Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 2

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The Casiadian Chainpton' FàAtER cANIDATre suGEBUTED 11MMIL' Ma M lm05. - May 20, lm. UsL TO SElECT CANDIDATE Tu th#Iit. a,t Thec balo a ao: - Sîr, ~-A fac cavks a&pst th*lAn On usdayasit is Hato taisy LiMal ciovention t Milton tise)r und On ueeay exttheHai-oncoutyneOinlnatodi a lacyer te reprenant Ha. IOM OonnnerativnacVii aect a candidats tain caîîîay t thae camln on iaterai K1a for thn rdinig andalCsutrent reporta are electiou. Serir a eaunty incha an an 11 tist r. R. K. Andrmnon. the piest cureotaa flîtal there bealdea dictor is ca1 aittlngrmembnm. cutte hen precalledOleîpîoandl Iacyara, chai Liadaye IlOtrois- the e ta ron. tDr. Andnrgn IlisR mania yeare troi the oiuacîf l'aliannt. Hafore Unit of servce tablaearedit, andleman%, Co-. long the-Menues of Commona cull b. mBure aratlvec baliaee heutl again ticdis luisitinto a eurgery sia court cliii 4l0ye <haomnation. llboulitDrlhontae. Tho ineîaîv- hootldse. Dr. Àndevéon debira to retire. it la ttrai lat & fiaolriaiZiba.11iI pia tafor00% Um <liai morne 5lituranea dli g o befuirai tle îw ii,[',f ic.ilaiy. Wsuta-cl a Vomk ciuetoAn soubi anthe 'tanaerra. îan wohii lanaucena.ra-,jiriîntu,.n S tive tanadard tiarer lam blor e ioectp l, ua a ilm awîrlu. knonth. baord. a Mie the potiltical leiafln the eninty%! lttip. na f 1he Oslliicii aad ehaltdipa-î. itI' commence taetahui. laîute us Linnial pastlaun aitflu,' Ait IL laeportai]th iaet. 0 î. 1o101Yîîth fla&fmuer>, hîil,'eao af thas. iauli. 0t0 date ciiila.ne aîoitiîa.utfo aiaafactiu-eu, aiswhiaitt pera 1he Oaev tiiiOM eratlng a flrse eco rdtglf axup.o îf th.lunteiury. 'Ite :. (1iel, Iaùal -i ier aapeiaonthearesaf 'h Our rCopi.n.'ati ba.a ,uil ue LOWVILLB. arge ogaain attnsnded tise O"toUie haircis on scout1 laey lut, h Mulanoanal «on- . nthe tisa.aiae lu . . l ibhtain, ofWaterdocn. preichisd aiippllnitb le moeachhir, on Mar 211a six oallaniealdthe. uvanion theYoung People of ZMon .ambr* of theis nvaPahoilvcent ai hrh, Haiaslitonprenanteil a out san ad ianon rIl %0 lyout thé rd Gram&, *'Slmn <l.th -pr,'ap B h.Suia rni.Tho. 'Ch cealn iiiieappreriateal hy aIL taitosnogmorolns tha aUner ths l.ana l 0n . Poster anal fanIy iî a patrol. reportait for duty. Ana l a milîtn, anal MinaCanot. iafNew cmpn i là1panSait vilt bri'lle Anal rk eteal cîtO Ma anal Mm.Foater encitmant. proclama trylofg ta break aindaf. ltotucamp tle amidle oattealh li. M. Rinlg. of Povln, cllealfineratdaon partie. hIlkagparcles. a Mi. analMr. .Il iîaiby eignailini stations, heinq laidouitanud Lit« se vicscl b.witliurasn ln thn pal ciel ofet aideledamtIora. Unite ul reh liaet itua dlay on IOn SIl aymmîang the tmanp paraiait cint aif raiferrocs e Inît OsAt a obrchamoha OBiL n c lor *i Iph. Tisetropbisal a nuimbarlof visIter sennai l amiten party oai bancfrom Miltan. ehi noludeatIleRover ola-t iteClr v il b.hai île nLeaderans uanMot if Lb. Rover Il ne 2iîii, Ziiiaernaiangdis parI! andal ArSitany ait the boys'prna te hofldlaine ilith.Wsarahith RoeLadroa weddivig 'aflocal ilrsttoak 7Tht Toronto crac vinit t &Bd I nspi 1 re at Zimtiiamman Chureli lent tisa trcop irda. naen Ctulle, deil ofer it i~îiiilta.