Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 3

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ne ru«»Mauof Br.. Dr,. A.L ILocal News, I n Lia 1___1__T HtE A RET Kîngs ie V.zns oit. lm8 Ïs lit C 1 A L 1 Phoo 15NITO wG.Lseowo c&Sa i ranyui n.day "Wedn.de,. i ehtol itlden'a matnes Phone _____2_____MILTON____ ADunibar frotteben,.attmndad thel Th. oi, .1. uns ase uiltonla Pia i,4 aniarreayauvoe t UnI«o urnb bsem,.gm sus. Tii. mba hieban Rdie CANTOR lai luit Volld arsd o a dollar muid DOW fli e voine MéabaillGowland has pasa it lid tat a oaw racet ulîl go stîli tat. KIlDMILLIONS third year la Meicinie at Quen'a Uni.tarand i"metts Blb gure6.00. witb Ano Soeth hel B" MMer Ak e S xveruity, KinitGon, Osad Valley éan icion Who ,col manand The. GoidwnO <iia AAkiH.oxMilne.Brmtn.l lk aimpe i-ppiileor Zw.woe onothe Tryon",tJ o le ai it pvillage, Thi et io the urroate lout thn. A t aken because sont. perron S jec~ aMm David Folatberatena. o muwith a round mioutbed eotvel lied at. TE. ..&S rletiratAd bar îlth bhlda y lpe disdlthe hait fot on aeveral ues 1Wed. ,e4&. .;s e c a e er borneon m:, 210L. f il. ikept green. it wintts e Warner Bref miltary Musial I litr..Jauà> nt'it«.IIIOth ie. Te&. theodmgîie. dwr L ea FLIRTATION WA.LK onFalp i ltbe t ber rdblie.bda . S.PRINCIPAL ENGAOKI- with ic.Powell. Rtby Keelier P.. for oAtd , v 4te erhm.~ a epocladmaticstnof Lbe litIh Pet O'Brien 2 25 c laMr. mand Mm.. Weytmuiau <n. hm. chool IBoard on Stoeday., amé.gl Crtoine -'Buddy of the Legloi face Bock), of W ieduor. visted ber Patos, MA., o Hamilton.,se&@ en. Vaudeville Ai-t No.1 This Iot i a ra1 lpp>c fe ou;astîere orec Mcsh Rayon fte.John Bock. Oser the sisek-end. ç..-er sprincipal of Ueorgei.own __________ at-l lenCot ton 'oor ttc cufl i fmnt qa! y.Ais mrted colI . M Er . . tuailefttoui Mouydayiegaho.t ued test Rm Sz fot5M.. ievenlnig for a mothli'.visi ith ;t uhoa r slneilat ouL. .. etn 7Frd8 trou $1, , e~~aiter. Mm. Dr,. MacFerle, ot niWin. .uarl wlli bc SM 0anid lislecoino. StralN ieF Ml w t e it eniSept. lot.- CIAUD C N A T OWEN S&111t978 aie m.toadelîr. lui Tua INRWgrAPnE M LY COS oRali lehPAI mmummuuuumuuaamammuuauu m CAPO.Read the 1 IN miL.~ be.btou. îmî.i~jii Lb i~C. lu e Oa.future ulîlcolt the Ppublýi Bri l'bu Ontario Vol-xter Ftrenten'a Mor" thon Lb. prie. of à Potage ulvention 5.111ce. hîld lu Potrolîs mtamp. wa. predithd by severel dite. peotple exilectedILwould. siction ofa. éOntario Quebec <iriti. Commenciclo Today, We Witt Sei Chlcks et Me. end Un.. Nd. Biampiid nofBl latton Manaieri' Association, beld la ST. PAUL'S LINITEO CBRCII îse.fIollowing Prîtes To Custouters talo, and Mes. Wm. Best and dau'.th Royal York Hotel. Torouito, on Caln tthe Ilatchery tee. Cor tUsn,eof Windeuo ut&.. llieàday. il0 arn-The Suuiday Scbool suid BRAl SANI.tii xocae Tiai , rKing Mt fathî, the creP oftMr. a lMr..A. D. Il arn.