Whg ymr aveet tom MI CANDY Temri wld.utoot Say BARNARD'S VOLUMIL 76., CANADIAN CHAMPION dVEllY THURSD&y MORNINO MdAIN i., - MILTON ONT2 seltui. tsae salt.sI soaua.pii slli th pi ilf k jta.li eatih.s nb..1 e abs 1.Otetaisat..% bln as an ites eoitts ..ied ly s- tx-1 o An! " it t le. t. aieà- t it il U' ptesSslisp.snle! sa.5 C a'.ytI Salle. o1 i1e"ds.M bue-Wane aid.il-i BIALHT 1& WHIT'E, ors. STEVENSON & OM'TSON Pijaician anti Snrgeaa 1 RAY iD'ty Nit. 2W. ORs. MCOLL &SYER H. A, Mcise.ti. ..ontse rl. I Om. 1 ~DENTON pi)iiciauI siîd Sorguoil LEGAL W. I. ICK T. A. HUICINSON BarrimîeSolicitor, LIC.e GEREE. ELLIOTI IN TORONTO JR.CAOWELL, M. DE NTISTRY 0. . A. KING DENTAL SURGEONI Offiein iiRayai ilîtidint.ltitn. xIL IAY do8 t..... 5 ie.ioioe O.F. El DABCOCK DI.TAL 8URGUO~N ,)"-ee-e-e-tPi.-nnThtr. Nigit.l.tt'5ae..ntsb.ha resutat X [&A JEV lICI. sacs XTIIAS-Tt'J Itone a-h.Tl,]i65 NI!- SEN- The ChîropracLOr 2 i :1Lu l i ip.um. (t os.ils i lt tto-t iN LERIOR DECORATIN( P&4înting & Grain:ng %J lNA'S G 1ViEN. SWGN WRITiNG A SPECIALTY. FRANK PEAtREN COUNT ( LOCAL COUR I Mil .a.-.-.............. - 10"x t O ........ r .t.nd.1 lIon fle e tîu tibllriaut MILTON, THUIESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1985. ~~IoInipD li« eu 00fIVUItomb IS7 Tour wlsdom go.tbgasys BARN ARD'S No. 16 T A ÏLE S GUD .Miigratintg Names Found ____ ________________ TRAVELERS OUIIE. ISwalIows Ibid SecretSctr.dOeCottv --of Their Wnter Hostie 17 A V O R LU O F LAVOJR Scra îtet, ,Oe ContryDCjN'T RISK BAKING 1'MLURES1 0ANADIANi PACII UIIfWkVy Eacly mtierî 1the Owluws Attend j ________________________an___index_____o__ the inter la ttbdr omss*cret Marty! emrtet1r-11 to me f tttir.è. ote ive___ 'î1IJ. S tidents of bicots Ornthologiste) blie elra I tillg ies Oh grteots tor ftir IIt Wl, 4g lcie Rt 'gtvII oe ~Ileruiei idlnsmIItpto t la î,1lcld îony 'IT'S POOR ECONOMY TO Sutîda South Ao de9ut ul) facorot, If 'a', ik -UuNUwior toite 'ue uert l "'~uIr M'a 1, Magazine. Titere ore Lootît:lnîNs- RîSK FAILURES WITH DNFERIOR 9July-wltehin ea artieriliusmuet%_ tc ,01 Otai, ndDimr thlB1AKING POWDER. MAGIC LI.M a.uDaily. ttag. part$ of ithe wortd. The OntarioLotnt-1 IL à~ p u.Datty, tî4< ittde. don actnatty ttndg on) a Canadien NEVER VARIES. AND 1.155 A3.11 eti-l)aily eeeept stinday. t ta cident tht blet. kiow oV1100 Ttiazes Inin aCanadienMdd-t. Ilatiers ne i igate, sutti nil> h IiýoO There are ten oIteon tire mIe!r iiTVIIIN le'WORTH MAKES A Gon '.-.:3.ur 17 h are guingi for certainbleds vieilli M14 tîtîtond l is aotherDELICIOUS CAKE," ou e-t.3 .:l. rlirti aefater aTI email1. t, saine Éttl ditItOiis. Tiie namneof WsI-II Y IS9ALA OIU Vile on tthe veraudautfa home, aerrt _________________ gton 1t11 f. o 0,r 200 tlwesêr, T-or* IUON, 11illorc iiid -AIey tAAINNATION'AL RAILWAY tacct, ted> tUi mu a re, Imbaldes, 14 Rliîiînonds. The orltc- ~lssn h .sh, .ai GANe)IN ear. TIIs tact bas been etail- Tona of Radlium Ore Are. Eighteen Square Feet of trail 1 the Yorkshire borouch, wtsere levit« ililTl. ISONtO ~ Ieitl y pai-us uioteet!bana u, ug Frons Barrena Wattes Skin Covers ain n ythe "legs" of the fuaer, onsots'dieti. - IlIi uothitg le" filoan marveeous The radiumt IndnatI wbtch for sansl if Iacriergenst. 