I i mlt.mii, (m lemii , m % 'lc .11.m, ilmue y.iu tni eu tlinimui the liu'ilti i (i.'- mmmglim .mîî' mt îmtils tatn li Sl igii'mi>* lu.King (uni-h Ili'S, tiff-i Nul ivik, tu-jîtl imm ut tp-1,'uii1,tu-em'm'uîi-e tmiur livlulIgmfli C1m iMoiuîllmîr i"îti (iýl , , i I mpojminin Cait.miîîm andii i f tIilw i4tMil't. i'tmi t a. foi il i mimi, m PIANOS VIOLINS music aiitttKMNN iIM., ;. bi1,1%, ie: iiU tN s -, ,,, t ~ ~ ~ ~ s 'aeodiaîlotîiil 'ilvb imii mi ,1Iii>>>teni LiOn lu let six tmmithms ulmii., 1 tmi p , Ims. usi îî, i n ki î PIANO TUNING ANI) GENERAL REPAIRS Vîîliîn i.ndail N ig, ng cadIZýpud Pîmone 24. MtîTîîN HWNIH EE LE R Secretaries! T'hé aiitor,,fit iii i u v w..ligmi.m'.m.eavI.-cimp. tion of 1.4 ui-i-ai 'ifit-.'niril i.,iîi , " ,. mi m; lt ,' utum' i TU CANADIAN CHAMPION CLUBBING RATES Toron~to Daily Globe Mail & Empire---- Toronto Daily Star Hamilton Spectator. Montreal Fanuily Herald and Weekly Star-- Wlu1 $nO$6.35 $5.00 $6.35 ----$6.00 $7.35 $5.00 $6.35 $1.00 $2.85 * e . 8 CLEVELAND e *UjFALO g g NIA&ARA FALLS IM M l M8ACKINAC ISILAf4O SAULT STE. MARIE II flOmeaAm RAY aCHICAGO * II l'so -esction o a ifaed - a Condua.u ps.rmo ie-l Eudel bht-,a d rlio ifsospee.Le.v tffl LOCAL avn'5. citsCelet 'R.c LOAL '- dsf,'m thn ecod Wcaa tieTRAV.EL - juiv teu1the Lut se-atSInusAuugun, r S Stop,-rrprivilagea uitsueilrflon e in m . i f7z ~Mil 11e couîponiforcbe..sufite rie Bcoklet. STHE CLgVELAND BUUFFALO TRAM SIT CO. i Faial ai- Sîrii IVItu t, N. Y. I Gaaiu.ire 5ee.5 i -uu.le uciuultme "5TUIMRYS C. Te Hïamnilton Olnt iut (u l ,i- tI i 1, 1,m.mmii naîrtrîniiuug Il,-o ff ii1 l i SUY 112-'T.Ip TIC.KITS ONLV 2c PER MILE. Oi andlastipe. Mas' Silî (i ma Klg Mantir îutuom i ihi oi Dapyliglit M i'sa i l,"Tiim. 'Li aL ISTEN, Jaliaytwhy mall, il as tatugb fer mal Tou Ssewtee Vant hul, yonua bAt riglil oO.î "1bt: b I, a nch aitaclog ballt" laaey locebst it notéau, tiaiteta ca bide., apas fuit et tuaglag. Mr. <lia. bcrig, ailuttuglnIlb ieilurinof!blisabolp, 'atuitidui t lte'uan tîl nuulm ie bitondit "Iluituit ilut, tetha Fbat's a tIne bat. A tuIn fIa ucm(Ileut f' Jiup ria. 'Ils 11iyS14,'",tua s alit. 'I(mt', rIelul lt'o l utirgelua." Mc. (Ill'nt)ýrg simd. "Jiýt ot théL. ilfl Its' Irs' i on." "Nult olitbThunks ', 8111 gn0sea ad irmiyyn puaol Jeoy &a;&,as'. B 'hl t f0 neta aeep U p wltb bl long 'tyou'ra nst &Cares',are s'eu. f1111" ebseesitel. tOf ouitresnul. hul wiy m....Me ,luokikea alleir? Tait Snow Avery'- boyeulpecs'rials uua uu ma toc timutasY. AndO n'a du-citaIlalie Inde. .. Y'a, BItIt' Jtîity suueera tla a Aitioie. as ttt.i5i 05V il.,"mlira and i, v agreu-d ltamotta Il groin. Now ysou %vant toe sindit l, tor a lo "'curr!",y Bil." 'jnys votswas "iIgel yntu plants' 0f bitta. .15. gicu. me ima." 11111 peumi el. 'ht'van eson Sittitcdap nîglit.Mon- day 11îumntrtuug alli hUiad aune te wotrk Jaila SOI Outî ler Ine bore!. Il Matstutt'. favorie. site hml worn It ani tée nui iids ay en tns"2 maltpad tuvrc-mi te i ttlins snel Sdean nit areei. I liasAMIIanrive luait, Iûeaapitile 'oi- , (btr I! hav lue ctheaap ala1,1jvmlelaraf l t' min l Oineretahop lut-Ahe Sot losnenbamlS )tteliar Iut tu-ichti- hies' epI lth- r exponse. mnep. TLrA an s$728 ettI sltiai- montisIa wei'S bo auo In the pt-lier lime aces'1 mo Ciiitfieý1IIite,;oI,>nlInag île ive mnedllutar bli. unltrIt lot.i-_ îut titulr laents-cg. BiIIhbutituceitd lhn. anouenvucoîl e unloitte> seouti ami gel mIu )it-adht t lt 11 bouge ottni .taucy aniheif sunuehsip,lel le le- veI-îh n i,e îme. tahia e teaui1u i,.' $7.28 Ivni-r petrse. (itoodoit Bitl, lavabtleianonehmittite i lit. tttiletrg ,tit-saaeepIng off bI& sfî-ýwatk a imu'm .luîîp. raa .is f Ls' tauguiet, ialcpîuci 10 uuadmire the Sut. 