Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 4

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AT EVERY INTERSlEC11ON BE CAREFUL! T HERE were over 800 bicycle rîders k.iled or injurcud in Ontario last year. BRicyclists, especially children, are often a'areless. This simply means that drivers of zn<otor vehicles must be lirse as careful. Reuieember that yoi,; are in the brasier vehlicle. At stop srees . stop! Discipline yourself when you drive. Cut down on speed, especialIy t night. Make sure that your brakes, tires and lights are effeczive .. . other- Wise, some day, you may ind yourself in seriorv troubl. IT I5S ETTER TO BE SAFE .. . THAN SORRYI MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS ON TASI Ontario must start THINKING safety! Ins Onurro. duz;ng 1934, dere --ee iearly i,000o auto. 512 people were kiiled 8,990 people were îiured -a ronsderabinrac-191 titbevdt CoaU ai hîkrg peopleca bsms tp ÇfnSNAPSPOT CU IL Make the Camera Yor Traveling Comparmo A MEMBER of the SnapshotGuitdiuttrttt ait tu4etr liglt tilitlie enter- £ roturneti ecntiy trom i&tather irIl i i. jnscf your icamers anti lang joanney aiter vistating relatives, rtachiîrg t tilii. Your etcponaccs un eariy citica q "I a aively time ,fhuiitfui-sori tuuaatorter rhar in vtuîtitng anticnjnyued tic travcing, ifttev uttte. sic wî Oe, Laýt one thung tutal a lott ui,, , lorir.taitti, that an a of jay out at my trip. I did 'ttLake, day ii Etbiuaty youa lak seversi a!ang my camera, No, I diint target pi-tut ts of yoiur chitit as sic payeti jt 1Isimpy diit take itand toughti nit il rfi ,ntt yat d f yu thad s a li- ns more ahouit <until t reaeird tiy it' C, at a ot lthe day vas of avec- liste 'a hine. Tien 1a cvteiagi- hi it'iii- (wit sulight) or samctilng. I have becs readîng ttîfatiltte, yutuprtubnbly set tle 1cr SnasphtatGuilel. bave taken qute Ratii u ail.8attd thet abtter speeti namber of gondi pieturcs fy faiiac ai 25 ,t fa i-c- d a gt a prop- îng tract ucitric, ibut ddot ialicu ci i r l iIititvc .Again, aup- ihat 1Ibaud uncunaeîoastly deveic tittj i yî e i, ut' rta ptctarc ant 'yc for pjuuea,' nie e or.uau 1101Zutdoy, i lut i mi ti f tic sur in "Wicr 1 airivel at utuy .viii - Itîttîtit' furtgt:iut'li k aecr hont--tiy firt ttop-1t ac unlittJi! ta fit.î'tiitiîtrguR itcd possibilities for intîeui.tng. ai f.8 ai i 1< i-le ied ai, f/25 tcry-tclng pictaces. I hadp'lCri-nu tf a ti titi a, ytuu tii idi Febrtry, my litle oucce Jean uin e sie a>ai yîîît oit du îie af twvîu tbini, intol td anti ture $te cas ltitîtot'il If vCl <ai- yatwi. ni- t'<ening ai aroundtLtfitigtttng intcu att ktîiL aof J.t, t luhotte, i-Pei- t alulti lc sel mittueleT. I rositi nasiiy havi- laken '<t 1 50 tifa toitOu, yau mgit six or eigbl snaptlints af thti- uic ut tht tdiRîhragtîî at f.1land in rafu- jitangter doing ail kurds oflnte- ably tut thtu i tler i-nhotreande esting fliirgs." aveu-gs'iunli ghiconditions, viti It Witlu tie eaming of warîtucî thuttr sfuet of 1/25 of a seceond. veatimar an.d more unshine tnt'are P auai cîmar te suiaiher rcaciing fiat lime oe year chern - apertutu u, or uenir opcniîîg, and tfie lare is ii'scarirg hec trai, P;nter- .lowei- si-utter ipeeculfui- lie inalior cotiies for tie brigit clai-i tf th i îaîtînu cnt openine ttîn grenier epriuug sudtisummer. Il lnas gloîtaous tnt deffttii affacua. Taie ntiuantagG tietrueothteuyear. tf te frigter dayp. AI borne endi As tue aun liecomes irigliter asdttta. ,lîcîg bat- youtacarmera eatiy the skies caar. rememuer liaitut ni-jwtant tii-C P LACINU lils wafab onhils donc lu f ront oft il, Kennellih EvaI iciset op flue tn. Wtih lm frais bomnd rie puli*d lîl itseic aticot bde anti clii e#elmn. eab'staing moyennent placl tie muiale avec hia heart. 