1.8TeIbrsaieatn- inastlstnltzeCnaa' ILko faiey uhoîtes liaItbey are ahibilte kaow winien te 30 odd yetra bbeauenetractIng eaduim square fooet fkInte0Cotler your hOdy . Sheen. and inas rensmet!itchmind III caution agaînst trustlsg gouledIngredients 'INTRIO DEORAING tr", whe t go an ho tegelfront piiehbhende and altier ores, iltîlieuabas heu dtermlned Lit a netbad Hienry' VIT, iwbh laitbeen Mari if ala 1ta ecuid-eate balngpoinder. Thcy advila thre sud returu. Gene israîtûn porprobahty c otnune tuning ont ilsfIII developed hy tino DetrOlîPhysins, Richmotnd. oo MAGIC for fine bakitifi1 l1itnilg ad rtperianlag te, a gia-t nature aludent and iwelter, graina of radium anuial o it C t r ori-,tptig tis dititroîtproient. The. nainsetorkY, Cumberand, I * ONTAINttS NO ALlitt-TIl t.itt A a 1ntngan1Ptha.ig itte hte. The 700 or lgogretos. fne Of lthe thycilans. Dr. Johnn0,.land C'ambrildge bave be-escarrted att _«y vIlsI. si -sucs. ht_ lMagIeB.aiiiiig r Onc atto, Waldetrnlue te i~~wib bIItaiîîte taboc and pttence It 1Bgher, derivrilcilt! tlod 1te e ever the worid, nstati.- as WttbAt- I m-, e .4..Pondti* fasa t, o m a s. scW Y "fw a . * I Sunsi îrlhy Wall Papera itmus -ofuteit a ne nîc tithas beu abile teexteactIfrotn thle!Anterîcan Society al. apecînentalIIbaI, rtgIniy tb. naine of the. Scet- ICANADA ltinutior tr 'acves, ori>eth oai- eaeub. reprealt thoudanuda of tons ox Patciî.g. L iat*i>ghlends, bII peersin ho boe, ; îîîî. Cît t,,enu to it teaeratianclett huseî,I unrraimi rp-dng fron thlb. a»oing ilinvoresa amnera ks d a math.- thent as Uties of nstilty, NewVorbI der cuver et det a nCine do lyJun la0 icfsg nOuo1- 4ak- matîcal formtule. Thc patient late. -u ott lbcaital Oetheats, of that-- ML 9.'. tuîîtîta eu ai It.rathe l.minues«0f BoIIemIaorsttited ln boti front sud aide sauhon-st. btt Alier!. and baithaente BOYNE L~M~N I One tarcet s îOvons: tb4-t houmei ra b are JauIe5 fGet ctes aller wicb lhe peints are made airteDk i o u tay Nii L iton. Te Ini -t Realtaeauîu eilats the Ulb. te ti rle Imb tandardifned sires. T'heu a plant- Iih ae eat ats1.leas Ir actio@ tttatîlletlgne. an tos. Icilu mwitdest ftanada-ore ihiebi1mter tentes around tebordera etb.te l TAndaus Si- Jntes',- Dine ::,l'Yrcatnltt eptiigae t tiîe atiWIaibas bIie ttcatd. actdlfied, dt5ao"fd, r sihooctigea.antaâtcalycaI laiu treet. and Yorke street.Covent IGarden __________________ct-ue -aRtibs»Itis tittt t" And ohiers Precipitated, redt»olvcd, waatîed and ithe area iinl. A à aoelete nkl lN A aiti il"sue tuuueindu.'