'ei'Yo ouiiflotktuS a aa nh tLst Sm," Le nuiLt e.SeaitIW. "Theru's chtmtyIsubat l hilI. anit Ittitileul "lve teriddu- noIt ht a aIutjilt s'aI," Tuy ai-y t itumIlirmîs'. fot ber eyea rcfmuned 10 icave 'tie tmici. "01t).iîl'a ail dight," lSe tgreêd. "Jmm'.î iry it un." Hl.; -bandl un lier 211-W m' leý trrd har nthtllIe @hop. 'l'en lulmmue1'r tuneartale cut aseirlmin Ii- mbut. Suilit t alizuý, as â!,r Iii-utlieuSe imii theSa v etolars omîtl ef tie envetopu-. Titi'>' outithai;e iti st iii truli Icua Moulut iade t llul e lia aa lt fronttIii1 oma in oe- huit nimuhmi p thea moulyAbc alie filutent. Tièmoites he Sgan eusitug. TheL dOls' cantien tsb snae hve amne foc prelaiuue ilia otitt irtatiaIma aveit hp tiîg ite pceeohîug iereet. Site lait ii-ian preseeta nuitbf bre umtueil didtr(haimne suinithow. 'P lhi lghtt nhe ami.c it,)03,.'cents mure. Bil lt)ciiud tai go to bbc movues but ate pleaulautIa hieumlchîe ariOîLey ulaped hkunue. TuaI ltnt lir loue dolartua tegm. Walacaduiy tute mutele attolar twen- ty-fis-tumaure. Bill Suit Leggedt (atnou wute efthlts auti îe hc oe 'uS, undiit wIse beamoutiul Catch wuci avuen cane la tSe lauatrs' mon. Site mitenttheuayu' var ltenatin and .ronung bIoard and muvaessel la greet Bill ttunt gtli t reei Ircek desptt bier âclttg barck;esutrail kuuuclea. hp TitureayLBitl begsn te look e-, fir.oclimt'iîtiut lier ahn sile nrveds LII. afu rtuitanemf tuuimbrgr stnit; bot si,, aleetet turself. Y4Ie Cas la a race ogoleuul Ore. for on Sut- uni,.> aigh iuîiimi ,.idcuen hal un- vehmpe a 0 04 uotiti-m dollar .0 Its con- tentmiendet he Lsd te hiae tbe- muses' Ali l hiLmrdtast uit l:Ale tanseOelel- enols'. mIc-tai oturing et lier evittice epr-Ir ent rSaiuritup. 3ika iî.dcd Isuo doltsu t'aiermirely. Frhdas' nicrsttig dh 'applIcul ai an augaesy, Sut aitltes' commît otter lier cas acrtfbi.lg. ce tu. asurprise of lIe emîutapmealmmsnucec, sbe ot LIl aditîuhbed Itoursaped setntciissFrItup a larnoun eut SAl- urdur mornhuugi. x;hlin s.lbe ..ua haine Saurdas' avr it i Ils, iolars weattSack luthIL, ita'5pe.1 Sotise cite paillati escîf Icgethan tu grec, Butlvilnlie uacamne hurllag, tnt'. the Hmma'.le wsn lua iullialul mental.le riiohcit trio th-. Sîrmonu ahI lite cent rnfiauila Lmurccit out agalo. "tueSo what liva got, ian,>," lSe Jancy caulieu. Ha wnls holding lier, bat. -eleImgani10 c.'s' '14111. iave yurex tiecu aaiptg?' "Honay. Itus a srri8 Tecos pan aiseitme fIe ars ILitii ciia'esîene1I oughuuroiba" He pmut l hoentlie, n iua eed andt eiped lier eyeu tuise itnikerchtef. .Thi t -ils thti (1.01aelme latheita mi- li l *ut mîîml Sey, Jt mure loeSs ifvriml mmi.'cold imi nik I i as nt emi a iinier Se." h 1,Bll,' jitac oiiftuh. fil's a tan (ele, lta aeli. I1O ta'ille bse t Fi»t 011OtFar-ePuapal. Icc-11, (mIaîum ti @ ue ttie utilsaà i memus oimmumte a st.m ientvai (1uS ciaai rInsm mtilit- uýittm< cf atsnles. Almierenlu io,îmu cicmîa,,miiieLade- Po rtm i cl lime s uisis.mirecord of ýlme teumrita cfnýuuImmazet cht- m-t.Im li t e c-les lie Renion lo aiii ilîi .fier oae',uit ttrlm Allen@, f eii-.e, vanmieLu iepriet fo er mceais li v liii; amn.-(ci n-v 'cIr 1;i.-anitaLehulummuvaitiu i., yelui :iîn . rit-nliittuebsitena i miaule uîimm1wi dm0gi-o trot-' causas es. Poultrv. Won] and Fe.atherst IpiAISES NEWSPÂPERS FMuItand Vellfftable pNslId.rý et On aille Munlçtpt Asmme. PViUIdIy II tiSiSvalashl. iwUI Aid mtilet IIUlold. Ntwffopept e-l!. The hubîmn bodty osada îtteral.a n clalss* Munisîlon Affiluet vtonis, the grealtimtteei lSC111= W. RYALL fur hisatth andt gî-t whlth are aîitp ln his premldenlle i dreta il theapliaid bitfrîltmta nt veguotallea. ossuai matîna iiiIf theOntario ordi.