-Arrow Bus Service - To CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Leave Milton iay î dy )el lal t ,t,'r trclc' t'5 aiilhiiiti.tn t iutte "»,Vltic Itu , ai tt fot ut Lhcc M cci -cy At 4 lii tti. Oand lUcli p ici AU I Iitusc - ci rR E.,cttceI nstandcardi"iic R. E. FOERTEI1 MILTON INuN PHONE t1c Cantelon's Meat flarket QUALITY MEATS Beef Veai Lamfb Pork Cooked Mects Vegtables Fish lccicgicetir,!fo h t carkcthei..hcall , e ch. >boue'Ifa ir, or ici ccl-e ilain, nt ethtet'rad "at;. Mflu . lons[ac ai Stret t Fuir Antd lttt. Ail Lice ylccctg Pojce ciLie Dante(s atccîd.y nght. 'Sept. 7h, gregatton are ncric Luclu c(ccpre itctt c Oiccccgh Pescyer a'hrch will und" erthe ausiipcscotfP1ItVIII, Clan- ac, . jnyable asocal vort i . s~c»aittcsc hod t ti c mit»I eei-arY erv e ites lIIuiisani egiatn.ci o n cîcStreet., Miltocn. pated. ci GIl Fuii t h'ctectcrcttâ lter. î>am»-'.untdfeuft o lccerybctdc -nid and Ni) NEEIi Tlu 11t'FFER tiit hRiceci- y.ccitg, ý ' IIR OÏNE. Il ltemnui i.lala c.iiac. IS ANti A f TU» <N..-AMOng t110 Ce R 1cMA(CA'PS. At Pccktt'd Drcig artiste vin titiR .camateutr hoctr Saturtsdi day niglictai, thce CnadIsn National Tispes ýre titlie two tecks cof cjeial sccci -. " u ColnyFat icte lsbl Fachchýhit.,co,Torontol. wa. Misci Ruth m IItandR fl1 l ecçntinntouifl wS Nc»tic r@eneoyed ber solo very sourit. bevetc>tt excett Sitccday, et 8S 'elccck. îîcc ~' d Spt. 1th-. Esangeiit Sinclair Wit I l'i~ i îciitIf \W tC(i icecrtdAt» \ct Bco -ciY).C 'et. ccci Ctutt ZONEci-Te hCrccpreaeh.lo 1 1.li gc-c - t a ic!co-cch ca iîîabc iit i. i aAtt'on Zone lIf, lCanadien 1tegict, Sept. 11h to î3th-- Ese. A. rcilcliz Ma, cc.ciicm cIl cis gailtîco aicit'neaatec7 f.. 2 I oideracc"Pese of Miltcco Post Nc, 118, tlt givé an ilitiotrateci talk esi vn ut ic' t f ci "c c 1 ii - - c9cc-. icccccc iacI tLei.ntOO.B E I , ilt ile1 iîg on iPalectctne, Afrîca ancd nui er I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1) jcarli i cc ' lclîc ci, cIc c25c rl ,1acc.111icldecci- Sccîdsf. Sept.. Sth. t 2 " 1c., Iili al laci. Itc ha. trave'lc'ci c. Flic f c tic ' I ci ct X ttc1,1c 2Sc itcccccîlî ct cci i itce ad Fi a y .ri tnare ivtilente itto ccria Ptcrk. Vice teoively ici Uc'cexcccit-e8 ciel liei e llIl ilL '2 Iih 2 C ILlccîlon.lbs lia. s eker' Witit tc Major 'llice hi, a large ouctler ni laniercc aldc'e CeiiclWhc.