- M.lrwasbed ver"dII 8âinL'x seoO nd tr ruand tiuubet harterO-- oçlont tu Fermer, Wtamst ihoimusttuier ga@ maouli astontmaiî&ly regateriag tiecnt t l are yMninn t Ceoo t aec& Wo'rth jatnner. ud Afaprona ta protect helbe t he Ucborde ties,.aMre ~Mouet____ fr ai t e. a g ro s radium raya T ita bettirai g îtes re s ttts bw i h are 1 T he, finI aettiern f or ar ford , C n ., . i>0intatlet1o:: tDistractemi Front Polo qu'titiyof radtum Limât th.ouste la Ileerror altoinnes for lde systema aprelading. inhose age thon witsatai- G A L th til Su O N aI îîl terue îla ee o th ca tii the e rn t oo g env te wetgb filby. Soesticu n a i nt 6 te 18per cent. mntî tcd a er a i ce turies. Tt rot adaitiurbaces 0f the utagltî theon tallegrâti th or.asr bcbg I11theb.portant part lunbthecîtetet fly- ons inose request tbe ploneersI visetd ore istub&uu OfthemâgletJecOn, later1-28,000 0ff anu çnee-wbich relid andi dlctes Oiseues.An ae- lte trec, la Uie yoer l11187. ait 74, ______________________________ tio.iI wblcb le normailu othe reglonnsemant f radium, III Uic wey. costa'ducale knowtige i lhe body aurtacO>ycars attekrth lb fintg 0flite co baIt tle Colonness iledile iditurnet insu, dolars and iE prohshty About l a 8ent!al ftrrthecestimnation of baaal oity, notes s w-ite ln tihetietroit L C, R. T'URN ER tqlt*cf the dirci-tiou MIbt lcotitt be as bg as a at-ci of dust.-WauLUi n etabolsni.-Wasfh-lngto POat. Newns. Ste Ed!mond Andrs os, ner et eitt o Iti-.ke t-i,tl. eIi n siitet Cal s ak are. fel-, nffatt, Atanke, vlte f<e p gad a New n Ea1An.sdattelîded s sessiontof: and inetitto tatillitS fnitn 175 ds-gce-& eiv s e iI ci md teC1olat aaaonth! aft Hartfotr d n 1a l1Itn ra D a Iu. rî s t e. 17( i eg ree .q el e I o -R u in a o f B l e B e a r d ' a f o r t hi e L o n g e t P r ie d d e inan d eo t ls c h a rte r. A p p e Irtt e t Agn -Fr LIpoirT eIgl Erde h,-,.i!i lgres -l-,re Bns i t la beletet! by hiîsoriens ilt lie sttbmt the colonatleinen.t te cotin- Aitlt.Mi). tieniit ue it, ms Sldgee'b4 i îtu fCateatu de a verrier.,elsti esifbful loSIy tlaa c cbathe 0cartrt iteon tnabe, tisi '3 ll is. t .s! le -.tua 41111di4 lI uThhera if LîcEte,1 !tod 4t.aty ine l ongeat onurecord. A btct, i iecate nso letbe mtinuleîtel,r, te.tt.st au i le dcpan- 0ficoe fieett re. l,itta10jasoe l]anry ireaat-d, Pept isecoie eaatte!oî!hfr litittit Ms ln,letertslt. c. Dccc i Fesîtte, arenctrding lm the traditilon li,ende e scl tee ehont 2 &,6dB. c shcy tîil-ar-elbtod, h prel.s/ distuntte ig atelliwes evidently tf Iletc1uelttltttiug [iatesotr tttae ne etrou oty L-t enr ofdstddoîantont ,tal atd c-ybrept. lu ~ ' I Itt~i5t5 ~ ~ qutit trmîlesurfae rît inttes ulite chife ut the oelrtrîtBitte ieardt, cînd5 eia ter-n0 oI te hlpimât nof late âeiet lu I,1,l fifIMt tetroteMI konnroyXtV of 1traire hetiseaconrd ongent teble ntkn ii nio nt lijre, !tiict 4cident, Sicknesa. etît sttr-f-- itslî-e-ttts h eo0 h ieIktistton re lt, ,edthe throrte la ~Wlsýn Androas as I.iOSd It 161.8,,te Automiihle, 1Et u a tlmles tet 0ftire pintt to ali-tale.