FRIGIDAIRE '35 NEW tandards of food crarai offoered by the Frigidaire '35 vi athse Super Freezer, Tht Super Freezer makes posible c Complete Refrireration Service. It providcs thse right kir.ds of raid for es-ery purpos-al in thesanme cabi- net. Therea ffest freez:eg for nsling ice cubes andi desserta; jrozen storq fe tor nmeecu cod Ccc creama; e.t Ida-cld nfae f or keepuig a reserve aupp1ynf c ' cubtd us; et orage for vegetables .ïdfrufc-; eand *,rmW i ntrag- below 50* for foods reuiriag dry, froty cold. Heme', greater emooiy, too. Operating coe are so low, and you save se muchmoeinir and food bils, that your Frigidaire py i esl wictiste mosey it saVea. Bu ueàdm F ' Mai e '35 fo yourself. Learia h.. M ls 1 und. .eslibes.alten. H. A. CAVELL ]PIRON=24E. MILTON THE GENERAL MOTORS REFRIGERATOR -MADE IN CANADA I. O N- AY-ET A tPrtst e-e*a atricUjibkl Saur 6"10ît boarth .Ie Canadienu PbI- Ipointe vIiieti e0 fer. tht Badon- of ranatiaLLrd Rabrt De- fie enastal lîner Priescees Char-. Povelle bave receiveti a ronslng dan-Powall. Cb Oui numet lad, latte. Stin-tanseetianti looking velcome trami Boy Scoutei, Girl Dflen.POa.l, elh 09 théGirl atremal>'fit. belying i, 'XiJOGuides,. leaders cf tht movementa.', show. harwbt 'eisl1Y«a». the Chuef S&ont iound ime ad civit offuciels. Tht>' vîi t» tiaubttzs, Ifon. DitO>'(let) star is officialI reeltioea te gn vIel It Ptie principal centres tor imilud e. Mestser BadeniPowell, jfl.butugln name et the fannous tise DomInion. ttrmloating MteI Lma Us.> r.ald 4 4e-J- tm fl rîUfjt VoLwub!lc tceauns1AI a!41ioiur ai Queae-onM ajà-m i 1 i6 a .0pxmJ6_ U- -eplace onTATI NS. usrmmi-RmmSuit1 R epl ce W rrof ftjol b .I » nafr Waal Remney a cmite S -re i D O ' raawtya.dtu thenssusher of o r-trial by ?Magstrate cler ee anid W indogwa ,lo t )Mbeiile n "ý,, r ofniNelson. thtte rIud and rs Dt Mmly jfeewrit agalnat Rumney claifnîg A brokesi areen là là,e a thi departura for the parh o f ar.,fer cesacît and bodily barra. 'Thon buckt wth hoe i itAller aalanast heur of social lut«r place of trial wa set for the rfty nil hucet ueo ahoe n * course AMr- f Ut . Jobi was uekd taIHamilton and elatements of luiai &ettMat ebairman aud the follow l dIwere plaiied lon fiein tht e rieruui useleai. You may thinlr you diteswaa rouaitb>' Mr, J. C. Bftklo:k, I ff ce, Hamiliton. Sice Illerattie i on îebct e St Jnn'îa greg tlasi nmonta i t efencet nd a rotiliter ian art ppotccîrd against flies antd lO eoolo St. wlih tC'on adl -fin if~,ft eealotie v irao v',Oaqt iiOes, bu o art ot. 4addceme, a ver> lte,îd.oin ao dl l, iai. y. wh, l% eefing tlrnge, fur wC3iatetd ta Casno %Ve,ýoà ,d alilei at outi f l@ites afynettono is % For ie&itiI'eake. check ave a b.%utifotti'. amp Ind fil -r bh Wl parenti>' the plact nl fr101 CWa. o .n- tae Mm- Weàvfr, thet1111P n -g a- t c ontastd ionit E. il.UIO' -outr cecidoues and wfrs. a epecial glft froos the Sunda>' tihool K C .. acting for Mr. Tthmnc-y, toIvý tJanun and Mr$. Weaer riiPlied L, ifuc, lhe ostler ln chanîbers nt (-'. dov ow, Replace thost fihet the addreee opaeking wiîJ, pprecis.tîan eu- tHall,9Toront, au td abt,IIn'if an, arefnthe kindai sand 1loyalty Of theod, test me,hangingt he pince 'I aedamaged. St. john', i.crgeta.irial front farilttn If0 