Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 2

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u! q ise0 eBASEBALL IONESDA V TUI1s Staull. Falla il iltouiaqatou& aîâlfïct cIERE18 COM C MU trangi.bold of the leadeshaiîp or tii Pa Âru--ona CLkr a 55WBîgiva Lise. wsu bugr aud a-0iw.aillisObu D - i budedhsprd an~ Joyubet Oay bopIut.jUs. IIg at&sniObU d.d eOnv.ntlon Ollie Jiebuanne «nîlhlgb.orafg oakv'îli. Hovau ~oBAL% on ,im. -On t assrRUVs Aainua tla bliaibre grumeedst ISaturday. Tbuuli plv O hampion Udîes. su ly, ~ uaOuriei. evof et5. rrrby hbuta emme(lured lu Lb. FRS E-haaIe uh 11 vdàWl isai ew erlng the garnis va. treplets vitb bstFOR S îL.ed &Om e..bu, mbo. W voiuarsscn &iy lgbt choieru.pllritcd aicile,, emilrt Rldilng plavat pholâ roued,-rIl.,bt .I ro as eansdl ellb luumsi thîs rlding lun ob phoo.rllg h uius n e W? otbuml isLu. Naisies ut1he fanu,.Par Saloe-Purdion tracter sud Pie. minanu:Ht. estcer v o Aslaalvaya tho caavhs,, Uic,. Apply Maisse1 IHarmis Agsney, George.se tivosIe aTnoter uofa. Atissu or t ion voile.& pro. town. Places 282 U Nelsountownship, IA Bey 8&,..ent fdeulua"""" ffature. If ever a club i. ÀîTty~,o Lw--Por a tsv cattîs 1 EARAIi »Maillt and eh". Galbraih of Hrai,. oh.-vdiltigt uIL islam helaits ablrepersL ftovator and shed@. Apply W. , Eîght othl ers I umnatud. but ceeue. Jrllo-y(leî,oen lentylim5O W ais. ,as ftelluais'"Maos Georgei tley unlcasbed a dynsuile hattilrg **&Pdl ml B. Ellitt fMilteu, L . P ieck of offensiv~e Iilnb.heoviinth trante stî POR $AL£ -HDOlitIn ccv. dU. tliai so Gergtown. W. S. Davin ut OakilIle, yierldiiI leur eCiii,, sludeuore tainle treeo.aialn. Apply à., A, Stukis, NEU lacue Marn ofutAnite, J. A. Wile<ogI w. ild hb% e îiirred ip coumidelsrlephoue 274 r-2l.NEV br f GoTtwn.a. ralaa t Ok- t-iiiî,lsAnd iamorti lananîiug for (lié VIIMltorutu u ou'iu iy.Ta !tzsw.--Sepi. lit, UIZ-OlxoI.bouiet..4M1 LIed Ilgl. ie.e of uringtonu. Ostehle vil) pls utor lu Roy 0" n 9. pî t avdAde.5 a sschiot spakrs rvrro l. T. L. devenut oîpany, lcklug ihe service mon, Mill et. 4t Kenndy. ix-M.L.À fer Peel I;)r. Rtofut iroir cai,,h.br Lyann and titillé star Fou SÀis-Bsddîug planta, eab- Ils K. Anderson, M.P~. ithe retlrlrnicmot. seconid bacoau Schilling, Who., blge, osîlluinwér, tomate lantls. demi. u bar for RaImun. aud ithecandidats. foinîrrly of théu, (9%îihatiiton li.hor-cr', vicrtoria Ave. Mreil. ileMII Re.olutineof a ppresiaîîonuc i Dr. moii, lIioy fouglit valiantly. dililplsnty 1u,. Anrlerson'.srvices, aud confidence, in of ,haterig on iheheocli sudcr- bHoust pu SA ta-The hume nt the the prime minîstt;r and ti adui.nlo taiIynt> velu duvu tlglilig bard, laie mi.âii n oi41 t ..Mlieuw tration u6vecarrîid nuanilmoualy saufi t,albrailî, Patio vcut Ithsfiull ,rente Apply 'Are. SEmmoîl, R.R. 3. Mltou, sutbuelutilcally by the aidincewblch for takvilîe wain un my*fery toiratah. phone 155.r-4. pae sc ion uhall te the dlourd. W. ('lrreut, Tuietrka. A. Clument aud Naylor, vwhoui raie oft he local'. Foie 8 uL.