Wl.. yurwetbllBI CANDY tour wldou tooth a"y& BARNARDS aht ~tîuabiau O anîpînuý 1 .y"?r swo w uth9 C ANDY lur wsdom 1001h Bays BARNARDS VoLuma 70. JANAD)IAN CHAMPIION TRAVELLLERS' GUIDE. lait CANADIAN PACIFIC iOA.IWAY igVtRY TFIURSDAY IORNINO i,1i Àt t. ia.. a lI.1 O,. ij w Zl5Â14 ST.. MILTOIN ONT 1 225r, 1.1n, e ou 'u.onip ni Atibo M star. qitu eu itisi laPka 0:13A.ni. . uiyi lili.rn saul 1 areffl at as . dL ... ab th lon t ýr. lâ 0:13 a4 nt the.pFop1iatorA pout-aSO* a%I»- ~1,.3ami. -itly, I('og.lliay Tori.éetué ntbd0. b 0.1 statt$800 a ab.. 0.5 I adl ooi1 Si.4 --(400 at12i0i., 7 p.. 91 r 5 itnovr4s of 00tla.n. ota60,486 jylth. enilées, M V.a ela t ANADlIrAN NATIONAL, ItAI LWAY AavrS~mal aSha ao.ilI ia.,'olOlOIUSN«OTHl. nOitul OUTIL .~,.A.SlICt,.aehôe t' Y 4 . . 7. P W ïide l a b. '-t i.,lin or .5 -il, lié RoSir. ot i. a M0tteoV.< -." daait -IN TERIOR DECORATING sj ..,m i50,, u"tu' -t"' pi rTa.aial ;oa. ie paining and l'aperliangiiig A su, t bu... a lu la i'% sunioîrthy Wlll Iapers MEDICAL lO~e L!MN ors. STEVENSON &ROBERTSON Phlbilà anl d BrgdOnsl 1 RAY POLLOCK &INGHAAf ti'CCiil 4 ri S r& W~oth Coroner sd(il lri,'gln. I oALT. lO i.sONT - - -- _ ________________1_________1__ ORS. MCOLL &SYER - 1t'Ooe. N. 1) -'% IVi.C.,I Av. C U R N E R 0 tu- pO-000 a.I Fanerai DrectOf O..O.DENTON Agent for lialea Foneral Deaigria PhysicliO and Surgeon P.o 3 MIITON. poinOmOfl. lnN.INSIJRANCE LEGAL lire, Lite. Ac- .t, SiekuOSS, W. 1. ICK iai . 1t. Sttr -Il .,.ea eaOnt..VII l11R Il b... bu L. .. T,A.UCIN N SU RA NC E Barriater, Solcitor, tc. .1e, lire, 4lomnohile, lurgioDy celici:Vt eu ITNl 0IW0I'~ plate Glass, Accident, Ileaith. GEORGE E. ELIIOIT ieitlpecatv Bgrieter. solicitoer, Notari lniiiv. SUN LIEL INSIJRANCE CO- orpi:ic- e.x d-i, V Ilice ( (,hgtOpsidOffi-F. D_ DEWAR *Telephrore 7) Ptlte fi-s - r St. 'a IN TORONTO J. R. CAOWELL MA. T. G. RAMSHANA m Bor StiOt ct (il' Y-1191 MiI.ctili ilanduIpauifattofl gnar DENTISTRY Pioea it - - MILTON OR. ;. A. KING .R Btho DENTAL SURGEONninuHt eo ofie i n Royal Ou. dirig, Milton. t. 5. l'atapbeot 19 Real Estate -RAT BraVice. vatebolty p'lt .t . 1 OR. F. E. BADCOCK Piîe 3 ivi L DENTAL SURGEON Peine..-Mr Toinaîr. PHONE PROMPTLY wr- ittoi apeltuaetoa.y i. rrenei. 1ay 1ti ,1... 11. jr,,'ili orgilo -RAY ISERVICE. (SAS KXTRA<"ION. irli, -c, 1 eeilil .iit'.ll a.tra -5. Tel. O61'a onia). ni a n 'i1 i,il IMMItDIATELY tb i,14ile.0a tacetjn prfect condîitn. ri E LS E N-.- ANNATTER [OX Ic4RN The Chipopi'actOl 24hIlyeur nfpratie 2 t 5- .30Oltoii P'18ui CiospEty -RtTut Ji1'te i THO over Dominion Nuaie 6OMýTOWN - Ii Phone 150 w.o INT'àcRIOR DECORATING Pantingt & Gr'aning ESrIMA's UtVEN. SIGN WRITING À SPECIALT. DieCrful FRANK PEAREN MILTONPrPo12 CýDUN'TY 0F HALT-ON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR la.or Bltt a Dé to . et Ml, i J.. Sept.'Ne- -b-ut.on......-'...... 19 U V UMOII LBUKA. . 10.l.. i, M e 1 ; .i l, 1- >-.(i k * iÔakatIta....b.... Tn.d.y . lISS... Pb, i a. . .Md ... Tar. ol Y . 