- îhMinrîim. Itiai n trop salîtitr haa fhai civetassoiîatilon 11.10 et Toronto flest hrsluinadupe bvlln MWodnssday and Thursda,W. L.. 1, OIb iidl theNiohvii ntr el> cnait tlihalancenwlteet io! Ihil tttmmai Wili:klsn prieîl te1115 oapapers andt u spiasmmt nanienritlln m~ iebtes as III ytinitralitsthe achO 1uptletd he praose for critlteigng nont.-aof'ondiîti unîofteibondt. Ttiay are ripai affar--ta tacnt ha eritîcite 1-21411, fruit Ipoopshels. abidnetmaindcîulliq priit i niitittollm And ittt aseapavera for flot hein$ trotti ,05- chria ttes crit t,.aîaîO. rytîig aîomîmtmtm OSnattti'tur, roilîes ioKl l ril«,lh-ttn hetitns if. But thoy are net the Ninalli wiîtmtira il, git tîliaîîtfrtittî. klt;i C(cittiilx> W$ ot îoîs Fr e tit 1* leanî isitmIn ,il î cli : unci.'îîiccy <iti 'iitfi i5i' i*ttit't '"7tîaprêmieOnt lattullil nTI . idswdy, fat mni o ld tmtîig rf.m.II, e i ii iiltmiimits inOtmi lacowItteciî polau oeit fîtlliy i frt.îmdty Itearnet for lbhegi ii, hallim titimillets(t le, tiili ild mii îii,,it oit ntîtitipI affaira and look atead- ýIndltfaî'aat amtngber solus etOntigi I'il ittl 5 i.)Im. tcilli'c miiit fleit urest îtt lImi coitu. i tara îîllittm. mcmVI.tmîîtî i xlim îîî..î 'm- i ation remift. lit t. r mml lltmIlii ost. atimtraction ofr mnt-îmiOc, s'tmetttl ad altatiealt in t Illtitirime. cHgtill iI Inmmmcl tilmI'r lia otit. "'tîe pati Iton 100to Cas itte. Sut, whietire iareattemiofî .m,.'imfor gomalitsifi îmimil mm thAt home papmersn ara net fronk t, Ibilidorh aiialiy catît ' rnsîmmiitiimmit i titi mm idiimit,'m cîmîuctu I1i criilaitia the atîtIonif t taneaetce, tiîsy biiî'mii îmîîcttý, iett-miliIllmm m'lmmmi.tmml.. tm-Im cl t ml. T h e omlr) 'l'ran 1laIn.ii motion sientlmI etsltireilie. lts' aptfm me, I mmii,ti '%m, e Iitimi l fltteîiftce matirent tflcam e by theim And 8soîustumcs Ilwaga 5 itslsittan q le., ii I moite cm-mitlilimlmiîiîm ItaPuen atimi tuillet IIItnyare.,om cuIn inc Ilil. I tic ah .- cMItmit un Il i tit i fact, leaders lut aILomnitly orucOoedne onlo IDVtléi ledC lîrtvltuce, a£5ho1re elinave te. sotoon tBrady lnga,, igentlemean Apilm'. niibigiîu.. ima. ttrnwtei lomi "'e newopslitt,% tieaor. of III arenpiaîtge. fou..d tielnt.ie, ntt toitattitîntrtoiti vtiiîiîVt. have i t at rel raîttttIvand Ully liait, Iet tm in. hetia ehutte iliirmtt i nt ieur î.'li-mîit It RemlitOla ait raues hastrsc veilte of the warit Cittu Isbroad treet snduit tiiimem, h ItIlttu, tmtiii-, i-urt(, Ortet thoir cri1tcismt oi th1e mtho of acteol g eitontoppled hlaàflot-au' iý;m ituu lintend Iil,l mtity fit tmti- nvni n itmtntt-tIui eettv limaitlrorr siedîIllogy, alîrua la titiSlo jhc éu sbcillabtit hlm ta skis hy the ban ai iimet titigt ui t>f vituti', .w, tbave, att ituîInA ii-u tîi tti tciil(mc iant.otmîit nuumua lin municitpal litere wlnit agie'aeîitau in. j -iti T'rimailent Wtiitnsn, blintt I FIrot hie cmoîban Soiiy tnbarlli ida T.e i.lciiiîmîîîm- tîîîhrIitîanowiI bii eieîî eil ItI for Iait rîtaýtninît ine amit frat -wtlle hie fthier con it-tt-îil tiil l II I IitImoi tii m til>,m41 l-lias c iti iitrul tc u tii ( l n sulIliuier trtbutait a poitgy Itnit a siO aîitealaitiît î e,, imum ,Ilm"tt, c (1m1,11iI mimt - iimtn. WhSi itii'e tl-j'i.ty if eumn py Ilisown effort. hae t ap the c.mîîmIiiiit"len t tmt i'mi, iti, »0joimi miend ltî-i.