IRm MECACH ttt-e-iti ,ioe tNl' LTr- oigfareof tue-lieanît rîtieq anîd cvet setente lighways. Iligilteay Kitng c.och lttsro, iîfTr vtuiti u1&irk, fmie-iutit andî îItîseîIlI-uelie Ylei. I'itir aî-ttgentlsa-tluili,tîît tsa- I ouiIt1 al JItîiliLqin canîada cîiddi Il Iiiteîl Sînlel. Phoneî 1 75 fot iitfont ii;iiut PIANOS VIOLINS music a laeo a. îul n eîll .eo ulIo amnil, esAgl -r terme I.-nl 'n 10h I to t îî n i - , bang, V iilNS, BIANlO14 1 l.MANIlOLINS. UKULELES. -"TR1NlN-, BmhiW uda.11 i îorn lipia PIANO TUNING AND GENERAL IMPAIRS ijiol î, I Oî îgîn . îi î oiiinti> Regîî ineland Repaureil. lhiî2, îiî H WHEELER ~Bj'1 Stockaîd TPAYS ITO DEAL Al Animal Spray DAYS killis tandd ielsFlice, -IL, squîtoes and Lice. Pleasant odur. Diitot sttiiln blster or btnriithîe I1Àýe orilair. It Spray\s îrlsîly anîd 18s n-npoiSOnotn. iie-oct taint the- îî,îlk. - PHONE 28 C. T.DAY &SON MIILTON eSNAPS-IOT CUIIi I 'MaI-e Your Pictures Say Something' Al.ay. h.-e yo.. aubje.c ag aethlng H U'dDREDS ofelîh,und. eofjure- Char. s are that TonuUne ep thle niýe It,ry ar't- 1te.i . , Yegang. ou suaithe ranera and înî and 'heo î,en ne PI 'vii I'î in fl, w have jutanother iture "tir vourîcer ooisaw-orehi t a ,- lto i tite ousd hbat e. nas i to la, , inli'îis ecnet.ilvhit have the cread ejeying Oie lunch a thuma.napptal. Al thrî It hour and p-eliallo n. e nthmb thin. u Ire , o t iilî ur lter t.1 i 111, n of "extermfntoats» turest.ies Il s tls haia lus( lus ear o, crn or d-ing & lou ot.rCo I 10thtoî tot îîîaî,îî ..ou. ecl' for the pôo tijkeo a us C Ci moesnd cases .atati, ostadý us t. look eiî,ug" lo, tep.,r, jtially I o veto naklîg 'tovIes. would 011' 1 efl . r00lpii-C' "ou talot ft alr foot of film wil fures thO ul l,1,iries ofbrutan Oh.Re- oîîç-q doîtîg nohvr? Of t.Vthos. ri'. ,a-Ad t Iet a had id.. tu But wlien i lhi SIitli Io .I hhlo <.1fy,,Ir ,0%'ll',camera an a tIna,, 1.tic, ioCf ro. C Il, 0L ..t îî'. filîig a drao.Gel titI eont OC IveI .1- ari and L,..alng This mesos îîtlîr Tî. 10~ 0VCh J -'~1.1 .h,iittd IlAnk bfre you ll L,onid layet,'f.' JîiP' aCîettet4 'a oi Cet cloeIth hli. t1u e nd W,, t'.ti l'.Ti i C.or'ot Cî,hhl.-' iaT1 i la a ,-ttler eaV 1totlîl tuO<s (tl.In5l'llI thet g autlte. VII Wlft rii t] V 0110.geoîlvo-ti dfr a geîtinc dat-hall. laugishe aO Olook. untîe ofth,1,1.u 'eB1 it, s Pioahlytllung hi. '1I 1 4Cz lI'ý ah t)itllilt Iî 'i gle rlied lîîîut hireatd non'1 rhe Nali oiu tu_, J' oe'T îo .tlagaId -.1 vra'a ago. Tii - e wll pî'ot- t.n.t -,re 'of El ht. aly fLjd o oe perll,,It îîî'-oet la -co o a have never Xîveu record IîUUrro pi'rî's of I'nl-i rnoîh Cîoht In tle bWîre, lad Citarle or Auus i Mînle luo I laEir Cuale a took îhroîtglia aoewmpaper or "oeaaga n, Oie ru k oîf a ret1 or nmagazinetonn otice whitci Plaise .11k an garagt dîîor as y.