-Public worahtp conductidl 11RA STNDAD LOtIRNNMoDiti viben&bout .96 friends, from, by b. uiteiter. Theme. '*The.Voy. Mlxed Maie and Fi-maie Chik. 8 706sper ilm Fie.damaged a garage li thé mer Trafalgar satnerditotacelebtrati L.tetirso tÀe.' I, 'hibc'ka lsc.rânteed 70,p.-oîC .. i2 05ospet l10 ofCas tore run hy il. Mlv. GeorIM. 87tb birt.hday of Mmi. Sarah titîlian. 7p.gim-Publc Woribip conducted "Saced" 'hi-ks lîtuarante.d 110% p.îlltsî.. 817.90 par 10) Loa. an Sandale. Bane s ii ilibt. LAftt..aumaisd t Sorsantil, ib t i c uilat.The nemberi ofthL.e BoYs pIlyug et Matoesae blleîiad@acla truow eraImblsber fuintods, wse"Loyal OrangeAuocltlon iaeit attend' BIRAY 'XIRA-l'ROPIT' i.t'oRNocS tave îtarted tbe blae . ked ta bner nut Lb. nautiles and eut divin.enrabip aet tbis service.Tir ( FrotteEgge wetghintz 2ù oz. and f-C IIVLL Rftil CRUIR U- Meni.the . bbrtbdoy cakb preseeta Lblar. iiintater elîl pemha pcta ero Mlsed Maie and Feniale <'iche ...1.11 - t. illeiP" 00 of Munn'a <hureiî, Dardas hi&hway. e oto p fýta wo cela- for the.cain Cieocd (uearaot..ed 70% poilee. . _ 1555pe file) bave miait dSM )by Ppotelr auicp rap d hlt Sité birtylait Solidair, 1lui couaction wltb Lt.e eerto Sexed" (limbe lguaranteed 90Y' pulltiii, 31911tir,et ](10 Lion whieib th hoaad selfl expe u Wit t PrenntwitLb or arsy. ot thé Leuitir enniversary oh i.United repaîrst the Lb. brc suid grottoi. ToM Baow74 Saa.e Bts Die" SO", Corah of Canad a aelataka -Toto J. SBrote. Well-koown faesgiving service. Witt b.cmdI S.P ' l'tti Oi F OiitR Htciiisttpii, Pl Ai ORiiNLYThe May tmeetitiofohJohn UlîHuli butimsman forLti. patit Lwenty tlburch ouiSodai Mmrei. lune 9th. Tlb. rblckéi offered bore tbaeidentically theiw- ane tic.ing air Chapter .O.D.E. seil b haîl @ tii ers, bati. aui Lb. dvce.ot bisphi. Asoiai gatbering ot the coogregation ilartier Bray chiclle. ()ami, onand Cete.ailvant.1e u.f thi-ebar- hoe f Mm.. A. L. MaeNabh. The es.. icinan doeided ta tati a long mtsu onOtheb. oiowson lui.day sveing m gaina.. s a oîdlyi îyo oeibcenw ot ot iL.ana atneo h couitot lit bealth. wbicb for-meoais0benu ragd a da. pndictlui f iieb ,îled Rg.tiiat Fit.lliy yor ovicis'au dNational UbAPltu leubîta tdispose rIit ie.drus1burinet, ' l.ouie meeting of Lh. Y. W. A.Wili Bray CIlheNOWN. Rgvuen.wbiichiodid on Monday laitthLb.'htheld L.parranoage on Toeid*y M r. and Me..B. A. Coaileu adwu. bhu.lering Robert We.tbrIoke, of evenl1i, June 4th. Test word. Lo. iD Hmrt.ley, ipent Lb.e boilide y t Owsen Long auce ,vij a vgien iionoui. Sunsbîne Balge ane ta haehrougbt in at î B RY 8ound viiting forme.'