-1 tungoleuri rmg. cnoe 13 blows, tfli îosr heIng the îîig Oz I2ft. e1 0Baiis a l g9 x12 tt RALTN JMOIS ARE' ACTIVE InOui.e wuliith,,. clon ntis, Antier.' ttl., Ma i t.s. plMn.RR bitu. Fùut Pae.- A brick vyynoerd tana The club pregramume ilaticd by the For Oakvclllc, Carte. ie the only iiw utsix roubie sud bath; largo Mltou Brsuch ufthils Ontrro D.part- o)ntogîtttwîî bila. T'lie tahle 011 e ellar ; eetrally inioated i.nd quIet rue n t et A g r ic u ltu r e , d u r lu g th e p u t j u h n iu i , p in i- l aiti nî g f r t ocal.n -pv D . . K S e e s o . c tev jac la egain bolug tresoed tht. braî ln tthât evcnt foiaeenili. fatur. .atn pl r.C .Seean year. Cif clubs bave ores ted ea 1Ron d a e aroiui tai tulusi coreiî.. fwo 'Pis Huuiicii -io Rseu-.-Ou, On, deal eftulterent lu the pant sud #coin.. il. Wlucplayedlrat ailhallMiii St. ;. cnuolher ceBronteS l.wltli fortg boys sud ynuag men ame, roiled ateld,,r-kingtlwIr iakblralra Inud n Lc Onaik St. Apply lantbla projeeit fer 190. Two grain t'mgr-,i Liithe dlceBrt portion oa it ld-lire. ME. (Luîndplione 344,MIIion. clubs w).ba total menberahofu M 35ý.îîic, n imorne îcep, te mkan. i , AT. -Gond jmarkeiturs are &lac lauuehod. 'Phat the girls o ut sîiîîoiîeg '-eicbon Tîleîckas abîl for gon'd fat hi-Z.1.1. peclal price. TtIf N w il Balte,, are &ac mS-lvlng connideraii.i a bornerr. havce Ray for salIe plio 68W Mlton. N Id cuacbtntilsîeiby tbe tact t th lrce ýMlton. weii cull Wortli thc margin or Write H. lraloky, 1917 St. John'* glrla' gardas aud canulnglibprjertu lnuthe plîy. 'Pbcy played clpver balIRond, PTruto asebeau orianîsei snd I iplaunéal ail the wr.y, andl îboîîglabey bad four Oo te ergauns ove or ix clthlng clibse rrm., titre ufthe(briy vthe Iattcry - dune1g the neît wcck or non. W. un cvitl ilrowp, they rama ibrougi.The alieâot niiaue, aloi., revun vîli understand thsttinciu.operation wiibh wiihh ileit buni-liluig Uim ln thé lie eled for the sommer, Pol ewic ith.Alie,, Fair Bard a beootuaIlub second.Ihi-i d nd ith inîgla farit..é rainflie raliur,- uhîride lea ing Wha wili b.erganlsd durlug tbe nexitcw moat of tlirir ciue. japilurltutoheb.rîids.-~Actou FrP viekea, Takni evrthnng.into nn. Milton illedI io iitcbînri, e.re. sidosailun 1935 looi 1k. a bncr tlé.ini.. twbo strei fe unc'lie hulinî, Femr tor club Werk lu Haëltou. Ws ('on- turired lii ai vert riclifêble ."rI"!iil'a grâ.tulate the uMeers and dlroctriîssurne' lic pirliel binueelf ciiop N T C T of the Aton: eeorgotsvn sud Milton cotîîpl.etofld istsi, the o l, N TIE OCRf DITORS Agrîcultrsi ocitîcZ snd ut the var. jfori I nîuîigstnh)wcla igos (iîf:- - tousaWomn a nstluiltuts Bianchésansd uvin la iahb ,, iîtclié., on Is îý le..11- ofut hé. RitaLse ,'FLOR, oather. raeplouelbls fer Ltllo worllwhlilirre lîîthis aid fWîi rrîre, Oakvilllr ICF I.WHALEY, latent iheTovu. vork ausnriunr yuca peopile. tallird fouîr ,ns. Marali, wli teck clip, ulit iijeaing, lu the (Jouuty etf urav i hé rixiiiîl dtru;,, nîînplled relief lielton, Sidiiw, decesrd. LIN LOWR PNATI! ~pitchuii oreîluxc. lieoakpde iaitnt Ail pereons basinq rîsîrn nagaînst LOWR ENLTIS OWmisutotue.. limo, ladcithité liasi' hu.i..