îu îrt-.iI 'ares of people mère a ackgrou -'d.Don'!tulfi llîrem o l '- Il îng ai the camera or piciarba your ifdqdeqMgstanding l.Io'kjlîî i t feople dolug aumatis- hatoanly the eamera Have thms llthtg a tnterettng and slgoficat Chances o' dolu IonreIre ihat the, tory-telllng pletilvai a' ~ewa*i il- 0pltura rIth tai o.l11 ho your üoItuce, and you'Il tma t* lunch Ilel aituîd lho o,. vor nOnSthat liera..fter tilat'q Elln you i-o8ae. itjî liloS you'l almt ltsh. Oooî lon go uon uasi(i ne wit yu7ur luthi! -6iends. .t adu y.uldu?' ios JOHNt VAN (UILDEKL flCTo Hamilton Gl-i rsui ptI,în lt l10 î ýal andu I tîuruhiig t e le fngbt. BIJY 12-TRIP TICKETS ONILY 2cu PER MILE. 0',i Andl ît"r. IM ci .v i.h ivilîtte le .ug MolMl", i- oui orI '<Fui Hat" Have You M et? I~ . 1. j For Ri, EVELYN GORDONte rmis PARKER [L.T MAitRICKS fCagers drununed F ASapliS. Monda «IS, Uiat aj wttit mort impatinere n hbIc tIrit. elbliaprina ot ù.l VTe ie toh. ai0 npatfor tiretenirntbime b. qhortarled ta A. Undaeeî tnd. flica No, jure wann'f cong y701 ilabusin. AntI jet Exacts teaitf urouid 1natim Dw ith oyai l d ivrnag le0 î Caquanderlng ber iseettU*on n un coy t"w eus e a Maqecmnrm-îin-ythie Mutr-« lile mano boa. uniT concerft ln lire riek A ivertieg se itn eV alerulii h e "Î isIiaDltr mgl . iotle n hala (bh tila orull!.wamert. And ibis monfnlof uailrst urlislr1 Site cerfainly couutlnt iho 'i lova wii whe rtei1 lnwm i.u , e re- LindsIay. brae epulalin asranre nîidlimmaerge lhrctgii lot t ir rcouen j îslmi.îhy onevdwy ctb-"lIirroffilces. 't îîtti Il In 'eil. Rhied 0cr mrir]le htf il i!Iey relîjl- or i tae, Ured iliteIDois, an ujilalegirl, e O For rnntiahlieutbleenfillkeea limîi d45g sILîCiAnd niiiuta 0ti'y ber OuI tehmraop aa 8lngis.tuf fit I bitdd ultlî sibeaui tatteredtiy te et- ÎInsuMelenl cornge.t a telicheacuel W.Il. pr -1(:m - tentlinst of Ainletu thigas mla[ Irait, And nue- ifloesneanuthougilhao Pm-a a1the amprimi,.9 l aOlm te boulns&n bail peatloely toti t y l.rue. lie Hi Pouris a l oeof ti et L .ai.elsa .. L Ail ber flounsa elaite s aieS telizel c us of ylet-day; Yeî3terqlay. whnbe h au uieI i rn-l.uc ru m <awhatl ire. cnui d i y cinngl ing ild nhieI leui ui ra tîîgh lii nro Ian d urlutlt ln og ver ,ic u 0mb b p . tMir&DIckMannoing. And tIlrk expe-nalre engagement ing. e-lil te usodiali Pa,îtît hail nado we ugdi. oflp -atd ie wral aleit erlCtieneaduhèitit ie rrodu ili liîuoandu i ofrular EVERN Frigid&ire' 3 ives Veut muaI. 