Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1935, p. 3

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.. -7--"0cr~~ ~ -, c' -.~nrr"7 r'ra -n-s - ~'"'- " " 'ns-a" 'r' -'-s- "~.oa-n-'1n' xnnerrc'r'- ""n-*' ' r"'". - ""-n~' n'<' .' '. ~ c s ~ - ______________________________t Lau 1 CHOICE MEATS1 PHlONE 302 QUALITY and SERVICE at ail tîmea. Cantelon-'s Meat tlarket QUALITY MEATS PH-ON E IIOI'TDEI VTLYI C'orn, ited & ,W'hite, GoPi1n Bantani, 2 tn -1 Manaroni, IReadv 'ut,2 lbs.---- - - --9c Pure Honey, No. 2A tin -----------21c S unkist Oranges, fuîll of jilice, dloz.-------- 25c Avimer 'Prnîto Jnice, No. 1 tin, 5 for----------- 25C Falcon No. 4 Pean, por tin -- -- -------- - OC Ried & White Pim pkin, 2k size tin ---------0c Livingston's RolIed Oata, qîiick cooking, lg. Ipkg.--21e Neiison's Cocoa, j lb. tin ------------------------ 19C Wonderful Latiidryr Soap, 10 bas --------29C Sun liglt oaP, 3 bars - - - - - - -- - - - - - -17C Rose Baking Pcwder, 1 lb. tin ------ --15C Mild Canadian Clîeese, Pei' lb.----------17c Christies' Fig Wafers, 2- lbs. -- -----------29C Tea, Broken Orange Pekov, per lb. --49c Heinz Creained Soups, ined. size, 2 tins -----27C Pink SF-Imon, 1 lb tins, 2 for -- - -- --- --25c Bojac Mayonnaise, "No ()il," ý pint jar- -25c Jelly Beaxs, per lb.--- - - - -- - - - - - ---- 9cg Jersey Sweet Potatoî s, 6 IbQ -----------25C ""'O R. CN NIGH M WE 30 INNOHI OVER "*Quality always hioher ihan the price" FEEDS!j "', supplement your C'hop Feed QIL CAKEI Lowest price for yea a I MINERAL MIXES<.IL and Nlaster ~ GOAL FLOU Rat old pricesg COA ali knm O Etlr sz CEMENT ICOCKSHUTT-Ag,, FROST & WOODI R.S DM D. T. GALLOWAY .BUTCH E l.t).t..E.-Tbî September meetingl oftn e Ji oin Milton (fiapter. I10.lil ailI be W eut M".. <'eorge îîaitI', lîtîîît on 'lhur.day, Sept. 2e, t 3 p.m. ItilIl teemomber, plissecemomber lbhe Change of date. Cur$ afi leuve th- post office et 230 P.M. A meeting la boiug planued foc Mun. daày. Sept. 23, in Orauge hall, Entai>', a- W n. 'hobabjet la ta forma a DÉ. v.iouailb.Sas t eniprance. RV. Dr. A. Philip Bruce, of!-Tuo. a11 be preumnt ta, utîlinethiéavrk utf mCi uiion. HÂleitanSALE.- The lîapi Leaf Iirel. of Knox Chuacch La.di«5Aid Sacla.y ailI iold a sale ot home-smadi bakiug ln the Suda>' ichu o cuonu Sîa! îrday atterooun. Sept. 2Wm, at B 30 't'ot'k. AtternaoonteawailI h ervea. Alil come. Alil moehrs uf Bcuuch IW 1canudi. an Legiou are hereb>' nutifled that au impsortant general nmeeting ailI ha hed ami Mouds>', Sept. 2rd st 8 p.m.. sharp. iii the Chu rann. Officer, undl vumehare rasked tsiu ake an effort tii be proeet. The Hurveet Feitivai Service@ aili lie Isîd lu St. John'. Ciureh. N"&"a&. neya, on Sîuday. Sept. 22. 'lh. apec. aIn preurber for the. marnmng Service ut Il a.m. aiI ha ley. Canon Weavee, ut Èets, sud in the eveulug, 7.30. E..v. 1'. N. l.ýwe. tof iona. Bath are former rectum,utftl.8 punch. Alaelcome. lduACtCCtst'icHs.