-11tRi tieesgof0Avelired regncîtin-go'iranient and chtarter reapkteared tm., .,tirace. AI PortiSîttî This peraio nl otaltoIg ier a CIeatifîbis 4,-othID c .715 naroriot 0f 72 aid sttttyiag rererence mas ctabiisited amatt,.Alaînýk. there ts an erea îutt tors ort aln. aseerlga i iler 'ilt'lic as rncsJsp f luti.for ,Ie aid ciarler Doit.Thet t-e woan F. W. B. FITZGiERALD t ente beyîînd the lend uearly acosoec tz te-li, aholilves in tue reigo '19t b Iloton, onCarter Oyakwhitîe, art- [lac. t itî.îrMarIl iI.tlteadtjacent deeplulet. lu the tio- 01lu VII, a nd ia s a .es 0f fardhs tritekeirelireatuntheesoeeblo IiIe if Kr.b, ItuIdethere lm a nott John, tdutie ot Bretagne. ice a tries! l ofgeteSg t &ieatoîs yutve js i word Tdhas won ta _______________________- h..loIon~flocal dstrbete ëeýai Nantes on suspicion et bavtng de- iEeýglilebhistory ines thatotvietoria.Mnuttment ~y utîudTdda ________0,_________ tr. ile n lie slWtto arceeite tîrone ln 1837 andii- oro,_relgîteli64 years. u0011! her deatb ia' M.iybdaaam Mâai sch arioascip. . . and yur pesdas pnc hoIws outen ircin a edter0f ofieindTle bies wet e-g ttrlno ros 0t lU-tdtR frAimiN18CkloEttea n îr of ncîlefen iis d. heboeof 91 ere11re 1to.1.n t itise white metai Inaitet ln varions and ao is his moilier nortisesl sueîteacldîret-ion. toester ie casle sudocrer ere'1e auooblctgar eerai towecee. milesiouai tmci la- IN eitleIl yet h e tlc;;l .icontact makiog- st-i renk tie mc noeîeBgyWmc aelr er. He bâti ceused ttent te be patl'of [Pedro Il 0f itrlis8Yea, Igd c!,inX ueDon't ju î akc it outia îismiling. Tell him heaý ItaGasst Acidetlealth. N I littt,,LIst hii-ne tittle deth. te mette use of theltitotfront 85 1081 lli-AlIhteXII rifi eraln ctie lu -ampeloes. sit a.u, ryr iiIl -,I nwitgcam n onln na-hii 86 sIrciltý lgn lecîtrilrs@litnceraces arntdltg' triac ioftheodbok...vaLn it f1fl- leeîti tet abtrtb. lebe teig a posîhomoos soti of ' T gam mlyr nt, hi-mt ie;ir. ttatre *îiiiitoi:t- Ctat htthe rut-ros tâti tlons tl a me internat apitrita, hy Aphiano XII. At tie tinte if lhts ah'deut'stry' lssa iilir uts fl ti t y 31itohi M Tiswhgemeu e elevin ccordlng te, manufacttre of cienltrotreocentq. Ilt SUN LIFE INSUIRANCE CO. Imttlent tIs cramterteti wtýUte suercustiinsohle e înes)tint dicaiîon of the terora of Spain intfa gtazesa nd ditifa*tatt. ils t.Oit DEWAR gorrtiienltt toIa Mn-ters ton an bureeotratrewoutd Lbe eveRicd te (i e r - eelilevr, a lite mt9o32,îr ,.e-1-- 0 *Night rates on OAnyoneie F. D_ DEWAR tti -îîî.in leinligandi turing lmn. Ou ie trial be estnfeae ofrdîanepoea& ils New t apectl t lio, steets. oconjonction stio--taon cla F. D~~~~ Iniuott rn. For le yeeirs aflo r îî theciIy and as aeutenced 10 bel inIli chroniiont mangaetee and oteer'(tiot-tto) cas S th O 5r ateteilri iaettent ofthe tailent law.in 17910, inrleetivte: butlhedoit- rnsei itn Hahle m F1l intl.I~tg i st'l nri a NOW