......... Phone 215 SPECIALS ! -us - i MWILTON SPECIALS !1 Ladies' Rayon Hose 2 2C Thm os m in t îîî ind cmire xrlp ci rr. Clr Men's Sport Trousers $1.98 Tieme patiLmm ao a id iw pqe ioh wit i LSHOP 14 TH CONFIDENCE AT OWILN'S MIL TON LA DIES>SHOPPE Summer Showing of Dresses, Bats, Sk irts ar%.d Hosiery Speclal ! WashabIp Crepe Dresses New Cotton Dresses $2.95 $4.95 $6.95 3169 tuu 1.95Knee-Length Hosiery Specini98C \iiî ,T~t iîe.î CHIFFON HOSIERY HATS!1 O-kit. hut-$169 Vi uit Il i c u -lu - tý ..t.it BC to $25 79C tand 89e CREPE HOSIERY 79vc ud 98C SKIRTS! $1.95 aid $2.95 Cantelon's Meat flarket Tasty Meats! Smoked Meats Pickied Meats K Veal Beef Pork n ASPARAGUS TOMATOLS DY-ANS CARROTS p 1LeABBAGfr. P;FlAPPLF'.S CELE'SY LETTVCEîl OLO AND NEW'.POTATOLS PROTtti"Iitltt PHONE 42 B SThe Georgetown Lumber Co. Ltd. MIL.TON, ONTARIOm QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO 1 LumerLath, Shingles, Sasb, Doors, Interior Trim, Bilders' Supplies$ _ W. C. KENTNER MnerjL B LI Milaple Led llaspbei'ry n, 11). ,Jar- 27c Qu~?aker ('ori Flakes. '2 pgs -t Rt. ô W. Nu.1 Petis, "oiiîatoelz sô.('ori,2 titis 19C f Ried ô& Whbtu Sptghtt, 11; u. tii, for- 19C Gold INIedtîl I >ci-d eetcî or ('arroti s,'2 tins - --- 19e Kulligg r' tluus 2 pînit. -Zie Qualier' Pttlitd \Vltat pe p g -- -- --- ----- 2t c <1ia~'r tTtîficd 11r 2pigs - - - - - - -- - - - 5 isxýeet \txcd Pokitîs,»2' ~o.iat ---- --25c Mage 1îht.gl'uoii< , lb. ff, er * 28-3 C Ixîtry Soac.l, tt i t -tiii z , 2 Ltit,t - -- - - - -15e W hec-c1," i': tl car ,i; barso 25e 1 Hlart ('letiner for Walls.Weîw r, -Fluor 1 lb tin 3se silk ik. i let ti ci )î:tg(F e îr do/. --- ---29C i lorda (rai efruitt..large cie :!foi- 17c C 'alifornia i -tiliotitt, pet doz - - - --- --- 1 5e Hot Iloise l'utt et prli. --- ----- 19C IPHONE- - ,q R. CUNNINGHAM DEUWVER 'Quatity always hlgher tfîan the price"l u.u~u OWEN'S DRY OOODS STORE poitivesly bout yourte. Sold at Pickett'a 1EV. IKORACE KAYE ACCEPTS CALL san s Rer. J. N. MF'Il 'sii "'co î ncg Store. Mflaou, und Robb' ia ng _____realat stenrai; the Or era sciC hit Stoe, iocuetwn.the erening servicee s-ii ib withdescc i Hors. le a eor st laÀ oong toiabcûPaAniertilig cf St. Watc.h for sOolcsccLirîm liii' Her i~a rcor tiat a gingta . suis Pr--siyersan CUI irsas heli Pîiit for date '-f oeeiisig of W.M.t-. ard ta brat. A vtbite leEboco bsn, on Wede.dsv nigbt for the pmîîolle wned .cY J. <0. Iiiiott. of itsquessng. of calliîug.. winiitere tofil]I 'ui qc ~ oWes' Cbursth, Boyne. aid an egg fat week wcicb sseuursd ncausd hy Rr ho .Mit oolo lx7 loches. weRbsd fo.r ouncu. and tar the W@lkrc ýnricncaie im f. Service on Stnîay nex , j iciît-Wi, otainemd tbcss -olks. ' regationu hadllisti .Luimr ni-m e t ja3np.n. A gooid upeakcer t, (me requst nof(lordonB. Jackson. giferent spilicant. nreocf 1-111i V.