fiailil Oll00 -tng aliece bid ben made, Luach Iing ià aeyance. bo ui 00 onl 11,a ,sae er:rd i> he h.ladie. A fiyntthe ïoe sesion ô[ f i colnty -rt :0 le benedIctlio cunetuded anlteSot vnng that wiliînot $Dn an bfrtten et Milton, unIes, lut t enttutc thf bi tCanona Wesver and hie ftenîT>' a3mon:8heRrd b>- Judge N. R. Munro- suembere of 8t. John's Chuechcti otiOiVjtiigP.Wattt & Yvans, tiant ADDRSIliton. art acting for the plaîinîit o nd ADDESS.E. H. Citaver, K .1.. foi thet1 ftiIltu Te the Set. Canoni Weasor: eut. Wer y lrtpariahînner-,of utStJohn's ________ Church, Nas"agweya. ba"egathereti S CREN EV ERY out ist, tave o exp rtressnteoui Humait Esnotions Ruled deetp reg êI te prospect cf bbg aOR W N CW th e rlt and icuidante of a es by Chemicala in Blond lovedti eci. eiid ta our i nere apprt If your ,Itilor . io" in ONT UIOSAFETY LEAGUE calon cf un, atfi e s lea. @rrad ta know yus hr 9lomc l e tint ciao M tioti, a naau uf Tho,t »aiy rote, 10 tt cl'.'i Ch1rist. pre*ccbing lb, gospel b>' lits whi-h leadig Daîiff.-tII l Il ,rît H ALTON PRESBYTERY an lexanipie au seell as by word and mcao>' hale aillii lli, i-d p c ..Yahâbve. b>y ue readinee aarrsenof euî'elnî, u. 't - Y.P.S. SPRING RALLY ta gîte ,theiptul coincil at ail tîme,. andtiatohave liroveit tfî,ît if bI inut ai b! your àinpathett ltert inlath t latt ,rlu i ftnottaiiis1t)Iti 'r (f'rowded o& fut ~week) Caritian growth of rour popte, citmr oîî fîi Ot' 00 1tIdlared yor'tiseaft hbate t t ent'l oieIla hl-'i Mallon Preobytery Young Peopî'a Tour very presence bas radîcteti au ncufn iîfiefl'ioîi-5 aprlng rail>' vas it'ticI i S. Paul',almospherie of hlreoling.andi the trag Thiut othe itîr'ttu livailhtm United church. Milton, onuThartdaY raoe cf your infIueDce fratgRodi n th.t mtn l -nr tlili f-it. itit' f 'ccII e evecîca, May 9th. when the soclette par,$,, and l. the coiiunity vril l e. pielnad lit tenonof. . o i'u. .1f-1 ef Hallon Presbyterv gatheret ta her aidawlth tne throuighnit tht yebre. Ove sa year ago c foînoaAuni, oIn âne cf the mont lnterestfng misesion. We part wlth y -u w ith a deeP »ase sctetit ultiggested tîthrnIt)thr Il- ary lecturfle tal, fiee, tîcard ioý f los@, but viehnse that aur louas'ehIl ih e due ta the Ireot-t,-,- If accu lune. This lecture wscgivn, the gain ofciliers. We am'etona. on -ilIli b>- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s nc eel.a e, hnet us that swe have Dot alwaye ralliedis'opte qîîntfiles nt iiiittiiil' iii vau ilutratei b>' tour re3b; of mov- ssr ou tean as 't h etit ee duhe hemal eer, w.d itîl iiftît'»îf' Ing picturea "ehich dictet mtye akoe h aamtett nnefsewu ljaiuî reasiendesanti the lave lie. bave for yen. This theiiry w,,uoîîpt)rti'if lvex- ldI>' tht lite of the hneefrele eople e tbheivfore &ait ynu ta accl-pt pertinents wlîb ntais. Aller ti fda- anti gave everyca.aàciter utiteritauti- thia club hâtifant iwth lit or msnteeanî,aiusagiiiteoe-free . t fIiiii o III& cf fuit 'hat a at ta. luthcimie. prver that G<l oi sy ictil>'biti ycuiî lto-r iui,. ionarles have lan<China, as well as la tht nov aphere ot labor ta eebleb no longe'r inrlliredlatbot hi altier foreiga coantrie,. Those reefs lieu are going. Tht>- tfiiîify ditint î'rec îi'f h-li vert, lntereperat ti eh lIIîîtctieR