1 p. ...i Jt. r .gia .t uriI y. 1 0.. À ii d1ý 1 e, 1 r,.m. su »'if & , b " S of Ji I l s. rl.11 - a ti j y , i ar ,l i l i r i 5 0,ni r . y, i o n . e l ue t Ly order W. 1. DICK. Milon, MILTUN, THUHUUAYI ~mrL. RU. IVUOs No. 18 IWhon Heart le Shattered - Bows mmad Arrown O0W ne Love le Usually Diaun.d Fila Mon en This Earîhl nuiillater comeiton 'paitn ln te novis il orrown r aImoet anrIdý hesrt,"or t(n the place wbtritraa perto msan t iluosîf. Thislforte of wen tinfatullir wth laaatouny thltrl Ir ýi on ntras a îethod 0 of rrangeOun tîcart tleasttao filen le a îyllbol ôfit4.1'dell me oral for huttlnq btcer lis- tiwrtdlod o, a-yu tDr. ltrnjiluinaîtory oves lrat recorteil, long ma oweR iOain0, payebneuilylt of lie St. rnîpermettert hy li vira dforine Of I Kîloethir, oapitAloi teWnalrlnaton. W'weepitia. TheIll tvand eartrr a have Plrooir.h rémoteo t iîquitltcea rrînly licl lu ihe sport of archel . hon beea a Tory ecouPOPularasocié- Ga,ej'a roua navets trîhea today niej tien betwe th heurt and thecraifec- trbis oepon tui arfarla and for hunt' tions. This . aauoilooha. biconne log. lacorprted la the structure of mot .Threeiglout th.elle$ h bain ad tlaugages. BI aZitglliii, the wor'arrow liai reoatued practiallty uni- "bae bt@aadouble messgI s ix.a 5-.ehtànged ln garerailfots, oth Oral ridles a physical orgali. It al» MtteA notable exception whicb as tardé y! "lo v,." gn firtea.ls kiouan t1iert le the (iline6e centulries ago. This Inno- yn) pityscai reaion for thb. éaol Iounconatil of cckailSarrinsIll ( tien, Tie hIlrotendue onbut febter. IdlwnlrWshttle while In fightl don te adrenallo ceaus. 1la natrmin Tîry.1s t Il ln l Bon" Alléîn. Jiuatnt l sncb aunvaeblOC (botal ette. nbne more 'e0la love. aginide, la Sot delnte]j k1nw.A i ethoI ol atth. bts oe e1 oe Noes and Noues 'tkno,'BI)b culr-ee. fie îaeige akiîng marrts, aely gilaowarit Neethlne tInowttay emy11Cbtk nmuid ho conîdo't hold eut a min.! îgwlehaprly.wodgen., i varîheleh. Illb eulnneîry vo loy,. IZ for eampte, tbat a girls h"ert lui[ rteotet' lie trent PlnStOhe ktelien Win- impair Il$ iteuy &A a woapon. TII. broken"slbalibryaftectteni have btee. yD . A. M.VICKER dow a nd VIw BettY 'itil t 1teesorl- Ilimité, "a@ client Re au tereil 10InIW thwfrteii. 1nturown lier fac and ber cure Ilitié teliht' eýrtalny oi m otr aply ln the! ciThed.énoncatioc lrarynean. 1 1roe i rabilIIts ra a icatée .,fthe Whitlllt thI ta oce ueol ceplmay DOcor arpMn. hat n- actehôwohoOappy bed made lber , bhy th. Chie.. conarIotisly, and ontirely ttlîout ny Il 0,"'Isu tîr îy. heurt mat OUrmed te wfter. But V' c The Chnes$ Wblamiliu gartow 15 oie Intention on tb, part of the 1peran tl e al", t'mier lrked t lber ln ile' tîll C of Othe rurt foýM1.a of napùno. This 1 I e . 