-tvti relîifatit d itdit, ticil i blualiou tablit e a euiîtimaditldn'alOtît t , ille d c rii tu i i i l , il'ibli' irtt ptublimei, îîtttt n Ioeltaie., thote esîaft lttering. -Attorney t.t.asu," m-yi 1111ttl'ill 1iiti.1.1 miinm ill "e ainc on hck he ni lngaethl ltMImai tif i1111lie.1ut-ici rsiimIiiwlit- i ivcrimttttttg liey do whoteliîîi- ela 03tewno.rwsi lI ollgl itelti ît1, i uta f îtt tolenîuvcrcietua lt11-ama 1 11aniutof pi-ia1r i s tut Me (fa mmiii'l iaminaim l îit rmie îof ivItî -,-If eýt'e iiig if t i os nol aItit Iitrier wsen lie ottenidthîe ot emaenditel un otl Imi i i i,. i it III ttic iliw Il. tic00 filet, ianitIt wîiiRsteia tîtse eelings Coe arteltby tihe ward, lit)ifruimt onI. Amuilemarmît iii I irit i tOifiiittuii i tin mî-îdOrg i If It osa bloirk ailmrintber. T'tit'y titîtiit la k.,,!. i ,i 11'il, pm Iemie. i i mte tairi mI Ittniad fiovorlties.A a'-wastuc en ~ily boght ltfIr psttry îaw cns'ieIii tired oui- ilw-tîa . im ite i. vimIîmoj ii itl liI he'publitc,ad if ttlmltnonhlm, Car.s tirtieeutitiha expaeIt I tci u c --.iiu i i tm eI tiii tîittt l dîttî-Is n, ar tidne pa.y. dId not pay ctin'unditettr sîlsoin t- o ndit îlîîîe îmîmvihit i Io I fripon in atlot. muu-lti, t t enmthe h. Mlnilardtfîanit ItInereRsstry niatîltuemin aturem - mt il I.nI te carry nat avicteonproceettuga for Minl veeî-niatî-e uc ml iimmbi'ol lmm1 whli cimsishadi tît stlitre Scliy. Ihio ,tiiil,i mt miiti if NIiw-i w 1le WsVtch For Ibis Gent SOItyavactaidth11e warit lu bitter "'in itt, iumdI) oIttimm, Ver - igentr ad Cent theauim afouiryona r lu tmîtlyimti t4-li t-,dv.ciii liî-ware te aeomtîc @ai-lega as lotirclerk lu a dosentucan ut- m îîî if ein I .i . t<-p il i miîîîmo ient endt outati-tiePd baudm,, shît voefil- Thars hie eduesîltin hrîîdencd 10(a ililuililita tndîleri)Iiî- hisIoIiy imvt'rm- "tP. talla Yetiî that ho la at-qiislated Indutltnitidtlon an itcochlag Of Sai tie.l dittrttecmimilifOg iiceeervei Whîltymîtolr Yîîu- relatives or- ltîmnacn wtseIenstheblucrative profeissIon utfemuor. llakitîg sîtît tien.the .itiiiîtof frtatîdm. tltnyeti ho htinat LIetrfning alibi$ and infdtepnmng ot "bal" CPT19godntirtaaimtil etiI lel,' tI niotte or lea a tttte niotîlaand muiaibond*; ln short,1the mnuelationi oa f Iluit 1. i lii.,ilimt i ieiii. mcIu( let in oti aIf5tiAteuOute, anti Ititan just!eseR a oesti. ii(mTe fi,,. calsiti as1 i estiaita monny trope yIomt. Sarht a a escrsped sait envoi thtroîîgh toune i. , it i m c iîm,îîî onim gitien î t hmbou uperIseItn 'litly iiiy iletilit f Jun uni!t gl mway ta.,t witt sîlîlhi eaire.galhetng a cleabeta, nursng a n>,,ît a,r cîI,,i'e an'botfIoiitibi i livreerititiarm frimaite ctl"na cstumîuedrogu etfras-ange, tmriiIIIcmilit i f(i, m 'îlru - faillies-uimgrenier ilui,itshIImagine, Oaa day la Joue,, setthbce n-lîs, 4 ymiri' Il ervlic .fromt di' I I it,î tinoti. tîmi etlit, slitila vo dI iean ruivatvlet%, punli carIa, kItsan ettl tes ati.in iitsi. ling.0teiieile, ippemi ,1 It-in tac et iii,, cetlmiii lmont tri'dentimtmimmitmii' mille (mii toc >111, itînen la questiloa CltiîhI5 efeathy aamli ait au0fnî'w firatittenl urtr wifltltihm hi- tites eihmnteël - mito iwhch wanîtlen11e wiote secondit tmmmr i funioahi mîm,emIi'- n inî tmiîi mip suite ?mliitues asiti-ttes ut lits Il, ewl ou, initnai upl Tioti.III,. temit tuet1tutti wîui(centi f 1the newly reauvaled T owpcaihailmmumii iic-ion. tîmîi Iinhave trD. dollars tbu cni building. l'Omoîn. 1Hîmt et(sit lciaiîloti. Re aet behind eciîrtsas'ed sl 0 ows, nu-o, .1itititt rth11e ititra tn qut-gnaing dowse-astesfîttly on bbenbaring 1 t I mIifon . c huCitlie clat Iot,,meott th au face. of arabsîhîta naighhur.Tuln eS l r a d ur 'luiti ci, y anti tent tte hrîpttg isaut bornaiot ha sailuse youuîli. cCy SP- n mli Ilit' ,orcf or i oup,5Nticth, ofit peteit guâtrdl.ofuthîe auterOffice. i ei aittfti liail b. Trhe "Att caes train, lbe Nith abt rd halO iepr1eo lltnmaI? ei, I-I. n (cv scekIttii, wtIiipecernMalon,îit' a 9etitar raiheét lu Wliti Wtî'taln dacaad double ra' 11 te Ille 17 groomait cavaIt-y clivgan Ioet t~;td.