îl, pet -------23e atr ccctfincT'Ioronto and Veneraicle Arlicdeacon Meintotnehth 1wli oushow at eacicbulletinc«. streetccaile icr a teeti. Uhaplain Canatcati Expedtionary Sent. 1îl-sîglctSinclair tilI Me .A P. Woociiey, t. lies, hacl a Fort. eaei. W y cc - oi andi hear tts trc l i I. tc-lt itcc Fecterai hcct tccclyt-ciei(htci A ccect. .f d ctcket tc Icsciicc rcrtf hi. ierîtci i Ii fo c vi1rirecici o,ý rld ,t Scccday. Sept. 111h Seîc t. h es. iatlict »e, 11l ~hcîgic 1~:lsiti l'cci icI i li i __28c icceti accct10 grade eattce. île» i;. 1F N. Aliccccc, i A., ef lcî ih cie ire lici.cc 'c t-l, ' i S 'itre1 i .c î gt II, c ocrcycccr gcc îente f tan' -. yail irc.tltcc' 1reai-her. servi- -c'ec , tcor tf Eccps 'Taberacc-ccle. Tcccocctcc Bu "c c c ci, i'i il a ttc anc!-d :îcc lc ot, ln tics îcccrccc»g C ti 'ccxc,-- --- - M1c i C then. Offlîre c1 ct"cI;tcil.l act n datcîE. %'. wtt Prech andi titI have an crc-ltcctra Alii l Fci i ilii 'liii -->. 'ls. i7 c-i'iac c cos ic ccccc t. Iic cc t ce t'Ln c-tccccl- cItctli iciSi. ,\tcitii lîc Scil,,tl-l ibtii c', 2 s.25SC II es.M. E. Bacrth.,cni Scarboro, Wtut ite Mete QUai.tt' c S,.PaclIî'lj'Iep. a n Lo 'li c oEv» elling. s uic I. ' ., et.> cccccctcc~vond rtcti r ies otis cccay b in s' 1.ec hucrh, Mltco, Wittî oùg. clair Wll iceriait ic clcet-cc i ti cci c iC t-c-2cc3 t c loacci 1i c-c cctifllakvil ie t icctg. 1.9 fiîllîlci 'iller fr ii t, pe g l.<9CChuaghai3 Anivýerccqary wv11 ccLietcfield in10 Atnicecoct'y ocvresctcc.i2ccc t "C N'itiegcî,\X îe'hlic î pîi î î 9 'cvclelc (hcil I3 Krxihcr.Nct,,n, Siccclay, Sept. Evangei~Scie lacitPIercuant Jaîr 1t icc-. -i ccc X111.Iîi ~.23c c tic'i C hîte (ccri cttitcic»g in Elin Sîh.ai. il.15 anti-l 30 stanccard iite. there cccle atîcecal niccccc i, a rccce iat, /.Itif' i lîcco, ici clui., cc , i c'îccccicsied anti Reeve) L l., I- o liti Rottanct, of 'l'oo i cl iibcgeo accib i hc' ccîi-r M rîcincg cî purcifPttccccctei, l.ic» cîtîe tce prnjeriy, lil (e ite speaker at tentcrtc evCto .csa l ecctg 7>' ý A cci tiýtP oltl ,2 C ie citing o0the ate. anti 1ev. initFraser. ci of citvll, teccîc wait.cycccaoil s Htich ecc"r . W'lclfc l ix~-d1~icicii g jcic'. cc'rlb.19c W. W'iieeli.tecierof ciccin and ti cctt' eveniccg. Lin 1'iettay ecenif'ng. i» at BHo .,Cco' 'iric. Acyccie c c 26~~~C ,iioccsieciain c c~iisePt cl , ia fîctl milliter i 1li (e cwitt titig a ride ctit»itefilido hvteii's M ui c i l i c i i i2 C iclî ad sioin"gcccr. 1c citht riiicrh Aicccl gcci cc. ro. cpho e :327. ('ritu, lic tii 24 tiiccc. et., Iicnce 2. Mccccn 41gi-i-ci t itI (e given. Admcissinto 0Sc. 