OWEN'SI DRY OOODS STORE SLadius' Voile Dresses liera o sail asiortilment of I )reoes thant are of e>.ellenlt vaille, s t 1e',tl ape Lb oivî'î Ladies' Ctton Strng Mesh Puli v rj '1 lese are the lalvst thiiig out, very sat Lin atyl cool foi siiiiîîiuer wear aud very .iMsonlably priceil. L.ovely suummer shîtde, %vl epiilk, M ie, r 't sies :0 10, Frire. ily o lv-- -- iLocal Nw. Tis e sboul is o t-dal or tisa sum* marholiday.. Schel a0v*' for tis a Isseltr for saur0 e a iopepila. Reui MauNahi'sa SituaStore adi. n Nov Wsirk Boute. 1lt'a been Rsai ber hardoc, tise gardon partles--vocésan tesestier. J.îhn MBIls.Miii SI..beas vmwo o-h: thîstîrs. seislb are"user 8 Il. hish 1avr c2,e 'BuVts" Jisin. Bm-d fard. rlsitedl triesti bhe lest veet-. Mm, R, 1. kteg, ut TsttmnhaM. Viaiteni aithLie nause sleer la." veo-- It- la rspeald that lli.IIlI1lOrang.s- ien vitl! valit n theoprorosuion at Oakvillo n u Jly lJtis. Elgin Fasrdi. méager ufthLe.Wlker Stores. Aylnser, alsited ie iss Itier, T- Ford. over tishe k..d. Sisîdents canimencesi vritiog on tise rutsre oseainiuatiuns bers yesterday,- and yl foîsis to-inorov. Onnagis W. 1. yl cieet et tiso bouse' sut M-e. (asley nToeday. Jsîly tis at ?,.%) p.nm..standaremue. Fri. aud Sat. Joue 28 and 29 jean Parker and IonnîoDnun is RAVE A IIERT "O ?Palooka trom Paducab" Tery Mules Leave Home" Mo. &fiTues.. JaIy 1 à 2 With Srelai hildrensaMainee Shirley Temple and Lionel Brrymuore I 1%Z UflLE COLONEL Todd & Kelly !'ouedy- U ne Homse Fatumer&e coiied 'roî lIant-lt A liai" -No eî,iwelneday lidowerls Fr1, & Sat., JuIy à & 6 Rtobert Y-sng and Bage DEATH ON TME DIAMOND a haaehall 5Lory ithi îlenty ui POi'U LAit PRICES 1 ST. PAU'S IUNITD CeUUCI IBIdPOSTPONICD il) a i.-Tise funday 8chool and ' AR E P RT Bible Clbéî. of Yieaggssi-u UrulTg t'ita Il eu.-P'ubli wîipouta.i ili t eluon Il th isamnîstar, Thameý. i ageTHURSDAY, JUJSY 4th . p-m-Publie, vaeaiip onduet is On tise LagoftMe. andl Bro. tis PIU2însler Bpeial me a t u meus. Elgin l'atterso bers ai thea.I. . O. F ns .sst-sa R-s-muaTAIc>«RS Loigta, "v isa iiattend St. PaulIe JACK SIMPSON. ,cb r' oneaan M:I 3 Stasgre d vletorsi n Lavu are THE THREE TINY TOTS veous.lut-booâmservies. Canadasemnlëtntranr Tii. naSngrfgatbon ai Knox Proaby- dong.uand sasiies tala hurch wvîli vorsblp ut St. Pauls Unitedi (Jisrci darung t-hes PERCY HALLa . 0v oi. montisof Jaiy, cousmeirg unday, MRSý T. HIISLOP, vuimslin R.I. Jal 71s. - -TUE HESLOP 5, DIt OCHEfTRA KNOX CIIIJICIIAl i lrtiuetum si i isunu iui 10I &.m.-Sunday erisuai -R.ilresluaent Booth on Grounuds! 1&..ad7pu.- Churci s.scviems. AMISOAhlý2, ' Re, J N- BeFaui. mîniat-er. A)iIIN itin2 biiuu 5 Rea. Norman nBeMi in dmd ustdinltor for Nr1an a. yull ."