-ir. - tsyer intucuted maaagely. "t-il Show te 'minnteit poliles,ractng and' lem.,And avary afternoon you go.oait. paing erotsaandremourds train- Exprata.Rate& Fiait aho owees money to whtch, <ett lat Jumping andt fur tse nt- 'ifoeMaire mil. I Motta Mr. log Sald it mlisetaIthe village et Aga'e ' b0 Kahatdeurc"io- MonetlIo, 11Q., on lte north I Reduce OltibarSIoreof te Ottawa, for tbhean- cary. coiteel lfrontaveryune siha ows'5minuai oigatory Club lion., caov Stiiutn cstii-lnauites on tlonc- ftm moflas. Sfkc Slveatetas aboli trie rammner darlog 'vogua 16-18, iîml Ix.t i-,sti'ce lmeutu -..nt liin i,. vtag ceitlet bbhesîsehouse. Score Tltoradas' t0 Sondai'. A esplia DIttec irtiite lînes tif attrailise u Vmi"ride wilfI b.put on t bs the bRei t-ctmcmrmnpatan l tin rmiiu ciiSur Hie cyosa blasait 'nlctusfy. Canaietn Mouftait PolicQIe. o iutnmic 2ilt elimmmtîm' 111,tut'ote.filtsxmenthean unlîllots tInftuence avent ta uoder thetolarona.ge et 1-suri-su Traîi, AunIitielît i or1 utl, ~gauleait ia the Card. lb Cas rai- Mat.Exceiicy lte Govrenor- mi, 'iiteseraiem oriin',tnii a re. fîîîîy uleanSleItnd hte GenQral andt Cantadietn il*Amar- iliilonî, na,, îîuuel îî'rii, utlet ni epsrtnedd y tant Society ftîmîlcaare expota ittr e ,,Ii'ti. ii'If Moi,.flote20lcI'mcimvlm rei headl mana htaitihe cuctititit large rumtuera, -îmi gie 15 pui'iiiiandmîtîinîî,î,uî Mccc aWindocs ain tha Low'sthai bitildtag. tîlîîIl, 111 lî i ,îmto -1 Iheur Mr. Glniiirg taIl;.I InEflîng a Short stay t lte t,. aIiutic'1 mil if humrt- harii simfse tf Il. A ln hai tt gv'Ln a Banfft Springs Motet on big waq' Ii-mo flu04eIlltîtiy juitil ti.'iîtyl' m fnly matigopsas stlI t..e akie up bis peut lnatonuon, sitlitilatomig etttntî n tsn i miiliant "'4'ho outl tIIRisa'Excetteney T. . MatabdAIsa, cgee. , Japoans"Ambassadlor bt"e 0ea Tui ileli-ut un au-ese lieinut "Tulit>oywbo Warka for Snlly Isee.. Brtiastaîtd tean in±ervÏwdbr. nmieittc "OiUq, sîtilit, e lîm eciiiiv., Ha ]tlIt slIp. t knoose SeItIdt ean -1 prster jual 10 saly es'mal it n Thmo icmmlIi î'edu-ul tti 'un iii imte klelie tit 5hhie le thie." to torgat for a taC -bour-s Ybsa fig~- 'If timmuat IIîItimi n em'Il u,.IiîI Radt itya, cary bal daya forcthie nrd ltera are more arituôuà d0i". i lImuit. wttbfriand agannt fieul,anuit ven aid Iluanuthéecontemltatiouon 1titis ---- mt uai. s eu*spected et haisto l 0, lovaIs' place." Prema say at the Exhibition retgoutate. ,Adreostux a aathscln< qf ib e li ltua nilual t fIl 0.ltulle liser FEolarr Club eut Vitrtiàat 1ullîme w-ne prefse day al' thii'Cuitd aitieth ue grcwlng beroe sud ex.- Wreu a Mtl. a etl ilNatiitu 'mmttml tehn tîmltaietlt usinettcsa ltsgcîîsa pelo. oef Aad0âtl andiu ii'um lumil c-ii ce mand tuu tittrPn- I itg o.uîîme mpIllt 0 e11 e h iîstI~ne ma le ctus acl-if el t lremors fil' Hie n tgtmbura, titesp'ctng victimeo a grais force for pouce abul ny*$d leu- ulmîc Necs'etitpenniu'a et-m-ce s I'i ismltistSes.canada 'e clîlvate a mena fayt-- fii~u. uit plebis0 Oîito'le iofa hein Icre tîrui Of able traita w-thtubis own =connl. 'FIe- titInitere iof ti lu.-ourtiîî i uel cmiII Thes' Ctnhaict.ne-' est year, luo salit, Austinalta M-entuimrtaiilii u t uîcîeî.îai ouai' tarin rtsa Witteh Wonder, Cititout bcn bôtiglut rainiCanafla, kO00,00 aui, nitrtWO icl e yi- ttgrattcurlotî'.but IleIte' 10set.I 'WorI th of on, swhite Canada I t'rmsltî'mi't. F. 1H. D acoativmii TheFpeplei on Geim,. Oiiet kaew bgu rmAurtaois , 1001 (if i' ittiiriui seatfiher ws« ePolb uSe bockof et 5Lowenauibuilding atd 0000wrh i (lisuetor of Scu ofurlait(,!' feu cOtitd ascrtel.nskiikliig figuras go h ltnunMtt I n iilutit 111 lu.ei. afiecu(toi lnt- ta heallier. But sahs' IInt hep go 'iTehy be-onauin aw te runBA- vaiileU ole umiitnc a-are .ieteii, andt amta itae friot Cep? ralos. c'utne f Nr(ha Bume 5- sixil luinlaeitliwasutrvet. A