'Thusfcllocig are the »ccljecla of Cîr il (Ii c--,1I). Iit ictic---- c'--- --i24C te.cic i oc» aiciC224, 4,o. i'L .tt N Ii CiccSciii et 1v. A. icit'.taîki ,sili1sth'Il25Cce l ATS andc-citecco ccf lnvi St Set. Monciay Setct t.l'ibqccciglc the îjoli- yocc cir tIdcripts WiitCO intoSt .-hrctt Ie f t oree oct c nicc Afrir.a sI-,p i l,ý>1 C f"1, agt pl r. ville, ant iSt.J'. Naccagaweya , Ttcty" Scîlii»i't I ) c O iJohns. l 'illtl , -cs- ereaicic l Atny c. ceaie it tinter ia-i 'tcle andr e' ida -' inat tiyslericct itCty accte their tuntaia ceic'e of ailenat, cc Iltitii' Wcccid. 'cotciKetcc, tf Mccreal. ho. ccoriccg and1 aftercncîn --1s e fb cp 'VtondyPlttcê. ast, lite- A 1- inicc n t it Ih ctiîite tf ocek. lia servc'ics Sel. 1h St lcchn's, S . . al cctlit, andcllciit're. PIlON E p W E~ ~~~~~. iceisiciccg flcefcurnist. Mc'. and mrIcI co .lics .. Mccc itctgIIrayt'r at Il a.tcit.l 'ltUiaf-li-'cilci cg tti icîe ci, I aiic ii ciy.t-utcitihitie nu - N t c. Ncris . i-tu2 I u. 'î"»encg tf,],bbec oaiiccgli tlie hîciflatnc. N" . CUN N INGOHA&M DRVR cc,,i v. ,xILbmndhul n4 Pcayer at i .cî. ( 'il!ct.cee Fit ir ofIci.cl al1 c., linIItan i0ci nset w - tnt a Lca cp..t i ripticcc» scQuaIty Iwoy hlger tan te prc~" ttc'yl-li- ýau Potrt ii(I Witt hi-es ve'aa. 'T'leeare hic bifides cf sartihcccmc1 ,*ualt alioy hghr ho te cctcl . ,ryliglto sftrrit ierater ccr Mti.. ; ilLRci B th ai- Ilc l ca fille ofl $1ccasd i , cLt l cttîti li v' 'iia b ;e-ottcc-tct-i iiccitreacîtd$5fo r sroboctaceîcoii itie eet lo.y Mi- Ea Ciements' Reunion -lv ccccci', "" ly 1i- SIcc.ctcccccc c ch t Ccyltct lie M W. tiîc-ts --ciiict wa- 1 li,, cccu i a IaIcýI Ila.Iii r c; »~c cc' cct Iou;:c ý, ceg:,icnclcto ccd v an cc1ccc-ci , ai aplanoillii Milto. .oI olil hat ý i," illIII, la hllod Iactcily, tub Accci tt,- nc'. acu c ir i-c i- c ii sic-ltancd tlie ictilicity ht er iti lii anticd citcec Irccci o etgtnccci, The IL'Georgetowin Luniber Co. Ltd. Acitiu*niute:aicily gcstieiing eic. tcittc-ic ci Iitut, ci cclo cl Ai-Lic ci-ce of 1.lit.- Il- da. la» . h cl. ii iccei -iil Ielts - .Huy,'ci i noti li,c -k o i CIi tn I . ltt .iectit f aL ai-t dc i n u c the .212 QUALITY AN D SERVICE OUR MOTTO Itliccgitc- cl, Iil4 iCliii tcI ccial." tt Phiit îcîeityl ccicccc c - 'lci-t-ta icc I c cii- A. 1, ctce-cof M'Itoits.'01clci c,. ciccc tc ccicc ,ti> ccic ialic1cc1, tdc. ecorlii- liie e t t - aci su, ao To O r Patrons c c ii c li ;lccccc-cccc c ic ia l.tcn 2(.c i c ie tti -1ghi tlO u Lm