'e t e e , n t e o m l a h a p ln l o v e n e m I . a i e r . T h e r o a r e 'N i e n t ' s u d * ." i , - W a t l t éVo S ?f l l u i d " l t y p e o r r rI l a h a d l o t & i t t h l o te ea ta If p lîy al oi e à S a i n Ia l n1 . th e , s à $ r ar e eéeI l ,an do t é see . B e l - 'W b ast e& I in O hailla rîtn io . u1 ik i a g a v e r l t o e a b n o d t t a w t t heort." TOe cour-* Ofient a dfflolt teîy boaleeof the t~eia fouaa tte tt nottofia.A itea Ther brue o f air Ibrogte Ir ulatle pro Ortes eita ioPatient mAy net eea hort and jtt te les.il bt tptilte ft on ln "mla --hut Ibert muae tlîcet ogdev otdw ba adMît *0 îilmagiî te 'ove thvartiug." Sieb.da,,ala n eee O.11mSOo alte onSatu tu Mddle Weit ln. a troe0attract att-ntion. 1,_______________ th idal A pecullaur type of houa whaam -lier .1,1er Vlginioil w.on taa léCe Vrgtnt0 sn.ied. Site vîîiiliuod O.ptoyed lit ahopting th, whltling Kr- - Mysterioua Nitmc 9la 3-1 cotîfialîrîg asuit eet. lî.obed In teene Cbo< ad c-ntoipen thot ater- rolla.1- la inounas aihI. 'reveee Orne Thot Semena. t. Stick grrvIe urpcIeltleIIrsnrtgltY. lp ti: rOn- PetIT. mtttfi. Olnthetilcher 0(0. bow' and la mata te lhave boecr tîto Thb sunt myterlos of ail Mnei nriaed iBêLty. Vr~ll oon pl y1doý emr tii- eys reanlgtears and ber 1 iOhengli Khan ant is,follooers, la the itumberrang,.d-lare a wrltr trlldteate grondent nen ti t f .tl taae ,eclat-frem Peeling ltoiWho cruortil auclet Aia.-Cleve- 1fr taî tr et IlofItIlandi y-o canItt. -y gl soolidleuS ho it.pplly mai- -.14 imlevridbCi mi oeuslle% for. 1 jStehow or 00her, it always bobo boactrio. Anid aes Blt>tyindrlSIý.necait Jut a litlîesysteniot f 0My Own Toue mo timebîdn10, for exaneple. TIre the seconeru set nie. .11v.'. ele rertati. Vrl nttgbeil.tabbce ail the illSRYa MOlecUl.Cannt telSa 18, aod oitepusa eght-th* ly .houldn't lhe stanIt.Ig illem r@ or aay- plate And utltttng maIlion f fruit-, Solid, Liquid, Gaseooia Il MOISdît ln 18-mhabo aIlo. tf"Ne' lenlî is euIl -o-y If Yeu cent change àa'No' Ici cbaeg- Amnt toeul a r ete - -k ' sek ix Otî te .. Yu gfat154. Fier tletî7 oandlier iitricit hel qitor.Il m anoae AIliesteîqîlî.ner glecon liTeae ahre AilIl gi;adtha rive andt hfour. rIlti. ot te cleu'ry, f e(Ste ake-up eliIl if nolec a9uula itgestear e- And wbat do yen have? Nue agatl .o,, tf qocrrel, but thle tard. unyteld. prak cotr. ier. omc al M. egak, d (o 8uppose von tri a a bop-on lna«aone,.lblYk icsD.Toa ,Bcl h imre. i.lTétotal i3 8061. A.4ti O And tonerua ring ].at .il u.dbands Anima$mnet etirer adapt 01h00'- i Chiago T'irbe. In aouage bm'to-ele (tieae elvpea to tbe climasO they lIve la or enles are mnvînu-îbrugh spoeelit- ths nividuelt nmbern--7îree. sear, 1--uettic, l htei l gecigen40"eyko ibtl s ftr 00 nrene1y0f00rnrhr O rtemi one-so llOhe" o014tombier a Amai uIte fteger. Bat ira itegont et a d.TeykoTitlanefth mntnpurnl foeoil I Direnetairîng e . the itface. Orn-m l hoed that liedit trpe'd îl bellsei3Ipes of taia adaptlitll, n a tîjtuitlhey are cloely pcku'ît, but! liere'e anutl' c re00f renafr111. , toa epooet. ier-e tIon. IltObill' ln iti maya 5theWaahingtoa Pont alOIable ta ai eétonna. TIla cryii Tuil ri, eau. mbiun evcerae Il, oenlog a h e hu(liboîe and Cîîck- ll aitnulthe hlgbest desert tolbnthe ltne caelathey aee telldîy Ol lie eihI'.