1 iseitarutsome ruera tce va» cet nad colocicis.,nils fine fada tere. R. ioukeet he a f.voeh.eis, h ft itligbt ufthle aitadeti gus 1 tisaeminute isaud marie I lite Iminuta. ta elenan. Pie jmnuiteast'-val. Hie reaxoi bightuy.Ilis muet poli lue lrlggoc At esaciiy eleven. 'I'i all dbeen Kti leenalt ai ai bus erclain sa liey eltl t'nitilitille blulconuor he lbn- try chah. J "'Ve motnt go fugeliea, dsrllig-af lis unme Intant" fHe nu4 Cher agateatêbe hlsOtli iii lier wciaiered sni as liet,îititli aud rnei @ainat Ma shutulier, Ha reled the hanli, -J ise gusa os th fetabla. Fontr mlnutt.'t et. lrIfm He a tl ild lier elua'-thit o helie ad ccir tabdt t-t'Inla bsarma. toc .you afaur selvlias. aciaeluteanutai "] %aol i tus, hmagain." Kath- leen ha said, aftiec s moment. "l'Il leace a rote, unifs deais" He dIS moi Ilke ha fhlnk ut ChianeyGrimes.tc licy vere faklng tie auly val out i hie antd Kilileen. HIe tit agair tie aesfaiy of bar beauiy and fie ronnde e urvee et ber amallboy aglaienat Mbaislis tarma hiIcrusied the malites paet ber Jaleeveu and usîdeti eaely &round bea t tiaz!ngilnl,-er valot Hie hel the gain agairest bIscleart again. Tires minutes nove 'We smust bath lia sr cf lie flue,'1 @bu hitlcautianeti agaIt, --andi vai' care.ftth' He hall knuon lb.theflMI ila% iluifolnvcd fiat aie vas irjîng lu. utnialui te tear ut a poibtles lip lueufrluttlais.$Fac 1 roulti oc-ier béer ibelasg citîtout yoti darting, ao mtter t here." H e furrcedtsilait dta rgiotee tisa tifle. One more mInute Iscountari- -17 lie farnethe liognranti loked lot tie macule,.l'h, col uglineu ef Il itartlid hlm. Ktileen, atIfils me- ment, to0. muet be friaitenet. ilRut.a a few seconds nov a haiiet-valy lia tried te force a ck titis tiougis- ballet vaulul go tearirathrougli ler I aft flshai niealunr. Hualiard. Mla vitule body aiuait, vent priîly vfth a damp fever, lien was tralued t aul feeling t ail, The inute itenul agati, Il piainly msrked eleven-tune I 9'ranticalliy le reactedth le mail tels- pliat, an turn mtIliecrank ries, et abi. the Glrimez allhf er, exrItedIyý "Mca tiGrimes? Sitesget!Came bock froar thetcriaitomst bave g-àe nul again hy lie aide dutur ... iucltanii franlic. tuaIt ounti s nite or blis deek. . . suicide, ye., t ax- srcltY eleven.thie nate omil, nut didani su! vhiee. .