy '-'oblts on heel Rhode Ilanaîd Rotd- <.Ii-1 70c luke. Pratin White Diaccboe Talela, un beat Rhode Ilant Rot lie. 122. bil'îe ilS. Pentus PoultrY Worm Pocee, ou beet Rhode Islant Red ~î2e *John Laing, RobèrtSL. GL uett*r r4*14se itat once." ý j

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