ler' Sire. Weaver. ynur htlpniate and ivtîtilOr 11e1.,-London Aii.,r tens by the Lowville maie quactet. ce vorktr. bas an eq,îally Large place - and Leehole Lplng, et lreelicu, gave in out attentions. W eepeaif ly r a ielîgitfal villa sole whil i at welf niember ber asalons antidrycvteti vcrk Ealy Teai. receiveti b> an Ppprectatîve audience. in the Sunda>' Sceel. Sbt bas bee, Lord Duîîeilin Iii riglit in ii iitio:.ii Tht Haton Presbyter>' cotect bon- ail that a pastors 'elfe coutld be. '.e trital:>- t187.1 he riifhaiî -il1lî ner -vas presenteti b>' ev. S. 13.therefoire desire ta canocatebler 'eîth îug liiwa lî'nfai, rnIi-iîîii ,i Stiokes te Norman Langton for Watt- auIin ail that bas heensaiti regarsîlngii i itu iiti'nfiiiî tiown scet', as, the winuera af the Iyourvsilt andtiietlait ber alsecte accept vtthnenthelcgitâ lui dramatit cotst. Tht repart ot the tiilanîp anti fln'er ticwl as a imlaer tcY: luit If Oroulfilaft , 1ii,, înminatlng coiiaittee wscread byt» tken of gratitude anti love. cay trialifli at ui fiii' .ioî iliiia Rev. S. B. Stokea, citer which Ray. buig nti Sndbea .cnolS. J si ien ttiait lizl.ife fIII, iilli 0. P. N. Atklnsn, o io,<ufiilt .ive GLmAadS dafpb lterrhestn. m u siit an ,15 t iîrmeif the Intallation trayer sadthe ie%,A ofîcPnpe Int'wa l, mor w 1i lnx nMlcers vert electei: 3Mr. Chri8. John Blacklock. Ugine ftht Cao mustIsi i, n Petiierglillvas aaen lerteti ptesideut Gnon ccngregatiGAs wert pre»et t pring of î75i iiioi îfî foc I936 Th. nextenatrive le, the toutiiSt.JohnA. Naaege'eye. and St. îîha , rso:ýii' 1biti fi',fiou Ii Sofl are es followii-President. .0 arwl evcso ao evr Geoorge', lowillt. ail Sunday, et tht alnI ertnua ýul ithYnas; Christian feffoo.ohip, Norman At bath servicesau nunustîci tmber '.cr.e lnusoe, siol 'I'.l 'oilai Langan, ctifalftoar>, MistarHitie partookofttht Mai> t'oînmunîoîî. In a cter t" the i,îiîlîiîlu DHcm: cf; lteuhi, EMitSov Maint-hiseordI f at ereii ta tht coagre mi fîft-ttriftl îtiîîicîafi: b%. rcotitltecy Mr.Svri Ri ationascanoin Weaver apolie attht ne iscians hfi Il it iit g Tiu rreîoMias Mabef Situpherd: happînet, he bad rapertenceti .1nîg of ie,îfnfifiîi u, fiIfi treeiferIty Sici- ecîetayfilns icthree yearc' resîdence ia ibis dis.ufoisîto-lfIîI'îfIii lu ttiru- îfîîî Rat Jolies; leadlership training. M13a trect. ' Gace H-elcp; C.G. lTMisa Olyrtir Mite Maîste Veever bat accepteti a "la"fiucc irng fiiil* tîi ifi~iii SPA"k; ho7s' work. Aitiiur-Harris; position an the f'iîhlic HIltfthNone. andlileri' tI, a tîrfi If .ti'otj.0 publications, Jack iBennett. Tht iag Staff et ijibesa. -'ht rve'ai. Tennfs"îfîîteîfPtil, aorth zone ellecutîne are as folfows: ennui, immediat, y ta hegiîî ber Dow ________ President. M'InsRuthi Koana. ciro'ork . She iii hi, macuh mionetietfA tian feffowàhlp. Mist Dorthv Vag bler homne andi ho ber may friend, " 1. lep tiaffe; ntfslunary, M ,iot Nor a ti-iist- ee. Afeptîîi. ni.,' f the îil.