-Harveàt l'liauk. gli.ng wiut<c jl ha ield lun(Irace@ ni,,e asSunday nez,.Sept- 22od. Mra. E. J. Magîire uee. Hîldu Smith) ailI slng andi the Rey. W. H. . Brand wil preucb ut the morulug gairvîee. Thc svl ' peclul mugie aud bue- Fmuenad Cored NiaIs Flis and Vegtables 1 ________________________________________________ veut uecoration.a ppcopciure a *ua ne. Wvide, pnt. ine wek-end metLCoer caion. The public are cacdiall>' lu Hartiaur. Lake Simca,. .ed ta warmhp with un.-CAiitSN L. 3. Mc. andi Mrs. M. 9 Sinclair, Mr. sud R. N FTEL(Hecor).Mrs. W. H. Harlattle and Mr. and St'. mar tevi.s wli u bld n oaghElgin Patterson cpent Sundu>' witb () Preebyterian Ciiucci au Suda>'. Oct. The serieîe leavuas MîlJton ait 6.10 pn.anid ais o ufL, t Il m.suad 7»1h p.Rev. R. DRUNIQUIN. leaves Toronto daily ai 4.20 pin. (Eastern Standard Y. Fraier, uf StreetovilleailI cou. Turne). T1he trip leav'îng Milon at Vf.30 ai. at'1-an o dc h nanMil ao t Ncv alnti Ti caiaa soce h ret> roto at 7.4.5 a.îî. operates on lrîdays, ý;aturdayL and ev.n..g. Ou Tueida', Oct. th, theialtheI ti ure aud the. nualy own Stînays îîîyanuel fotuaI upper avîiilehala held u ii .ivt. Tii lt. potataca anhore the Sondys o'ybnueenet of the cbureh. A nanti pro. tapa are etihl green are. mu. i in nord Connections at Toronto for Oshawa, Kingston, M1ont- «r'<mie aii hb prauided. of ;incutuire.Saolui>aiib.hl (xii Buffo.Huccct Bornse Services aili hoafield lu Bettaey ('hard a rStytu wi lth. o St. Cirg.'m <'huici. L ville. ou N, io.tY ptspils nde s ihptlnts Milton-Tooonto Fare $135 return, 75c. single Suînda>'. Sept. 29t, t .. a nd 7.301 t thie choti fait. TNaiy ail Chu Commutation Fire Boonk oi 12 thulîts, gondu fac30 tirys. 16130) tiai eipi"ýr aîtt haheld on u Tnduy, cliti tu ptred lIsi nruiuioaî Stbulars Fact Book lui 12 ticketa, good for 30 1days, $300 liai..Ut. Suppur ocuesd tran in 8p. Marguret Flter third in stur>' telling, TICKETS and I NFOFMATIO*i ai mni . ttlitad b>' an ,xcelent pragruni 1).01.lsfutjr. 1IlI sud Ie. IV ic.etu MILTON INN. Phone 15 hyt fS îtiîing artiste n Miton Mai. . Mu ,tsinteret vau. sh.an b> tIse Q-ar-ett - Octîge Neat..oter- parenta.d rn.îuplit' tieiirn.uc doan. ratrPunch and Judy Slîoaîzet tse (air und the san>' 1ii,edix. nutd thse Bennett Orchestre. Admimlanj nte -Aduilis 40,. chldrenU-2),.ii1i, Anc.rysereites -Ili bebeld ilu 'rhe an iv.ai y r i. aRetisel Anniverese>' t'lsîreiî(ni. 'Innia>'wam wcill ui.ied. C<'irtie .Mlntrfiudu>' SchiuAn.l 11 Mur n ornîert ercue Liss t poin A usîuanmial lblet ailie.un. lthe-erlci n -oni i e ctr. The Georgetown Lumber Co. Ltd. iai , thY.ept 3.stll ueric iant., 11RivM. Joh Coy, tnt d of,. 