(fth. a crts andl Mm. Meredith. of Aah. cas applîteoft<ha Inver IPa t.<ha a-ai ln marmiagata MLegar George cooking cf G. Bmlle. the aienalling mphell. eldeat non of Mr'. ana l a of Sas mcnillésudanalRgar Galbraaith, aýhaît Ctampbell. 'Zlîmemmae. Alter sud thélb.n breakfast ett ha fret rera-..îny y l umiedIaal laft moraine. a motu)r trip. Tlie troop wiah#. ea t tia Isl nus. friands for thoîr hisela lemail eh CAMWPBELLVILLE camp thisel aânonnalit cas.. - TisaG. M. ain ciaO..ta Il theis lngrailti ita Mr. andal . J, l &Bdana embes01 1 lie î..t Milton eaa n tle hirtia nt a bab girl. troalp for tier wona5rfii oopaatliis -I.tiarîllner, a laurmer nehnl ourteg the camip. behr of the dialrlet, pas.sa a t gatoau on May luth. TLleui ri' KILBRIDE ' helid citb mannie honora as hie- ie tr Fr-alton. ra. MI ltye a Iiie.long reaidaint 'I'isAannisl meetng Of KlbilW. bhis viclnitypansait acay at thee1. met nt the hume cf Ui. OCil Ms r hier @on, Ai, xandila eelm.Richarden.The e alntcfilcm lfîirilas baud iet aatumilay, <coisplace. cltb Mm. M imer Marbcl.tie tmnnt in c.niptaeîiville Ccm.ery. a. ehairman. Tisa tallowîog aficar Mi.a@ L.aaîra Pa-acoiie apend"Ine a Wr. alaeal a Pre..laiet, flroi.C.Wîenu mdayâevltia renits in Kithrida. lot Vie@.Pr@*., Mra.IF. MîtNîven; 2nd A baile sale andti e&, tnder tOc Vice Pr«-., Ma-.W. 00011800 ; SAC.- uesnf tO. L.adiea' Aid ciilas Trea., Mr@, J. Melian; Ai.l Ire IdOtie Satuir ae a 4unatay e Cartcmtkist t Pianniat. Ila. IlMc etîo S'oî rft, Dacid'@ Chureb.Arthur - aAnar..Mien Na-Ic M ocard i arWiay "eooue. Dint. Dimectnor.'de. W. <looleon ij 1),. J. S, NortI, Moaleratomraoft<ha Brancis Diretea a il. DSmith.1. eeshyierien ihorh ratCanada, cilaW. J.Straas, Mr* Jua. Mitchel: l.M. ilîrlallhui nISt.Dcidatihuimh I kDoold I tcicty eprtfr ,. la-n, at 2 *) p.c. :. Bocarda; Rppreantatiiea ta Di. ti <nt Annual, Mm. C. ilIl Ma W. 'Tie tal vilatanal cI-pa gesenal, CouIénsuan l .N. Reicard m Anal. rent a good apparance. aithougatare. Mlca. J.Camopbell anudMra.G. Ma. ie hay crop cltnot ho heaey. Psal. TO.he onteo.naveal a voly - daitY teas, kd a socaiaal bai ur can &pont. The Jon. meeting ciii hala ~enerl Sesions et thehome cf Il .John tHocard e COIJRTESY TO TOURISTS h 1l:nta, m . teVis ffl ne îaa le heoidlub Ottawa. 