ît-ideor Ilorence Whale>n. laie ot FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES l-naded ri.ird hl iii).Luby th,,.atriký-e. iTo.wnsbip iof E.q sng uth@ "atîol,îute'lai,,la liil flicO((is iui 'outy aif IlulIun, Wiow.leesard, itîcas forrthé.. i csf ifhéli gaié. hoii i-,il iii a îî hi v Changes made lu thea MuniIpal Act nt he oui- Nf iltfi d icjiur..î Ihern. rigli. dey of Marc,1:5.ae que * ai the test sesion o e li ntîrle Loirseli. n Sie ci>le; théieinîicîl sea ec eo sct gdýb lature lesmusoumslwlat thec burlen unit wot k*tliii cel.i'.lt ixtl hil ey rjuiliciiuir n.or bëa tefuenh upun thua. lu arralars for taies. l'h.. puolIed)crii-sual u filertiudoiuille dayyr unfeii. 1935 h.5 wi.etéette.U U mnaximîum fpeat, for nou-paymenî Ilay.Lewis fi A. lI;-,ientuu tII'e Irtuiks. cillIh. ual.rilui i rgard t ot taxe. on due date vhicli uap lie lmAîu.oî,un ii. oîiîl guri tch lil lmpolaed by liylaw i. reduced trom Se«î ec.l e l l.ui îuiltlihaicrse.il p@rnceut, te 4 par cent. Penaltiesa (i. ilakr i. oli ()jcfr.Vi, rniW. ul MiloOtrn uplaù arrsara are tai,v ilse Rame for mil fly.chehuc.uvans outofenuinig he' uidilr SOlkituui forhlAdm'u.rt. munlrlpaltîca, lteret te b adaI e a «-iuipl, it bord ehci-î-c look essy Mlu ay7h1a Le rat.etf à f 1lper cent, per ti,, ntb S.l'o llhlfuii.laiiyR. (or portiluntherrof) on aIl taxeus on- Miii . ....iUI 14) 100 i 13 4 pl atîer Des.liai t ofthé vear in oIi101) lie 7I il6 whlnh the tallé are levIed. Tais ra.Ot'i,' 21 111ii)7l ( plsi te tttrypnlt right isu per cent. adelon May Cîrînuiet, Mciè. mortdhi ni loi. lIetresi asgte be sdded Luefthe ulit, Ja.leîksîo llucuultc. I _________ outatan.diniztaxes ouly sudneut tom I E i TANDIiNu 'uiN O F IALTO.N, dum ortde. The maximeum.discunt l'la -j . 'os (i il I-r: Wýo1b cîAsy lie alloweu. for popay.Milfon 2.... .ý 2 0 11H0 Nul ire la lirn-î-by givetii lIai the Court men i txeek leueel.rm prS 3 2 1i (1 il10 f G.u:~u.Lits Peïacs aud Brit., ' 81.11 3 0) COUNTrv osé m LTrOv H.ALTOPE PLOWMEN rd 4tutd.yl, ganis -PrtCredif t i!b il nteCitIo . Itfon ;ilriiuui et Osiivîlle. wI elcliifrC îfle, -LANJNIOR MATCH I- Penie u],fiaL,.ldl'mpbellcile ii h - to 9ilii. af..o iae..pîîyed aI Paluermo 1 I Town of Milton under the leadership ut Présidenti 5Lefrd.v iiin i. llrîîuii-Wentvrtb Stanley Hall sud hbis tellov offlcers aa rugir. 