'n,,,e MILTON. ONTARIO Nlai.,Mr'. tGeor'ge Lîî. ar.Fruncis' BiaV;, ter, iNq'itje*i71ih cand .'itipesn X. tipod M.i>'u uî I'-,îel,îeUntte, rantittioi,tcreïuîut y o'i.ohre * ('~~~~hiîrn'h. Dundau..milI ipeak ut bath t'iggrudlia tier t. is QUALITY AND SERVIC-E OUR MOTTO LsuivieCe. Spet.a.uceb' sg OenudMo, sn. euaui et, î.aes iatte. ubg ovande also. nd n mct ii *~F <Teea New Yuaeur-Robert Hately. of a i45 Highbooue l-d.. Toronto, onni. - SLumber, Lath, Sh;ngles, Sash, Doors, lotfothesl Wagn~er i f h Phone 89-P-2, MILTON~ Intrio TrmBuider5 uppies I tuduea. Hie teachiir ai Edgar Se. . GASOLINE FUEL I Nea Yock Singlng T..scecsr' Asocia. MOTOR OILS &. GREASES W, C. KENTNEK, Magef thon, andi conductir of th mm~csescI BLL B O lin Deceniher, Mc. rEutely 1avIl i ac4, . hirbuuîce U.S.A. uni dollam.bM. whbi a lait week. Ulmi tl.I Snuan. of omn.n villa, villaed ber ilati. Mmi.P. L. W île. tuvîr the waki. ISAOHAOkE.B13BUMATIO PAIM@ Jone lu 16 minutes ualug RUMACAFS At Pleailt'a Dcug ltote. Ras. Jmsîua idi@, of! oaniari>', wilI preacb lu Bouton Ciurob atiIl a. ni. sud Oaîagh Presbteecau (3huroh ail3 p.m. CIOAtion ix TiusaTAL.-Tii truv. elling public will pleésai iota change of tLiîîe luBigluay ' Kug Coach Lais' Advt, ou page 4. Mcc. P. 1L 'si.bite, uf Mltan, and mi"!s Ethel Ilesunan, ut Bownianvilie, lited tlir smter. Mrc W. 3, iii ,lu (Mon Williami, où Mouds>, Attend di, dance ln Neleon hall on Friday eveelug. Selpt.27, "' aid of Neson Townshtp Welfare Buard. Mue by ClIII?.speaa cu.eetra Premier Hepburn wlll speak ut the. Liberul meeting lu the armoaiiieo ut Bruamptonun Sutordu>' evenlug next, Sept. 21. ut 8 'cloek. standard tinie. W. Wheoier. teac.ier ut Viallu aud Pia. Specil attention gliîu ta ichiidren sud cdalt 4bealunîruÉ,. loi ,ame .o'ietc., plas.0i24. M [ton. 4t Hermon B. itcee.for, BDyeaa'iedtor aud pubslpereofuthteiHuntille Fisc. esterc. has he ." ' Reonstrction Party' candidats fur enah.naî RAis1MATSansd Carpti Woven. Aiseayour aid Carile auven total Iftiff y revermuble rugît. Apply Mr*c. Juin LainK Rob,rt St, Mlton. lt DANOtXi.- Beware of lice. Dou't pst up custed utor crraded pipeit. Re. place tisr yoîîr wn uaset>' ail defesl lv mae sud fîcusae, piýpe& wtb uew unes. i'howres )Otetx-Ropcut ut Horîbv Schîtoi Fir andI sevecal Inteatiîig i tems of nea, have, w, regret ta es>, 1 been crowded out of this Issue, but ai uppeur neKi week. BARAL.iL.-The Toronto Columbun Buani, auwn tie Ontario champon. ship a.hen the>' dîeated the, Hamil. ton Frot Huntame boe yeterduy af. ternonhy IlItaS3. Thi Milton Hume aud Sebai Cluib ailhoid a meeting iu Knox Chîîrcb S. S. ruani on Frida>'. Sept. 20tb. ut 8 p ni. Ail parentesud hose loterested are orîtdially lnVited ta attend. Mr. ard! Mr,. Clîffssrd Manîde and tam daughteci. and bis bcther-in'iaw. I Ed. Brigeby. ut Toronta, niatored ta nMilton tant Thticadar to cilebrat.. jMr. Mande', usuiber', brtlsday. Camens il Milton Pair nexi sek- Fridu>' and Suturdu>'. Sept. 27tb and 28t1u. There wlll ha a bg diepis>' lu ail classe@eaud fun galoné for îvacy. lady. Camie, snd hing the, famil>'. Mrs. T. C. Dates returned iast week tramn a balida>' of fi'e weeke ieat parti>' lu camping on Lua. Simae,. SIG. a trip te NactiiHuayunDiCailunder ta ses thefainion, quintuplis, aud Poîrt Crling. Museka, A large unuser ai Miltaulsue attend. ud Actou tallfirlcyeterdsy. which was auetif the bet aud a grand Boueu ln esi>' aeay. T4ese autiierwaasufie. the utteudauce a recued.hreaker and the may exhabite wereunuexeiled. e NianT VÂTClsx, Ptal@Nx.