BEGIN AI 7 P.M. ___ unoi ttitgle on0e of the- 1I p atente te be strenglid befoire hewnietie 10The iîly ai tVilla Sous Souci, the : Of geatt Itâneta Itguntnkiiigetc. MI ttieilrtatl te aiMoutn. The tbe tatte. Ti.e ecutlos tooueplace tuet1 iii cttnc a lra i.ci!suc fIenea ult e-aA a~Am~LJAAi trot .tt-eeaufnispîtlcelstufront aiDeeemnher 25, 1440. anti a detaltcd e- r.wntîOU n wd ch Fd.tiscnteetrans oncaieti sortctefottudtlulàIths T. Gfor a Iné4hli of w 1rivin nt ilwno mtipt u lat ararhiv e antes. i-forated ti tir te deolis of it reI rotuntrysin the Newn Engiatnt Mâles. t, to ndActoe i su Ir t-rdev ia url o rsla bg ls jr dlikNein York. Pennaylvanin. Colorado anti Vaînsiiono 1rotaptîvîy e îeî. cltlay afterwitrd ttere s-e r lIlhbettOntarritoo anditeilatadItt atenend Mt'r bctt Ae fs sqa!ie - ile ltf ecoot thcoelet n thcce'! aloat Qhc I ae -atîîîei nîlaCtiongouar- t ilAit score of latents graniedte 10 Oigia of Fuira frmatn retîcrorate i n claissicai atyle. in1 aitecd. insmen. rTe word "tain" la dccvltermintic con-equence of Ibis tranformation te Tse Espesl Puons 1Tifs MILTON. ______Latin moed for boidaysa. "friac,' antd furihtire ut Freslerick the G(reat M-I, T.W, I~~~~~~~~~~~ ________________Ibsbeen apPlIed incetUre Moitie Agea nsereant isîîafavortiseItla- 1The Word euitt'ncai 5 lone II Liait la Chsoz. Fessa t spatal penoicai gatheringa of mer- 1bicge-as gircu tathe rate carcake. a e it iolrbosnenig "I bave cheekett up almntî,il va- ciaia te wiich thiioîetudîte fetatetble tam er de ipeudIug upolhe contaIt. Tit.orle- netetiff fPlaces fîr a Pubilile sacr anti get tiir apsla Tîese e cre in oî1rcnrydicse'ni a al-'liti neaitag "àsu relilg on or gtld- fltoui oek itis" -s-ler.Ie ,-ln OIt îeit bock ln thei. daygof ,ie,.'sstîi,on ronl. Gioerîtîln a0f 1ed by observetion ot tact$," as folt F. ao -en lu pocketsi-c n seRa.omnan empire. As ime taeent on them irte IGermean govrneni secure t tis af a pislclîn inho briser] l.8metiostui ontai sal;upper micilIte. biner. i-ar: Importance Iscreaseti andît otttands of lntere.llag relit for tic nation. Tsa firectice on lb. resait of aobtervation Reai siai iîoîg h ibtnîbeo tinesd hiaiketithemn inere harteired!ln England a u rîlî îeand illci tie mater aud e-ttcrtmeut. The tenta. titiati R a saelu Vent aemolte; capterta omotien Eucopeen cotnulesi 1 a e l'ruaient-kei oravc retsîlog lia origine, meat-litg. 6.m, il a-£;wnddiug handkercbil ebcheasanti inouaoterlas, shose 'r t t rgnlsabaalquntty toue ou an OppîritlIiitt ni ilî 3.WMnt-kTO' n. bia b-rtrer] 10 lt ortttand mtantîgof cîarlttnry or quackery. ci»tI.poudifig dnk; buicnbiu ale, tlivala. Iiny etftie artltbagtonolerebattesbedteithegîloet bt-cneforna- ntýllng t cainîOufl . ed)aiilies: fnii- paca faits0alt bas sttcitei 10mdc gcy o msdbiarmanetont uictitl II ra itib 2lqlachd t te entalen ln the ralttlistyle, hILn";ea k or iediLle rillîent. -etii all__ er'tgealoce. hla aI. itger; poit-Ilnamea