-.gain gel. .In I The seutîfiraui carIs. enci adepute dame. 4ui nti nIahils braîn. Toit late! Site hta allgne aluna On thie bit oa tuuid faclits Orient Nen-ttitItuweii bney litie peace. The caves avlshuiutr ascant fie aides 0f the vaiel, aitlekeul Katten's a 1. cord a unltlm, "I coutitnt bear belng witiaut ysa tiating, no mlter chere. IThe tiraiof fihe angine groaneti lieau, tha vind i itatedthem. He liatitaled lier, itad lIet er go asie@lon ilth vaut nnknawii 1Il waau tae ainme eeryviiere be vont itanning tront hatcnscuience, lie trait- clati fur lice laserabie vcrcs, rout coautry toecountry, but neyer batik te Ama, tesa. lnaiiY. lun Honduraa,bils moieyZone, be corketi on a coffe. Plantation, a commun lab,.rer. Alvaja tstInsoistent ery; neyer avay Trou Il. Thiity yeara paseti He returned, a afuvavay, lu Amer- les. lfatüeti, a riggedua, nid lie- yonl lits yeers, ha muved Hirea afor. lornsapicif acrcrsfie aoft avard Ir frontl of fthe country club-fise 014 iuldIng, entacged.flic ofooti bside. a satrutit undac fie samanelie ialcony. thteRama mitan, lia came wat braise. Thte orchestra cao îuayiîug a aes«f. glidlinecalta TleY hal daneati te liaI saieteufnie tIrty jeara ago, lie and Kt.ieet k-telf itui t c ar itideeper sltatsv nsaviafolloceil by a boy. came auf.lHe esc ber ditlrctly au cmie elapied Ibraugis lie liglucaI trench -dora. te large PaliTs of ar aliken. ul-elierl1l11n-dcti-ta. Holding lIgie' f. hlieneaslia bld himsei h 150f Ii mas no Iiiuatty arlirftn Ha reuhit ed hiuuaif Iliat Ainerlean papera Lad aaubi machitof laie about voman aro- taitra tuthflusitons af fie po. Sue wac icas'<er, c-ath curvs amure %wple,oaider, uf course. 'lhast ha Sav thit fsicmas semokng s cigarette. 'But Kay . fte boy -4a uaylng, --'ili die if yî. tout Italieo-Id Grim», ond îuarry mc!l lu-l billmyseif t" 'Iianf ltry if. sweeims.,"site an- scereul I sbeavy conhraltu voire, but wvtt t ametbingtcf te olti uveetres., hl fte t Ioncec. Ttougit i couldu't lice ailtout a certain mati. Lait tise usualnotealaùOuIrclueoys tuà, ais ith le -ita ceedy vand eterytihug, Bal. ul)- 1 caugLf atstfmitnfe hoaIt w Calais "Bat filmeuy. iuoc liti fe knovi" fte boyaked hreaîitlewauy. "'Oh, 1IsenSItta actger vithu miotier note troie tic boalt" SIte licitiateune leserette vils th t nlaofuTanotitel. tiitan. ibtalitid a long draft, emaui languttili "No, i neead yoîî Icimatit I rcaliy eî,uuiatiubter iicing wstfiot yott.tdur- Newlg ORDERf oréiId .1CessaditA" Tvs.sd à. a10 ITt4 . ne .-Wb go.Ice *ffl a ilt la fth. .10*. etmalief Tb@lIe vaies tribu. et firai oacitlde a dil- giilitg mah.and4tise claudal lier.. of Mamer aad Ovid bis imple figures oDéliialifolhda. The .eglé osnb.he alga oftIhe Bouam legtons 0 iwu a apli teket 0fof isie trangth 'aiuad îetrbtg aaaitiaa. Ite 1r aidi- k e0. note. a Tvrloîtr Ilb.theNew Tork Eforald Tribune. th.e «rly nations adoptâtd vaflua anImalea, u $tai a;=- Wil o éméprevailigfrat of os ta leOvl. s smbol of vlcom. à bear, agtanLfyng étreogth, vasi theGothli' iagmaLs.The Sazona chose the bora., for strengtliand augee. ail embiair vhicebuha coins dove and la aven now 'lneiuded la flic armaenoflice King et trgland. fi o t outil theitlma of tiie fruet 'Wb tisat tlididugia hegan vear. e ladt sguUang marks. The earlier e Crmdo poitai croenton thaîr atails. e dent. fisir msion.But Inter thfimonrlaî leaders found If ad- ranfa&ious te have la addition a dia. tiiglalng mark ferfefcflous Do ftâttfriad would k1o:.ri,2e l the mixad bordes fhatefUrpao r Eeat.