-upy t(lis pipt in Koxa. rr next. Sunday moning.zJ.j' McFaul vili prescisetsthe g Ju Iy service. u y S l Knox Chorcs vîli h oeoed fr&r vice ouring Juiy and tis ecougregation ri vîli bld uSioon soryles vîtisSif F R C A S l iPaull nited hlibs.and dorimir tise(f t C TS tsonr iAugiot tse services viliiLe ro connsueted Iu tise Preuby terian iJisaici. fo Murev chl7 1 -iuutb@ vitis- North Alaska Fur Company .n'onios i - celebr>atienn Ie adverusoed fer tGeorge. Wlwa hr-,6yc i ~-ri b~ !1t mltu W!!!.iti.arv dth.hall. LAST C A L 1 ey uiely.Cuonsaou't'. --Tie Public Scisool Service on Ssînday mnta. Jsîae!ioth. EggsFurOur astReguar aiehNowin te lcubaorsMinssMon& PrIcs sister utf Mrm. eha". uapessro acunsal repîort &titi severai et 7.30 p .. standard Lime ue ti yl EggsForOurLasMcglarItacis~io lalis laubaorsaLler newa Items %verowden most speaker for tiss Sunday viii ise Mr. 0, Leo se ali isti-iîuu I Joiy 1lSiis Maîy oîlrual sy ,ou Jais. Corasîe toulis JunIo Uîv8t tada'a isse. Tiserv ill !ppear Locket. of Hamilton. Mr. L..ietet is t hani ud elo, is e is&Lrlîry sd gel yuis îiebefore tisey uon, nJu lt.bit eek. Peiscival of tise Nornial S Si,[à.a-t are il tiio. ;%owais pasMostFan FO ...rd vlIisateLiatmilton. <Jme and hesor Ibis veil siu. l U-1i., i -t, 1 sDro.ne, ofScott sud daugister. hlio Dominion leclane on,helseld catesi mn"ri 'l.There vîlI tic sousse [a WHIîRa LFIeu issiAti1ilo P-r min gek , & vîsil, sturlng tho mootut Sleptensher. Auy singera front Hari cn.There vPro Missil scle ils1triet., il ., n'DRwisMr. andsireMn. (.T. llcoti n(a mni elke,( - twossmore îa.od tant Sunday Att(ho ý--gImtdii plr.!IErmO Adeocate. oevî eerlanîa xurtos chi. Why dont yoss «et aasedoi 17. fera îaeas tnvers[ jîîîilatnexhibition». Sunda, Sciool et Il &.m.. B.T. 1F WsIKPIt.s. Dytorai. WViy sufer? tiet "The codfieoislayoe lt> e991. Mr. 1). Sinclair viii preacu ounJiîly (i lIBia ii o uWiiiliVIo, Ko. ,'anîlt. a 'boxniI De.N.ovo Vegataisie Ooitment The homely houlenuei 071. Pipette kep tis adate in mid. Misel I male nnd ni tle,17 le . 9.%e eg tr.Mltu.sd Tise codflob nover cuceile. We wouid lîke tu oses You tise". A Sexîîl Iîîarsiteîi tI. îiîîli.a .i ii ~ talbo Lrug Stor. G eorgstown. Toi tell you visat soI, ue n. vlem wleyua aeCucs 8,xd- guaitu-1 uilet I*ý te 1 iý NTitic-MilonPuhI- Liirary viii Aud c ire o cOrn tise cadhluh. ____&Wli __uMtBwe'br.t NNui tAM.'islhE . IS , ltieia tausi il IAN-r- rInse i.turdAy levenlg, Junea lth. ut And theise oly lheu ve prise, Mislid sno nîi f,-iah. s1 M90o o9Io'clonk. and vill mropen Tuesday Which dousoutratpestai yos sud me 3 t'n'e,x.tim 'lîîe-l, l y-il. V 5 î)m ee95fi.July lil t is, t7ocloek. 2t TIst it pays1.0adeertîs.l i Mr. and Mm,. 0. (tait@k. ut leve. Tise folloving artistoseutursi veli lu AIIVA NiE.Plis ooîu i,iy landi. Phi, ildMis. K. Houston, Mil. thse programmesiat 2t. Pauls. Choraisb NEW.. S !nc îNîL,~ Weki lsteîînallr iît 15t, nîî,îlyniresotseeied ton. vloted Mr. and Mri. Wu. F. B. Gardon Party at ÈMs. WoodleysfeaiSCO)IUTI ~ ILs PLIi FI itMRIlATEIt DlIl\ 114YSwilxer, au Suuday.-dtrotavill o-ieonutise firitlime, Tratalgar, on JlvM veen iil 210 25vîew. élts Val & Tyue, sangs aud stancesi 3 -k.