'l td hevle s bnthte Iiliersm. le'msar iii, î triEi fte k.iof uold-aIl in uoe *Dorls,' lie neId one atternOlon Ece-lu,îWhi elriillte lieri ilores liaslije L o uiinji 1e vI l oe-s,. cabinet. l'astrcr 6zi»g il lut u te tie t errace eflrimiLng Oie blond Maire ouwetrt,- aradlse ivien i'n 1ejîen Iîal plaez. filI iliiiîlanduS munafeanîre. Thse Frigidaire '35 penthouse, «"oure seing ta parla ti tilae .a, uotîAiLrivelittl ajlîl. as-hei Koi r g su.îr oielo Super Freeer alun givea zi Tournr.rett7. maille 'Aan litetiuerforia etI gardon bI1 Iron"sie îrai;etra m'oudlier- Cuîoe idnegle,"lie.pleailed. uncolie -tiafieeoi. Souiitun hîu hme. ta rae tre 'u 1" wrk-ngfor y; aaisi atciage; and sie.eid "On e-bal grounae ele amil ied. d't. yo0 lacet ilin tue bcuit-iif tP I aleagebeln' 50. ciuleiin for "Cent accuse film ofnon nuppertu« RiaI dthe liet ri-ul CA crarilliîg a derriiisil'afilia. aileconondait. Va ie rae-elie tc1 îSiNet Ine.of Pireideala flne ala 1 lis "MbfWI mtr "QuoBel if an tocomt,afii lle Stu SuaineunenId, qiilelîy. "MssRuth u al0 or r euiîieiîiel'ai l e-k- Wenolau. "ile doei'l ntea noui uf ancit listr un-effW i" v neme.Hliea ar îîîrîofit lietier ta kaonw eetber wera incom- And Milt decided taI e-len fice la-Viahlnglut-FmaýiheoftI-lisCounry. fpalt~ i oot. dieu preceded filmintuate itnil gruuun , 8elluO-HM Fui. ýlainiilitiî-1 5 lA Ad 1coulda't sgel if for crueiy. Me il. wuld plare lite peenus bhtnon i'r Cofb te Cenlitun . Q u jUIV.e Aler iuta antd ouime." pille-w as liepauseSlil th edroom --Oid MlinEloqo.. Juîi. Idu How abtoutl loadeItir ioitel.upleS ale Suor e eraol uiSdlur Bickor Y. W. H. Iîrt~îuPhona 245 Dicil. «Or due. il.coma huime early He bâdti t lpt. lhliilegof lticil me Pîîk-y-uuoet liliar:..Nlr v and ot helite fod lita banrllul"d asit fJoe kllerion-hed seen îîîem -'nid Rouchgit d ed e' iiv lIM ILTON antt it 11k. afond Iteieatlîn f o rugeter îiety mure Iino enouîgt. Handsme aFenk. itî--iaîjiaiDortl aemll aglua. "Yoî ooid Tire ilericlrligitl notioln ct-in Public Funaclunîî. .iacln-H,,neal fiai-SIy ca ienueop te Ls lias IDn the ul.ilî wl amAite.Joitnso-Tennessee T flor., AI1 CIAA reitearmela 10comit ou.e aa.ityven IlusinnilY bhll'seyaea fucusefi onthfie Grant-Hem et AppomaIlo-.MZ.