1 fael alo i 1 Roentl B lufal nasa.ninit that, ifflarerighab't taitInmanscoulal Aç Rocenly a uffal plan motoi aIlfinaod on ...le. iiiantioned. mânY plaie l- Or ilrl oiI'ft i in.n a tarlo. fourni On rafuronnifbomne oii alla Iaaa akBsat a aimmombtinoPenaion char ing M bien wlth apeednu. Ha travelliîd naoet huaeat ru.. un bank francflBuffalo ta tacee L mainde. Thanking yout. Mr. Eiitor. ai andt pleitbisavoc aeinaCoart. A Haltiaii Fermear. Mse Tecare vis dlanl6aed. hlt,1 ple1afl ictb the resuit. thla olitor RUI -ý BlRIANýIA fora will ternibislinco ncluions abuat, Onltaitramic offleera. Why ehlla a iman la. oblîgéd te t f-61 fran ut- al. TharFirent 'aîo atoo aag talc ta Preaoton ta eei acharge Ihat. *Itiie l iItmlla i itii e y Aanaoa. evïdaetly, aboildnst have beeîliff ita'î li i(1-49), lii.'trîlapiW Mie by the dlaiesal noni îaoaoîî lt lcir ThoasaaArne, --,l, ca n laaîc0V I tue i caliu playj or tea OBI174RY n foi' li,-aillo AIfrat" nopart aiii 1 -- ~ ~ ~ ifaitla i rt-tatîatl uaiai eVClfate nn MR&. WILLIAM SIBBALD. I î 1aî aaaî,î Lioae Ileaccessinof il te Mr Victoria Aune LoiaalaaY, vilfe of Wii- Hîoc îa' Itataier, andl taie cIaarale rf th sS likilbald. ILot ;3 C<On, 6 Tr*fAIti- til cl lbimiiiiv of flhe Prilaae'a hein artvnblp diled t Bier. borne onuililOctir. ttc l'rlaîacaaaAnaai Thte Tihe lrdyI ati lier 5'th year. iaCo illaI t ca,, gnlioI rtarifl puarlay Ilter a., ui viesbithly eateer.ei vcas a mi niemlaer lifthe Unitedal tihib, Harn- Th,-ra . o tilniaDenoe- builing ret ýe-'i b?. sîrvolîig aie br IbiRbaad and Provicilal highwayn aa. Old Oîtttii) one daugtar, Mi"a. Nîda8ibbalal fie er. a.i achaont eancher. 4e-rittnnl. Tho tic. _________________bld ral, cblch wucai ageyatteýndraI, raark R place, tram ber tata eiadence on Saa ayair&ttriiono ftuthe Preatapteraian1) Hy o ornby. conducta-l thce er vine, aaalted by Rev. tMr. Kîlehing,O hf Vttorla., a former pester fail. esmed. Darin%e gth ervca.thb.mie quîarttteTi of _LPaula UulteJ Churbpiaresn contmtuted ticen umbers Thie floral thei riltas cire mail!andl beautiful. icapit 3. B. AM ES. Fololcna c eek ltasî.aaî' Henry Amon, reident Of Miliona far the pat tpin@ yearo. dieda on Tiia-elaY ('0t, 1119110t at tOhome of hie son ;o taw, N Hec. Cnon Naftel.in bis lJi-aIyaar. Barnlin Bronl-y: Kenit, Englandî, Mr. a Amen care ta Canada w c il. falai I eaond Yeax, living i entirci laV in Toronto, untllhi. mrfinont, lron biieineaananoe aae aga. A cr11 naîcen w n&tiralist. ha- madle a colleton ai l) Canadien bird chiOhaepreua.'ýtat a the Royal Ontario Maîeafl, Toronta./ Ha viae an Anglican an religion, beîng eonIlrmed hy the firet talîhra.I, ni îî route' Bla,îp Straihitil. lie iaa lir. TU civaI toi, a.edauglter. Mr$. L. 1. Kt Natel, of Milton. and une nan, U. F. e,1 Ame., Toronto. &r Trout Must Be aa Larger Than Sardine& alpwit SStheaaieckla'in flt n hf(ý de o 48(le ra leu r on tîa tii 111 i iai, f o r s o u n d i a long way, QuêeSO Park la ciae-ial'ii s c c ilegal takingof rft ltheficCalloîldîrI Norhi Boy district, Tlîc ira'ees care moe t rai ontai l ngcisorf te isittIL quesîti, 0eue Liait h11v' Wîîlufi l ungry feeing 10e upwarda f 20) of the îiadrilteli trolatin lile possessiiO