&dtopted tienlions as ils per- serai badge Thei. auber b. lafar 1- baagedate tfie..f het havae r- malaafle eroyal arma et Knglaad ta ibis dey. lTheKing eof Irane. chueii e «fe-lya a ajbol vhlci I9ollaest ahob. rcead et only la Fraae. butla t. ller couctret whie r mmr et the suma famly hava rruM fustil recent fîmes. point"d Dtsiau MAre et Plat.aesmadM««s t 'me poaitddeeri 1lauanarea.ef piastiond .04 eamuas ta north cen- fiaI ArimenLaIl extende frem inte top of ho, Macie escon or te Colorado river ootliesfvadalong lie rasl aelle ofhe Valley of the Little Coie- rade for about 100 mile. vrylug I. r tdtb frein 15 ta 20 ml«.. A i t.e r math.1 Il aode oear the SBaa eraiii- sawa.vficceas Il b.twen HýIl- t break B.d Wlaalow. Tii. disert lies - t as atitudetfabout 5,00W feet asd >bas an 'uxeedlagly arfd limate. le tenuf.luemm .vegetaflur la me acant fitat treau of rocks art bacs or yenj 1nsarly 0e. The..rocks. motly Trias- aI a!oalu md a neldeinet. oxhîbif a &rcat Iarlefy et colora. nlîdIngc ed, rplat orpaeié, rb"colate. lavonder. pale apreaand gray. wvite ft.uts ti R"Ptated.' 9 Slfuaaed on tIo margin oet flu deseet.about 0mile.s orti of Wine- 10loi, are tf i vnvIla.et the HOPI Indien% the buit irnn of w hfdb an Walpl and OralbL l'The puetloa tare piefuresquely hut on ciffa vhleh tiroJeet tront à lgb plateau 0f aend- Gave Nev Zsslami Na... :net about the flue WinVîkintea mai have bau szploalng Labrador, 540,. scufla and tfi e ct or >Maine, tIarelived ta Ba'iafoe. au Island et viol ta Dov th. Irlendiy Oroup, à Polyoiesanavlgalor calied Kupe. ne vas Ironin fer ies ltepidlty ila acon- mainlty vhere fthé rfrtue vwa commne. xuePetalSà vilan te iRarotonga, M0 n'iitfroe in iehoue, and ihere dacld taes we baf iay tle s ailà h ec. ar$e "o dftails ot fisi voyage of dis. rover7. AIl tia la kuasca18 la tf on a November morning Itîîîe's vIfe cote lise loude avec tic landtethle sot tf orAuckland. and fontrasfaI came te Maor Dame for- New eA&Iânl-Attlen But (the long, viite etoadi. Air celle Naha. S.ap Pleet Any SaD i au b. made tefluâI L.y manufacturlag if by a psoee. iltît Prese.air dulote theis bar. Trhea. ducteai» emipasD peoelng, permiiig the soap tae yontfrou fhe osaide. go amail are fiq dutot ne 107relta air. previnlint val or rounenferingr This cultila i floating. Tise 014 meti ad vrisa thait01arto ne asuapb.' fore lit vu ailedlofebars. Thiis made fie soap pornous, mie ilva Ouled vffl minute air Cele.-Popular Meehantes Magasine. Ibo Iala.uia ta Chain T'he Aleqtian Isiando, cliii Itare ikely ta figure la taeaiiiaitt of uny air routas befiie e i j[itetl States and theecoantriee af Ala. nit ber alogaîbea about là oWall laisuila, mosîl of VtIcalcie riginas iltîiiîgiî ioule arcrock* la naii'te. Tiie.lttlt tanteaouthlIantis are lucaely loki. aMu», Wv ie eonligh ud *PoI. lite aoff la su thîn titldis uppr'Itfu for agriculture are al.. Peqiaiai% Tragaiv A fra-edy 0f if1.0 eirsaogo bai been revealeti by enîtacaaltîn ofthle bonnse of Menanter lIn t-eruina of the aclent iiy et Pomnpeil. In a I>I,euli lay tI.a keleloaa 1101ema na waa a leaiher harLe esuaainint' a isunrri [IKieiesof money. £Eîitlthle mas. ter uf lite bouct, aeiug hImpeutilng de cîrauian ii' te tude af Ilavaleipeu feuiatbils bail, aIleu to ilfusvite ta f.ilw andtimoatebeti itupurse..Bol bailtiare axera belntcd. HrE VALUE OF OUR TOUnioITTRADE Otawa ctimates flua ezpeiilitlte4 ni touriaslaIn Canada ln 1934 ai 111.- 00000,. compar-Ath 1111$7,060,000 liit 1933. 0f fie 194oitial, uaitîtî$121.. 