. fat er. W. J, ate poisesiton. IL te the vl.b ot Mr, I lai. eting, aud an additloui loffar. C'ai-ell. formeely ot Milton,. ebocea. Brown'a lianie friand, in Milton tinâtIDof li. jier nietobleu iehatairc A c IC H A C ER hratfd hie Slth birtbday. Ha la very ho ill @non recover. for the Preebyterial ond, La V P.ON w BONEOTAZI 'lie êeective 0f Lh. Ontario Volon. yAitetdy Normon K eoINOe 111X CIIJRCU an PSIN 117 ROTI'ON ' RI ~ "e.rmen'a Associatonomet e ai "clurged b he L.Uiater of Jus-e.-oser Dateille on Sturday t l lte eî i cs Linavti aviolation oh Lb. Liv. Stock 10e -Suodar Sebool A. Elliotit fie the plare oftiLb, anci omal n s0I.DI uid LivStock Praldneta Act nter aud <JSh ui~uperitLendents. e. ____________________________________________IL was decifltded L e tat , (~low theLb.section relatîig ta the porcba.ae o ifam -t pm-boc srie" PerlewodgLthe Conveton tUngaded esse frota «enerai star@-.pliey . ad7fm-ler1evc ble year. kee e. Oving te a couiet in Lbthe .MI'ui iut'.W aJie. of the acosaed and the atr.Cumno service wl Uci conduet.. Cantelon's M eat flarket BEASBAKIN ItALL-Whiekeepe, Poe MaisLete Budrnie. e t i uday Moreloiing ip ___ *Jarn, iret fine, Tm.faigme townsibp, acoosed. (IL. Eliott for deflence; Fripayeratot- at 8 ücîcock. Bei-. 3. Rearudai af Cemnoln Ie..Ford, ..ged T. A. Butciuan for Minster of lus. tY.Frair f ohLeivile. iii gvea Lb. Baby B-,f for Fday and Satprdav $M. frt frotthre top brouente of an Ar.t e i heevelg evieo Sna0, ma.,y J 1.cite nidter e a ro enba The 24th of May vus veil celbrated 1Joune nd. Knox coigegation viliieh tIi c îid lî n t s rin a.A t H îtto n v i l e P a rk . M e u le fr ote T o . fa v o re d b y b o r ie s b . tig it tLv . D r. c Ve l Beef Pork Fo itl fth- Milton ii htbhool moto visent theentire date i the open J.S SorLL.MMeretor nioheOnm trict Ahi-tir Most et St. Catharinessid a ers even venLoe.d the dnI n Canada. Ail are coedialty veicome. '--a M at P ck ed M eats 1lain; Saturday. Broc. M&eN&bisein- waters of the tjredic On. of b. Tii. regular tnonthiy mustn of lire rnoa.eu .s.eLonSg dnd iu tht Intermedate100 yard largest conde on rWord attended Y.W.A. *iiilha beld atb. ni».. on finale. and Donald MaffNabb teritire the aveoing dalâce and enjoyed tii. Tuculay, Jue 4lté. et 8 p.m. X3ud îtuitheJunior l100 yard final. rete rchetra-Ralpb Binkborn and ______ ASARGU TMAOE BAIS AROT ITii. Dominion Star,se înd.rgoing Elie Maladie, oy, l'hi. bond piee&d VERY SATt8FlED aeys: CreuseCamn C1BG IIPP S ILEY LTTC crusiderahie împrvements. icuicigLb ndaneltatimng- or Bonion aivm-.are. ortii mare.. CABAGK P1N7APLES CELRY aTT cE -ube of ,rcflor from re.d teigreen I mettlansa le-. for Lb.hea&mn- Tblldo L, vrk. At Pieheta OLD AND N5KW POTAT%ýIS on L -theetiîîr and redeco-ýation of The cr jt argreaL attraction 1DingSLre. tie interi.r. Ai. Armstr-ong. peint,t sd their demouita-tons