-ms> 'le icnto n il ciî,ii ime sevi >-c .C.of Cooksyille. %abouti Iolber-i.i ont: vs8II5IIa' ba 'a ".epfel â catIilhmeerietui. Wecliz iortun cii-t la.penaitWWY fut tek, . j 1 hemeatim. otig is one coiesf ib is n'epk. Auai scricîîsî ing of creditori there on Thucsday tavr ofR ltc.BHorace k.y, IfM& aatc iuce tîse tst. under the Fermera' tts'ditoc' Ar wood. l'le cati -a« Bien mocle on 'augemet Acf.ansmos-Wiartou Ehomi rangmentActPhone 89-i,-2,' MILTON l5A.mssY Agi Riuuco.-Tbeannscai OBI TUARY. 111e runonof the Sandeceon famlly W AOLN UE I beld'at Tbstietown petit on Tus.d4y GSLN U L I uitnm,mbers cf the lamily presrit MRS. DONALD) MAINTYRE. D;STOLITE Braom , Wnton UTorontoopiltûn. There pased aw-av on Wedne-scay, MOTOR OILS & BILEASES BraptnWsfo, ornf, ilanMay 22.d. Mis. tDonatldMc as'r and tisl.-Bcaxnpton Consrvatar. lIce'Inng roîsideic. of N.ccsgawel'. in BELL BROS. HALL FAmiLl iTfATEES.-Members lier 72nd year. Shae iad lieic cn iour 1 Waoî.l e ... rIlu1. r of the Hall famlly beli thir réunions heoltb for soma fiiei'imeThIccîcti asa At Lthehome aofiStanley L. Hall. riurheld on Satcrday, "ho .'it5.ancd a Streetsillle, Satiseday. Anman Thurs largely ittended. F%ýlo'sio'cvc ton, ohorfi, s-air elected preslident ;iLe; Dan and John, Pu.icnc LciIi,' .. (i,ýeWilsoln. Churebville. vice-pre. sbtp ; Wiiiiam. of AvLcci' lioîi, ."f Weili ing ident. rnd li-re. Alan Has-don, Toron. Detroit, MiS., ancd ofxaccc i f, secrtrytreaburer. Nasagas-eva;ihre ioth,iiei icImOf yo-s are gniiig iccldi li'1-- -,tt and WilliîamnBurns. f Nm'scam.ve a mrY.c-rpreseoftir1pai iî*I î LoucaKa PAnAD.-The meuhers ofi and John. mîTlexas iisc' me l fic, c,,ii I ccitt uitniivoni. Miltono LO.L.. No. 2M6. accmpsced Mms. Aeehibatd Coulite a oi ds VsT. H tfT.ItE by sister fuilles irom Ralton ana Peelj arly. N&sRagaweya. and Ml, uI.aLet iît., '%cî counties, and beaded hl Milton Citi Alait, Milton; alsci six gratcidihitciro -- v.en' Baud. marched ta M au@ er husiand dird Lhefy vieam.,o ttnited Cburcb on Sunday eveulng. and a son, mino dird inc 11111,in0th,, ~ A A -bhree an appr ram Oro rsas(eat War. S . A . IA Y .ireached by tVbepaas-. *Rer A. B.p Irs-in. HRO-YAl I 1iunibîno, gîicstn oN HEcAD Dai(tow.-K,.îked M"Mr enHaidgtro on the head by 'a cote. M sM aim.ea Josephigiiic i IlIea n lc.ssson filon Wiliams, %s-sa rubed t M. dM m. . J Hat, .11%. ats i a Gcueph bospîtal Friday ight un thebr.ancd taMc. AtanHsili coin c f instruction@ ni Dr. R. T. Paul. George- M. etad es. teai Hariim-.c occ. lire. Rsson badl b". ,milking Re.hy . at a g rden sdcîf l,ýaitd . PO the sima..s heu ber buaband bourd tBiew . s.Mcîn il witecatincl.H i her grooan. and, on luvestigatingfound brdes-aILTOiNdi shiL rti hec lyic.g by thse aide niftisecowi aeri lrinces. ulnes. sith ht,ýar.3 net Ic I ANTMTNO oual inc.ce. sitis peari cornet and ecits of or'c .s iuREDUC TAF-Oigange bloccnrmi. Ber ,bc.