e, Latb, Shingles, Sasdm Doors -c c cccc iliccc cconsLti c n ile ticiaiia i . ud ThtîtîH oe elo. ti tics ttîtcithe ccc li A Ill'cv tc tit. Interior Trim, B ides'Supplies IlcIctiviir, EcnsPearl, t.Mc - harit lciTttii hoiTt h." ucart-c-al cc-iIci lllic-cc lcofcc ~ Iclii .1t cc. if i'ieti tcLie wetiuing ci't crcti M id,lelcck liccecci Saturichby (i i- -cflicctrc, cI LL i t., l h. cctt-tc sc-'cc lpteitir. iigit yfo ccti, teHt.tlillifîi cetIcg W 17. KENINER, Mtanager fll.it. lilcit t ine accd latîgi"ler1,îau t ce i' ienstl a, ,LIt iei L ci.ic-.iSlcii icciii'_=c i Tciiccia ý i ci t i ti»tck ltll cis rt . 'Vclie C »eictaoce tcfLd cc,. Mc I-cc . toi r cu tu -. i ls» i lc' itt c . ck iccLo Lie 'Blat'k 51 aia ati tdgedti itici ie ectIcer. L'h i c»'j um mfler fialîi» i'cccttcy'elBig i"air iiitition tiinn wiciW t. wti s c icc gcc g L rLt lui tti2îi nti-'Sc ct.l oldti -ae a " itieitiiptl5'Miit(rok til - i-ctilt ci 'icie ti tf it larc vecct acl iittc ia Lux ?'stli del . .kwl i ticoaccu. lIItitiii c-I-tilt» ccuIe.tflc E~' ]~'a ~ hi~ S ! i?~ e~c. it~ aticcitîtii-ake aictit lcgonid Mc..ccc.t.c ieMtcc »ciFoç>.eac j ~..ccal cci'» cicctctvc Cccioril. Ar ccci .c» i h-- c li'- aiciIIccg cc-fi- dto i-c e i o'ai. a i g O- e itC ii t rtc u, uet.,if. :ýlýodI.. iii. yte Rd n tc-t Wcctcii acc li - I .tcc.tcgt e C c0'landv'- iicL c(itg t ral tc -t iILca tac i t ls t (e stet 1lthril a l us ofr- 17, 4c ,lo il.lu, 111 co22 t:aI. re l eifrcit--ai. t W t pful atr s ia t anpecentv B ral - c le.iofta 1, t; a tis01, cc ci cI arcl 1c - ---H wanfti. het .rM.Nc. in t i cc ltocc iic s COA i FIL O KE R c' c' CEIVNT cit uc c-'c-1csc'iccgt a. i-et» iet IR IL P Ac e.ant 1traFR 1c WNkctG Ir i teat as rcittMci 1- o ieldnlnrectcLhot e (Ifcc. atilf C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~, a ccci î acndt cc et akctlTc cc iM'.sW inlatcflrac . Jo isPcce4 ltc cx>'.ccci - cl îc1ccccccc cic et. eypoats fae a-nsice.cs t hélc, lcc l otiu.toyrs, cci ____Foot________ C.cccthtcCOKEcnfilai-i tieeatF-MeNl24cis dec : rVandMe.FantMt k e CO KSUT -- R ST& NO D~ c~c tc . lceMccinfaa cîcet iteB(sk, Mrite Ecanir' acîti M (liceor in lAI it'bý.1t ief cit al ai rtti il. t akt dt on, cc ,Cl . E an c ct 1ctc-L ccuc Lkits elt Mr Lst. of l'n i.t;M. an»hcctctilun esa.Poe 4 Sos eIr Aoy he.nh is t. f ea ani lou l uand tc-rtoîl I-I A ~ýî i4 Eut . -'\ot ac siertte li bu~ic lt-ii-a .Valey;SMr.eali. Mcldoc ' j tué ~ a in'i te Miltout fanc s ot ed oris lacis tic i-td is C iv POne 48N igh F3ROSTi &c WOOD clctheSothamtonviceice et» ces ti, i-cl ;L and'(Mll cijL ,j cc.