sec 0wc,ü1Ifrteimne a tiOn Orimosexo -.an ras -meutnlu uic Asu tougiluias lIc le murmureansd sonut theensoJout euan mati lnose ci'miîîd otaotuif' theu evenlig perforni murmura rime le offictul Pars. liere the centre of uatcL hoiday aCI- ,iio-,'elutiuwu'itîutmerl e i,4!ty t hr t' ce a trime sen he 1e aiuibfae intahe, cutys. Tiri xceltenctsm the Go,- 5i'iltitg týumm-eîîmîîThe ha ndouitic L.nwanthaltu hillng saitt'ilystoîîîu e r narGnaral and Ladys'Basabo- uxîtche COîîîîîuufii'.cmlIlpwitî uLer ucri!eonlmej toastmessti-iroutitbSot- rouglt Care amengeltagust'u yI prîeifics.mchtalisIri C-atitdlte rinous Kaila CCave ah- toy' e rîst office.m tchtlits Idn ttghachu la gaîn as ln fermer TWO VEARS FOR BItRGLARY lIonsterets. emig c,1 ltiien yrenanvers our mîSu It Iraattes, okltitan anitrbainouger net i (tkvtie, ilepi. 3. -Pteelbic g 1itlY liant of theb uiing, muktag aubtes 0fr ':'WtItuiithe neaelag polaianys tri enieruîuc lie lOuse uf lailThir Sottys e lallerellas ad mina, wera the tif voatiton triptson tse Great mou limit~c hynicul tii erctncIndtrect causaetfMi. GCntlurg @aletai; ULa,. 1the Canaudian Pacitlc tuan i ltl'tilig, caelît unit îthcr artictlisLason'bferEr.Be e perdad ite sOceat labosa ieam- 1I .t merreti, 21, wa nenit ta ot!sliny etr rs re tano neammila KingstonituPenîenîimry 8mi.,four .menthe tater, PrA rthprves tetoundvcalt -a by tiIieteste W. L.Meilveen îtoy. 'I hear Bautis'lasses la en ort gsauthurSa o oboeL àit s IDulsDýr 20 lu.pLaIneg guiiîplotet heprison." le 'To. Yut re- cips bave baon.Outn -th lu. a t-nttarcharge,. s nt lacet mninummer, Sllty? 0f course, "catis' O.ank Sports, lactudiatg qusolla. Suiuucntct iîintomce (mroneua ru bsunt hlm: Iaquiet, hsrmtaen, fIee ahutfflahoord andt dosgolf. DIh%- - s'youne faler. AIt, If Ce balotiter'y ettgteilmunieItrîna pîemure ta ELECT COL, BALLAIiTYNuE Snewuu, w. nairhb ave wuco -- ltae venine boura. The anluadute "Yen never can telt Mr.'fGinsberg. mokas Il poseunttaireuain. em- j. in . Wul yo mid carlngthar' JoYabie weak'ii trip goîna alluI lto,'u.rcluu .' Suof, <'t J. IO.I Wond stMr&al csrgng lSoT' Cs' vtit o-cc igltî$topeu .9l muiyme 150 e temcelms . i (ii n Es tsclu'ends. T'oe5McNlc,0l undt Fort mi-i,)îreuliuuuiiftIlIte lui-u Stue.t'And Vlil ha un shotitte nitdaement 'Wim. nl., a l W Smille Mricchant a, on Weitaesd.iy." vice lu" ian.,tttt. t n iitulii ? Ii-. unberg tîils-ited soet aniîldt #'T'he Maritimes arn scalp tii iueetiungtact liietul. t, .liait-, ut A,. a e m isahcht it'.'mtîIaIY s eiivyr ttraetnga large nuaaaller mmmi..uît . "iuuu-'n 1 A, mi e--o Fle it-eritprou i-nititit'iit. arts et toarlt ttaCanada andlltae gaeYu, Olili-ili e iturltil'.ini. tisectlmhas. Ntlting Sî toiutt01t Unitted States. Accusa the Bas' et Pounds' tere lua vers' ploosn A)ltitcî18usarate fuir 10:15 lia-. bu'etn cepittai Smhty Isasres ss's "ortibook,î stamer trip frein Saint JuItulei ocst atut tt ni, Ite sai a i.eat, eepingi t ithe trtie-n flgmis'her, tue PtaEn tat la MIc.Oanm'g dtmImil ac i admiif ocatcu. andt froisiBostonine Yen- Wttmutrait.ile,km u aif tir Il.- rhmumgltîn ihrLp-iy scIII mciii bure inte moutu wtth uàa selà knoeen lakç- tato eroui w.Iiit't't lit'aCliuisumte umone aacktag lilmcha.; corc(mtilm al,.- lite aite Inn, f'*ace are reIte. eaUl- hiii.yaner. ttntght &ansyaaidtlmwrdthti, mmmi trige. Atse the CorasallliaTonn at Catcr1uîmtara tutfait, miattplargecetIvtII ta a fîret-clanscentra em'ieIai.