-Tc foiq 'I RLTTEEB RDCUs-F.OWn as swhiLe roser. ictth ie calter and tf0h Lie nhitent demande ni the tasown orchid.She -ai, ttrdied liy Mi insttutons. fhc Milton Mlgh Scbool white chiffon gos-o and oliti' gaidr Board bas bren forced]1t0 dimpeLsce bat trsied cifh paiele îic as riLb Lie services ni orne ai the tracistoit roses and bisse delphinium.o Mr ris. makinor a staff ai stz instead oni roId McCure. Mcuît l-lermcso. -e4 ,9 Cs savon. as rirevieusly. The subjets beut nman. and Mis. '<cie (17cm' 01-'l' CAil asg tthy the former teucher are ta ho Brampfon, pae iyre wdigW,.-eprtu -.e ,i distribmtei equitlly amoing tihe ailer Lie'ediev'adu iit l teacLsrcs. MISS t2,Eu-iL- Rter. Horace Kare. oi Manses-ood M 1 EtLA ililt<' A. S. WILLMOTT s-ho bas acoeptil a unanimous ciil tc, Miss Ceceia Ifolertsoe.-l iii dJn 1 u St. PAnte Preshyterian flrthscisWar- ly et her home. fieoegeiius-s i l ' j cisi ton. s-lu preach bis fae-eili srmon naday at, sccscmig1. « lonîg, 1 ou Sunday, Joue IfiLi. Rev r.cKaye !cd ni iti he&siiim s.uicie -uo . si --THE- bas ilied the pctpt of Boton Cburci the dinner tahie. A clsm1IIIrth] ioc lime past six Veuts aud bis M&nY fatm Jamcuoetnoisf limh, bis nes- field of lat-os. 'iendoctiorston eoisOL7 ail imrclite e îd a I rsersill bcefield lu Wils.stou n t e5iietowiifie ith, cmmiffeen c-M S Mtt ITsesday, June $li 5. e laurrîceci t'Y 10e Iilc.Mi tc i. Margacef <uilcOoi el1fiwn.llasd Balilfaise do't Iitnt tooverlook Lthe a brother. Raiet lu Carfs-stgi.tcI ii ais el 'gain. tiilitdtai bc played ut fthe Agrn- Ld-es'- - cultural Genssuis. bore. thîs Satuc'tav BOBS 1-ie'imile i -c - 25c. crimn Port Credif sud Miltc.n clashbut Shann-lit(-(%,1111 C era1l iO'ctlt, Gents' Heels c. 2 Iti pin, standard tîme Port Credif clone tirci, 1M, ihe îfi c ucfi40c. ,th.o cored asbprsi e itac L Mr. andi Mss. CIuifA .s'doiii Broie151fs-ek aie on.1 U trsi"rHelen Riefci i ctî.RFPAI IS WHILE YOU JWAIT fi.caLlng Lie -Mili-tseu bt are rîn Octrlo fidrof fhry cen take lie local. loto Ontrio camp and t .rmp heac off the top place "IA e m n r in Lie leeguse. tar-m ~îcitl,. mricdm ~w aPoreo GARDIEN PARcTYi.