of Lb.he ote _______________ PROMIPT IîîEI.I[VpliPHON PlE4'2 ireand derorator, bai the contract andi dacempoedve opular. .ee anPhoi - lai.b-.ng &aisted by J" kMi-Kanaja. noascementain thil v e lhciin . -j W HDf PRuATO Faok NATURAIL OCAas- ICinRLieJUBILHEiMIDNIOHlT W l riMg muumaauuua.u ruAt thi- md j nnru"Ieinqueit in b. death SM~ATDECLARED N'ACANT -nMyI o negist rl is .1o lif Mes. iiaî . Merryfl, cho 2nti atOaes f@hn May ifyour ainent wdîul a eei Itor I-fl. * ~died soddeniy et ber home boesMay N. il, o raep.yme an api-ht iLon ubaeyud peAIltit Daion.arilwr 9 7 uoroner Dr. H. A. Muicl. jur N- on Heqingararmadie Manrppîirne adi Tl.RT cao . IL f' Ii...Lra P I&I tuied m verdict Manday nu bt Chat b:,eho e s IontoletiJu rd M rrbe-,6T5HRbetLESt, ao ThIGogeowndme C.ab. oithwcanr l ct nmgsin .on tIa achoc'ibal ~in that sec-. Il abck.Lion declae-ed vacatL bei-aime Mr. Meir- * MILTON. ONT.i.RIO Ariove-ieHlsupper vis gtveniin Lb. eisooui adoaapaidhbis taxeaetthetImi. r ýSondai scbooi-rcem of lb. Palermo of biseeeLion. àfterhierng tii.evi- S .A Y g - Fnît.-d Charrheoui Wedmesday .eoing doue, .Ris garnior reerved judgment. aQUALITY AND -SERVICE OUR MOTTO *oflest week, under the auspitoi ofthLe Oui Moada. May 2t, jdgînent slsnhn~ -Ladies Aid. Faloving Lb. aupm a pgerre declaring L. seat heid hi, Mr'. lifii j iuenart programme-w»a preometad. in- Momiion vacant. Undcer thaAi tis *cluidug cetectione by Wbeeler'a orhes- the duty of the remaiuing trolts taIlneatiog and Lumbr, ath Shigle, Ssh, oor, 'n"tnh'e"'Of-leesting euflo, th Vo=nc fiiiedoUê TêËinsIIRt Tbjmi nin tilonwIli crettirntohicof Milton'ected auconus],nfei-Lb, Lumber, adi1 Shngles, tshwitûs, thefMIesl*frorouito e. l7 Onct aictio n Pbave2 linerior Trim, Builders' Supplies Céefthp f year etMarle b MINSTGarT.,ON ~. . KNTNRe ratel.vs. tieoî g,-Sae. the a a.r- Latmi-Gare-On Saturday, May 4Lb. - W C.KN ER u er ilrnof Lb, mat. IL is eapecel ed LatBimnington Avenue Lb,îrcb -Tnr Jarena le ha pi.ed ciLb le OS fae. We.cl e.Fngtnd, ?Mise. Motif](arrt 1 oD UuMU~uuamiuUuauuauuuuuuul5y]Uummun tbi-rsf the Torouto Reai Eta. Rchkrd lam, SoiLh Mbeids, Ras fl* ho ep B ord v il mtaer taGeorgetowni Gofflf and, ho: mirly oh Milton. FR n p i andCOnintry Club ou Joui, i2th, for - - Map ins-reT Mlto Lieu' annual cpring golfCornctment, pPr.e.ilia1-- i o- Lb, A. E. LePage 'r'ropby. White Amei-On Tuesdîy. May 28. IBIS. ai -' thereLtb-y sein ii bb guetta of Lb he iiRBitory. Miton. Jam..s iHenry Ladies' Hecis 5c fo-itPreuideit. Joun A Wtflough- Araea, formeily of Taranto, in bis .eaýtbi- or rutier. 