ýIi rtu it he et eh otc. uc es.-Edwi cG. Iciat-- . o ici cciii .. c-c L dis es2 [c gi jeSan aniîl leie. 'itddi-d Ac ist- cc fluelh,-cirl oâ rS u Rpi Nc- i-c .Fi " -ti I-I ci l ie cl cc ltlciiiF,,, tctScl' iccl ý,ib le -vhi-cca Lic 'c ait Ici..turboetcMainî'c- it Mill. R. Si. AiictDIAM Sce.' te i'tLcIccgtci, tlcecciit i.hciget - aouli vnci d. chopt c ,ctig l o , e obriget lîrc Acl Tîcc ccc -cc gcrcci îr 'Si c i l1tru . 2 c ~ji tr7 L( I c\c c .t<i c li i ici 'icd lio cc.fL ir» le v tiolet c t L peetetiiI u lli tiýg A RcO W f). '[il thtrcp liai ti th,'n ha bers'lIr-s. rofuv Toonto 1lui opilercute .ii î i, NîtlejiIl Spud ccecitîcc jiicd. The pcsnarchcc II ..t i - ___v,_Srt. __ liuiy cci lect Irayer,. .Àbuip.m. citt (e Rcc.c Wi-apped Bread CiiCi ~ ~cfo~c Lui ii'flci t twciJÇo- .ii ii i Ir . .ddwt7of ici" ctlon, ato a former Phone 89-r-2, MI LTON D li t cc it cci.caiy rel'C , (Ottawaîc, Oiiii 3iciTcclcc. - lUTPAWLtc iANSiI-lT IN W'IO0 jcc "ci u c lic h.liccihgis Miltcothui GASOLINE FUEL 011.P,1li'f Miton-Toront.o Fare $1.35 petut-ri, 750. sirgie cceccg .Aue Acnterson. N...l Di OiT CAKESIland PASTRY Cmmutuation Fart liiuk ccf 12 tickets, giid ortil.11iîi-.1h itreihcSd etiOtttgonde ccin! TO fiSOLITEAS duttoi,3 he Lre, anti îlaetithe.eli MOO WS&GESS euldlug Cakes A Spiiclaliy Scholars l'are Boiiok ni 12 tickets, good fic 30 caýs sîlili t1. accd her bat icccaCrcieiia E L TiCKETS atIiINFORMATION i he i1 . Wittht. otîisit;scar BEL BOS. MILTON INN, Phone 15 Pieuse iuctify Mcs, Aciderton ai once, Ycbtscitiriiccttr. CAMER & SON _______________________________ uti oblicge. Phone68 -N- T- 'eccietit i lcddittttdii c dii c. iticctdc ccc iii ici-cia» chIc' ctc.t i lit lIiucN c4cccicciut a Cc tit'tcI cd ut-ct ,'ctccditi-tclge Au cid13 ci Il i-"'.17 2S~ t . I 1 q ' DOMINION LEADS THE WAY TO BETTER VALUES ýýt t o W'd i xc i i iPERFECTlION BRUNSWICK Wax or Refugee FLOOR Sardines BEANS WA c13 2 5C 25c Rolled Oats 6 c bi»21c Pineapple i Tma Roman Pun-wh19 Palmolive Soap 3- îet 14 MAEL SALADA OIL IIRLWN LABL hi» c ~ Tea P 31 21c 37 "'___Lmg Lei;n,per dukZ--"--- Large Juicy Oranges, per doz- Cookiîog Onn», 10 lbs ,- Potatees, per peck----- 33Ci La, 'e ,Ceery. each ---5c & 8c 33c Celery'Hearts, 2 honchet ---25C 21 C Cooking Appies, 6 qt . basl.-et ---1 9c 1 5C Carrots, 3 bunches .