- -The Kitfcidi iJotimitu,135i, Elimi'i, e Aii'.Do, tnited Church ce havinu a G3aden her 81.1 vear. Party et Kitimide comomnity grouminas rPuesi firoîo imcr tsict,'il'i tt on luerdayJue litis 'hr Melody con. fi. o.ntemmay,.11îie ti, 1. t W 1Orchetra sill proilu Lbe prograin. tcy M'mou n11 1 Iashial g.ame at&3). Admission î1oe-o(enrc locPi i n 25c andflic. Specigi ser.sce cul- hbc mn. on !,..d .lue .113.1 di LII vI~ hec-IS ilnda, ern ino lun e 'uA' 1,Ot 7liO Vsirmc. oin18 iyî'î R ieînc f nIJLV SaI p.M. Rer. A. B Irs-in, t.riis. nSt. Jolhns.lc-1Crî.Ic 'esiry, Ni " ton. Witt ho su charge ni the service. .agas-rya. i Spetial mnaie by the Losville Maie UN MEMORIAM pllos-sug ai-te cuewly-elected of.-',ansSckel tuei.og lcriy of îc iolsls'sîl îiTc ll ot tiers fer Haltan Musical 1letivrl iAs- dues oec. Eî1931 rf. uiciid isay Sport Silics, cntrs eni sûriation ! Hon. Peu., J. M. Denys« ; ie4h 91 esSotSic. cmes cîi Preidel. MrMm.Atkinr. PlSI@-,,ult 1sfIlove t <o Lîc <it th' ýiuciiIiîthomue Chlds-tn'sScampers. Tennis VicePra., Mca. B. Cartwright. Mi- tthece occr 'lacliccefut lîîsî IIIcetu -v. tonut e'y, Mmc. D. tlactley. Muit Wier atl lier suo.r 1,jinucc id icultcm We tocife Yiil i"P ftn Tee.., J. A. Lockisart. Birlir.gton UsHav erpasse-, il0 ltEi'AlîîlNî Cocomittee--Miso BBessoett. ni Actant love iifi)tii0 ialtc'- hOu 1 I.îcui' S 1 0 VND Mm s'.Percy Cloe.e.3-ogtows- Reil. Aud wacc iti ut ,v)i ii 10 Canon Naitel. Milton ;Mc rOete, A finit it finite u iîccts- Otitu, flacNabb's Shoe Store SîaiiicaMe. Bow, Actant Mrs. Andi s loy foreesrec'Y. StG.agow.; sMo;Mss GastaBaill sdy oismed -y mucicialaiiue,r 1 'hue 4 - ILTON. IIThe banS s-lIt commence thioirsunoi 1.-s--I lMW onnoes-tan 1%-%esdy ccening, .Qt....... «iariia rtsah ..Wlslstis Min SSHIl oL Ladies'. Ib............ Lia. t pa g e . i h m o m . NisHln~UsI sIri 5a àl#As els. sdfsh Mie, 000. peaooholit lsî babu ser ce a ise mp bloue gomna De ;uam M.mus a" th* s e. MISS VOTA ENIE bâtdtblond-pdg- QuAsi> l) uonuaÀmLN Lcxy DOIsw noi« 1os-aise usesbaob c-es ..out iegef thamt th@ Milton pbysl' ,,ns d an oia alvT@e. At Pick- ncal Cultsure(Club ie holding & Grand ett's Deug i toe. Rucher and Lueky Dran* on Prlday Mrs. G. Motion and sou Llnvd. and *eauong. Jone Rh. at tise Armories. Mr. and Mie.fi. Nast.of i ucilng- Tour ticket con.til25%,as.id cnt itien voit tan. Ws-cSUnday yîeito-le t Lire home to admission Ltth.e cocher and a ni M. Cooper, chancnus theUicloct cirame. Time.are Tise moetiit <et tête 9oas-by W. L ttes prises tu tis- liky si-as-and -blcb s-asicteibave hhon t eldu ouencour t i corcher. LVîo% iiiiiet Ibet 12, boa beau postposeS ta JUOciBtb. avrsy ticket yoîs bias au-cil a ciig Particulaîs osai; -eek. ynu a chance. Rires@fthe boys in Lime 1'lýANS.,-Erner eL«oOsk lolb seims assstance, criabest., thank blusisyfriands for AKWuwA 3,YiOeAt, o thIiecc 'sppoet latheOakville Comnss. TATtXB-Proof thaLt)L<îiti,u îtac 'ifihe Domnin w ins.cu