-'ptaying hua-,,,' eît mocsuue IliglulaIIcf erstefr tripestutlb, tfarmus LVakga- t splmendidul tees tlumueut F ou i, mîmîm-,uieergrieaca te lina Couintry'affront!t Granit Pr,. Ai tsip ucui., mc'm(îî elmlui e It ai Iuic l ,,m olumtgmi 0 tc u Âugu m t he psak monti t 5 cIli' i,'IIIm ime l milîciti tuu l tiemi lte *acvptluI il, uereaceuRilmIslintî leilluide Spfrines mot eibel simi i 21)cmi iil.m e:l] esIhe11iea1raise vtO'mtuiun OuiiuiOc betaneen Aceast24-31 goit unia- 'unuekut2hntt. iume uala Ye>Smith lItt 1 harIl ht k 1s mit el i. tucrt(b oltCI o n-O, me luicli ste etiit-l-c IllerO. r îar ec ) 'il,'îliî aie.mg.'n pototri thehisulturtePrinceo f umumu. lul W I l e îcy e utru.n lbe berga aonet a lieut tut cet- Walei Trephy aedthIe Wilngiton mut iiuîîimcnt'tt tIreo uit. prmip tnLtareig -ittr. ('p Thcuramle lo. ci(clio lI icmu he l.-h,.î--î eefotseuchros u ttua.t.-besusatccialeso ai(teeleio HALTON COUNTY FAIR MILTON, ONTARIO FRitioY *ATURDAY q September 27 September 28 TRAILS 0F SPEED 2.17 'lrt tor l'Poo ------ re $1.50.00 ' 2.22 'l'rot, îîr i'it' .-Purse$1.25.00 2.30 Tlrot or l'ace----- ------------- purge $ 5Û.00 SPECIAL PRIZES Ail It.ii), mwlnonq in thé 1.11asIl A 1ialnts ishadaerl l utaois lipcrdlà o , ounsanst f t1 Uai, aîî,Ilinfea letaiesl. CLASS 34 1. MALTINU IARLEY SPECIAL (Nul retaintted) The (jNTARtt) ANI) QUEIIEC BREWINII INDUSTI1Y bas providad fonds for thin Speciat Raie hihît muet constat of 100 poundfi lai prie.................où 2îîid prize . . . .. à. X fth prize ................0 t. 'l'O Le eli.aibie exhibît Monet Leof IlkilS production. No exhibîtor may win more thtan une of these Special prize.set Fai Faire in 1935, (Winir.g eue of these prizea, however, wil lot debar xan exhtbitor from conîpeting ai the Royal, or other Wnter Seed Faies. 3. Binsni jutng shahL e ase folow:- liaitly wîillhe udged for il% suitahîtîty for mialtlniz. un' for need. The ,oints desired n hariey for in lting in order of Importane - are a) Scundress. b> Sizeata.d oniformity or kernel. (r> Freedom from other graine. (d) Freedomn frein weed seedsanmd inert mater. STOCK 'iPltl'IALS4 2(irafton & Co. L, Hamilton, to tte axhîbitor wlnnlnR mont points ln Ibor9e classes, lot te coont 3 points, 2nd 2 points, 3rd 1 point, a Siver Cup. . Ient Lady Rider. lt by Haiton Creamery Co,, cash 84 0 2nd by Fred Walker, cash 82 50. Voisitno Race. lot by C. 1(n >t. td, aue 85.00. 2nd lîy KartliBroe., builer, value 81A.0. d by R. A. Wetbrook, iLouds, value 83.00. 5. (Ipen Run.,tlt 810.00. 2d 85.00. 6. T,.Raton Co., ltd -Beat Pore ltred Caif, Dairy Type, six mnoniliasuld ioder 1 year, te have been Lred raiaedl and owned by thae xhibitor, a Silver Plted Sheffietd Reproduction ýnIree Dinh. Any family having won a T. Raton C0). lAd. prize st a Fair in 19359flot eligible to compete. 7. tUnion Stock Yards of Toronto LM'. -The Dent Seat Steer or Heifer, Pure bred, (irade or Cross eîred, noa ele limil, 84 f». 8 BelBtras . Milttan-3esI Rolstein Sire, .1 yeara ofid or over. open 10 Btatlon t'ounty only, 101 Rala Penn Crown ')ît, »%ue $14.00. 9 inm. trennan, Maasewood -Pemt oit u -ider Ibrýe.yeaira of âge alred o 'ttrilttant', $500, 83.00, V2 00. d.'dueted off 1%117 fri.s l". Robert Simpsoni Eastern Ltd., 'luronto -Demt Herd Jerseys, Old Eng- tîah IReproduction Silver Plated Comiport, value 89.00. 11,.1t) W. Rhynas & Son, Buurtîngton- Beat Herd Shorthornia. Shinglea, value 81110. 12 liarney Scate Co. Ltd, [;%caitlou -tient Iard Ayrahires, Set of Scates. 13t. Masmiey-Harris C'o. Ld, Toronto Seat herd in. Clasa 12. t)dar iu 15 00. HOISTEIN SPECIALS One-ttird Of the moniey paid in these Speclatsanmd alo itithe regular Hol- stein clsaa a indly dorated by the Hostein Freisien Association. 14. Pioduce of Daim-Hast ICi, animals, any alza or sax, hred by exhibiter. 