2c B * Yi. 3rd Ymir. Mrsa H. C. TutTord tef t oui Mondey islt serccvice in Lraie Choirca. Ger ta'Hel an a moine trip ta Wokiherville tri Milton. oni Thureday, May 301h. at 2 Hes40c. ________________________________________ vîstt ber dinghiter. Misem Mahel i, L. uItenitent li Mirnut Piilae,« Tufford, vbo i. filing the position def V.metery. Toronto..IP ISWIL o WAT raciiitian et Lie Meteopoliten Hois.Slbal-in Trafelgar Toci. Ron _______OU AI Pos'>tBris htks,2 pgs.-------------21e ptaI thi-re. Milss Tufford cae in troa- pirday. M72i4..l55.Viieaip.ne Post's rel, Flkes, 2 kgs. --1c Lb.gin h aboratery nofLb.efHamilton Loiiley. w o2 ,aiWilliam Sibbatd, - Sait, Red & Whitei, plain or iodized, per pkg.----6C Gi-ci-al fHospital, udertbepriseid.,-ny la ber fil yeux. A. Necwman, Poree 10 e r.Dsiuiati ryln.Tuiler- At tie reaid-ceofnibar dauîgh.t ' orn 'Sii. tn P' - -- - - - --- 1C LU 1<Huucu PARADE Milten L ter. Mm. . F. Hi-BuRfe.: B-Del. Crown CrnSyrup, 5I) i-, ----- ---35c . .N.2585 vil at cri divinesi-e- ~ t y2teI ay aNliu i- in St. Petit'@ UnsLdChtrh ctelble atehMa Ta" tar, i Zondai, ..e"t Jouie 2ad. et 7 1'ml ber Stb yaaa-. S m e bo tlie b-pââteir. Bec. A. B. Irwin. lntA-e tuietk place in Don Mille Ruî! &N~'bit LargeSweetPuas. tiîua - 25c ill tdet ver àaipeciai sermon. TheU.iei. Rel W it Lrg See, ea, tri -- --- 5e b vtir l, iseL et atirrlad _________________ Red & White Golden Bantam I('orn, 2 tinis-. - 23C rpooMt L6 0 p.M. sharp soid pre Folotw ear Apple Sauce, Ayimer Bî'u:nid, petr tin ------- 10C ta the chum-ci. broaied by Mlion Band. King's Choice Tornatoes, No. 2 tall ti i, '> f or- 15C eirt i Tcîiy W Srh. formeye- ____ GoId Medal I"ioor XWax, 1 lb. tin----------25C manager 01 TO. LimegTueding Ci ont titî l IssdPm Toronto, in Liath eofr@ i et-AND ('bipsl, large pkg. . -------- - 19C ttmn rine~LLb~.'/CotSoeTnI Surprise -'nap, 2 bars--l e s.,iLI aeuL tJmetietuie tepb,iFOR >Sle'f SprthSo-etcaTens Tni Wonderful Soap, Il)ibars --. --- --------29e An incueteib. aiofsera.i SERVICE Shiredded Whent, 2 pitgs.- --- ---- -23c airiCa bcad bei-n noted dulriIg Clb.Cfde' caprTni Wrtgley G irn or Nilsons Cboolatî- ]Bers, 6 for 25e Thar In ltoavunng c amoag. Clirn' Sanpr. e Crosse & BlaCkweii Sotips, lornato, t.elery. beld a very d.liibfbig n eiRIPAIRiNi, i.Lsp.aguR and (Xukî,pet- tti--- -- 7c on Tut-cduyafliernoaleaithLbhome utOf 6BStOSRS ISHLNI mi. t ring fyer.aut bittgl- Gillett's LYn, Per til,-- - ---------12c io i -ith âpig the ose beitg lacNabb's Shoe Store Out t Pofs' pc'r l. - ---------- 3C ssi-eMem. BOh. Mu-i. a FrealiPineapiesTurner I ait nd . Dason. Pries tfor'ri1 1 C hgisc ores v-re vonuhi, Mr.. &Ph*i 4- ---il'_ New ('aliforîia Ltl lie arge sze, doz.-- -----23C M. Famesied Mca. W M. ClIuentei - Sunkist Valeeici Oranges, i-dîoînsÏze,doz.- -33C îah-npein ve h ePOWER for yotur ioor. Sr- LO FA S LAN uwL'sc Ve ito. . PnFi.vveuSL.uuand RilRvtr. KIN G<" Boluwling tlub opened Lt-, e lason cuti.