vîmence crise li't. ik, . . and R. It. Collina MaMiliar & Sutton. Hllleimurg, dIspos. s-sre lu Woodbs-ldges atsasday at. cd-i of M)balle ni c-rtsSed iclsh Cab. tirison ttudlg Iséiferai ni tise bic-ersoesipotata.. a Uthe Sakatche' lote t" BoyS, femsrly ni Hilton. s-au Goveromeint et an attractive Th*e Balton Union Pas-tus-s Mutuel ps-ion ta Ltso gros-en. Efforts.s-ese Fis-s lamenraunaCoompaa« l oSamade tiiland the Icussines. by potato StueP -yS i. nu Wd-asocSiatîns lnPrince Edwsar d i picoelualo y b Msri.sn - d N Brsuswick, but MeMilian & Stit- Dentier. Joue lam.e.t 1.80 p... ST. tnenlîc"teWiehsr.Ia h Mitr. Mark Giddf"ge. ni Orockot. Ontario stock s-asonieopanloc qoalil'y. Oallfocnla. spmuât a very pisasuf s-sk 'I tiair Lade- A.F.k&A.heid elciting ber mofse.i-I.Mse Lt. < fr -annua1i Le' 7'ighLmlt i licy Glddlugs, boe, un ber vy ta Seat. lu tuso tewcn hall. Ueme 20 srIîît land, and tisei ladies-ere prereni. Ilicîts 1. j. D, Buyece and Mr-. aud Hi-s. s-represen¶t iroin Torconto,. Hamlfîiti, L.as-snsud famill. ni Nealera Icalle. Guelph and Stceetsnfiiule, alt Vànli. N. T.,peut liuday et the home of boeliesL£odFe wcth thpir lailirs. iVir. Mr. sDtMc.. A G0. MLNa1I1t.De-um- Bro. Wom. T. Dates, W.MI.. wiLi Mre quin, Dal« ec!iMes, tV. IL. Tucercrcfeci. A ls-osocal -hIb. eidat icWor. Bron. C. R. Turner and A. L. v feas of Me John Carion Wcdoudry. atahcr shn.WrMWî eveninx, Jonc 28SU. Splendid pe-ogratu Daleiine o e w s-cIi cimoen nrds, . x moid lunch. Admuiln Me. Portion- tendeci s'âOoacty welcoime. aller ahsch lair$ later. auo ujoys.bla pingram s-sm rend.rrd Mr-. asdMcm. J. Waln sud Uieirbye rlsa rom os ronto. Then Io. dauotbter. Mma. Watty. sud ber dau h 5 ancng ite mccicic hefinsadnuraiy tes, JoeioflMint, Miecs., visIteS is-. nrovided by tiennett w Orchiestre. aud Mmr. A. Baston for aàtes- daye alse ImAt wmi sUYOBUaiNUM INuShT. fil A 'es.-A ih IAt s-set I l mmbtrm rebusiness transaction that s-ili be oniIn- t cequesiesi la attsnd a noerai meeting tereet tri mauy In this di*irict s-ie fisi te hobe lsion Mondair, Jonc iOýh, t urebses ai MeMurcaya Fpees Mf"' at1 8< p.m. sharp. Varionss business ls-h t. -Marys by A.fi crme Kirst<se, wm diacueseci. Ia widely knoslibse. Mr. lirsflne, s-bn for thc pant fBye yesre bas been aj SPEDWsAT Pftu 55RBUptIcE-Il.A. memîser ni the Agrîculifsai Repre- <'fe MaiHlo. agelt forGeer y., ntat4,vBrandi. onfarfo Deparfiout1 I Tres, aunounem Dns-lqs- prionsiu bisniofAlgriculture. andis-bulisas breien'n adret. on pageS.ts-bicb should he remdtgaiedi lus pecial aRricîsîfurati wok ici by evecy nmctorist. Lincoin sud Wellingtsîn cccmstîes since At a apetial umeeting ai Uie Bus-iIng tant fait, a. decsded t.m seveir