000,000 la aecounfeul ftor y lourins trom teaStatea via eclereta Cantadat iy inotor car, train or alaiain-r. Canada. in tisaI year, aenti be gond@ floto lie hinileil itaI.,eil vainte ni $222,600i,00. Itoti pui)pit etrupu lie United Statea came iii CRn- tida and iouglil gouda adsuil ctte itere la the arlent of $121,00itifinot re. go fai. tien, ai sales i ouu îeIhaorý are eorccrred, utiourtl .'îury ta equalIin Importante l1.frorit0Yrityfu per centf. of aIl our tiar tiuilriesK combinite. Tise imitortance of irovidina fuir (aaaaVIsiforh. lit gond rcailn loti cemmulai. 's ti-- -t Tn oIk tntea plains sorsan ageuluerfate eignaior ta no lner a viiaei h ha sigitoftlirai. JI V;i àla aday ot acconipliîibenf i eviry tiphere. Andl the moIer, wooiair cho consîlrrs herîcit plain ias only ette seiifule course opens tele:sèmari aatyse herslit and thfer proceed ltelinînate ber Idetecti anti play up lier uaturai as- aeia. Tiote dholha ites ut their courage and art apt toeiilik their c aa itprrs une îîo Id take a lesson fro.rsea zuait woia ofuthlicthil- teeîtti celîlury. l-1r trame was tica Doriens ot Wieinberg sud sic vas koov.n asu'«tie ugliest coman in Europe." (Bat Rot for orie îaontent titi e tic uign ilerseiftelu erlite. hntâ, she corkteludiveiup a ries,, toit sin tioffiset lier hliely Icatures, usiitguis and beris avail- ablr t the lime. Alto, cie developedc a epalation tor chai n iy ibiitg iympatiefucally irteresi i in oli"er peceThuaiai oiddle .ige she waa resAgeaiiei y hivthle bartixomesf yoti in lier kîugdcrio lumatiy ii love vult lier. Wiai wc al ieauiy car su easily bce a mcme mattcr of a goutticom- plexion aind a gracetaul carri age. Tie latter eai e ittevehopeti iy laking luong daîly walks, swvinging tie legs f.trhle hips, anti ireaahing in deepiy. Thist ili kzecudocii yoor weigit and tievelop an attractive, rytiimic vaik. Anti orcetohe plain wcanrs tieseei aiiy - mnakeap. Every wo- man siuud lirili at the ariisticl op- poriunity oflereti iy fiese modern aids a tu esuiy.Wliat nmiracles cr cure wîti a toan of lpiick, a chisper ut rouge and a liitlie cye r back lu give atidei leiigliho short, sparie eye laslies. M1akeup fiat give$ jLe as articisal apear- a5ce is vuigurandlias î oting ta do ciii licauly. DIid you kutow, for instance, thithfe lon g face car lic made ciarmiiugtycuval by applying rouger la on thie ciceks snd coer- fig a ratier large surface. Andtdhfe round face crilfe ruade longer iii' placing thie rouge tigi ap or the cientfbories hast eesthithe aveu and close te ruse. NEXT Yeig at 41. For expert ativice on your liÇcu? p robiemu, crile Woman's Interel byndicatc, 126 fluor St. W., rct Ontario. Pare auilittnfilea attiftlv iîti metfal and fa tittleit .ttte àuttý,It euli ruailiât (e'le u rtîtlt l îlîîîiniiîîîî îelt, tihicit le white. trtt aiflMit 017i ad exposing frerh niiti fiaIls hit. ittgh. and almita t itittif îat vbIlh prutier lte h ut tîtiî',iî fi tit lb. ravage% Of Air Anteitir> li) metens iof ailipriceas lsii. et rttcnit li .e ltofMicrosctopie llleirkît endtut Qlat. inilltie, getti lie tiielat r. miains trighti faura nt; iiliein hie, fotîîaed il. roira Wlit oitttil ia t ginand lt elaa SIi l Itf Rttii tirtie tI iff0 iit r lrearcitîrntii lictv'ry i ailtîttîtal