-F a r the, ll."stuCie tlii.yeac. itearepoited tiat oheep are boiug attacked b>' ruent iiig doge lu Tiafaigar lawuîbip and ihut tuner. in the ditruet aluctedl are orgenizing ight watchem la po. tort the Rocks. MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT Chambers' Bakery' Wrapped B'-ead Deluvenm'd fresh. dait,. Ft'ull lire ut CAKES and PASTRY Weddlg Cakes A Specilt>' CHAMBERS & SON Phone 66 - - moioun COAL and~ COKE lpoe alwury.s in atock. Purina and Cafeteria LAYING MASHES A. S. WTLLMOTT PHONE tIn We Deltveî Popular Shoe Repair Msun sîreet, Mioe tsr' h.Peum beee Ladten' Heels Leaiher airîubhar 25c. Ge nt$' Heelu 40c. RFAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT! A. Newman, Proprietor Shoes FO R Ai",TE N Women's Suede Shoes i1 ni w issu, nie('tIall ted,. I iurntW n, bill', New taLiles areairiî n ilttg eat it wrCk w1i invite yt'1r usetiisllll R EP A 1R1N G D yEI1 N G Scsmors Grotind llacNabb's Shoe Store Phone 4 - MILTONI FR1. a b, ,SEPT 20 & si Jeu Parker and Ruaeli Haudie lunt V.QUOIA(@EH-Quo-ÂAB) Oharîle OsCh a idy ..Chuaa t P91pla sI. Teim ..taon -'Ma Io h" f Sont il""aiuligMan TUES, & WIID. SEPT. 24 & 25 1 alth sfter.,ehcttslamti "m 'i adiut4.1&. CARDINALRI EIE Comudy - "Buni Voyage"0 Treaburs cheit - .(,Iugno." FUI. & SAT., SEtPT. 27 & 28 Rlobert YOUJNG and MettV FURNES$ in THE SAND PLUYS ON Shaw starta each eveulua etS8 i5 2 perfociîiances Bal irdays ut 7.15 sud 915, IcTANDARiI Tihme. Pok'ULAR PRinES t tat one i CAB for 1 M.CoRmi BUIT BAR 2 lb,.. CREA a, .11 BROCK5 ME >'tECANAR l'kg. CRAVEL OAO OLfl PICN PICKI "q RICHI-I COFF Tu, 3 M1y 12< heud o! A.GE WCK's TER kMS 9C 5 i"I RICE Cu 3,f. 21 c sshec BEANS 2,i- 2c le~ Macaron; 2 b 1I p &G Soap 5Bac20t b.Io TISSUJE - 3aO2 Sc~ ony , -s UfhI- Vbar for 4( Bita Label Domino jaRchmte lb45 TFA 25< IL c Get aalbl). VES tCet laî&G b -A IJ f - 9RA NEC j "~ uicy Oranges, doz 33c ,LES RjIeine% 1r,«..a Choice Lemons, daz 29c V' &c 1c Celery Hearts, i25c - ~ ni, ~ <. o I Huhbard Squash,ea I5C 6î Cabbage, 2 heada I15c [ELLO No.i Cookiug Onions, 10 FE E G.Iâ.FIP'l% - -- 21c '«upff . bngwi r4 MarroW. Fauches, et.r. FREE ALL DAY DELIVERY-?HONE 331 Î- i hast calt. au>' &ge. ired b>' ieVerti< ii'Dictator. Itt *5 0, .2ud Si100, led AMATEUR NIGHT ut tii. Prince,,,P""00,4th *2 00, .'th $1,00, ta ha dedtict' IcRIDÂY. (>ITroMER t.-1tOIf n eaud off 1937 tee. oings a ng. recîte. play' u musiacl va' 67. Hurve>'Pattersan. for ibeut tî<u ,tramnt. dance. o. abat lias.you, iedb>' Vietar. jet $8, 00. Jnd $3.010. hare Io yîsîîe chance ta Win Oa valnable acd$2.00. ta ha deducted aff 103)7 tee. ir at th~:e eunalperformance o ris Vndely.. 