thc conmodify In witillerticî 'atie te secificetioi lu 1744 PHN MTY e Inîili:i auditence; tlstlug mustao-e;!spede match ac n o7fair., atle -dt_____________in174 B E PO eitiNEtai P OiPt. w, Mi.I-gbostlngertlps togelior ep)lifleot; fumtîlug ld c ecie-fair, etc.; otier ua 1 ama hal-cilinit downu test; nappiig, Idcat. lie asatin of ticfta ib esfa ie-soiTh.a St-ionli Dasi lol tttîil-eu tatifoiot-i-o.turi minhWtiettairas I Fesi crayuah Ienitit ms!po uiestslr esooî dc sl IE cattle. et o.iialiît.ttg etitele for lie- ot Oserise eneptasinîglmaa-iale.1 e rYab(awfsicas)p* Thsoel Osouilttesna f ' est boln îel. linuîtiati uI.t.- eoCciaedi1 lte trulli, gaeing ImeitntrtiWood Ir, - tiroogit a seconi inter, gays an au- brd WhiIt ecltai T I R ESahîc~o IMMEDIATELY to eII-tIt i.pmthIe ie' Chrisltian Reglalen , iorty.Egga are adIthle full, bat t enu fly, swim, andi oilti a neet. Vie u.o-a it t-~'t~c~ î-ttdtîtin. _____________Foiss..Te..Sassa Liv &le otgde nel appes-e Outil Joint. shosciu- la one et thtein irdi 'bat " o B o VANATER ý) FAtn BawaIlthlb.onamental Yet Pals- Tic- groin rePIdlY outil thidltdeet caicy a sort of '"coffe tmr acns part VANTERF.X ANBtg Ais.I, Tins Villaes onuns ba-,fttre. promiets uitSeptiscîier buttdo nouIgrosnetai]aIfrtonu ,0f Ilcte eqipmaen gotai aIhley cte - rTe aardvisan anianlaahîia'plpy 'atoable supplies of tlieenin, poin- lien uottZI Iltarchl.Sis ray o nd eeilu a different monter. ls ito il a T potinsa lise auuethingAlen acUlu a dc-e.m'ui dm5for hean uartiwere ducs Usle tlIr.tigh tei islyear. bul only se consiructe-iti thn ilesbird itisT N E linitit 18 as lidîcatotiala Iîlecating talla bas falîed gte illert, accînri sa tes oalingetngh île ooseri nilternat a tucts 10 fced Ile alliin rter btisas It la iappearneîe.Tic ug 1ta lant experimicitha ln pliaroîs Mots [a pchbsy itelpeti rater taIL ~ cas drainthetuck and w ter THOiful ct-ten sati-afr asihiIf 14-oinny logcal reeearcb. Nated Litsbe liliîî,ered flie cro3-ih. elent lico bu througli th a latîta of filealcrge ;,ailedortir trilg fan itnitattruitseaII Ireliecaose te days li!e îos nutt-e iiirts tsrhts tgoitlî appt, iItI.lrile-tiil'y aloi Ot ve letilong fore, trust llande ocre a part of fle i-niuiog te gante ti tea i- is'sbAptedStt stinu,. tth f fe:Us tift.lui] loti.$ te a lolie antot UnitedtatBuse, a noise qoe e erd rteboturno. isasha- I t Itie mstirdI wnt.They ar-e denuine N -1 t1ti oric clatis nhiîb ilfises iglîtburloverasheeatbil wsaer 'lie tli" as ilse AguII ieîsclit Irey oc crayfiîl. issiit iltir'blII kil.tn II-d iepa-Be iclose I l las htoAI te ________ i uks"Spriag" Goodyear tir'es atprices il iil. ut aîntars I i- nI'ir. e c-tue au "Iberetllta enufllii." Nul Iteatectng tichetlii th f ,eletestopes o.G rn se iitil, tonge.If- i aco-itittatetrnl irildgenou» te lIawnthl, Il MIna nîIrteii Wh-- Ms.m E-P.idest. Lt.ed trolie il ,In7iltd Set l-toli an lto'it titt ltaI ht-uis iii le sun. TIe