-- - ------1C I T 0R ES L M T FREE ALL DAY DELIVERY-PHONE 331 Local News.I Miss tuîticSargant laiieitng rea- tîre n IDetroit. Most of Lte grain blas bien crve#is e tun thiasection. Thce l1ltoilapot msaint o h wrm Iing cp, but itlfar fronot oilig yîi NVe itear 1. J. Armstrocng ileunning ici 'rruncîoory.-Sreîetaville fte- viras' Mr.. A. Y. South, of Kitchener. la ititing Mc. Mncis, I'itecle, Victoria Il attticuiuiy'.'Big Faii-- jtiîst fl ice.etin ct cociriwacîtiSettirda>'. Septt,.-IdLh anti 28. Stocre cuwcc cc tuttialtct i'L ctheobd&. i ,le "uo rIctauIly ail@. Licatpart or ticcc cira.clai-kiiig. i .01-1i'icîcolfaierijt Lus ecar bc tîcim i S cguciy N. u. . licjceitcg,c on ruiay. 8etL1311% . Mc. asud Mre.Roy CuichnIm.ni Isaci Ste. Marie. ont., are Vicitng hie. (rotiter anti si#c'5ec-cm M 11s 1 i. iareicoti anti R. liao- ait-e teck-endtiAivîs t ai he(bouiceccl Mcr. andtiMme. David i ttkson. tae )ottcau le tO lel'A ti dOut Ic) T PR IN OE E Fqi. &ArI TSEPT Ôh &Atic wth ater a hoi niatinet Friday ai 4.13. Shirley Temple in OUR IJTTLE GIRL toredy -'Net Dualerit Popeye flarton- -"Sitccting Ilioussis Ilittat No. Ic- - 'UnderoscttBtay Moono" TUÉS. A WEL., SEPT. IAil Cjhai-le. Ruîgglee anti Mary PEOPLE WILL TALK Iso Li.netBaientyicoce ici NEMnAN'S JOURNEY F111 SAT.. SEPT. 13 A 14 I.ceHowiaard andîti Mer Obieron in The SCARLETPIMPERNEL Siuscat ac'rcvniiig ai .15 2 tttcico atiîidýtiyst S o, X»TtAtti îc. P!PL>tAll IîICES I ST. PAULSI iNITD CBUIRCH Tics Suncdait secci twill reOPsU fOr the weasn on Scaîtdar mornimg at 10 0o,,Ioeh sharpi. xvury uniolar anti t . r rrutaLd nC o bprent on 8ieo tf publie tccrahip tilt be 'utundtcted i il ao.and 7 pot. by tice pasine Morningli ece : "Litsc'aDiection.t ReningLicence: "A sons@ SadiLa. gtr&ngert and vihiiors are ruacletel' On Scîntiy. Sept. hi.I-v -.H étoutuec'iile. m'A . t Rasn Mill.,c til ci cuir thitlngnicler Vicâ er1teniber Mneetting cf tics Y. 'cirA, tiltlice heu ctn'i'ceciay iv-It. in -. Sept, lotit, at S li incoSL acl'Ir eclcoîlccci. Ici . cccii" '-Fait h.' tiilii lcuc ,'ctcci ciiodax .Sept. Z..2 ar theccccricg rcice. I&.an. atlti 7tcti.luitlî octilu ier. J. N. Mchc'ail, Minister. WnIidtttdY sehltce hciti tncnpiectoly âatecuthe nîuc-eîcng eIlcîrc(csrie Tire Septemicer mieeting c-fLice 'cVM. S. tillt lic' iceit cLits echool cOctIti-oc 'ruieâdoy atnîcc.tîts iilýI t. t2 -ant iiiscenbcharge onIheLits(alero.nt .a andi the a. irtea fur irLie bale tilt lis dtt1ctayct. i>conations tilI (ce gladîly sud lotic tice t«e the, oet tho im st 'iI am] ci Notice of