4t.h. Cantestantt@nmnet i8 Bert Cutwright. itiîde.irent hi.u le yeaes or a-t'r ibd eutered not colt 2 ypars anud inCc. ired b>' colis, ater than '.edneaduy.Oct. 2 d. t l *00, 2-d 83 00. Xrd 820),1.ta ha du. midnlght. lci prîze. *.00 :02,dcpriz., ducted off 1937 tee,. *3.001; Bcd prise. $2.(X). App.y rut E>. BrioMcArtbur. Kihbride, *3.0(1j Prince,, Theatre ta C. R. MashaIt, foc 2ud prize in Hîsgh Raduey's epeclal1 winmger. for >'eld mare. COURtiT Srixe Cs.AIM.-1n Milton DÔNATION.-Tawnslp of Naosa. division court, on Mulîda>' lu thesuit RguW.>'a, 20.(). Tncouto lStai., $1000. brongit by Edward T. Emierson, afI13 A. Fea>'. 2 f0. Nelson, uguinet. ..jenuett. ot Briig. tua. ctaiming for iiitsv uev fore ac ork Auction Sale Reg'lter. &ni' material, tiirnished., ,'5 . W.N. .- Moenru gave jîdgmî.ît tfîr the plaitilt for $93 and routand suilodti e Exeeitr. Paie of 45 pure bred York fendant *32.48 ard cette an i iu fhug. 25Dret'norneMsh eep. ut thi. hil uounteciaini, foraa'kuu m. etate outhtii.lais' John F. Robertsn, terlassuppiied. ut the ftuent udjoiriîîg Actai. n, uMni.' day. Sept. 2frd. uit 2 p.ni sharp,'1'hisi WVAKER STOREFS, Limitea. have ,a h beer aîcceseftîprice ainsi aconiplete range ot couoru initic fui. f ut th. large exhbitionsî.ne. rnmia. iowlng >arnc n Diadeni yucîî, 4 pi', i1, R.J.Kerr. Aisti"oeur. phose 136 Aat4tî. oz bal, e rO;Craro>". Own 'arn 31 E.lrasun, lot 3. 2.d lino. Erarn-os. and 4 ni>'. I az bal,. 18., 2 fsor 35C ai hold a eerigueof inî l,<t VuRiiegulu'd Vrn. 4 uiy, I oz balle 20e Iinoiînients unît rsu.luit î,V N. Bue bie ur". 4 pi>'.1Ioz blle i25cn inigbway, I mile West uni Lu îtîo Guelph Yar. Brunii.uad lraeiîiar. Tiiestis>',Sept.'?4th, ut 1 p.nî. Noru 1 ..a . utt . ebaill; WIeiieiiîg Yalre-rPo a. pratpriatir's btus .a." lîlri.i 2iudi3pl . l.H.niss 2- : iiaotch Rt ,Kerr it.ti t'tneer, pl'sue -Il"Anar ' gra arn. 3 sud I pI>'.j lb ban. ___ 35c.Nori0 1' Pork Beef Veal Lamb Cooked Meats VeCetables Fîsh Wltb JUAN PARKER 1i oue of the mail unuiual animal ?le. ttue« $verpeaund. PtilulIlé; l the @tory' of Mlîu"a diii..sud osute," g6 puma. ceared tagether b>' #ean P~arker, Who walitid ta provo tMst under thi enpir succoainga, thia. tw an»Ima i could b.taughltao iii ficendaInlutiad of enînila.oaitii,»Y naturall>' are. Tbiua twarausale arereliuusdn rmturn ta thelr naturai liesud never forget eaoh ather. sud bath raid>' tu laelp esoh uther, aud brth i.eady tu tialp oach othar Whou îlther onei la danger. ThriIlling icens, abound. aud bath angrimi .hw unîiîî,,il intalli- gence. Thb pbotographly lu ntitdisor1 obat, ,howîng the ariluîuaIin the wîild e.nuDtry la iiagtuilceiit, IL is excellent1 for lbe entire, famity. At the. PrI,îerag Theatre, Friday aud haturds>', lipt. 20 21. Se. our ad. Milton Pair SEPT. 27th and 28th ADDITIONAL SPECIALS 64. FIower speciai. For baut va.. of Finwers. I.>'L. Keizer, Borlinglon, j doz. selected FloweriîgSirîub. or 251 Idreeder Tuiipe. 65'. H. B5. Vox. for tbe best Drcsed Uhickea. $2 00. 