n e reîîsio lttas îthm tit. l isi 'iis ut oia t. 1 t61,tuI Ablrini 1h01 sbasLitu a ye l fî ll lsl triveCtutulittl'a1tIltoi , l ie lia otg II a ;i The aimuleut theselu l taciîcied tie'nt. titi.ietiuiy li.8, tibei jolieîlr asce 9grenier distance 1. a poplse Sic, 478? unîm-t ttit.eIylo&a,a- ant isiahabts front talsanu. '7cr deu, itbe ieticIleliing et [bt enrancotas beliet. Wien a a.ille In i-5r1 s tOucituraL______ ___ Psol ti-, rLlle suc Iit-i es. aitke ttcm It* sat ai is.u ed . sel .197-35 ________ Mse Mignas' la1.Egypl - iud. Tiiy ece lteutVsutirî.a c lrofa- otiot2b.ler8105s.Si, 8-0 W..d ..k C....~ rWilI lte coolitclitu et le nen $10- Jon Tytr. Olilsiil ertlimîe. l-sitsiio font sîl.l e .trhiit lIteitrai tttl Stu 6.6ie tŽ 8.0 W."Diioa II3iI moofloo eimeen Ciro,ETyI. i nl JaoîeulIaasais. VThe ostut hi5 aialitten cOnltireS S 1i t - s 50 a 2120 .0 0F'- HAL'TON ~ h, ineoit det ta sa. etlie U11land Jeausaient ravclena eeu mae ihe ,ber tif ex-lreaidente liingai ltaI cot. Il tos not Latve to be ii Itrsîrseti htu-od accoattilleetbleds ta Amterres. Ban, jottenes'betinees te toto cis eill ltie-alotl!brse ilriilispstfrobevatitu bas stuonli Lui ire tos oea o -ttun id lta Ils C LE NDA R s incnlir ofthle intterfoini Croup,.f lbî 40 neure. compareîtivtis eemonyet,teibtnea-,vtu 100eccu lttoitî riatt ole tT A EN A an sitin vert wineit.IL tan div'ta,e10yAstrequirefi yilit ses si theIee nic a f o y le- o18W fit IIrt atîi tf r m-a QR The MO JbaI udck aise la a asfn iYer. AI: me teeoetalfu ,a* u iuilsCI tiefotams thoLh ILComet d LU clib tr poiti11 fr iort dteee. Tie i t h et eni o t uioke la atout isîa No.Mac ns il eaa alt Up an anglc. Naure, heir- rs- 5e .no Osi. ov s, ever, bas gl'uca Il aoiler tttomit lh 5tl -.rlgtelnft fLt ute ment. Tiheswood dotieckeau lan na c eitgî i i aîe osa - -Lie- or na IIa00 rp. iasuuch asbLis ~ 90 il i i i t pecica likez te ns alt he l.greunti,.fi hrlél iaa ae 00.t i E :~ ~ lliikaecsi.in)oy the B est T ea The(flt e i roDute.tth 'l'il-. I - I ... m Bufflo la nearly a tbouaandl f<Uah tuisit it j.a J. Jfi l ilnnes,îaeîa Olelt Ta. AWei.h.î iteltm 8 titi e eOrcCa ve IlB attery Service tie ctt -t.4T itit.tinheiits Ilumncn tr ary te t coda 1i"xn"tans Wpont 10 Uery lnI,,kàLe Mih-, Jolumlt ltstiin. eAIt ce silCini Jas, ll lion througlionl lie iorîti, Irea n g illa anothen 334 mnail. Te- PIIONE 245 -- MILTON .1tcaiahoitaied a as. t e aose of tic old ati ' iheohe hrtroaln edit al- .iaoil t . or..iatateasist taxes knoso. Ttle15the Ebue a. *m15,Ilgn, rtee la tIltItI a elcIy API15 a thîn I IIe.. l ic (1 im meora ia eu200nileof"mate lins anti brndes"I Jaas-Ii Atit hiirii slhu.toai.Ictridou every laretler about. Orss io masca.Vte eayielebt treille demty 'C a B ri W. 1.. ICK, Milon., Lt5teet fMipl m, atithe A10li iIfs eranuttaaet'o T R ii d A d' C i m th.dpztetl c I IltOtitmfs oran themilea ! rlieirre tomber ouc£MIt mite1 iP nof,û i A W iilh r i --l - ý