ýàd-L;i ir.MAud Mm,. Win.Mills. of Ilytis Harry DununToronto's are enuei&n, i N. IL Rxiî i .it il wre, oiliii agopritues ouniiiîoiry, anM.Ad r.Rb.Mi iJc ye Canatas premier slî.glng Svau Lakne. Man.,yviiitd vsth *tise.da leles, elAOD T.1liCl akhv H CIDMissea Little. Main !fl. * dsriug thse aIce ter nverSiseurs, Wtaedn q, fl 1.nov usemiser,. peY' BR Y C IC v eek. dme tb&a h tover Crev a"e sterLfing S.bI. er 1'1îîNE 07 MuN:.lk lTE. liNTrARIO A gardon party. udor tLb.uspic s turday eveninginet vas one ofthe iand and tisey toau voulil liksà e to Ail ir.nî.ns iit. c,,îu-ofn .j.a n4t. iitealen'O (Jiusch. Harntîy, ii uii t llu jtns o sm Ie mre iorso rmter,. dyangleel a- :i itu slb. ield at XV J. liàdaay's, 'base lino. on Cari ere parkedi in rave ou overv yanndo ie nersepon Thuraday evenîng. July 18tis. Par- 'tmeet 'If Main Street, as welIsau flling get Lo aises ith R. S. Adamîs. tieulars later. e.ery availahie aaons .th@e main Rovrer, meet eac,.h Thîîreday at ltepr lin giug L tis Gardn Patb iorougistare. IL pays to do ail yoîîr clibrcîou over MeDisffeee garage a& 8 l'tugobit e te Grde Paty.shopping in Miltou. Read the &da su pus. sharp.- Mr. Woodlyi aun.lly fSti. lu aid of aslvertlieig mediunm- tis ew asvpprliesotarnvlîdeoo72pro _____________________ ----___ ---_ - St. Paul'@ Unitedl (Jsrcis aud a goosi wiîtiste large cirulation. fiiencuy lbadges. * tiisi la assnred. I.O0O.F.-Milton lailge, No. 92, 1.0. I ~~ o * Dosî't fori e(s pootpoue gas-sen 0F.sholdilîg a churcis parade on u tm Suillie aud W. J. Norrîngtosit mi pasty oi Zinmerman United Churc i dyeveningý. Jane 3th, ü tasr eecoved thir r tt lansebadge, tise _______- iet Elgin Patterionsa, ounTisrday, Juliy lueno liuitod t hures. We ,teud a tiet ivu lunLise roop, and as fa atLieI 4tb. Fbst clais progral. Me" ad. su cori invitation Lu aIl Oadfelovs to recorde show tise fret two (orvet bolil énatiser coluinu Ie present vîtis us on tiat date. M.Leet in uMilton, MasBeln UrIl nderontau a'.et 1-0,I) F. hall a51i.%Il)ipi.m , avight Tise tinitMilLon trsop viihhid a Mo n oril eudivtisa n isRavina« Linie. Parade tu farm ap'onSt Jamboree on Aîsg. 25th and 26t5. in Puffed Whaat, et. jîkg. - - -9C irationr pedctti ulh64 ..asr.Bn natîac-tefirRcld.I sepeeta 1 ------ ----- -- OurlHosptal ou Tueeday. ler 14 usabrpoadiuaLusiuo ietaie @crnte id.l le epeetist Tignar Salîîiin, 4î1h. tins, 2 tino --,2,,C usny frlends hope titse vlI have a j, g.Rornoil, Secretary.aou 0sctevlhoreut Piiaaple ingtpo-a-sl------ ita257 p edyrecoverv. A WXLL KzTCi£rCmIIxtEIy. Former- - Hilepe to-d tol-t, 1t-e 3tinsî---27 is s Marjory îFatiSBlaasdsughtec memLrua ofBosatoîn Prenhyterian Cropa Damageci at Lowville G Ilrfr orîîen ocef,1o, titutofMns. tis. jarvîs. onderveot an Cisorcis visarame ftram a distance ta .pratian fr oppendictisa. Guelphitedtes1t niesryev el Gênerai Hosptai.cun Monstay, Joue beldi let Sonday. vere plesard ta ee The roi andliîait