-omf Ii Plienton; cftfcetfohfp. fMisFiole raio -t ili liLiiii. Né-ni ltery. Miosn riliftî Cui i. î- 'he mngri-gation af St.. tiotcrge î-îiiI ,'i. si it .Alto , creation. Jack a-onii 'n.iî--Chuech, ,owville, arra.ged a vîsttLa onte tue reinsio 'f ti,, .ii i - I FeatiTatno- stîýl tai «y. misosfosabel i'noi, Weaver and tifs fenil>' et tht ier -i .tfir îîîîrc- ii,'- îu MflDeriofo leadershiip Iraînîlît. i d recînt>'. taaunlivilie, oit Monda, erv n ii caIiicî i'I Shartefi; C(.1T-Miosn t-Rt ,nïi. -vttgMey>' iht. Practîratly i-ver>'cf rodligI C.S.E.T - Keiineth Stephlenisot; pulh feuiil>' tonatoted 'eîth St. tircrgt 8tus(-lrledsOfnitue cifs C-t -.,olî fictifons. miss Maîlie Iîlrv iii.II-r Cas ii'prreited. Thterenîng paated tîî a neirtli, i iiiais t G. 1. Stephetson then froogtfthteli-rî-lippîly ino gant. endi c 'fuI1' ffîthat ii,fil I, S ii-l- rally te a cusniit ct oo iene.lfcttotî -ontgiiig. BRefaittht ledit, setivi-ti îtitlla 'tito- neIth IIi'. fiii their dtiii-insrefreatiments an atidret, Io tht tout t Mît-fniitt- -loIi ... liat'y >Mr. Archer ïOlfdIvin and noîaftt ta the fa,' I liil.î i . îon-ntation mie on behaîf af thea s l .ntr Thiiole Chain Letters tîtregatian anti unday Sh.of erOnolu'nuat idinaito-iîî. 11r a ecrîric clark t anonenarsd Mr., a ytar, leasing a fîrl Iiln.if-O It 18 of interest t nte thcaïttith V.avrir, and .rarellîug bag tc MitaIa-fît-îi-f.ti of te rîii ton of - i-h presest chain letter on a money hasts Mande. Canon Wtarer, iiiacknuw ctI>. lu exactlY On tht -usais oi the sett laiîigtheuseraio ndcsadtiulif gts, _______ Wheat nlndle wblch uwînt aseron i-fi-,ted ai-ttatht happinesahis elfe Ontario ierîy-live .3-i-rs âge and aaugîstir feit au 'w.11 as hîniself ln W.lffiah Fet.inalce lu tbet svindie met woiifd apeas, eeti-9 again teite lesving. tht Affler las if icit-. il., ..lIl un a rural cection aeîîîug a amons rienl aof su. eorgeîiL.awvIlle. auîîi IîîcgiUruîî. ue'ebrati n neti went cf $5 a bath a fi-w aidetilelinagoft iheir appreci- aifn C ooiliulieioi l el andti gfnng a legal contrct-cafl lu ati-on lih.gifte and the love and Maine coaniCftii. li ilc yonr c'en fawye-to boy &Ilffthe gîîîîti slîl tht>' tymialittJ. The adti trnitlorted i nlstil i fi whtat gravu at $5 per -buhef. Few dres vas as foi n'es: traidi car. 'lThe ilnîlt îciufl- bit. but tomes dîi. tAd back came To Catin anti Mise. RL. Weaerrant ioif teth it l îf t, Ifilîtui.11Ci tht men lu thteatumu andi bought their tieoghti-r mande: it- qui-f id tb>no otfîî-t ?iiiî-il.-fi- ait tht wheat roi-a eci$5 ptr hunhef. Everybo.fy then 'ecutedte tbu", tufs Ct ynar dirLrtte frein this pariait -elf a fi-to pe'îii's of s:-fu. Thi, wheat entier sîmîlar contractsaîîîî 'ei- hast gatherectteLa ith ycu (ond'a floîîerierIî l- inCte fi.sii l il i did an bickcae te byeq, ant ihilI>'s, eil as ic a tan- ltnbfotela h8erVe It Rho ICî-no OlIIOr itit ant I thecame t It$bay er ani tble ses>. te exprests cr appreciction fiait" bugbî a u aI th eeat 1on $ i-rstefor your senîk esoongt u.'During luosef Orvînewheî Oi th, hslsthetlest titret veura yen have heen out- c-au a gold i mne! taîthînl tinieter, anti Dy>'your prsach. Tht neye tflread i! aIt a otthteîDg and .ring have show» forth tht m;i provlncu - un that ail ila 110w geait eiemple ai the Master, easizr quantit>' of whattfontai sale et $5 per Easb ot youn, svenal>', have elseavo IcvCsid atl hiishtf uitdsr contracta ffai vai- Oc hetu kînt anti rrad y toeibellpto farth'er 1stre i. Is thai tarkl-thousan of nifarinera bail contht wc.ik ut tht churcli anti net leaet tracts, anti protbbly have theni yet. ainong tht yong peopl, e ho bat tht buyers vert neyer set, agaten Wiltalu.