ý t oram-LlenLtFe.lmy. Peesideut'The (Iau lSttico'> l utai\îît'îçivx W. - -er Vie-Prient. chu-b ended in a AsliisL'uric-c. ('raiuk Cisu- itîrviu'c-.RT DA '3'Ô RaC U 1 1 M 8h ÀuM gLIE ta sottl. LbeLie. the o o i-îee DEI ER i-c-.retd, R. Phîlîp. con. ieet .V -.. T JLBLEK HATS8: 060M AC KEN ZI El's. JUST -A FEW 0F OUR EVERYDAY PRICES MWODESS 2i5C.piig 2 for 45c 'co Moufl ePFHFE vitti ev y amyckae FRUIT SALTS 79c Eniartement Speolai 1 5" a 7' Enlai-getient Moncteil and Ftimed tiotplete 59e 25e Atiseptie 49c .89C Thomaism Eclotrite 011 29e I'HONI< 4>1 MILTON WE DELIVER lJY YOUR HOLSTEINS e adistrict vhereLihe. i. a vrid- efcLiin i You are mnviLed r onem Le ond raLLit ngoiiuui oi d priced i draey 'ib alem Cnt vOl gtedty show y-i m aud e of h arge. Mny aiui. l-ti bave 1muitter urbrmi ttl- eina in hii, district. îLie or pion. Lo- A. aB SACHEII .314, SLAU. tONT, Ph-ne Kitchbener 77 r 41 hlambers' Bakery Wu-apped Br'eadl 1m-ivat-ed fri.si. daiii. CAKES and PASTRY Wcddling Cakes A Spclalîy CHAMBERS à SON in.e 66 - Mil lion SAVE Lady tSainty Tionties 2x) sheetf tir 17C Mackenzie,& MOTH-Kî L 17c package Wood'a Moth-Custaîm perfame,1 1.in AIRMAN Douible Edge RAZOGR BLAIJES 3 for 10e GIN PILLS 39C Velvetta Daim lonthinr n 1d HeiItg t. 25c aîud 39C Bayeis's 22e 39e 98e rCeda red Gaz-mont Bana 39e PIREP Fora 5 yinless shave 20e j Boexai> AS8 A Tablets '00 for 81.00 39c "We save yu---oneys Mackçenzle's Rexail Drug Store Pemsdcut TOOTU POWDERt 260 sire, 280 800s site Seo cseazy Watop Cryiitaîg 75e ansd $1.25 Tommny Timhe- C LR AM E L COLGATE'S TOOTH PAsTE:; 21C tubs 2for39 Antiseptis « o. bOL M.tieue triendge ttiLue Kiîg's Birtl-day Partyl1 Ralph Blinkhom and His Melody Boys DANCINu. FROM 12(e,-4 .SL..T. BO7CIFrGE FRIBAT NIGHT'S DANCII Tie flu0r bas e.c-rnýpad scnovpettect. 100 Little Pennies . . . i-agi-r litti- f.I!jws. .Eagcr to dû ail ti-y Cali for yoo. Eagcm Lo assumm their rightful, worthy place- in your shopping phtns. Won't you. b.v careful shoppi.ig, help tIi-rn d you tao reiizc thi-ir truc wortl; Bv consistenat shopping et The valesoeffe-tiveiî miii Wed. igit, juue Sh. SARDINES -tin 5< EVÂPORU-TED Ca îi' 6-9.. lin M IL K MIRACLE Wylq Ail tad llvPowders Il CC LUSHU<S - 3 pkgs. 2U< M5 Ab 40 BEANS 2 emali tins 17t \PGAPORE - 219c CHEESE -.2 ~25c PUFFED WHE.AT 9 MAWELL bTm39 TEA ,1b. L ý2& pkg. 36 CLARA elPRU.NES_ Large Pineapples, - J- U-FMINZ TOLfATO Special, &' for 35C SOUP l elium Pineapple, 2L. . :2SC SPeciai, 2 for 25C SUGAR AT SPECJ.AL liAYSIDE CItOICE PRICES .CORN SUNLIGHT o Ba. s3c SOAP I~ Jubilee Mid-Night Frolic Air H UTTON VI LLE PARK ---Monday Mora, JUNE 3rd, at 12.05, D.S.T. BAYSIDE Peaches 'eoat d 2 leî Finest Red Cohoe Salmon, tin 210 m emmýý-- qm«ýý àà&ý PIIONF 44) MILTON WE DELIVER

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