ri 0mî un iun- 4th. Will htie sto ep,Le Write. Liseâtploth ie (hardi euîesery kept d 1 iterin u ca11,1 rIai m- WiliamSalsut isestaf t tse agoa t dtîdy, tise erediit for whirheh il, b Ile trîups iiaauustiumt mîluouî Wilimsaes f hesaf o herg Wihr d N a i B ilLon, viso mumile vide lu Ille Vi(i iîiîî ai toma Red &W'hitv loinax oes, 2 Iîrgé tilts 19C Bilton raftA' n1 the Bankouf Toronto, s biee th.e.sretakir. olthisabeauti. vdite The hail wasneolérti titre.- R-ed & \it '.a utsuîp, c2 u. hoît.. 2 fuor -2c î pending is twoa vert-svacation at ft i amtery for seves-al year -usdepu imetitn oitli Re &Wlîî Bîrie rPers N. ~i3C tiitise ommier home of B. F. MeNchol, FUN .1MiRTII !-lirsuilMagie Show 8ý' s4 eadn .1iineh 111ka (i ToedtoWhiîtea, 1î14 usi tis, ,N o. -1l it C manager ot tise Baunk aiToroul.o,here. aindtDanre ai Horruuby i 1i. laitonau llte re mpuo ortI ilmai1 ToaoJuc,]0 z2tn,5 o C PLEASE ?-Wsll aIl thon«, isa re. Fiiday. Jaly Stis. at 8,30 ph. S.T., amuie si l't- unmin mao.î Tîîîa Sndwch Sî-eot.par utuIOc iiAIIPioN. aud isave mot get paisd harrel full of nov rce;saien tise tues aiid potatops,. irav-ic nlilmi1 Ttia SndichSprio, pr tti-10 aaule.,kindiy do ou at ci -. Yîur At. vonder vioisiat and axanb'ine k Id.'etaikq standing, Grmain ood tua> irmitu. 1'reparaîl NI u8sard, pja ir - - ---Oc e.tion te tiis " rest ilI hoappreci- Tise troupe umusiciens viii turoisis tise n-re tevettoul. butth11cr 1,1 ti -mi Grililsby Sweet ?iîi.l pickles, G ozb. î- - lOc aird. Tisant-ysiut ussîrforLise stance. iiîliding nidete on>udanmage. (ookedSç'itnhetti lied~ Wlîtm-. h ~ tti 10 Tise ba id concert iiy Milton a isseeu1 tymo and modaern. Aii.nin1Aduilii______ C'oked'SpghetiRedà W itv 11 oz tii JC BC«t 25c. plus ltac it.sîli.12 years and Erin Orangenton are ii-eparing for Cet.prbtl ----evoiog [&tlasL a epîsudid one ands' ' 5c.a ibig clebration un Jsity 12,h. Ivi- Jar Rttbbers, Rd& hieRailg -------- 9 elatedd Te&ora a el XOWhutDW-e.lMralttos aebe etne t u%ý SulgtSsp at~----- 23C ehusnnduelliselted underBand. windose. erecteil Lu ti e semioynb Dutterin. Peel. Yort-. Haîtsîn anoi Infnt' eliht'I ats p---fs-23c Masser B. B. Galinls. G*eorge Hittmor. forner NiL; A., by NVeiington. Forty loîlges are expeot- Infats' l'alght oile Soa), 5forHorae Kae w e'P" er.aofaisieamily, sail l tpaceil c: '.- b preseut. S-- ~- - - -25C i uteusfoe bisv.n o c arge t as la.sii. iat of tise Ila ieMn. Hil- -- -- - - Chocolate lurskiujallov BRecîjts. 2 Ibs. .29C toîudaete it bi ueevcbaS.