'Thbijuches lvii vins sol cii.elN ;oewicg match forJuirfre.n.osfi'lrk ls U S A , NEIb 13 ar= ers otage in.oihelcîlgain-l liiisrîrcie tîuuîuî Bru.. ne îd UElî.i3 ai Ladu C ,ebolmn' tart u Pr liifî -hcîiI Crt gainie fuir Pàerrti. n1 u h o fl.iuîr uf ilse.u'eock p.., étand. G Loeuby te morov (Priday. J un, 7tb). (îe..cf Iruiliii,11, aho lruke has oiel.uafiiref whiluha ieti'r tthe G o Ail tour teonhip corecila bacs male ,nbhfli usf tile l'uu'.tiu , o rsfLialcs, Osolerc, srail grant. te encennuage fi plocu1uudci s ilî--,nucir-o.d are requcatel V.i sud îcparate classé@ wyul he belllie.. 'ahr nd attend, tu do sud for Pasbfnwnsb. Theoftieso efl CAMPBELLVILLE pîifuuil aIl dulieusuhichi appertain ftu Plnvuen'e Aniciatiou are leasing neohii eLne uLn.ed Lee corue a ,uneesfail Messirs.. Ecg. Murray and Neil Mr CO erDON ,0.cBR HWlton. toretiltand are oferi-eg te pruvidiuPli.ait spuot (h.. urrk enuleaFoiîrest!Shrff o. HBROW n. tomamt on ibooe Who cone froein&di. Hil. tiue. ILt aà~generslly aceppd tact T'lii.W.Ptcciclille oufthalli t'am de Sh..nill"c oOffice, Mion, AMay l:ird. Moti ibai s graod plevusua sien8.effiient rfel dMuflai tetFriley nîglif, the ___~ - o lu ifbher branche, ut feat vers ail soi, lu-inugItlhi6.__'___ factice the resn why *lis junior match Mac Biblaly loes lire, app.intedlicîacb ON GUARANTE:D are 1 port o rnenmners of te.onibip counacile tram. -ATUS Gt aud ether lea.ere inuthe counaty. Bal- M'f. SS. ilpe p 44cl svîy lais O ton bois loug bien recognired as. a Wpdneeuay îughi. ETFC ceunîy otgocul plownen sud if the M,. inal M,.,. Jan, FgecltmSi" ýsuel, von le the pai are tru lie r.ily ce..urr..pk coul ishicf iet hé1unes i alivsmnrfiTut ud O taiud Ltt ou7er boys rmuît liéeu-n of Mr. and Mns. '. A. El8IertAlglivsietfrTutFni reurnged sudd evelopel. 'Ti...moral Tirn-s i- iu.ulll ge bânj$00 niUwrsAcladfo ie l-get the beysout ou Jouie 7th. in a repI dpign 4.460 n Uwrn cetd o u Terris ci 5 Yars. SCOUT NEWS DRUMQUIN. Uncoaditionall>n Guesinstad Si On Scnday. Jlie 9tli, Lb. Firat Mil. 45 ton Troulp boy scoutesudoitubs vull Ther vuuuîîug oien i flue ni parade te the Aegliean rburcl inhoth.. baccirgiiz sei-bs al îb. lbSTh, evsDng for ibe dedicatieu cf tbci'trouup gRu.lnd olprifirecoSr- bell cf John S E LING coloe. Mr. Arthur Paidera. Provin- Pi'ekt. cal Field Secretaryhof ihe boy ecoutfs, Mr. end 'Irs. XAI. Lîîîian affend wîlI bcerarement sud inapeet Lb.. trco e fanerr.] a t héiroiraucleetTRUST a V brfore the parade. T'Pl oislccwvolî Mrkhiu n iii S ilyM. ike aIl the cummitemroirs sud -Mis,. E'elyrui,u .uIlr"I. utan CORPORATION the boye' faîbere te lie présent ml iug cfb..th enulHou Gîa.Iuelphi. parade with ibra. hi. pninîg ila- iiliiîy. at ilin home, TORONTO 'Pher, are uov 50M,000 re..,late é...le OJntario boy unc.ut toreet. A b and rel 'Phe Ladies' Amsieieliuui.and W.M.9, thowand dilîlonal trrs vere platel ofttelrChiuli uuuii flteir iii)tiilhly by 140 boy souts ific herefireefratioeunîeing uMilir home cf tre, DoI)v ores nr Alines.Ont. Iiiricg th.. iiuuccs, Oli liii..tlh..25 ciiiI I 24LL- seM a y b lid y cam p. 