-OIl, and once more you'!' lhave ihere j u aslcerl e Cliick. worlth(er. a t. le hbaéa vénon the on orderlîr arruangement.]litesaildilras -ý.nImbr alie.. liece'î hbal Telbe lVrgîn ldl iîialrilt boetsday-a- Aud etai agne:th ellem- la fou'mAtloU. In aRuiuy114te 6.8. a Ie asr ouiler. Revere. 'You wece b~e at r.rng, nI eolrne"perature mal drop 50 dlec teloise av ie. lred postions, but the ar- an o be 86.Shrcl886ab i.'Vr liiineeald wbat t(7 %aa oa0.lbTheauaosplrere rangement la dlaordecly. coa681b dletMi u b av ct2.57. Add(Bck 1.,1 kou teijlnthe alebla ao dry ltIl liathe libis VIl ,Whoeu a crytalloe sollchangeS (ne rrpivr, .file, four andl lecen. Anti YO ng eabool-even t e.uîel n lnta here are are moaOyiotrieratandi a llqnid the change la omally abruptl hov 38 Adl o. ttI lgl oI yti 7brcb bo Ifin' iae cila ie Atir 0Polau h braisecoone Wot,.a and deinle. There la no n lermedl-1 inOS2- ovol, If Il ttOur 0olfi ent Oou 'an.%,rru---veiIf tbii> îo'.eu'rtblthnkne animal cardl a id noorsh- &te stage btreenItee aud ~voter. Bt tack sermentiBt IYen u rw bute etîthhor e *le r tel îuunien,% il cold calt oaan îlnewhe a gtmmy substance. aircbSe _________ r> If yiiulirte IcIbitet-ce/.nie roIta 0l lie wind anitmal% menra alri.ta Ieted, t graduit!sortons 1 selfear aIlhe yak bas evolveeril a 'Ir-' andnIlo At a loua tempérrature 17 lm Th. Firinadiy Cardinal Slr! -ors coûtî nf baîr te proteci tcll. tieiitely moli. At a IrîgIer temprera- TIre Crdail, or ed bird, Io briglt No - meBty Nexe litIs body tgla alaYer ut wmol. 1(110't lmua- It.lu betuacen Ilconnuût crcdinal--& aroitg mol rîtIra bit ofreId viliu eî,î0 , haiNtir, îes toit lSî Ietiltsala 5aItairîrcoûlut i-Irbangsobc chiellfeda eltîer. li,btl itteraitgtonake tOc rf I Soir, eu:Il oatlil0 tlgdote» 110e au aponesflutIre bof.. body,.:Moreuiver, tiere l oS lard and ast elprd. h i in$ ot ange. .1fr0ue. eweine ysalirear ara a prpl. Ta bck.nog, lîl.lados ort fo me Vio saul 1 boatDey eepecially arotnud Ltstel tcf a. i manc 1. etuci b 'ltt u oo crest are l10.5 brilltaittly yoe& eemiflita mai alaverf Stî î,' 'aîla prev'ddd ath à atrng mae Ane d MY 8tIgis.rhAtt a mare Cfact, Ihere Il oty 'ilgrnt ahlad Il aîpporl.R.111lon aU Of thick ire 5 no hlO -ra er,canl y tIlbavea. aOitelfblacki 10 saceth, rpretloutn utri rrd ratlier doit. NMe breitandtoIaide* Thitî s s àrîîîhr-riitoirl rcnileier and OIIShy nirr. aor perf e lrmeta.ra retive30114s bavecthlIrIcgIrlr rooing.The 0.1k tlt fr Il il fiiir l I i lah tlieroC- li______eilIlone Plie.te/y eltv n ceda wtIr a -iloca-cent Mia Cocare lber engîgii'iii'enu t i) ;"" ilV I l Blaad Motly Wial IIraî or i lg t g r i l l h c e y e i to w - b r o w n . ' MS t b ali e d e t hrl' O t i - ' D e u î - I n l n d l a 1g o p i r c e n t t e s t r , l b o r C I l O l blIack matair40.5 net00 rceai bitniden- am'nialier Ilred n-n riit bibckîTi-Ir