&D:arm. mer in 4-t. Jude.ichOi. )kvilio. andi DIEU Watemellris lare sie, arh i tý.ff. an Mr MeFul v1 ililie unveileil on Sundsy, .tiiy 7, at Wtitemellos, lage- sze, ei-l_59C icii by Bruei. su Mc. Buaul vaal lie Il îCiek nrîc.Hiu- Lndsiip Hadey-At BilLcn.on Frue1al -n Oranges SuuLittyaleriasliyteryz BisisopL. W. B. Brougisai, satîrronal iet2,t. 1115. HomrettFrniler, idioe Orages Stnkit 'alncis, ar os29C tuiLt. Part in Lhese srvie. irienu ofthLie deepasmed, viti doaicate oaitLise te Francis Hadiey. in lier _______________________________________________ Mr. sud Bru. F. L. Witse uotorei tise wîndov. Weatier rperuuittmig tise litisyear. ta b(isipît on laturday ta ors M"-muservice vil be lie!d an LLe eliarcisIN 1t;EMORtAB ne CUW W il'i ai@ter,. Mc, W. J. Bill. uftlau.Revus-ln bcbig uemue f su lr drarI P!N Q li WE ilen Wiliamss, win Ia patient in10 I B Rstn 11THANNIVEgRsY.- isobaisud dfather. Pt.@. Alfredl 30 NN HA1 DLI VER veut an operation. th nes ie oldeat cisurrhiniuOntarin. cels vises entercd juta reut iJone 211111 As-aIacN T O B. S. Boj.ss.-T. H. brateil iL, là5ti annivarury- on Sun- 1025. 'Quality always hlgher thon the prlcell Mooroiead. ni Brampton. farmeci y-f day lest, wissn lie. D,. t. lisiin, ofTil te ,eet ta kilos.vet Irîtest ai,iý Miltonu. vas test iiet-appoioleil ly Toronto,. preachesi Lvii egpsapriate Ruierte partioge are lit ure Peoel osnty rouneil Lü Brampton iigli sermons tat large cnngs-egetiosa. Bang A li f ilet th, one we eti lsc. ed moo ioard for Lise oeiL isse. geari former memmenroa sdistance vere lias only Rune belore, u-edtelt ae .Fli. peat ."urdyeeigltt l mdh ieadfi, ta acecilLis las JmesR Fill. pe an.n sardspry evi oder la Iver remslu eeîb iessiiuii Theisa l:"oLavu Bowving Cui'seLieansgrdnpryleu'dr - _________________________________green@ and floyer gardent areslookiog .ý. w&8nW011 Fofhe inov r s! lnloMm. .nP.iordrv nif a.ies- eauîfl tise cred1t torihsiisita abe veatlier the pragralu vas iv«br aay dune Jitis. 1932. sdie epautakln Carstakeg-. Frd in tise churcli.T-reesebv n.myislituI ICa te on' M at ill rk t reens have a lookt- thLie Scotch Tise Jissî meeting aifLise Motimitain 00cr ; C an elo 's eat i'l rk t hiiele, is; lanet uy IL.it h. on ui a iIneritoptcvau selu et As ime goe@ao0,.1umise voitouel Q UALITY luiEAi HAt oflr. ilgial ec Liste rveniiig ofJoué tlt, Mg-o. Msary Cancer Contentiniu Knox Cisurcis Sou- trai.aactiou utftusnesn lise îoîtoseuug * B e e f Ve a Larn b Porksuhool trocs ou n ru:y iLoorrow) pogag as Rmatîvjy ed Niises so usple@cofMoutaii Uion Wausl. e.u Coulolac.anlrence ottîag, Wn e CookC<i Me ats Iaitt.Alintereatedmeco elcome.deilsg tsleata te IimrtCoaterne t lns(i,.te 0.-C., Gicuelp. sacS gave a vetry dies, A FINE FIELDO0F BÂAiEY.-W. 0., aud iuterea1ing report nf thee ic j 00MEIN to Wearouni Nem, Vegetables Fs rwiigo uigtwsip ne hswsfloe y.v.in Wk otwt biti brvrdeaiRqoigtwsipec. iiva nlieba a fisne field ai basleo n i terni, solo by Biuia Mary Tinkier. Mm.kB W.t a hit i some ui tis e taîka aifviicis ueaimare Bales gave us a very drîsuleilAndtin-îarc-lt anpp(irt and rasuie thae over fv" test. A aWk, -. iiaisMr. ter.atîag reportout unr Ditriet Ausuel PJON 4 ROMIT DELVVEIRY liBronnidge lbit t TauaCHARs-IOtaMotiog isots vas ielul iniAcl.