itnwera outrera coupe,,laie bin he.evening, landeit downu apon hlm. inar.ediaata prosecutton wil bc lauiaîti seu,îflît serve ,asursclf e big bowl of the offeniters by te departmcflî, De paty.Mlnater OD.3. TapIri eclOre1 IseI'aigg'ai Corn Miia inu ,liaoneo fflahe aot casaisof gamrala orcetn.Teli pe hogill I have evr run across. andl. niko 'car.Tss pe enoueta ta break & truc opnrtOOiaii$Oll gldnfaks Sl at iitrt." The conlteraied ront have ~ gîîsnlne iIa beau stippiclte Qucena Parla Vel ;sfy .,ur hungcr. And aly the departmenCt turnescach seIn ores over o charitablesiutiîonsilO iey'lIci V.u1 laep s usn<Iy, for conoiniptiorl.butbil 1e, il Vo teiirot1 iau bc donc wtii Ilter liilî teaiîlaî lcînnîeataeygligesl seasiiy. ,f their sie. Al oaitbtttOa Mi. 'raY ]or afatea, are last vearo afrotnt. SlliO 0V theffi are nbigeor thon sardines. on o an be certains fiaet 200000 Faim Schedules Kellîigg'as arc nanys Criep Being Distributed pullivcnfr,,.h berauese tiseN're hraoî.ealed in thea Durnnete wcek eomaincarlg liaiS aétd"ATT .A 270, 200,000 farta chedulcosilli o 1abe 1 IalT hg dlstriboicd by the rural chool tcach-.i rcr vrwee ult ars te te faranere 1inUOtario. ThI, tcra ,e~vhee ul eetedoleO are for the prpoeo fdcool gsiratei Made by Kel- pling agrîcultialat atfleCoanalite work la baing rarricaon oaîlntlya"Y 1 logg in Lonsi Ont îsario, thec Ontario departolnniof eduvtio îîî filec Ontario departimeutof agricullîli fidithciDominion bureau of satlti:4 l EVery effonrt ta helng :at ford, tt, have enct fermer lu the rovltîae ti: in a aarvey canal glob aIile infoîrma tieon for bistern The inîiaa talla AT B EDT IM E ?acts aeeeralne2 ftrce, thia aurvey are lic ac.eagee norcitoeprincipal fieldl ropa ILu 1 .theconaboraraiof. e stock anal poilry on hbad ai Jonc lot, and te flambra Intendeal for taîi le ased aa balefor prliclcaill ae O 4 triire body of agricallural 2atisti 0"COF In Ontario. IL la aise coarbînedl litLAICES thc saine Iformationi forrCother prov tucea 10 aeccre Canadien olsandîî bon ent tb the Itettrnationial lista tute of AgrIc ulture for the prcaîra ____ tion eat vorli fl lîaaariecc 1u aci ait the0e 0r iglt prolvncte thîi fare' rîtrvev ilîl te eoràli-1edt dotîgiiia $orne ceeta. Farmeraarerclouaými oud teo taflplele ttlao Carda prDmptlmoil ____________________ rettrra to t îr local .ictî,i01teiahiaî.IU 1 nIcf AnFliFFT .hto .1vItliethn oraorîlthienî iat lajiDUNL Ontario d eportoinot Oriaacilli Thr C Rrds ire tatallate . oenaltilac-a1I1 ia'_1.14 1it.iiF_ ta fia ptatîlea Liespriaourai as loecalt '.ta ai*phaone ?17i 21. andi,,altel-Ira i i.,gptapi.lS,iliali t'a t iCeaîi ualkr îh' sonli lin h 18, eservale 1 -ta ug, a 1o ii. ApplI' itasa aoseilOrlit.chaneai1ia rop acreogi s ila ai la lIce stockt lit illition a et titirai î ýt l ýlo h'uiziayn lai lime. Ttc reouia t cloare paiistî enlîtîaîîAvpllOchampion Onr in the rao10fi«.. Croit, repaort olit ou