er cetb and hune, Itie illo ît emm- PaigCad c tty. TIre CardInla food1h@n maIetiP on, Illtîl Illglil tlicrablie el'. tend lelnthre body, centainel 27 ier cent rnlouod i be ieîedO 1 4 inyofsel futs we cimetlidosra-Sueýad Iýt r. The Met of tl la motde up of day ore sala to dalo brick neiry 11V gîngleani Iliclfronoalîruýnüii e limee, pOosph teol f inRguelun,, pies. years, as te Springfield Republîcan. H..amIn ord, alto bR.d aeir-id îrtle a o r orphote orrîcot o. clum e tiride, sud nIe paceofnIthelr IneneîttinISeglenn R.ltgtoRelai..Moirrent ,unllig ral ieofitly substance. cellagen. wliIch ma>r as Franco, buit a ceetniy borraeh Inta o lwaIre hoiglai tafefly. b. harediiiceiita gelt it y heltl.g. If rIledIcevery of Amerîce nirIutlftite loiain altrilon a on nt o u-I'tcgnl o oIiTr n IldOc.3d ir-eî2ahîy te roremrclal proi orlglu la9Ologbtt10e lire ln7seb.and beIIne he l sgaillit ul aletIn ofaerrlbut notIraI l-elSil-Il. lIre neerage body mould protince'tbeir Intronction loto EurIepe lea sur- Irelel n fue npenitral 10thr* eNom braIns. ee' eu', I. g lete Vil-a,,,, rg, dame or magî,rla, about Iro ;&oeia ed acsCloweol te cr t Uneted State Ittra aria.. Irgely gna' tye O Ii-iisiiecirtit afront and Il. tIre laft île of Untrien.ti - tle os- awIschéiiYPuron f sauaitr. eaîrtgiefat1testalle routes. The nomea of tIre carda Tory Imm. altitongbitr la preadlîrin laotber î-oceS theîle et Itil situ cOelny!.aoen barorf campt, auficicut phoaphor-ln dlffo.reuut coontrles. tIre four arîlla 1n liberol religiotns roupea. Thiton. BaltIone ln aO ollir' ahi-lltîe Itîrel rSelfor2,») Matces, eougitlime ta Sparnh anil Itallaenticcksl heInireo I- deecy Io towreimilialOîflO or atoll-]e ho av r. l. clu -lui uiiuc. Sd irs "' or iacna wocds. mIne>' end clbs.TIre lion of proyer worotip and Bible teat-1ee .. i lk"tPienirîtif. fer two sltOllnIllls-Tit-Bta bega- Germon nuitlas were hertcs, leai-co hello N. nleu, a4dtheranwnalug of au agnost ie l eilIî'.aid, u IIyîu eilu;e Itie 1Inltndamorna. 'Tbe flîrd-te. ontlIreltber attituîde on lmmorltlly andthOe calit- notai fer dillter fin,? iit Iio Ilte Il n'haud, gave teé.carda noires teke- roi-ce Of led. Tt la estimaited tut tIer. mûîl' IrIjs] exootly tyti> rec1lV-'nnd 1 Icon e eanimat lîrfîîem. ,cnîîlng tlite.. are nt toast 10,000 lHumaniseln thel bavc i, erurirn ewtcwli. Vill' Voi) Th. Caînl. Ne-ageasirtires, cerreléela odirceem. Thre UniedelStates. deotiiot for ài?"Acotitluia1l otapere ltgboa @four audisliave derîsed tf.teir dilinec- Fritîa.,crrita saluesii'1%IvAquiI'blrrei-iriic tueuonl abe, fronrto vSryirrc rat In 10siel It,.cap tetybiike.j'rl, Sire ee uû t sud-ufietin itoie i-at. I0lains no keys and il% eartsa la S orritiuo of a Freeche F..ltn-M..Aa Lan Jangmee Iiuked' a 11111te libittibrr-li SttiO raggifi lze d tlmioi uenotes. hîe tord mealng rrr'ry. Sp.,e 700 il'h- The eehl-ndiled uayOSeSgondsiarer-f ciot tnu .)i l'ni rer r lorn varies freire42 tu156 loutres In sent sacdiere, té terne Irele