în ors itimittort n(AiJoy WMiî"ati PIINE 2 Office on Bonday. measaros 5Sft 1 l uJne i2th Mui -', yym alIandl - 1r1 Margaret Luai sang a tort îin tir s r- _________________________________________ Ail ex s-ii mon vso wisli tuAt vilpeaig inns. ietc- ___ tend itise au..al Zone Ch s-ri Parade ,uI eial p________reliT et Nov Toieno îaon Ssoday oextluJne 'sicaeed vlltiseh' -stimunusi AnthsnssEPu R1 30t. wli leae esv thir âiX«Ve liil27 meminespiremnt m-dl43 Adams'yul esore rwt I.E.ir0nAet visiom ra. uiliîng tis se.-iOi.- Plarina and Cafeteria %Adma t aortio, rwLsH E sI _________ SchlI aFoorCmf Ld eIsat Lgcanbprltoume oanMaing.Shl' otCmo GROWNG and LAYING MASHES e We1bavei. luB.T) hruse rMan Phonr ,89.-P-2, MILTON 1 tiacNabb's Shoe Store -___________ ~~~Feeatorrilartiste under auspicea otfo ior4 - SlTi FLOROSPRAY ! Non roisonons Insecticide S the a ienVudvillce Exchage GASOLINE FUEL OIL - killiec âbbagc vos-undulplanst umoi.lias-nît . taman. Fmil sel entertain nîe t thse Gardon ParLa DISTOLITEChD dicemtin a is eas-lht u, în Jaiy fii.!t lsent fer te M, MOTOR OILS & G;R7-ASES C ambers' Bajery' WVodeys laru and tree taxi îe"rîeo i-L 1PlA 1-R U~.~ifilE egioning et 8 O'cloct- viii perete BELL BROS. Wrapped Bread FL PA O OS NTt]FcoFtiuauniy. Admission 25m., ciilul- whsis.i.ls irrîirumeiOuivrsl oi.ut F-tit'SPRAY 1FitOR m-IN B'Lh.sen 1i13e. a __________ btiECST Liva Sious Sai-J. L. of 'aîun u chiuohn. Bilton. eeouly porcisaee CYANOGAS - - - - KllS Ants lnstantly a s ers sire tinu Am"a & iSet-, rit WANTEIJ FÙR (CASH CAKES andi PSemy Parls Green Arsenate of Lead MolLît. Ho o4 a real rbV raispâ,te.150 la 250 Acr,-s I Wiiiding Cakes A Sclsl glani chamspio don] purpotatShsort- Wîsuu gant hou-e, es--HByur". uiend CHAMBERS & SON hnbu,b itieath.LIte i32 l. i a Iledem rond ;- brro mont i., s-vu- i % i ] d in -Ph 6 Mt3ufitie CO L CO Ehana .ec.of ai 500 t lep. milk e.etiug cul ;inou ay lut ibiiteo ais usi..uo 4.23"'.on Lsece a dey miking. h. n toaui conîditon. -tmno-i- Hou__ AU kl . L1ýchiet ionqiaes-siuou. Gise F11 pu i __________________________________ .O b tnsn . * ,No 23 ast ndîtucash prnuu- e ireîueuu îu o0. Bo. ZA I Jean (tordon Laitue9' Orange Benevo- Bilttain-S A . i s A. S. WILLMOTT ter.csAsisouiation. N. sfit, andi Orange PIlON E It MILTON Young Brittusâ. No. 142, ail ai Street5 Acio aeReitr __________________________________________ ville, wiuu attend Divine srvic.e in Lie AeinSl eitr lm i Urtee sCh Jiurcli. Streetsie n Son- day ustoat Jaune Wu.t 7.âù--DS.. LUrresur-acAnctuosu lise tot hltt,.u leating ad Tho bretlîren viii Ment astIi, Orange Jese-sy CaIle and lige, tiseplrnî'sty en Rail et 7 p.nî. and muas-nb toit te it Johsn Mottât, lot il, run. iN sena- i T jinsuiîi tbi J J.' I hi.Tise service viiil elîn charge «vgas. ntise ilei1b lad ' w'Il lutc ~. th C anofn t t.replar pentu e, . George It, sois] hy public aueion on Wediui.aiia 1"BONE2ri LTNOT A v r îe in he Ch marnPrisasé.. Viioof i dter IodgealJuly3i-d, et 1 pui - tandard Lm ore 112itos. Tà ot.J .Elot utoe ANS. ITN N We InvtitetheL adies