41. Ch ýarte, AýMNeIl('rs.,to ST. PAULSI UNITED CIIURCD 11 aum. - Public wnrahtu. Theme: "A Prr-plerin« Qiie'ctil." How fair la une juetillidin eiigagitslu amuse. uent and recrestion il Yoîîug fýepie r peclal>' nVlteil ta th Ilerylc.. '7 p.m. - Public woahip. Tiieme: l*HillngOutIl The Saerame'.t ut the Lord'a tfîpper 'Wltliha obses vud ou Sunda>', Sept. 1 KNOX CIItRCiI Cburbeh ocee- i uni. and 7 lp.m.I Rau, J. N. M-Fat, iiter. Boinds>' 5chl itiimeîiiatel toilow. ing service. A. Ellioit andi C. Shan. non, stipe I'L'îedu ThreWM.S,* annal thailk nfferîîîg sisce cilI uhelil isiat .Siiday îîîorniîîg. 11ev. 1. Y. Fraser, of stree.,vilte, wili ttwc !l schlge etofteI service ind ali membeIrII ofthebuctn-. gregatisit aie Ii-gedto .npai ticlpâte in tbis aVent. Th'e Y. W A. iu holding île Bepteus. hec meeting iu the ochool rtamon' Thuirsday evening ,f .hi' 'neek. Mi'. Harrv Coîîiter, Bramîpton, ai lel e h gout speuker. Tuîe articles for Oi baie will islaon dînsîly and it lie ladies ofthe coilgregaitti ire particus larly îîred ta show their in eset in- the auxtlîsry b itybng jsrueîîet. 11ev. W. Il. Pller, of Mai than, or. cîpled K nox. UbtîralI ;îîipit last.SIii. day êvening, ivîile j. N. %IeFasiii was in oisarge nf ti., aoîiersa.y sveniug sei.'.ice ln Markhali,. BOWES' CHULRCII, BOYNE. Aiiî,iversury mervices, $t lit. 22lid- Puastor Sincîlair avili preaeh at Il a.i, sud 7.15 pi.m. Morln. -11nct "i Senor.d Conîing (tiI,brist :" îvng mîusic 1»' coiored singer..iLverysite lu cetdiaity '<vited ,, <attend tMelle mesetings. Bethel UJnited Church, Druniqulu Lapt Satiiath wa a great la>' for' the Itiel Iecl.t vas.5un anit lecssary sf eciebratîni au,ld pieasli'e. TIhe ehiorcb waa beauiftil:v derated wîii itinwern. plants, iritit,.b ;ti grains. LcniIIg handi hllmille a chari ig1 d, play. T'l, qIkar-tti.e trom tlakviite, Usnited l.oin s pi'e-it ut bath Ieye n. thlie aftern,,,mnnthev sang, 'N,'are,' My lind ti. li .. ad il. te eveii 55. 'tuembter Si e 0<i ligt'ty Irai. Fell, a istuittinci f ls na " dmitýit' attn. io.il .! Ils'lr o f n Iv uit , ( l- ion lias i lieles'. Ailic.Mn' inwaio< !iittet. ,Who gani' fine tt<nonrin 'Flaillh,' andi'itî,ie 'ui, ai<t'b Oci',' gItn< jî't'ntti lins- M, haut pri it t' i.lie<iIgain. '1'ilw g- eut i.. nf tiaInk.giN t <g Ic b... Il (n jay ani ssiiîfactt,'n. Percheron Horse foi'.Sale A esrload of weI Iirnkuss AIIiria voi k tita',, I ai tAlbëterilie, tarisli, Bramp<tnn, Ont, cihe MILTON TAXI j Large Ct'ofnrtula,ie Car lia,'and Night Sulreicee f JAMES SHEHR -n-i WALKER STORES, Ltd. NOW SHOWING new ýange of Ladies' Fur-Trimmed COATS (Seo Our Window Display). S~eo the NEWESIiii FALL -HATS New stock just avrived. WALKER STORES, Limited MILTON Qunlity Meat Mark et 1 -Where your Dollar, Buya More." Iistcd below, a few of the many Good Vaics: Lean, Bonelesa STEW BEEF, per lb. 161, Fresbly Ground HAMBURG, per lb. lOc BREASTS 0F LAMB-- per lb. 10c ROUND STEAK - per IL. 18c Bonless POT ROASTS - per lb. 12ci Rib BOILING BEEF- - per