lerrel nermorles, but tbey r. Ireartahly fer. lim-Ie nadiluiilslily ,ta.bute0l.Thel -ulI,,bale a recoceluel fretne a Sperilsh TrardalgnUiyîig Cie lacekint lo jtrdgMnta;wmille tiee itInuci t R acent nslo ueiotî "But I 'ilitel -ri-itCnii refCifr )N a beredltary Irait or iosaolly have t7. CIre ilei'iii-) iiir-viii.l pscuieli ni-a> knitl ru liiolic liyspgnI d gsenisilIy prrmemorla.bt Oly tli Sielo ea lîlarîrd IrIth ire 'ovvlt.Ittche .coi-h. lIe 'hIs.IlIre coni-t i BabyBate cinaste Moaln- - marbeti cases lmthe jutigmaatt l.riolil hlîre tIre asre cîld chiure direct-[ nIti. etiluyed m0eri il i-citai1- WarCiu Anererî-n hasusia illy pre- pattaI. Promet 0h1, maya aau litorltY,'Iy on bei tfi-,l fii-t.mie.dIltuaslilly.uiir ioth nrec;or iii ire fer PcollI.,tduce ao yun i aiilly. A. snoîn au h crime te worklng formula 01*0 tIre chiipping 'iaSy %'tienu Vircibîr (ieirn"uI l jng trla 10I te ecoiiijrr enttret. n rey arr buotheIlu tuur rIels thera un. eebtenetlndcd bave giltmeteries. butofO tebunrlur 1 .eîrln ci oSm\eurtj tîCu;. Loiie. ('aria. Berlis, etc. le creer n ins i er biont, eviere îuey- tii e lr ackleg ilepumenîtandtietbOtIre andtilt l llr er'.A 'Iii nlIli lrdrwte7ir ir Orsiat..lof I ii.They III, insanue reatoSn mou, but hae.pool tubar.d t the cerneer ef b-r oluin naid citlra îthier merîcrfur walhtO lir reil memolfillaugitet i as a Sbîurieil off. tb"Caf«. Olnd clil ai.prtI7; setrlirfrd wben rt and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hc ___________h_ u-bot CtIceteO orltitllîrreih"pel Ionereet bY anun O reed ltîrp ef hi-r e- ______________ Chcti ISOtS a tile iui-ii'lned the Port oC Moctra, Arbres, Duilb.he fe ulgrnS nlî 11ecoie î Bride éC.dth.-e (tal1r I0 eber i i -re hl ire ss tt fbiuntilmilnt]itnule o TIeetlur A r. t. ISaslire came out t hor 15fe bre t le itO v.1 h It o we o e b.ns... '11e -tIre hbntes, Tuey continue ta nurse for The rdlaryworer bc wn te opped polltcly, ci iro tu lir ot oflccir."Pritfor about 200 rearsntibng aut a nîont brt aller tirai are car- If tf 1aIr al-C'dtl(uilng exporta. IIta i hbri bea ippcd frotuethat port.Iltcanhorliy ttcmolleer os ebe Wt- mnsrai )y'1naachSe Oolle. Cbtcago auiy i np oc lit u îit inn Qîbl ncliSSi by dtilng satd. nowstlIe twuilglt ir chscra..eof lber Atiademy oaf Scenices. In Warta, cloee' bel ttire nernîn 1 W.'l 1taeà'",-'rîlo tîrîrol'.osrecer Oa clgever sonncr andl reikflt.iben Inter the wether, a Ires oten tae eipeciilly de- .ac tla lm. 'BO ecr"le inuae 10iSet eit,-,iltur 'certain Oldtif bîgO grade Young hase bren meaned eud trurghlte tlrtie a ocer lutalde lIre enrieno ayon very partilrîbrly If >0' 'gfin Ser cofee AliynIiisri ria psa Sgrolle 5a nict.e.uollirlttll otk 0e bts-ie, vibrSubnf îltqlnsu atg aro s 0 aoc ge iefore inner, Sud fr'1eubte of %taichua. antI munth of tIraiOlnd or oouly one,. Ocainaof lisuvill 1 Iera cacrent of air Ci,,utrly, e'lal tniber af1the Cur.licHei'iesl c0 oie lealîlîreil rnt AdlenAraia.jt la in l,1 rbuîit Icicdia.Ccsietae o blkrII T' tders fnIulnTlreyandl Egypt goata Ilion tir-condilionlîug probaly aune- if tiis masna radl r,-.uesnu. Oi.utiOAu-iii.u, ubuai-c.ronatOe troe, o1î1 Oigia Il Daaal R i... dates a isiltory. 