840, S3 W. 81.0(1 15. tic' 'mi Sire liest ibree animais, aay ago or sex, brait by exhihitor, $4.X.300,81o. sto.fb 1i';. Balon Htolstein Itreederqsnoiaion-liest herd of Rolsteins, con- %stinlîof onunimae and Ihree fermalea, Iwo individu&ls lu ha ICo yearo or over, open tu Hitlion Counly onty, 81à.00, 85i00ý t7.lIent Hlîstein u lltover t yr. and under 2 yrf, bï Wmn. Whitaker Son, tOnkvilie, RuIg, value 8500 18. 'llic Woodtands Orcharda, lironte -licol Ram. oae box fancy pack Stmy or Mcntosh aipîros. 19. WiFtr & Co , Hiamilton -licol pr. dresoed chtckenq, igoods 85.00. '20. liegL, & Ca., Ramiltoat liait ýaniper Spys, Roeda 82,50. 121. G. F. Thonipsua licol bu. Mclntosh, cash 42 50. 22, W. M. Scot-liest Lu. Mlutoah, cash 82 50. 23. W. T. ttrnard-Best tpr. dressait ehiekena. cash 84.00. 24. Miltotn Raritware-BHest Lu. Snow applea, gocitos10 25. MilIci lHardwae ient bu. Spys, gonds 83.00. ".,i. W. Il. Pattai-son tiest gaI. mapia ayrup, cash 83.00. *27 John Ilotanl, girocer-Beal bu. Saow apples, cash 82.50. 2.M. E. Nixon-Beot tpr. dressait chtckena. cash 84.00. 2"ý. IL M. ttettii liest bu. Mltoah, tliehadelivared to10the Gordon Home, cimh $2 Si9. W, Jt. F. Met sItua, SBent 5 Bibs. butter la prinîn. cash 82.50. 3l. McCrthy Mling Co., Streelovilte, through R. S. Adtams - Beot Lor ot Brteatd mode f.-om "High Loaf Flour' or 'Cavalier Flour", oneC 98-1b. baut or ttjitth touf Flour". 32. McCarlhy MtlinR Co., Streelsville, through R. S. Adtams- Beat Cake ointie (rom in0reditvale- flour. ote 98-1b. lbeu of «'Creditvaie flour. 33:. Halon Creamaty Co., Lld.--Beat pr. itresaedl chickens delivered tu, G) H. Dawsoon, cash 84(A). 34. T'. A. Hutchinaon- Best hampar Mctntah pplen, cash 82.W0. Sa. uIta Tes Co., Ltd,. Toranto-Best hlai-dozen Lemon TarIs, tet 2 ltîý Salade Tea, 2nd, t ilt.SaladaTea. :#;. Wm. HRggna Lent hatuper MeIntosh, cash 82,50. :17.t. R. Turnter -Leat hamper Mlatoah, cash 82.50. 35. tDr. F. E liibcockbLest tiamper Spya, cash $2.50. 3(.Win. Anderson, Barber Shop-best hamper Mclntosh, 82.00. 40i. Selrite Store best hmmper Spys, 1,9 00. 4J. c. T DO) ï- Sot Lent tr. tressait docks, e250. 412. C. T. Dîîy & mmio-bcst Lamper S, '8200. 43 J. M. MacKenzie-Lent itressed Mccken. $1.50. 44. Siratheona (trcherdo, Burlinglon-hast collection of app1e, 5 tue escla pluie, of the followiag varieties. King. Spy, Saow, Greeatng, BsLItwin, Ncl.- lonh, V.00,82ý0(1, I1l00 45 A. Cantclor.-menl haniper Spy, 82 50. 4;, P'nishaw Insurance Agreacy-Lentti. dressait chickeas, $8300. 4-,. A 1, MaNah-to the exhibitorrnmebîng the lai-gant namber of enîrtea inth îLNitja Hall, upen lu Ration County only, pair aboes, value 89.00. 48 Tmp Top Cannera Ltd, liuriengton L-est pr. drenneit chickensi, goodo, > value $5 (JO. 49.Mitotn Daîry -i.. tbn exhibitur resiiniag in Milton andt inakiag the- tufrgest nuituîter Of enîrte' in Main Rail, cash 82 W1 7e tcelebas~-iL,$10 00b, A. L. MacNoLL. 2nd, 85.00 by Johtn trvîîg,, Jrit, $3(II) y M S .Sî-oat. I l;orgetowri Luaiber Co.- beai pir. ireoaed chickena, canh $500. 'file tolotaig apecialo have Leen offereit by THE PRATT FOOD CtO. 0F' CANADAA LTD. brouogliR. S. Adtams: ,2 t170e' pkg, PrattsalitisîaTablets, un Lest S C. White Lei!hortu Cock. s. 1 70e' pkg Pr'.atta Poultry Regutator, on Lest S. C, White Legituru lien- ,. t 70, cautprao it- lp & Diinfeclaut, onu t mtS C.WhieLeghorn, 1i i7W pkg. l'rattmis R*temcity TaLlets, on Lest Barre,) Rock Cnck. ,,i. 1 7,kg. Pîstis Whitc Diarrt.oe- Tab, on Lesl Parred Rock lIe. r.7. 1 i SS pkg. praosa Roui paint for lice, oun Lest tlarite.,Rocks Cuekeret. M. t 70,'1ikg. Pratîn Lrotich,i, Fablels, oitLest Whîie Wyantiott,- Heti F)i)t 120c itig Frits Poultc'y Regutator. on Lemit Whitie Wyanitte ,Pîîlet. ti ;.i 81(10 tkIt. Prutîs N K Tabltl for weornia. on Lent Collection in Show. fil. 1 70e pkg. Pi-siloRoup Reineite iaobiets, on Lest Rhodte lstand RailOF Cockerl