hie 'on- ton icebriadeut -se eciesi~ uetiu sitl he I, ruserero. mLoùt ca r r o siute cIssL ndcte m . a o.th &go Mr. Karstlne poirc Icaee ,oron tec s-seappinteStasse, »d a Uic busiess -ýmentinccandi is uuorlmg t-r ai arrwanmentedLe loo m bis s-lie ud iansily La St. Macys týr H arangmeci. fom ilton earcin coJîsor taki-sece Boston-Chureli a"-sen party volli h-e the actire management inimediafi. brisi on Jure 28rd. Pingfraa b y CV aW. are qAcviseci that, be cmli riridut a Ilsppy Cousins ni ElmIra. Acunver- complet.s Bouc, fred and meeed immsciiccs, sacy serviceas-îili bho bld onSuaday, payîug partirîsiar affrLétilîn lu luai ui'ut issue lIed. Pas-tfclaa atrrauaus fcrposîttrvandl lice stiie and BAs-osDAn5sC-A harn dane s-ilho alm couduet an up to-date serd iean- imcid et Chas. Aisstinos.lot Ilon, 6,<cAR establishment. Mc. Kirsi.Lce lis EcuisiUg. on p=rIa, eeung. JOe ctabliabed an excellent record of i 't'. Musce by Bule O rchestra. Gents achievement k;. bhes-oct as an Agri i26c. Lidisa provîde. Rves-ybcdy s-l cultural Representatire ancd thm. hoo coma. s- ihes ai bis maoy iciende and &mc quaintance In tise district folln ios Ii Vsgioaffz UL@use - Anther m»:an"sudhie fIs«Usmi t teiz nc ths tue asui - a baceern comnletely hesiesIsI.h Dc' .erkiluGn. ac.r Novi vVegetabie Olatmont, IL s-ll_ "-_I.R'. TH E TiR'E' Friday aàItul-dal, JUNE 7 & 9 CHARME IN 11l9WaisrOluc m sy Terrytoon- 'ie ln ooncil" Tues.,& Wed. June il & 12 BIG DOUJBLE 8110W t Ancs, Sté e ir i~ecMarcS ic WE LMV AGAIN Alto RetualeLMuisiguîiety ato THE HIDE OUT S P ECI1A Lu Fi, & Sul., Jone 14 & 15 %Vtil[ Rouerasin THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN ST. PAUVLS UNITED Cii.iCH 11) a.ni.-Tse Smudty 4Si bol ii Il as-Pibie Wor.isp conducc'. umy fise Miîsssteir. lime Teîth Ai.i- ve-'arv i h el I L ',1, hurcb n Cm am, isl r1h ctomimret'sl y a sîîî -ilmicîcno Aireses by Mr. l'ut. Denves andi Mr. lit Fart lneronrt-. Inrcome. 'p m bi Woreshlp. 11v. (1,;'. N. AttinsonB.A, nor stî' nondont tise service ansi preari. A serrgitoa ocial i-c ,blri-lc 1thuclcfi 1' esa f sti g P- M, Roxiii Shaving Cnam andI Rexali Shaviai Loion Vaiso70,e- Both lac 39e ACAROL (j o'z.. .. - -. -69C MOTH-KI L 1 7c puekage KLENZO Shavire,ý Cr'am 50cîîtith.li 39C Vr Chas's Nerve Food 49e 2IENLARGMNsIENTS fcons arync oRgtîrî 49c Furetest ý -psmLait Face Powcter' an ougeo andi Red Codas- Flakes Bath f.c 49c Car% Nomne Fae Powdir 25, &sue snd iaaNome Perlume u1-- luth fh cr 35C IISMA REX 75C and $1.50 tiU,,rsWVat aesF 40c and 75c Jttii i Licd CANDIES 50Sc lb. 5î .iii',u, t 'e Mackenmie's Rexali Drug Store t'PHONE 40) i IX w- VOUR FtLlittNDS ITON VILLE PAR:Jý i tise luchbasket ansi spensi i i In h5e