aifiMiliton andi Voi Iuîying e, peinr .. y.m,rFuis- Garnlortt. NW, cani.t-e yu'îtuuî na2, te 'i,5lu1, h-uyi-fri-an us. Wmu Smi tue gi.uasucat .uamud i-a, «les îîîî pne tas iirlui.ctisaibs- 'umrcaan.p pus-reait dirisiiuatlie Jul> Saie and1 vo guve y,iî Fm-eStuis-ge. s-ceê i nulî-ance toi- -iru -dsITiieftisn Garmesntu andl A SI.A5tlllNti IS Our pcociaî ce,@ s-rsigisoit t3a tien have es, ci îamy ua u-tun,r- alise oUtntanuhiDK vu.liesoiliered. anti the saul.e i utel-enti tint îlimsinated ail l'reiens ipmusiolalc. Thene asoa generouioeand genetsatlair claire hy hîilrcise"n ilitis euluiy nd varsety ai tise rugie,. mie inagri- tuie, a 10301 Om a.,l . ltle sil t trî og valîsand nîîsieigy learimuea relairiog at taîiory lp ierlt )wen's Dry Gooda Store JuIy 2nd MI Frlday 5th7 3opular Shos Repair " iti Street, Mullas- i-u ,'it . run ..i2 h, surl L.adies' Heels 5 Gents' Hoels 40c. RFPÀIRS WHILE YOU WAIT! A. Newman, Proprietor;. HANDY STAR Ammonsa 15i 25" P & '6 or Pearl Soap 7 Ba,2 Se K ippered Snacks 5 Tn25e White Beans 6ù 25C Ibs 2 5i - tti.u \V il ,ylI- HEINZ (cOokkco oCA(IRIVi 2 2 5 C il i fi ivi -1 BBw >94ly~emGRCACH SATURDA S5 NLY 75 CTo Hamnilton BOY 12-TRIP TICKETS ONLY 2c PER MILE. »n"Anutur Mu" utMIiheway .mu Mot-r (co ,-v iii ,jurei oum Iu-igu u ig ii M(IO Cinwh tutîîttritaiî 0Il uim- fîurtâbhle- oid cuitst-îi i ... iitucehititmg 0.1, Ksiie .ouit cu au j thmrmiiglitbec' uuii)thmO ouîgifueao of tuuîînu tatd1 etieo and aven screîîc Ii glwayi. Iligliwtîy King (Jonc-h ijîteu tillai yo ufliuck. treuuu-t and depeiidanIe iuîhedilep. lotir tic-kelt toai)mlita ii Ctaîuîsa andi the t'îilit 'States.,lPhtame 17,' lac ilîtormad oui ià U PIANOS VIOLINS music 14l~ R il i M SNINiIHOMK, iiOVR1.kî, lI)itte 5 so1% ON ao îiowell knoWnniakero i hia" . -nd l 1 et oofreloîîll pianos iaiiy guaranteed, cash or ternus 101u- I x îwnIî~rn ai lowe,l on purî'baBe. istraîiinetaken mn VI OllS, BANJOS, OI'TUARS. MANDOLiOso, UKULEI.ES, .STIiNtGS IIOWS, and aIl Musical Supplies. PIANO TUNING AND GENERAL REPAIRS li- - 2.> years practical xebos. Vniù,î-.o 0111 in uved lnRtraoîents Reguistei ansd Repaliredl mliBoa 10.1a r cg Repaire etc. n.:îmu1 H. WHEELER P.O. Box:$4 Stockld ITPAYS Stocald TO DEAL ATI Animal Spray LPY'] kilî't and îel as Flies, lostititoes and Lier I>taim doi. Dtu-s îlot stain, blister or hurn the bide or hii. Lt prays eas1ily anid is lioni poisonotus. lX1es I.ut t;îint thca îîmilk. PHONIE C. T. DAY& SON MLO îoIooo gJ sToMERtS "~ Jdý.À.Je ~ tnnu ..m-k. TOcru trift- n t« so suv l.,s-uuieum snt.eii-IQo.si-d ~ tomum a ., - L . RSBR YoO 0.tom' tum HEINZ SAUEA JE LE ABLE j.c SOLEX h LcTRi... mus. .anh MeatBaIs5e ta 1 ilSortS LICOIîL i i - O N PINET 1-ib. SALMO PIN" "it CHEESE K/F VINEGARS PEARS LOHT YL - Fis Wafers -TN$i Posts Bran P RUN ES EiRiE sOuP TOinATOt CLARK' M u-iT *Ï TOit ET Lm NAY TIStES-U£ Grape Nut ij Creamettess rPg 12-"k I. 25*Matches -ALE -j FREE ALL DAY DELIVERY PIJONE 331