Mb. 8c Good THRESHING ROASTS, per lb. 12c4 PAY CASH -PAY LESS PHONE ~ ~L AWe 143 C .....I I'dIl 1 IV liver The EMPlI-W une of RANGES ;îîîd I ."I is iiiequalled forcok- iMî1, h:îkiîii., îiitibeating. A fui, li. .o andîîtiC5iîît Iirq in stock at al T ELA tiies. Ask to set' thein. S Did yot kîmow~ tht.t you can boy a brand naw 1936 inodel tALAUDIN'? LAMP for only $5,95 (shade and trîpod extra.) PHONE 28 C. T. DAY & SON MILTON PUBLIC MERTipNU. - A publie mnet- lug lu th, îteret ut George tiarrie. Liber %-oneaervat.îv, candidate lor Hultan. wilI hie heid n îuf,,Toavu Hall.b Mlton. au Suturda>', Sept. 2j, ut 8 o'clock. p.m. Tise meeting ailI ha ud- dreoted b>' Thselitou.n. r. "R. eur>'. Ministereofut stice; Dr. R. K. Andec. sou, focmer MP. f,,r itultan; George Currie, Luberal Cisuervstive candi- date loir Hiton. A crdial invitation in extended to &ulI- ladies ecaîseelil inviteti. At the tIN. E., Torouto, sud Western lar. Landau. F. C. Willmott &n Son made nesel>'as dean uweep etftth. major uwarîic lu Hamipshsire eheep. laosiug oui>' une Itret. Awsrdo us toi' loas; '.N.E., Freyaiug Re..Chballenge Trophi>'fer second hest pitni1iambei. sbown ugaînst uli breede - lot, Ith aud Stb sged raniîl lot and 4.h y earling rani ; lot, 2ud, ,l ad a4t1b runi laîîbz Chamipion rani sud Renerve Champion rani ;2.d and dih sged rive ;lot, 2ad sud tis yearlinug ce ;e i.t. 2ssd fi sud 11tnh eC and)î;îisenerve t'hîan.pionu ewe ; lot peu Iamibe ii, 1opeau lt'tek;' lat orn geL stf ire 1 li os actier. Wetern Puir awârtio ut Londonn :lot. 2nd sud 4ti uged i ; itani Ird yerllrg rai ,;.1-t. 2n,l.rd suit4th rani lumb ;'Champion rani ; lot. 3rd &bd 4th aged Ostie ;ist. 2sd andi Ird yearing eçue ; îai. 2ud. Ird andi Su ewe lami ;Chamîpionuite ; lot on peu cuni Iambe :lit on peu sae Iambe ,lut on flock ;lit and 2od ou aetiec. Jack Prout in the lectent aorker when it romea lat.se dmtructu of a nudiai colon>'. During tise monthe ai Jul>' antd Aisgut, *2.1181 basloran ipeiut ou re.- lef in Bramîpton. This bringa the total for the igit nionthi ot 10115 up LOWVILLF. ilsrvet Honte services iiiibeh eld in the United Ciorci nusi <finda>' ut Il s.m.. the latar. Rev. G. F. Kely, EwilI Iseaci. sud in tise ea'enng atT 10, Ive.(G. le. N. Atkincis.uti 'u"lis. ailI preach. i'îeisl musilcest bath Ral>ls> ay wl secîhoervediin tii. Sonda>' sehocil uext Ssîuday rniruiug I ut 10 'clî.ek. Tiie 'uomncuaAssociatiosn iteld tbeir misuihi>' *stetin luthe clisreb on "tiîeaduy afternson, Mis. H. Hille, ut Mttntreai, ns visit- lu this week SIth'ie pursituag. [Ir. un Mr<. 3 n. R.brcar and 1 Appilent. for relief in fîtîîrc mit-It be miade b>' one af the pareun. aeh' @bal! repart, aIl theur carnange and ehow receipte far ilpxpeudilsure, the>' bave madJe. Thieite ailha trietI7 "o forced B>' Order of Relief ('ammîttee. Si A. FAY PI umrbi ng, lleating and Tinsmithing PHONE. 298 IT PAYS TO DEAL AT DAVE

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