-anMADE" ahNpolited ut. courleclhngtdroi. lits heurtlienpl hel .u'b ar f 7. tafie --Cenetl - Dicil twitl Ibe fakng itis wobOtiha e reehrsatakIlng fial hairdie@ la roi-Boi.Cleveland -Tel tie Trutit.l'lie Managemntlo<floeuse Plantasadoe aitad ilnktag aumetsaule loieo yenrec for te ligît of sqiei-'ieeo. T~ . Et Rosevelt--II,îorîIti-r. , îjiiiîeiii lnt, Ir. itt.h- nd9ey e-a, lioccaile, or d'd file ontli-r face. Bouma uneeewinit hber WIson -1'rfesiar. CuiIg-iel .,. î,- I ili 1iîuh tirerî ail [PurtiteairaintuIier tee taIaidvomot ..ra erl î 'tie o6%îl l'-. iiîofulari lunchibeita 0 hake ber. ied change its 0i aioa ut The votre w n t it ' taa- original Intention and loits ber liu bie lawon, li:as udtî111joce lVitI . l rtirel le' , iIlaviie tîlî lîeîiîla .i. anîîd erm i toad. h t e t îffiilealnheaf voc-Jua Allerluns."We'e nlu'plt I l eri th l durinuC i loîîtI I.. -Il ý iln.tî, lI i. It li,' Pantl. lg iseclenctefi bande togelter- artily. danys ev-oraI Englh seliljen rouglti 'iîîlî-I. tefil,,o1 in? îîîîl Itiso a Thle minutes pesnead *' r s.onld flo t ge týrethr. (le aild ctc sall troupIles la lie UI îteiltStuc ie . O. -<I oisg uisd"eDIck ftlty, lylttaherswoe thle Drt pieeding sri bate hîlread fhi, Aiiong the tirait e-ne Rkttl','tiî-iiiIoI î - aI llîîîîî Inîlbeur i. iii curDameI' 5000 tila ctiO ll...O dra i-p uut sof eveythng.t' thînlea ailtelnîeGeueotlt i .i il rih t"Iîi i î,aanm anlviilirp e e-but e wniains ftasiro D'unru aaIeS on. i.nî'enterar tecnathtVa,,tarliad 10 n i O.n.u lele ore tirhetio.N .rs, t I ltti.t "ai Ille ti. aiîit' Afl r ecti"oudeimtng," ,le 11iClribaia elrutA- 0-t ,Ii ýuîi ue'Iigi, l,,nîu- a ot o i s rathmIen-or nme.lup lurid l 1 y "Iýt* gel Ileste d."ins)iiztanîof -Itiiîî miiiu usth, ptan, Let me 1rove fia i anfer asrim co- iil rmlg lV e recil e .In NucetInte'. se.ttjr lut. l", iatî. mule, obuadjjcornaitai otilar e-men are fru' er atme.gileed ou'. r, l'vachitsmse y Pt eruae, jnset Cotmlatinte sabot mitaea-" er nnuenluileiîies-ct 1 ttt.. îîî l'iî,otlîgin, I. "Dict YOna-a weet.- Ber lisL e-urSs ailperîninîru' rutabiioîeîe. Ne-Tait, il, i boiliig os.i ii)t.î.j.tme. * Tîiîrîîîtna lîgitlylo-,ebhie Ieece. aniS aI ilt Inîîà îe leîle tmuasinin-ioteiu ii ut ý, flui , *Sweet notiing, Vlu titll h, broda t- lu a hms on108 lrgeaî plare or amuslement t uln r ll4 I,.auIl le ui' wil-r mettsthens il Doris, tIon't ou fhtsk 7yod couid le-i Bath'làoulan Seak. Sueitastened 10 L B. Lents Ne lïi . irnî- Ilîctinu hîî.Ih3ZItiat t iii-atit Pa.'. ne a 1Util.if ou tield?' antoereu iLLimier CC cncan ii. .ui9 the ln o,tiiitlivr t01-1,11île h I i ' îtl r ueit , T-I l e r re ysctr ah AduddgSteuly lie man alerteaiain mteoth e t lt ttandtilh, arti,, usl.Il lie '0.ililier il tiirte le ýli:, ray- ya lr I)bs li.ntae -Srupeled geelly. Sui te a tue- ofsL atraînt lî,,îtî th-.1 l ,I l Dot îb, "Tiell mat. . If wetoner i amn's one peeDcd ' inteu cala-ti îuetsi.raTi IaCrt o Ir u li l,, Iii iup. Serijt uI pI.le n'iltDama la