'ens ton mb-male tuni ;iîîa bolitt.Lnul nvisle tilr plrl.reg oand nreiun- ta iiontlccier bas ita nii-en ta He vient off ateloi. n ikilig il-cmthie tir-oI totummilitnucamoi; ris,il lirte liack, stceel cul areil liii relO btht i te o______ fot'SIsieîrin uh r GrIii. Il quick- SynaloSeronaus a 0b12- ioalIl.istoi t ld'amli the iv galln l u muî.asr ller tue I. Cc Te mllîl iving memnory lu Engua..d, kîclîcu wiriuiiw. Eorthll aaZ-a.. 5.11.5 t. olve Clou t t l risigole te arîclu lorge umbn'r f 0,lldlecS moe * .a:e'Vai-. zre -. i llei i,»oeCIti'niliriien lire Eliii.sen,. toliirigi îily eaver sur-a rgtt eenatuaber oi liaIIeuO-c-o nI binhe «i- t l-llrr.r ini ceul i li' oriol îîiic i i Ir ; ui. ltar i, 1t, rle secret rtlng audtnicutatien of leee Thrt igOl t iieci, ule lobAok s. fui; Wi-,t hinles.(Cetrai 10101 lerîcfln of 1,77J nIlS.iia-rer. d ietontrsee by prifemilnal wterae Imca monthfri otfnî.bl 'Il-,.le 1111,-ilitbe Airlrice 7llîr 'Ci i~ Iidln Peri'ts more toloua ,0terlles iarry trollu -Iqute a bouallnts, rtea JonIu Derr. ianil ta.sarPrînc- Adiluinor an vil orîirs Irerîrhee IeýId- iit 0(0 IItribtriiiii areai-e ijo nilc- - Oxford, Oio, tnColler'% WPeely. i"îcnO lebiJllgu u-li a l i tc-rlut hie i 'i enCThue .dcrinag~ebes- 1870 lAuoniu altl bod 12 concernamiatotiur Sirgînlo i brn'L ir 3- lleitiriat: aise ligt 00'uîain rcages ir.r)n i-luultlcson 1am mek>app;ied semuonie t»asttrnt 0 t llilrig est eaoi'i 0s(iiti t' otute ,uil Iiu incaIf ikaeeme.ii-i-ce ri, -dIf rl sînci-lu-'o. i 'no m preo herS, h oeleabiag lrnte ,t he iii ilO tîl-rbc ijffleTbI'.lI,, citO. profenîs..r lloni"u u iitaltonof bantwitlng'. lu ortiicte taelieexact T'lt,e ip lu-,ir. liii sinlle, i-ice) mnirdIltnoe eiirln ricit foot tIre congrffltlleoowon tot0 eIns llror im iei lfrj'red Oua. s ijltsivrer W1/0,1, euul-ihIave Spediu! A-c..a Mn ___________ 0 ta youituri-iteili otil e Il . Iec u n/i n I totuhv ilasiroil erre-to a .iiiic Ni. l'c lii'rbtirin onTh. Mieigan Ar-es-l l i Iuii.u'I -nibcrrI.i i i93 1ii rîcînallîr setlel b>' li-elFrench antile ii peat Ic tore.n Ccli.. terlîy tireIBrii, lIre oIl oe.ýqa l (iIfv Michli narea Iecaioe minprelii a part iinu inilu. lia,'r- e lOiui'cavei.-e 4 of 'lue Unitled States os aeout of tIeaai 7iili)î ni 51 authelu'cîe ',ir or te Americun RItolutlon. Tt S alaIo O rangc, lir-rii.i frruiuîîui ruir drui arae 114net aclually beeore a parif i oIaluu n-rît le tte-ioiu.rl irrn the Uniotd tatn uatIl 13 yearsa aCe I l.O..PIr, iuuif i'l unit cmiii-il by Iii the ni, Iotever, mînthe Ir , uteb ulefld W il prove a U s l , îlrubu-cei rrio ruti1r ritly ytletid-le brder prosta. TeWre imig ibosI i ein ~ ~ cM uu, A bîbrf rtrîI. lirteSth u: l.e ouuîgof the BIr of 1812 ovn a.. o1es _r, n I Ae Iî'ilin uutl tirhie .". , i ctretiby the recariluce of the 