&ys hart Ilnvsentrc ol.a Tht swludît took ibret t-tare tirk -ohlecton ni your efforts on thein hehaît, __ nus but fe worfcet et bie in thteund oth sPirifuefI>' in tht Sonda> Shool- for tht chariiers 'ebotwnrltctiIl-, anti BihîI tIi au s elI associaill'. ' Tht châln moue>' f er rgainsla the Me. Weaver. eaptcicf 1>' b>' hi-c a -a same scheme lu s bew farci A few 1 couragtaortt anti eathusisn bas ad.- vîll get aomethiug at thetctellu tenceti thte ccanstshmenu, cf the urtier ta iodant everyfi eti-t go tutu, W.A. anti choir, se t.oue alongthe it, ani-tthen tht puoufî vil get wîssiWa>'it it ii sintht famiiar figure- ta tuemelistîteofntMib3 Weaverr onlier otan>' tripe hack anti forth in tht car. anti, fur - titose anoeet in icnuct,infirmit>' or disteets me, setinrctide e word ni gratitude tui the hiudI>' visiter. In rcinclusion ina>'i'et atitia prayer ta the Aluirbi> test ynu saay tia long O HULH ', pared i joy anti bapeinecutanti b> LisFINrâ'e. terve f anti pcriehofSt Georges. Losevif e, anti yonr tri-aduthese gitsas emaîltokent m eud remintiers of >our niiaîetry ber. Ac. pou sec ani osa ther sony tht>' Two eilent. "cthimemas-es ut yuur associations X tsi, .- siti, tait ciurch anti mc>'tjsa part' Dot siest" log ir ,an revoir. 'eat.t htteae Siwneti on titeli ofthe ite îteru of âsitPuy ii o-d S____________________ /11 ~ ui-ln. t. euiea. ARCHER tl.LtlWtt tri lsa~f~~te fre - W. "*~!j ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB' __T O R O N TO_ 'Lateve r von inte rt pir , 14UGLSM ARTI N-SENOIJR andciins. 10M% PURE PAINT VARNISIIES & ENMCL, SON, Phone 28, MILTON IF ST NEEDS ENAMELLING .; il g<'t beSt resuits with MULT:-USE ENAMEL A scicntifi-ally pnrcpaitdcrii m-!fthi'ierohigherst qttaliiî-foi î mii, ii uisri oo.Duien flint-hard in fctic horir-. 'i1oi.'t, tebrunh,t) ni oothly tnd 1 i- l n i- foif tufLi( onoaîfy thiî.i einnpc ceci lote-,aco u1I f1 i o: it tiine (mo tond.they caoi ni;t i t j As, , ît r lvit' o loî clonciof 2(, t iful'il irs.* Soc aoi mplC lf Mîîlti-Use p11iu'ing. Nat, tIti-1'tîlliiif ghuoo. sîntiotlis uiface ;inIo spaiklîflg CClolO. P-î.i; p f nItî i îu f f.i i ff./.if AT EVERY INTERSECTION BE CAREFULI T ER wreovr800hi% n, rdeskiIIcd 5or injured 1in Ontario Iast year. BîtYclîis. ,especiallv îj-dlcii--ii, re frI iîii arelss. lThis sïnsply Ion-ans thot drivcrs tif .ri ' ir at les fltist tic luire as careftîl. Rementubcr uhît ;n; arie iii dthhiaiîer vehicle. At stop streets . ftop!' Discipline onîrst'lf -w en you drive. Cut down u specil, k'i--- 1:tit i1ght.Makc fsure that your brakes, tires and iliis "-t- ifiitoe.. other- wise, some day. tuî)o u liid Noii sm-i iin tî'iou tr-au/ble. UT US BETTER TO BE SAFE . .. THAN SORRYI MOTOR VEHICLES 8RANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMEN[ 0F HIGI-WAYS Ontario must start ÏHINKING safety! 512 people wire kiIed 8,990 pe3ple wc-re i-ijred ai MILTON. ONTARIOI ~f QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO SLumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, 11 Interior Trim, Dusiders' Supplies j W C. KENTNER, Manager r o f1gjo f ma~3inf io0 -u-i - ', -i- 5 O UI! ,ai. t. t.c lu sa -'il,- ic-il. 1PAINT pt. tc, rE