melifîunell ou quiveirail asea; Mlit'l face paed. ýl.v-iI11e tîtetiidi ail. it f salenalr enou ibeur fils volca lIa t B îî tr pid."il'0-uel aieu ia to il.jltsalutte foi sIf somatiiug litreS lieuup andieSli! Miaeaamerae gray rbauds. "Yuu i Pii. el Hîle ii ljih i. oi.ii t aie th .0.iuqut e Y-emu thora; If e-ienever to look* ai irau Vla av u cinite iere fr- 1 pin cifutiroîier lt 1îuheî i neblîurhIlle, iairet lj our oeatdrap lent b.rend jour an. L "i'u glSdyo're gulte 1mcarstlier. Ilui mudernnîeng an de typ ofIl, Iîî îtîîîaî crd otioahi eeiamaeg...Tt nhIa MIL .Ane girl vuald gl, er e ears ta boule taquestion of biat tlu. disttil 1 r u and i colo t. til tîîetl bui lva. imssBag. iTel[aiLue 5 it ularry Fea. Tou',ea tus een su tus higil a cellng La requemîti> ennoun- 'Ilo-ti dine anSd îitllitg tIl-eO"ut t lit 1cul solving you if i alne sIý-uncil" hha eilael stored lic-Id m-ieIiaet the renea 'lC1îiîttlililuliutoa -li e tIl e mal tbougfis u.-i, itell era bitueed -4loiîr ù aid litS h îlter titan thI lîr I 1 îlteu i o 3:,- i. i11ieltru-e ie. r iat" --sitedast ince- 3rt" dl@rearileu -ile relisinftir 'luse lu illu ii irh' .ro.'lunnie aIls iilliy uhoratroSreiutlbr se)il uIt's i- <ne OS ld uii' .uoue mte,' elrttîit iI1~I l isi Iale hiluMain anSde-alked quîetlytau to hlep l, I teîleh I oui eeNll, utf tic îîeerlîead .ii,liO hul;Iiiîti .tllill bi i , maIt i t ipth e esiof te for i tere el Raala in meenituIl.en thei :"tmo t ade tartiereuit.) the î. ih. ..0 iIluicI n it,,ir t paihsulIy as elewatciled teflaming - ' acelo tu the cIlr L, il - tieliî. hirlti . ainleao lt baSwîmke mett 1anting- a ud thIl ied[Itt nSicet ivipu.ruie-l iloIl- -I ii uliIii. î-IiIle ,,d te dskanlng canopy ut nlgitt. 1 hen I PlaeIjtat uIlplac de, o nko . llGise tiare îluif a .îrkl.u-r -.liiiîi.- n",-I 11-l't mlthee buslarl.eCou lusand.til itsî IIi . eii.i.ý . -taIIilig 1 t IC iloll *1. 1 ita1peu la b.ual-atI ied tout bib -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~3* i("tIealt îîrîgieeal n il runri i .-ilii-. i dayit. - tplats îîi uuld fer habter. for eorne' Ai a chIng lolS fr lve girl lie tuaI ffect al raoing j iCl IIi,',et tIi, .îliiiîliC iît AIce " ju.5putlooe-llali once adore-Sgaped ita Mîlîn gente '-e tîteri-uiji.a -..i. e.Il.iiC î a îi hlI i Cet'I org e no . . nS ke icuwyic i i tart. lie bai ielueti berr sa muai, .'til111-eu. ut IinI'ti aI. otitere. niuteeber oua"Dtck Uimen tu escape lunlitme5t ent. ritisi th iî l.