1bibi-l i delegtit ta oy rs ruFne u.lirji u -uiiiiu-u reirîii ile t ieare».Ia lIre Brtilt Rowrîleby tire I'o-fru urr. u tiun)u' u Ailrclat i Iflrtl i liii.i.' I-1iiîiî u ibti.it, ar!Perry I vIctury on Lake. Bmleandl% i lfl 11 Mlia etleurl-.iiiui loins ihi-t W Iliam Honary Earrn a cm o nsMCiui i I U U N urumtrn t eiitt.cc iiui 5tS la IlIr tuttom stUfEad fr to Wi mt- llccîtheîrue, tUtei82,1t,11 NO MATTER WHAT CAR YOU OWN.O. N 0 mtter bow much 0f how little you paid for your cr, you cannot get betcr oil value han he new Mrvlube Motor Oi1, Bock f Marvelube stnds he cxp'ricCe, reorccuî, equpmeat and reputation f IMPFRIAL OIL LIMITD-one of the long' est petcoîcun corportons inthe world-it jut bas to be gond I And ie IS gond I Many f our ctntnmers tise Marveluhe regulanly Ono heir entre atis. CeSNAPS-IT L Take Childreri's Pi)cures Now DVI' bh , i 11L- cSruoîu ufthte bor Yl e tf ai i the lî'laiîgel LA lb Ca b a iniu stiu o efp" o.rI pellnri;and Ociilari' fiv olu i trscigla ii nloioci- 8 i1, fbui . "oi - 'i ' rnu un Iluariit 1i ziiiIlli. f.I i fe' o i i o nr t g cvi n t n îcgh f n - - ili q ii -r' a a s 1 e Il, . î ni i i un - r i I l u rîd u r T %va bol tii ucabvearr' excr'i-1 ii in c'îur iainil. i-aiii i11i luti iaji lli f lion i cilurle Ti-- T lîe nO alier on a bru io u c i -ýa pu r oir c !i- e l..kit.4 vonrir. id o) rînttoa ue 1 uie1fbn--n iaiihi"5 1 cficor il- 'il-niiitVAlliuam.' ui a second, Tiru. 1h il 'P ct -i - v r -u e , iii 1i u fIO l ia P îb oy cl a St rp a il u I v r ii î î î î n-bru1.-numli- li 'Irolu le oventbceulji-csin r O u". sîîilauîî iid P/lic iilu ns ik j ru.aarîîato ti-b.. u.lie i li.t l iu îîi i fITi it o lu tin-r o hi-m lln-urpenaerirnithueoritlino fr inut mniuit'Jari- ne ,auniarr'us n ibcr1su lac gtruc tabaC ail] ie liur wiinnr rlil iie c r ili and If300oecae a fi-hf ngicornera îielb ilim Ou-f ilu-i -ich1'ùr0-fiIuing a otafogo se u.. ini rtn' irut as ioc Siearsbilerb? îs six feet to yourr îîîbj f oand gi-f saîOu],l rflýa) eannlu t 'tac 10 int aa a rger lImage. Set tfbr' ialpbragir pilIcl nf cou- litilir' biboCdangbter r.nnrnil 1oteraoff )i Srtif I S onîbe blir;iiiiiiig"îiîi n thre yard. -bail;,let f.8. Sotthbcebraflter riurol FInT te lt ;rn îiiiîtd O. inidator a 1/215 of a e- Sel r nou- of à, 1) aIl li') tri bIo geer ur' -)Id bt-r v-t-ie. Loeato thereh cIin tir po. lolI lin chair 'coarr' lie wifl h itleerandl ana tIre piture. rippear Inla q'Ill,. nnraicejnl nns iDinot bave rIre Sun ,tcring tIre la thefinhlo uicinbrrr'.1hla re hIe-, hildinlutCIe face anr' thon expert vaine bll'ilC unOSi t- sbUic in el il i. loettaho qulnb lar ubhe igOt clme 10 laine ud fbecn rrali lo-erueilOel, ace anti you alîl gef tu- aiilly gel reuo-1 1050pnIl'lr ,ahir'sniuîg hadoovo andi shbisnilaes- uithîu o -arer"-"sc Il 'i ciiiInvu s Inca hIc-cur-bbeter. Ad rl bor'2'- carre rvit ebirnIl oliluie-u ..-rtiannosqii lg. eliru Cccl J. bote inetera (IfIIl 1la JOHN VAN I No. 18 n ý . 1 MILTON, THURSDAY, SEPT. t9,l985.