liiit, ,l Onario aîparlmelll 0VOf ailîi- iatSît ticoi ruie i-e wic le nioa .ill re1 at î 111lal . iiI ýa i- cle ,Iai2filnaail'snne. Phone, elle, re qietoa i,, te plàcu Itrlali1,ai Conpioî I iuli. -1, mialinge liii l Taritbar ia t-,i I-iili i jý -F1Ssl t. ahM 111. - On noty lante 00 llîo 'aîili fiaii 1a- ptv Cholîîapîîtio Hîr. p aîpom-ofn oranpillng tatiltichl i Iaspr be formtlion i-tyi 01111, lViiisio Thae aii'i t l.1cîsu i îeha liaormat tn on llal v ilîial caîl hýd i. Apa1 l o il, Il. '. l tin,; iiL nover dIt ulgeca toany 1 ao,. The l i-Iplone 157 r 2, U ta arc Oniluaicalnb uap ciaofor taxatian parpnas Il1 laIodesotreil1that forli Fla sle.- A br-areneerea l'outil romp fle itsheduie andt reflut ai,,t.cnil ilii-îianal balla ; large îLee eroel rier by ue 4t. Il colter . rntrialIyltutleeaanal qiai auY frmper dose n-1r cora cheat . ,Catiîin.AtilDir . .K. Stea...o-.n. W C1teoaIda ntifs 'hi .ýgrii-aîiiiilI.î 'lalîliî' . o NTisel. oinaî braiacî. Doiion iîloalealu utrit Silaaineli. -i; -a"lillir", Brîate St.as lt I Ottawa.' eda acarat aIt hi noîi t:gardari.,aaile on ola St. A pîly hlma. No posuagei ts reýqareal 0n Iii i0 P.ii- loalp~honue341.lNli Iton. tes-oAddreiseil tl i leSDomiiln bIclil f staîlt îo i a.Woaraeiooit aarketlfor ________-cou lo lin.'Spelalprite. If pîiîa q. 968 biotte f .jli& ars ruplulca Oa'ano or îîr calthone 68 Mîloti Aictsl, Cien-bt piapils l ' lîthe .?DE.rutWrite i. halekil, IV;8tJohan's 4awieg thné vter mouti a. I<oit roto. (.J1OIIPS amailti clesn. I& creaaa sasil. aUbolspa. Ca b. easmoveit.'mcocbines esi carridito ictnust ,laAno4ua isaponrema. ahpy a. siatil &«e &a Pris""are '5 scitoan Yeu issa My rSifflSO. maife leCnes, H. A. CAYEL r»». 245 MILTO ttSi *Iue#AL MOTOas, 'rh Datrit Nec.wams<t fa-t., teri la a keî <at bus opeced many a temlisinq aaIt.iBut wcOi "tanIn. ,e' P What la fiat but Oa fa famînîna cite ta op"n a inan'n baaa1.-andpoci- tbaok aomctlaaan. Paint Up!-Clean Up! f PAYS Un C.V. PURE UFSEED OWL PIN for both interior and exterior osei. C. V. Palots present a high glose and an elastie finish that is imperviotîs to time and weatber. They cover more sur- face and lapt longer than ordinary paints because they are madle with extremis care and from the best materials obtainalîle. Money cannot, boy botter paint. Ail colore anad white. j pt. 350. 1 1 pt. @0"-. 1 1 qt. $1.00 1 j gal. st.es6 1 1gal. S3.50 PHN.28 C. T. DAY & SON MILTON Buwher ' Fruit i juiciesîl Buy w!Iere stapies arec keapettl i Buy elsere qêality is kightitI l Bu, w4sre vegte6les ae F~esetI i BIJY AT CAPROLLSI1 Nataaa'i Set Slave 4 PeaS No.îTia 101 i'aasidaad Whiteî Corn 2 T., 15' F.sry Filuei T una 61'2O. 5 C Redt ibcea Red Packt1 Tea 'a16 -aiag.26' Heint Aasorted 2 16-i. île 25ý Shalits -l10 Pare Sc.,îssnd Cocoanut uIt16 l Coa*nsaietion CoCo. 1-.6 is 23* AylîRedRa Raspiteries N. " 19e Oaa FREE mai pacling LX iLe,15 Pi1. 