'Pis a n - 18 ucy i t hîe - e i. 1, 10 11iî ui W i.. c1iIL arê oe i.Puciie l e u iiy~li..i,,u* cii r-ut ire.. ctis5cRs.îup ig nptrsuil il liý i- enplî-luuoenil Piý D bas etartel 5001100.0 vlis ukneo neefu d 25 )-, -sr go. nall e os ihes"Boy Scout Foret.' "Plis boy.. fiai. iim.e, picouf. Ail enioyd. l's'y sO82f00 tes te- lIeé,pivueleof ut a- plelaatceraoo.. tendicg the camp.I. u. A . i> t WE ~EBTTUEPAEkLOWVILLE. 1 W E TEPPk Sereirainu h' f nitîl ('tbtirel \eacllesdto jc nounS eour sffilation w th 1 Wesec iy the plerta uis.S'In" ide tiilie4i-ifoillounit i ro.Bi g smeinh r of Lb e organization thse nevapaperudo nulathagt ue k-eilet >0.an. cllluurî.b ser,,e bal aus ile radio intu epflic sumsthe telk1et I S iblý vil: luit torget aboutit sud th. talai es I i i0ihOfbl ofrecelver, vl]fali it f s tpPe f O0,,k.et hi, leyof Ii. , &.uiillue F CE- LLE Chat alter ailtLb.. money tint lsuaii e .l. Ifîg ini.ui.Ie fîo lu magazines, radio, billIbhards ,c aaMecol Mu 0'EHaritlei..it TISSU ES TOOTH AT it finally devlve, un. the cl dspend A chebre fn .papei fn l I cii. )u, u ~M. -di M1.J.F.300 sh os21c ~ fi , WBgon u blcf for l i hdic.. in0sIlleî. i -'Pi hil . -k end',cui ~ Probably ilu lbécaue anmany p..pe f',li euiui, . iciIl.. wreka.uloI ea ore newýP.Pýk3 tharagnythangTIr,, .H. lîr. loieMnu Ic 2 for 4 lit» hý aeta' IM rne or nivp pu:i i P." 4,, --i.Yjý ,.1 get the public thinking andl eeally dor ruouf. 1i , llinugus.ruii __ __ __ FLM, _____r-fot I! yii imaiiuiuijPS ýNSALT8, 1 lb---------------9C M". clndMiii W. H. lIitleîf Peutc C*IASE MENTAL FATIGUE lAanaeuuuuu Steady Ihose Ner.ve5! Uulc-îrhuîuIlîireOilrnu - --9L o lielva iiiua/.A -Ii'ls. ~Oc-z---------------or25C - W A R i I I D n A , 6. 6 2 i c ( i o p r i B N I E ) E S T T A L ESt9 cf A Hiui. iu iiîiIieliu Euii IUY JUNE CHICKS NOW dots 3 vasyd ryeols.r wcuits yuu a day. puuc eit. 3 J~ u look 4t houns re tOAIN PRICES EFrLCTIVB .UNE Stib laed mal ie adta * S91 lond-gumrnt..d 70Xpllt 1298 19 I«od-uarntaeg 0% uille. 17,900 1995 mnRoa.Wru .Roeîs, WrnTs WYÂuDOrTrIp ixed maSi*sud omais........96 80,( dAMpoilau DRings- ixed umale r.ud emale 9.M 5 11.45 exod--urnt.ed 909 pulglut ...... 15 00 19.90 lROWN LueioiRNî-not oizid-.mamo as Barsed Rck. XUIV BLAUtx (4iAWri-not sexd--samp ae N. H. R.d. ,wooke old chici-h.svybradi uniy'-priceî nn ànqulry. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY PHONE 107: BRONTE, ONTARIO FOAL m -UMMER PRICES is the time to tua ymnîr bîn at the lowest cost. FLOUR LsteRdilv advanoing, we hold a good stock at OLD PRICES CEMENT 61 EKinde COALRindi T)clived by truck anywheru. R. S. ADAMS e48 Night 889 mey$ re O. K. my Canadian Mot@ris )EEDWAYS torists like Speedway Tires.. . genuine Ddyerq... they give big value ... they Iow prlced ... 