Meeting ri. Ohilda Aid tSncisty of Peel al LIon fluuii avtuN by resn. Aon expres.eui he uillongneetu Le4 loto ont Soliity as eeqtled Iely prvinvceialiitartiment ni Pulitii eltare . the icPlreiditn.i of the o moueteimitendr the aîthority of r exisutlresi. hîeoy ectîtocn S: !eLing of ait eltitieuis 0,ih il. cutes 1 art, cierettidin Lithe nI 1tIl' eîêy te lie h.in ltLiceCocu..oite Miltin, nTtia>', SelîLcmbicr [Uic. 7,110 pcit., statit riacitccs Th Ptlng la nofLIce lit îccît icipoisitir 'c1 t' ity tilt b liisi-ta ficcalcci c icfcreuct t hic , tic icco uc.- lti tut ' u isîT ii ti icâil wiic il iv rer1-cInciuctacut fcunic i id.t ciniteci ltiuis .1i-ifccittic'Sccity, ,l it le 11Weitt cc cidci c - a cciy Iceopte a» lîctt ics a o ricc iic itetý '4l Ili c.uc' itîci niclp'ctdci idren us larrePtit to'c actnit ,L cuatico', T.' W. Dtmticcu ,N cil. iyc-ru 't,-i Halt Ccu(ltldtreýits Aid ScccicIy. The 9th luelpb Holstein Sale i GIIELPlI, ONT. uesday, Sept. Ilih 1935[ ai 12. tc'ltcck cccci-m îcai c --60 HEAD- cuiCe saitis sce ailrt-ccu-iaccd ccil teeeu A gtccdi aloe I tcic 'tc ir eh andci -rccngee cdtccIc ocîcIcic r» ichi cr'i- fecirrclclidc l- ilttlktctg l ot 71,i1Waa' lc.a cy ccct, ea3o (ce iccictci in Iti i ' accli ecral witili eo 11,RIl t'. clcri. ýi-ccc cht luitt. -s gooi nc" C gc' Bha Ail fiî=c cltI IL . ,1'. da.-cc tci l, cciuli16, ca ik acc' d cni, Lu,4 3i l -t t - tifroniA. R. lBrctt)cc-tucr .c [tnager, Brmi 1cut1. FRîANK.INASt4AN'iZ, RUPTURE EXPERiT -COMING - onday, Sept. 9th, i1 o9 p.m. At MILTON INN ictrI licc dcct'eh cflcicd, c ', N. icu tît," ci» rian t ;r. ccc c,-t ,l cii y. ctk at . 1ll l'k ic SMITII MANIIFACTU!IING CO. LIST 0F FALL FAR S- Stocûid TO DEAL ATI Animal Spray A' klîtîlanacd i'epùl lie II c.\osqittOCand , lce hilaattdf iftdot, il) cs iot stiî, blistler ot burtht ie iîidc' otrlccîr, t spray i~ cly a s cl ion iIln - ioe noCiîttaict thiiiIli ck PHN«2 C. T. DAY & SON mILTON Girls' and Boys' SCHOOL CLOTHING Owen's Dry Goods Store Phone 2'.5 Mion D. T. GALLOWAY -BUTCHER- Fresh and uiI ret! Meals FiaIt and! vegillet CHOICE MEATS QUALITY and SERVICE ant ail times. BOYS' SU$111 95 b LI7.5 C'ciicc t;j i ltcc . . li (cc.. ... Gol 1ccii I .c........ l ' lit e112,' t1 ýii. $1 sti GIRLS' t 1RTIS, tccxy, ,ergct,, n 'iwpsci. S ....i . .. i S andtc 10 Y"ciIfxi. (dcci V Ifeg. $1,2ic. SIcr-iaI . c..t Iîcccttr3 ci cll kiwici. t r o tiit- Icictlu slips . .ccicg i4leeveq, i"ic-iliard ci I ii i ýizë c- Sc r-c I 14 ym, - c