22e ICARROLESI f'RISH -IPF Tomataes 2 Ibo, 25e LARGiE SIiZt Lemons DOZ/ 19C rapef ruit FO25c PHONE 25 PINEAPP LE WEU~ FRESH Pi neapples -Pýires arcording ta size--,- 2for 25c 19e efteil 23e eaoh 27C eaah Special Prices ly cafti. Bananas don 21 c FitEShI Cabbagm LB50 IIPEUI AL i ýOralles alo.1SC FRRE DELIVERY FARMERS I Let u8s uppiy yoî t ah jauir SEED CORN and ROOT SEEDS Fineet Quality-Lowest 1rices Gîe ua@ yoiar enter early. MILTON UNITED FAR14ERS ED. Bt.ALWIN, A. R. SitRy cE, President, Secrtary. Phone 217-r-22.. Phone 811r-2h. NOTICE 10 CR DI TORS lu the Matter rat the.ittata nf FLOR- ENCEC WHALEY. latent the Tocwn- ah p* i qlng.L in the. lounty o H.ai-n. Widcecaseit Ail pemare having claima againat tisa eatate oIf lorence Whaiey, late cf the Tacnnlhip ait Equaeing, le the Coîsnty oft Hritan. Wldoc. doessd,, cho diieiao or about th.atenty. egtb day oaI March, I935. ara- ra-qtst. ea ta aeiid @aune ta the indradiigned oliitnr on or aelorse tofuuateenth it.y of Jonr.,1135. ntîieriiatha- esîtt ciii b. dltraaitad o7ithout regard fn their cdaims. Milton, Otarii Soliritor cor tisa Adazinistrataor. Milton. May t7th. ie1 . TENDERS FOR GOAL AND COKE ISKIED Tsadaeu aiil-sa il. aunmi-a '-'mndd adaa-oa "cct- r tu-1cu cila ta. cssaad ntaIil , aa na line ligua cialoci, Tasaday, Js . 1193. -tahab -pi -.u..d- k.! aii a f oth.aia ausnao unltitnghrnougfaoot uthesav- o f lin ata. Forma f air itarcua peoi5rnaaionandailcon, ail tasa eiscl abe Ob. aiascataram tain P-chaeiaa gat, Des. sE09PatisWr . Otaa; da te Tohpro1to.OAbWt Tnad- wcîli 4 b..... .. ralae, .ade osth. tom.e spaliby th. Detuacaou.aauad J., aaorilaamn iao deiamtaospaclajoorino Mdi oonditllla. Ttc ritate .dai ta-amith.caeeue t es, a-a dtasl. sot cocai.lu =laao-tc cras.' tsuisois I. oi-at srena 1.3Y OJAgOIN Dnlaasait sE Jblas caca, e, as" là t. islm Mous l4c m lroad ftain a os ...Adop.abi W.ak." TOI. bnaalilcent savodaty paNasnt «aMpleu "<rada aheitasiafor bonis. la alinegrphîl6le %necon f Lhe névéral application* Ihat bava atrmm. sol iuo t tisa liîllmn'. Aid Scolatp fnlecbng the appaai.ln bthia mas, the appMisant explainai tu o fflcala that aise aharo bae îfantng anbot adoptleg a chut fer pisar@u at haît t n, afraal ta mention 1< <oetuer haie baind tearioltha cnîild net rcniaaidýr aloing 00ana! hua shattar ail lir plan. mIng analdaalm»ams. Bhut 'tbc "Adopt a Baby W.ek' îei t tisebiieana NiaicftaUnpeaisofit<hihe ubjaat cula ra-uait thait Il.. cite cas At the ofii'ce of thaet.bilda.na Aid NarietI' the fIXui iacing morning. WIitOnthéappeai ot cisildhaatace te « &is provina. asneyer bafoueo tte hl.taiy as thé date aftie i1uitnila pistei hîrtbdal draca nean. evemy part of Onitario. grat nba<rrapoiuîtae centres And ltIe hamita, are helnp organizai lotoa gigantîc crunade tae e< ail chut.