îî i i r Sas Notil", Oh.ce anlad to knooe. "But Sauboca. iUjd- Ai pEdbe us tkout thl iei 1 i 'i itle t-u"ililr icie-nws 100 tuai eelanZ lthe ridea- Agule utpo r peeetait eel epreîîîtsre oilekslt.I1e îsilcuî Clîjl11%11 .eIt, -ive degree',Fabiren- maille tabur the stlpulerlon. Yoa'ne qare-Pu l purpe houe-%Ilt' Itei pnae meI'Ias 215 mio nurîîîe oil d l,iiîiill u nitdalthe., %'lt cIil wst if to n tluttr aria-èstitan oDivemeeoka. let,îrle tu, nrmaul 'nI ii îîîiîîî e heIr initer lust n a11tY mai-. Dolà, tint lAItht lb -a slOin lia hc ai eeduratiol oft'20da-h u'if,11 1huhnîîîh ý' Se iaafre aaety-valve. As long au isftarad.'D-'oSuIt this ay, lat. l. trehrtebacoe'îee a ieau . rll aîlS.tia reliper etudbeaiseaTmriSlneu i n te tegged. "i mean-nul lehe wrltig 3M laye, or aO It-Ileete100- O,-S-' " I ,u .e.-1 I t lti virad arena taln put up n hue-t" parI. Tell her. Sellt tble.mtrOati - - - Yur îtabIl ohm iut MlII. Ilisemoesertu r,:ce-uI7lui dotcf1 tahu r tour moiin-A mais In bis profession bas 1a ha on Il ibishî eaY. o 16 wee, orr. I Therieu C ......îng Caîmi. Ray.athilukoul contantOm for oee- talent' MI i loed l'un ilolier uaraes h- I ItiCiWekl. 1*ý,e a r 'urent Ilîre tentaive the, "Ui. Doneae-onaitara jeu going ho "Thiaiît oo. Anne," tae naîd ulîh.ditO i.. t. iîî il icorigin andtic ai-e, hrahmse te la?" cuih. l"I all bcllcr's tises of îîu rlaya. The bull loapirtof "Wbre it e oeLit.- a@he anceerel. Suid effi he sîtgIrutIýed opt le lta Ose cf lié n iuua) regutiiluus ilof nd ihIltî.uuuilly tgor apiritsalg ai; AndsanoDorisapellntthe a nommer in fulit lx feland a.uîîîîei lalîlu îjîîil tie eulfîîutillîraltair lu tt Iti Ifnl.oust il the ftreaIr finlirte raja re- Perlae witiout reaortiog te IsLueLa ut'erl ita huileor iýIltltlli.lle. 1-ijldj r- e u, ,.."Iljtî ri-nIlle f'ruiaion of ieey aiomuiscoorla. JuI tiefu.,. e aletur nu ltut cane rsîuîn5 l hie eg a-ul'crCiit i... jcttthi-rliles--lired, CIn llI.ýrrlllsr $ace, a prucrses, wieil eeggaee up thîe pentOiuuafor achui e'Oeed irl-edWthaul a doa'tlThe ritla ltudi-soaruie [lie iillua lnrro e t e-raali-m te ulocta,,antI avalier Plaeeln the Animetbuilinmg. Nu elesithad i-o-"kn rylli. of ttuu'ucho itîîel,. iirt1sIidrcfi thi iîe 'II)rtîetil frouaiîuuiing ejowi lil itaunemau giuig tel tie Ieater sony ore, "Cutee,?' unt-ir.Iama-honsFrlnlî sortandsi. e , a 'vh k.Tuas adequucle kntîleegof t le I.Acilly te smouut naval 1er? alîoe ilItdtulie i, u -tîe-in tihe e-),- lîlar rotribule lu n solutioneainsa eairirng eolser nenl. but ut Mer !ps qîulAed "î ecirytinIg v.t,,iî'rr ,-ily -of! Il. rîrllle uofte univers, tourne tai e-nold bave 10ab.ho roea thta eetr theavisiterilathue n'h,let_______Velu rtu, DIrKet rgita. word. he onioem taw-ig i con ldit Cly p".It e-enproveS te nie.!latler liai and-ynS Ta tinýalit uTheigt o IdesC.j p. B.mbaa Gee-h ralra. Doria, Lhndnem anS Dlckearin no uth il'l en- ae 6uplee-Tlele taIncaO sr-iuil 0 TIc ilmblioirse lises ail ta liain the living moin of thle Dw m oll nil "-tue ea." hi- uiîtii 0Eondlat- it--tti.tiîtt el-u-tabltehed roputatiuu ter reunarliaparlmrent havlng Iîlelr afler-tiner- a-Tis u ela to nire '.. 