on. Deep.crater es-i, a, 1gh dlving bs-cc. spring d. g, bocctlng. hallgciis, Imos cuts. mmiii tables mmdcc 'lady teero t wsale, nuItîik-dcýfeiebs -t reasonalt eiei 1-8s tor-1nt-- Ncis- lmc,mg pire tt.Iu.s iislo tePark, ltînc 7E XVANT YüUt2Ptf'Nif CINQ EYERY !RIDAY NG tRALPIl BLINKHOM and lis MELODY BOYS iambers' Baker!' iWrapped Bread Dlireresi fresh, daiiy. CAKES and PASTRY Weddlng Cakes A Spculaliy CHAMBERS & SON FLOUIt 24-1b. Bag 7-lb. ag 79c 25C -7 ou ct ' feom lui junc 12 Paint Up!-- Clears U>! PAI 10 tîHt.AL À U» C.V. PURE UNSEED OIL PAINT IDAY' for both interior aind exteri.cr os- Paintà present a btglî gloss rand 'attT t i t l illipervioîîf to time and weiutecr. fftCe lnd Lîet 1longer than orklilliry . are luad e withluextreme cars ani!. i " obraiitbe. 'iOey cannot buy bt1 C. T. DA Y & t MaicieLeaf ICING SUu -À iiby'c Prolti MIJSTARI Pruet cm SOAP FLj RICIIMELLO COFFEE ~d1o' UALIV ~J'l44~~F C0DS DOMINO .TEA dii .Tuna Fish 'Cc GLASSCO'S-W th '.di IC,1to, 'JAM Ra.pbecm g9i-y BL-is C.ertc KETCHUP 1<t S 3 Ige. boxes 25ti C la GAR- 2bs.15~ Soap D 9 9oz. glassut a 'a 135 GOOD QUALIT ï1 BEANS X 2 Ci c .rea GOOD OIUALITY os~ o K CORN 2, , P?7K MUFFETS2 rites. 17C Ow"ydioI p & G SOAP1~~. 2~~'17C 191 lBars3jrI g Choice Lemo . ,"per dom ...... . 19ia 1 i Valencia Ora , es,1Spu, uoz ...3ie & 390 Choice Banai-, c;, 3 Ibs ..........20eW A New Cabbag, peilib ...........5c Hot House T raos per lb .....2lC 0 N ew Cai'rots, 2 bnches for .... 13c - FELE ALL DAY DELIVERY-PI-ONL ~î I 1 1 MA CK E NZIE' "IWe Save You Money"l o'clock tcc cels-brate tise Tenb lAr. vernary ai the Uited Chcurr L'au C.: ada. Ail mpIssesirs andi suliererts î.t U st.' PIsàtis are lietesi to homeeut A short pcngrans cr111 ho provided i -ml opotsltyfor ocial iitorcourse asti PAi' Ig'.ieiment$ cul be stecred. dey i ~iox cMing ta in-Ssnday S«chol, A. E aSi, L thet ans i. lt ihsuion, Sccpccintendpr.. I-'L Ho, r.J N. Mciiaiil, Mirilsler. I Kn.o cuoogi'cgatilon as. ufuife la'uv ot esi et tast Sisday eceo hercie i he.riog 1-tglit Rer. J. 4. Sisor, Wîi Moderatar offis.. (teserai Aisee.,l 1 gmee hmcsexpeesnc j.isbs co andi ini.eresslng maunec. 'hso .W A imeld i.ii, bnermsei-tiu DA at the mange oîs 'îceslay e j"cti A w iLli an attendanre of ovme Ls-enfy. Lu On Satarmsarses ýuocn, clone S t1 tLi Y>.W.A. s-li iold &ale nifhmoccu- macde baklng andi candy on the chisîsul< tas-o at i Wo'ck. Tea cilil b.us. t On t3unmlay mci..jis Plih repreorntatire mcofis the 'lscl .nlieSoiciety wcml uCsp,.yl. lcpli<,l -1 - JASMIN'E Jiut. Face Powder $1.00 iC P,. ' SionseLINIMENTF 29c 57c $1.121 P, ltct ' l-t, il Wei.Prut ADIESIVE ii Irîmn15C ta 80C 25C 111 eý.l M 1 LTON .AKES - pkg- Zlý ' "" ý> M lIV