- rus aultablte for adoption nt ol. nibi. tuationa and inta thé happy environ- ment ni home lite. Thé firutettp isn1the prisca-tare raf adoption, il. la poîîuted o i by tO. ttc portaient of Wa-lfaie.a. lia U rai' quiite ta tise loala thihlren'o Aid 4o> iety. cher . napplicatin runiscIII hae provîdéit. Alter certain confuse1p. tila isq-Imiet asta Lise alaitiyth. Ii adoptiv, paente ta look aftar the cl h oi &,enatai analpd pleihealth andt cisaacter <bey cli lac aoco &Il the. acailable Aata nsgaLrdW«lthg tOcaili ren tisay club tea aibpt. This iîafîinia Mion luaclîsaea tiséreporté a I ld a apeclaîlate. psycholioguaaa anit a. nuaicb d:tail et <ha intant'a Oarkgnîîaîni t u as la »teavailable. PanLîu Art adly glcmn ope qaet sy tise isperintendent,<Ù. P OilidrenaAId Iloaiety, Peel and aliton.I CARMEIIE BT STUDENTS AT M1I4TON RIICITAL Cocorfial cetumea, artiatic acenery k ad an exeeptincally fine blecil of voien« fnatured the pmoducition oar I. mais chen <ha puptle cf Mrs. F.() Rtsa.lli, Toronta, bhaIdt thir annul necitai tnutise auditorium of Mfiltian hsîie col ne W nalrea&y evening nt 1ast ceek. %tcemptaerom the opera cen vegtan ythé foliocing a Lila&lOs- roue, Orce Osa P,. Btty White, Honora Atklna. Georgina (iatie. Marlon Fot, Katbryo Dacar. Muarray Hall. aan., Geomga Athina,I Brook Flumerfeit, Ray Nesbitt andl Anlany i Pkard. Habanera cias bungI by tis hearne cits Grace Osaborne as suiait, Tambourin Waita, a dast anaI quartette withGo gioa tiaatle Kati. zyn Dewar. Murraay H ail anal Ailtre! Pekard. cas foliocei b y the Tara. ado.. itO Atîlrey Pichard as eoioi-t. Fialiew Uc (i-rTh-a.Valley cas-ei-ng, an a tria' liv (race Osborne. Honoca Atisina anal Aublrey Pirkard. To piano eatilnta prenenteal t hafirat VpartI MartM. rian l bit, Mai.. garf RohlauisDorthi(lak. Mr Aliexander,.FiceTalenka, RoyToi-na-r, Arnoldl analMalcolm Mefluffea. lialaen anal Norma Marcellusi, Mary Joan King anal Margaret Slarison, Ma-jonrip aal Gordon àadley, Arnoldl anal Malcolm McDuffee, Roy Turner, Dong. lm Gaclanal. Helen anal Stella Shisiar, lirs. Riisal. Mlarlon Fox. Muirray Hall, juan.i300 Haa-tiey. Olga aad Stella ?isklanr. Olive Russel. Norma Marrelles. Olga, Stella and Hala-c shisar. Vocal aules ceeegiven liy Peiggy Galloway, Betty WhVite, Ruith Stigant anal Georgina Gtiati. Service on Sasndav, June 2nd. Bt 7.S0 p.m. A grnit liaerftom lHam- eall alto be % service in Lthefarmara' MMIg. ai 7,30 p.m. Xveryhody wel- coma ta tbase servicea Drunkan driver. of autamoailesa aI bacoiig more numarnua undesi.the prenant lquior tîceneoyatem. Any pre ttemptieg ta drive a car chen ndem <ha, influence rat liquor becomen a menace ta the public andasonulit be s.venmily desât cîtb. B. HUFFMAN WELL DRILLER Âpplv Humber Bay Peut Office. S[TDRAYS ONL1 Iw RsTt N N 1f)C.To JRHaiflitol! Ifloaaalunlvo011 lanl01ihîîîcuoaalî fl eunisteuaanie nîglît. BUY 12-TRIP TICKETS ONLY 2c PER MILE. IOun %na1atier, Maysp l i btay I lise Msuutoa CôIas. dili cpciata an Dayi iut t4oaviag Tics, tuîrtalule al