11 oflireituit-n.0 se l-"elI,- ahl? rltigrowth1Iuto nul In ttc crly cotee-en ite doreli rang and a Il 11.l'ils a-n e c1uî s g il a o l lir 1 îuitri t fîi-re i l à ~îî î l untaes aI li a de ectuîîîaeî. lu tut, re rkl aS lad out bout te-aec an3edý 'Oi. Mt. ala -aucangetheeîl- fiu riio.t-rtitilî'l~ cr dîna te Science Sertice.agraveeDourla à pair of stafiae, Lt lehploara 1 tliili,-t.sia l itl lliîi.i . tif bu las lu he Cen yeors ni They e-au-e eplkaheeleaui a -h ue, and lealul-, "tcut bre lie Yu slarnîtu jlelî l -1iitlt .ît ii, 1.110 or uîîeie nS the Iunderground gruw e-rit aitS peky bte-s. tau TIha arla ul 1tel vîiîat-uî- l 1 teuI-.u, t-., e ip.O-i:aal etfliSi înteite tuuîitus "Weve moveil total our penliuuoe,"ý abuthame, but au o II e l gîtlrt10 trfîreeand h-'rî Il.-: 1,5 1ostiuel litl Ihitg ut lli the geltuned tie oungalar. "anS moîuerý aug a tlaeou-n îla ir Ioilti-u tune 'l.i uiiii . 1,il. uigitOl- îed utih ilttiley are ment ax,0e-gm witi Lhtasea&beau y00 OeIrougt 10 un ehae atiilr w, oulleai-.lîion l..r.ietuleîîr.l -edited. forgt Sliaevtodisent 1 h a ted-l 1-Me ld h-or ijal. 'sudai ' Andj#11ahe itbIoe Y.a nesgeltung nSe îî it..lîeIlt 1- "Dlekt llaalied thelad ae u l:eliy, mure heen mlnSoI ttarî ter ell eigts.juu C Whela'. Sp.oalle My.fery tondied i", off. Doria fc*D e reitd lu e lon-mg iauierrlal tut Mlui a p 20 safs-i lz -Ci dristiul- lu-tttîe-baie 1. inli apair ut lIpperscra utcoull lhiu-i'l o iauia uîndg1Cirt llut -' eî... iSiteîror noter-'itie"lm urouje 111 thae -eliera hî titres aluna. îîl tellenanie-e lurt Mr.M.dîilrr.teît..a l h i lal îtî0 nura At the carnsr ruuumag sale te Ilîll' u-aIle usriu-toeuu Oat uie uictriug A t.laiî, itleet ln Qitueu itîr" i wila aCag -kddstesd Joaemaid Oie huttjiiij utl fa t] ut hlenîlothe îîît cialiel -cii. tlu ,ielei tt aibeture voîuuagcdeattoi lîalecaclkddltae es1 tîîu lp ccout uati-ilau l ili tntciieu- r nît'l ir.ihIts la el:iaaated Il rumes a .-I)ldija fil t ai l I' Dirk tomej illier ,a,, ddosole, lossIteilla e-aiu-ut h i1 C.. hi icsi and nuS lue-lugel IL 'TiteraiIl iiyl. bis ari bang acr-uIthe aimai i S i sot a ît, '- e-0 n) î.~îCîudag i. hful t. st u.