1-bey are guaranteed. them on your wheels tomnorrow. $4-99 M $, 75 $6.3 300.19$84 x215.00., 98 Other stes equali> low-priced Pe!! Battery Service PilON E 245, MILTON ET TAT' ,UG STORE, 1. D). A., which conssli of ver 200 lealdiuig dý ug store8 )n we are able to give you unexcelled service and xun- -~i1 ~ê~~m ýEN-OR E1TOOTH POWDER Dc 1 23c-2 for 45c 'EVELOPED I COLD CREAM Pncraee Iepli PEPSODENI' Toutb Paste 23c & 39e MILK 01" MAGNESIA, 16 oz - ---35C HEALTH SALTS, 1 lb,-----9 BAYEiIuS ASPIRIN - 22c, 39c. 98c BORILu ACIl), ]b.----------------Ie CASTîLE SOAP, 9 cakes for-19c IPROMPT FREE DELIVER! Jfflios and tn.snnir -f ibeHuiet <ommno afor (inaisWt luiu u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . G L L W A fote .genercl clectlîîu, If hageocral. D .G L O A ly undon.tood ai Ott&v. BUTC H E R--. F r e s a n C u u sd e u sF i§ ba n d V g ta b le s JCHOICE MEATSj il~ ~ ~ HN ____________________________ QUALITY and SERVICE at ail trnes. KEIP XOUR (H1 ulROWINfI ON- * * PUIRINA GROWENA OR £ Cafeteria Growing Mash CYANOGAS KILI.-'ANTS INS'ANTIY-'i a itie on t iý,li iiislj onîou.r lawîî or golden, PHON la A. S. WILLMOTT MLO Pimiento Olives 4-oz. Jar 1Oc Peanut Butter oe Chocolt. O L 25 24-oi. Jar 2 3c Biscuits Mallew 2 jePtild Dates Lb. 10<c LAR\ Salmon P""c"'.t -l.dfl _ . L A R D 1 F&nc Pi.k T ons I 2 Cand7 C«conut IonBS.,, Lb.18 13c Coffee Chase.& Sonborno -1b. e i3d ols.35c Lya olt Dntt Blueberdes 2 'ins'19 lige, 7 mote LIBEY'S CENLE PRESS" DURHAM BRAND Ctup 26-oi. 8îl. 15c TOMATO .JUIC2 CORN STARCH La unc,y S op 2 10 -oc tins 9 c P ck asge 9 c Cernfort 5 Psrs 18C 1ONe - ----- Nusseî Ta loc Fliou!r'iilver star 2-b.B,57c Bakijng Powder 1-z n17c a W A X 8sEMil k ted 3 î6 .. is25 1 .FI. 1 i- 1 Prunes Good Sx 2 Lb6. 23c 0 uu##Soup acanl's Tome.. 3Tmns25< Brilla 2 kgs. 21c S a h tiO 6 . 9 5 Pd.à. puivuo M caroni u ' 0'or 2 b CARROLLS FR ESH FRUIT AND VEGETAIBLE SPECIALS I Fresh $pinach 5c lb New Carrots 2 banches - - 3 New Potatoes CABBAGE - 5 lb IARLIE aiLE 6 Ibs 28o Lemons ['OZ lOc PHONE 25 I Special Ps'ices on Sugas' and Butte I FREE DELIVERY ilJ( )23c DO!. ORANGES ltdjii 2 doz. 39c GRAPEFRUIT L arge size- 5 for 25u lematoos 2îbe.25C R. A. WESTRO The resciption Druggist (SuUesmor0 to T. J. Brow) Wsbea Vo aftnounce fhai ho h». plced j» oVociA he I.D.A. AGENÇy which n.eulî 3ho iîati l s'ýifor yols tO procure tiins lne of l)rngsalla Medi- oine& iu your own townî 1. ~ ) O OGT'HsJ'.I(nnieulre ie1no more dependabie goodo îî tiaii dse, and vd ed wli biiok tlieîîj witiî îa goîrantee that yoti 'vili bo satidfied. (Gixu ls în t-ail îîîd îlltîw us to tshow thç lio, A.loo in titking over ibis btîoiîîeus me o î'ij to say (1) OUR GTOCI< wil lwaYs te COEDOlete and Dur pi-lues--a low as the iowetst. (2) OUR QOODS wIll be the bout mosley oan buy. (8) OUR POLICY will be cousteous ti-eatment, honorable dealing, with SERVICE as oar Middle Rame, R. A. WESTBROOK P hone s ;.T he P easripton D r iirlgîatPh n s 18MILTON, ONT. Phono 247 I SnIliii-o9uiC o T. J. Blrown). 247 m à 1 1

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