lite ilitgti t iti hu it. itît Ic l. te lt ttwer 19u lit-s- t i,îî'vitit ,it,'tt ,te ru'lintngmtiItitiS tliiity i ilt f er ittîtatifu ltiii ltanus ta]it C ro.t C -Y-a it I li'ts' lite ti ltl iîî %' vat-ti, triteli teietgtitq &t et- a. laure,efoa ~îINt ), i ' , R s i theri, atîe Ii .1.10 lt. 13c.li a a te itittit i ltaltle, l. lre l ZleiiîtsI trotart ii l te il t ri,ý q e ils 4-tîtte AI tilt ah t ttt, t lie cl tll tt Aii lett 1 Ii . erttî Ittit.r e , m ititt' h IL Wlipr IHua teabShoo T'he diler, rommonly ealled tlýIn ors, fa of th.e rnat diflilciltt bird. laIhtiti. i It la aut uoeommonly fine dlv.-r. amIilia nitreIndicates, and lm an eî'ît'tit flyer lis well. Thore lm Ihe itl i.t o f #port fi, Le hallIn riliattitia Ilit il a Ithe and thf tI ie lic îti'tl1tî i' , ii m.t ,c, lt thle bird cilIo. I 1; Y0 ri Offati.' water jl teI lI*,b.-;Il Iferwiic wlîerg, tir Il itiS t11lt, iItit l tie surface aiittirouilet- il iîtiti t I-, hinîireil varditayThé-. 'iiii lîoll flotindiletiuna i ' ilie g....iti ,I wnter livhititwcay fie c liitit i bitdy of waIrr .-ii ftttI tit e iYs but iti o r fîtrIt <aîirîîîg li itrt.edIig nuit.ut. t ftti îîît i tt rl't zi the tlilt cru ire ntli r iittt il B.a. ins. îtory lori, gotrg hcrk itl. tit6111it MIii mit t Itaiiter ld Itît l I i rîti l et. frotn artey anîd ai. Ivt.kîîîî lynt i tutti lip e lees 1tut ' litt'iîit lle îîîî In tut a i .i-tit tit Ral hallert i e T alite iilii log, ti ýtutr>ý ti I l l I L [hut tt iIl Ii i1 lit Itrate ta t itýIitttIttIi1'l'illLtli-ta lug itltr. ttuae .hnltbosr uti U tRi "':'\ItheN t- wwaîerio (4ilriHlt U hlern,. 0iiRhvehldtiskeyo CRh', 1ttiim ndIorld ,ertarhe and Rc-Frnîsbng t luuuo ogoschoppduig . . hyow D. H. ~~AJ~IG HT bio'0 h n t torelaehoe niaati ju thingsyou wnt if.aSo Drunq i e nhWo use the tenlyhneIsmoothe your hada ihas tands guard . H.ATTERSON* -". Thiiregrcy.o uthro lier dlier ou ode Caul iexss Cabbae theHE TELhEPsooHs oN Swecf Spanisi Orlon lanilsIT 25e. petit9.1 IS JUST WHAT YOU MAKE T And &Il other Fiuutei, iitiitt. BY BUIYIG %EXT WINITER'S COKIE ?Zow T OW marn tors f fuel do you bitr A ~each Winîer ? Eiglt ? Ten ? lif- leem? You car add a dollar to, your avinga accouas: for rvrry tor youi hur. That ls ... if you order Haruco Coke wuthin the netx week or so, There la no Lotir to the number of tons >ou can buy at this speciaf Sprnrg price ... .but you muâtAct ilqaijikly. You are aýire to be defighted with l-amco Dustless Coke. If suits an>' type of farnace, old or nemi . . . if i. easy lu cortrol. . . gives an internue, ittrady heat chich keepc esuery ront cozy ever or below'zcro daya. Thoucands prefer it toanay fuel or the marke,. Lacw in price . . . high M-AMC is B, ~ I a B gja o Good for the Automobile Buisiness T HE Bell Telephone Company has a fleet of over 800 nuotoî r iic.'tb u piiig iî us eplacing 132 carit Iy îuew onea - a nice little ordo'r for Canaujian mo0or '<ehicle ninuifaitut-ers 'lTe picttire alutvut showsi how eI$l1garagea In Montreal and Toronto look when the cars cone ini after thie day uý ssosk. At the left, beltîw, is ahîîwn the ('ontpany's fit m9tWr vehiçle, aupplid by the Tudhope Cairiage Conpzuy of Orili iii I.9C9, fur tulcplîtne wurk ut Luiidçws. 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