-.. i. lirceuitero minutolaatae-awaof n. Sera uof a treclietijoutwlusc ruas ait cI.ttu tet îe isoýi tee 4î5Crtt a effrt si t u t . ..rhi-iir e en, us hrlam b&!ita ldiidS hcauaeout llk eiuio iTl,,,,l t1 A. A hilil8 a hianiti t ittîbl. > et'I -n- llnitll ll r c.-a. ieualIe,ien i.,ry t Iltrosgb te uiler- Thon te allue- lare ut A. Ltiuluy itOu a elgivl ajuli u i. e3s"The sunînîe ant ileht tae apsultag MaIS ndlouuned l larlksiaistaelIl. I1 l i .1 -rî î-uî,1 le iltîe, II e~ f-tir admatut eer mia. 'A ) et,- lie alleul,"'îay g loei- aiî titSutiu-i'tI'l l " FOX. MEAT W'ANTED - di i n 1nl ,nluuc I lai ieiite Ol I ,ujiriin rn et 1î1- ie u l i h 'u , e lin S "lu.a.-aa I i e a tit- etic hite of ai eav troIghr train, and hý' but th, bol Iielceuice intîeuli îcîtt a.o tt.i'.theI u...o.Cifi C.t ý,of i ar-î ee-renoiter upparenttg pri-cedeste actuel tuuoeSil ulimier t-ipeailStaliiihuj li-to i. -, it à .. otîe-lteitec..cta ORaes. x-ce Phg a condsoii, itbasebeeCs glIiarpue-dos D0 oi dSinli t1hic . i VI-i liir ii uIl, l iF- IOi l bioiug IlicIlt t u dlsiatgilt heureîorted liSt-lance itgProf. Alvin . jo taias mai> lot- 'ilI Orh, i'eli l 14 'ti I.ln.guu. l If r,,. te noera 1Dtact.,meIvEe Of; Lagu,.haâsrcia.a àirfaaauset geoiugy ai:- teSfle il tutatu iIrir e l.riCiei . .' t"i, aeare lfi- mure hasuil t ti t he Uniieril, uf Nebt"a ho lieeotl 1-it 1, oia l-tl u el'.rcuî tae Iitaaos.-lIalleauetlis raih.,ko aaoiramScie.ai__ TeGeorgetown Lumber Co. Ltd. The MILTON, ONTARIOI QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MWOTTOI Luinher, Lath, Shingles, Sasb, Doors, Interior Triin, Builders' Supplies W. C, KENTNER, Manager Secretaries! Tue edîl.r of!'lit 'HuCAMPi'oi wcaald grealiy npjreriie lte ranopera. i." uth -laret ari-o Jtthe ni 0- gaîei.ueoh.. ouSaîi hu» e brief ceiio heiu meeting.o jili, iei t I.. il-- l i i AIDDRES-iCINI0 rCUIiNs THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON. ONTARIO CLUBBING RATES Wit Toronto Daily Globe Mail & Empire - --- Toronto Daily Star- HamiltonU"pectator-- Montreal Fainily Herald end Weckly Star ----- $5.00 $6.35 $5.00 $6.35 $00$7.35 --$5.00 $6.35 $1.00 $2.85 e -'i 's 'SCREEN EVERY DOOR A.MID WINDOW IL&VELAND a BUFFALO * . II NIAGARA FALLS MACICINAC ISLAND SAULT STIE. MARIE «OROIAN SA. CIICAO, '11We ecauna of aiftiune-e comilaai proga of dlvaaal- fiil ddtlgs-raafand te-laxaclmaî if Vos. prefer. Leava Bufftalo 8-dySuiaju. CLasucLauail y LOCAIL kiOasuiY. Chi-g1o e.nry '1'- TAE day, front thenagent e-eekll july etthelut w.e-ak la AUUgml. Stop- o-ir prîievg. sdan i» Otl neea a _____the roupoas fur bcoaiitudl er BuelWeS lTII! CLIVELANI> & DUFlrALO TRANSIT CO. v- cd amu&,i 5s uatacicaii teaurut N.ilraYu iOaia u~,tsn tatrcu'.au ..liJ.uim hiaie In yý)n