etivenietat... illterea.tutg tair, aminîce ytra r- cul tiîaatgial ite unmaina tir. otiglfarsa uof <cens atnd .itie and tiver meetîi iglaways. Higlacay Kig COscia laaem, offer you qiuek, traquent andt da.leniiahila, ,claeueq. Tour local agent wsa tr coach tilkets tlauI jai i in a ar aua anal thie lpiteal Staies. liliia 1,45 for inaforatuionu. GOAL-- SSUMMER PRICES Now is the tivme to fili your bin iat the lowest ott. I FLOUR IWheaét at6adily advancitig, we hold a good stork aW OLO PRICES I CEMENT LIME il s COALKin. I R S. ADAMS Phone 49Night 889 PURINA GROWENA or CAFETERIA GROWING MASH SEED CORN, JUST IN 1 BîtiaDenti and Fl' tfv orietiia. CYANOGAS K111.S ANTS INSTANTLY -Try a littIe on tlse at lille ai -r a or iargardeai. PHONE I18 MILTON1 PIANOS VIOLINS music 5AJ14LOîiK OIÂNNIN(f. RAINES, 0OORLAY DOIIEITY & KARN IANMOS and alher wlr.kûoo'vn siatero. 1 have on hase? a nom ber ni rebuit pianos fuly pgnaranteail. cah or terme aretnged. piano o 1 cant six iontha moen lloweal on porlîae, laîoraaîents laken an cochange. YIOLINS. HiANJOS. fII'ITARS. MANDOLINS, I'KOLELES, STRINGS, HOOS, andl aU MuIal Suippliis> PIANO TUNING AND GENERAL REPAIRS (over 25 years practical experiencel. Vi olinesandal aI ftringed l ltrumentn Regulaacol andl Repaîreal Vinlin Bow Rehairing. Repaire et,, Pbn24MLTaeH. WHEELER ~loiS D. aT.GALLOWAY - BUTCHER~~ ýFresis anal Cueit is Fias andlVegttbles1 CHOICE MEATS PIIONE 309 QUALITY anmd SERVICE ai. ail times. Used Cars and Trucks! 3'2 iiiril' ~,ruaisanti looikslike ta I'oîlaîal(, 2>' "edaniîî cu it il ai age andil migoalIta-u l ia!atatîlle Sedlan, good. '31 Fard Poae Delivcrv. liteu1l'a Tonr Truî'k, grxad for a lot ot wnrk. We als(o have Used Parts for F di i aî lrîaiaar, 0ttî ui-iaer Prei. C6, 0v a.ulatait 6, PEstex, %%*lai a)tn , ( hevraala'bFord. AISO 3 34 x 7 lleiax' V i)ay T irema-and T ues, a;nloht as goîid as nec ai a real prate. EARLY'S GARAGE CAMPBELLVILLE PealChegîSur~ford Conadin Tno2 Candy ch oe,I:& t,-ocloriut Lb. 17c Tomaoes 2. a25' Coffee maxwlil Houge nutan 41 Freulr M illet ÇSEKI lac Ballac «"' K e1c'"" ROLLED OATS GRAPENUTrS Fiai. PEP Bran Hla 5 16e. 21 c Pli1, 11C 2 Pias. 23c BIueberries me..2Tin71 BRrooms G@.d Quali*y Eack 33< Soap Surprise Launiri 10 mars 43c Matches Sur. Lit. 3 'exes20c Ivouy Flakes 2 mis. 17C -1 aoM 5âe M -ROTOtCaîcîlî et ot 1 ---" 1 UTY OF V it'IALTIIN, Tai WIt. eaiclehi'reay glosua ti inCor (ii-îî'-rai tlcoeians aif thaee aîuad ai.0a thuai if ýjy tilitaf te il COUNTY OP MA5.TON4 lulh h-din '0e Couart Houase in .h Town of Milton -ON a ,IJESDAY, JUNE Ilsith9351 LIhe- hîîîr ail lne n pieaî.m.. atandt. ird lima,,uaof hih a liitieca of ths -oa, Caci o.tinstahles,(ionlera litOe nualîca'andalateýnd, toilai anal firi a duaties whiiab appe tain tW tiORfION 0. b.ZOWN, Sherih?, Ca. Haltrn, itiîrifl'aOlte, MiLan. May-i'2.rit. A. 9. WILLbIOTT

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